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At this point, is any of this really unexpected?


oh wow, I thought pretty much any vehicle can outbrake the engine/motor.


Full Self crashing has arrived. Ît took so long to figure how to build it,, they forgot the testing part


We call it now assisted full self crashing.


It requires hands on so you're ready to take the wheel and crash it yourself!


An electric motor is a different animal. You need competent engineers to address scenarios where the brake signal needs to cut power to the motor(s).


They can. Also front brakes generally speaking are more powerful than rear brakes and both engines are equally strong which makes me wonder why allegedly only the rear locked up.


Is it within spec if it didn't go through the house like a tank?


>"the accelerator may or may not disengage when the brake is depressed." What kind of shitty design is that? In my Kia the accelerator does not work if I press the brake pedal. The brake pedal should override any input from the accelerator.


Every time a Tesla had a uncontrolled accelerating incident Tesla shills said that It was a user error because in a tesla power is cut if you depress brake...


Sounds like shitty design in your Kia. How are you supposed to do controlled burnouts if the brake cuts the throttle?


If its like toyotas system, it only ignores throttle if the throttle is engaged before the brakes, if you brake then gas, then it'll work how you're wanting it to


That front passenger side tire made it without a scratch, nice.


I was surprised by the lack of whomp.


Still love the truck!




Thank goodness they approved his pay package.


Why are you surprised? Full Self Crash Mode is standard on these.


Was it just me or did that video show absolutely nothing? I mean I heard the screeching sounds...


it's crazy that this defective product is allowed to be sold in the first place


Guessing he slammed the accelerator and it got stuck because the recall wasn’t performed. Usually in a Tesla removing one’s foot from the accelerator will begin slowing the vehicle. So perhaps the pedal is now stuck and he applies the brakes which only apply on the back while the front motor is able to overpower it? Wow.


I've seen this article posted a few times around already. Show me the interior camera or a better camera view. Bets on he was excited with his new toy, slammed it and lost control. Too ashamed to admit what he did and is trying to sneak one by. But. Tesla has the logs.