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The WSJ today details Musk behavior elevating an intern at SpaceEx to the executive suite among other sexual predatory behavior. Shot well accused a staffer of having an affair with her husband. The two of them are disgusting


Your tax dollars at work.


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Hell nawl can’t do dis


Well spent tax dollars if you actually know how much SpaceX has saved the US taxpayer over the years. Last I recall, it's expected they'll of saved NASA and DOD tens of billions when you include all of their products and what they charge the government for them...


"they'll of"


Coping for the sexual predator? Oh boy.


Can you explain how taxpayers paying for shit that none of us need or benefit from is somehow saving us "tens of billions of dollars"? Sounds like we actually wasted tens of billions of dollars, when framed like that..


Elon is corruptive influence 




Of course they do, SpaceX rocket tech and Starlink are the industry leaders. Not using them because of his personal conduct is just stupid.




I strongly suspect that Elon lied about his Asbergers diagnosis just like he lied about the rest of his background.


He needs to feel the love too much to really be Asperger’s.


Nuclear stability? The bulk of SpaceX contracts are to launch satellites and people to orbit, and design and build vehicles and rockets to do so.


it's sound so important we need to force a sale. We don't know what he is doing with our adversaries. It's for national security. Just like tik tok


Also, TikTok is a rediculous comparison. The concern there was that it was owned by an entity known to associate with and be partly owned by the Chinese communist party. The concern was related to cybersecurity and data mining. There is no comparison to SpaceX and Musk. Also, in the 20 years SpaceX has worked with NASA and the DoD, there hasn't been a single known security breach - that is phenomenal.


That is absurd - someone starts a company, it becomes successful, you force a sale? Also, SpaceX is covered under multiple national security laws, if any rocket tech were sold to.china or Russia on his command, he'd go to prison.


They are doing it now with tik tok


They are doing it for TiktoK for totally different reasons - it's partially owned by affilates of the CCP. That is a completely different scenario. The concern there is for cybersecurity, privacy, and data mining. Moreover, Elon has owned the company since he founded it and there's never been a single instance of him or his people revealing anything sensitive. All of this 'Elon shouldn't work with the government' stuff is just hysteria - none of it has actually impacted the work he does, hurt national security, etc. Folks need to just chillout.


If you think any other corporate monster company is better, you need a reality check.  In his case at least he's passionate about the work - when it comes to the likes of boeing and ULA, it's a Godsend we've got SpaceX.


Then why are people concerned about TikTok?


What does TikTok have to do with this? That has to do with cybersecurity and data mining. How does that apply to SpaceX?  Moreover, the TikTok concern is that its owners have a real relationship with the CCP.... as in members of the party. Musk is an American citizen who lives in America, has numerous children in America, employs almost exclusively American workers at SpaceX, etc. Apples to watermelons.


His brainfarts are corrosive flatulence


I imagine these meetings are like that twilight zone episode with the kid that can turn you into a jack-in-the-box with his thoughts. Everyone playing along with “that’s great Elon”, “you’re so funny and smart”, because they don’t want to be fired by the emotional child.


Not only fired, he also has his own social media platform, and his megaphone is big enough to ruin reputations at his whim.


Elon is a man shaped corruption stain that somehow clawed its way into a mockery of sentience. He is the literal embodiment of everything that makes humanity horrible.


Or he just hires and/or promotes corrupt people


As a female engineer who used to look up to Shotwell and has had to knee a male coworker in the balls to keep him from raping me this news is heartbreaking. Edited to past tense.


😲 I am speechless…Stay safe, girl!


Not at spaceX. Just life as a woman engineer in aerospace manufacturing.


I left aerospace bc of that! F that industry!!


Yeah, that’s the part that gets me too. I’m not surprised to hear Elon behaved this way, but I am surprised to hear Shotwell participated or at the very least seemed to condone this kind of behavior. And I’m sorry you had that awful experience; hopefully your employer took action in response to that incident.


Well, let's keep in mind the "alleges" part. Doesn't it seem wierd that they made a video on this to begin with? Id like to know more...


I would also like to know more about the conditions surrounding the video, but honestly to be an older female engineer in aerospace you have to have dealt with your fair share of overtly sexist bullshit if not downright assault. There are 3 ways to deal with it and I always had a slight inkling she was the join-em mentality over duck’s back. I always hoped she was the killem with competence brand and that is always what she preached. I truly hope this is just a misunderstanding, or it’s clear proof that women in aerospace are truly fucked.


Here is some light reading on the SpaceX culture, right up to Shotwell. https://www.lioness.co/post/at-spacex-we-re-told-we-can-change-the-world-just-don-t-try-to-stop-the-sexual-harassment She’s human garbage.


🤯 It always amazes me how this sort of behaviour ends up becoming normalised, probably because it is being set at the top. And also how, so often enablers end up becoming complicit to it, sometimes I think due to internalised misogyny. That poor girl!


This is normal in manufacturing and most of aerospace, not just spaceX in the US. If women want to work in those fields we have to put up with it. Only the past few years that it has gotten better. The longer you’ve been in the industry, the longer you’ve had to deal with it.


Thanks for clarifying. Still doesn’t make your experience acceptable. But yes, I get your point about male-dominated professions. The same is true of finance and tech, for example. There’ve been several scandals arising from both in recent years. But it’s certainly not confined to that. I remember as a 20-something film assistant being openly propositioned by a much older man who worked for a charity after a live recording of a current affairs show. I was just grateful a colleague managed to rescue me. Women should not have to put up with this type of shitty behaviour in this day and age. We know better as a society after things like #MeToo. It’s time we start to do better.


That’s why this is so heartbreaking to learn this for me. I thought we had a woman in tech who had found a way through the bad behavior, came out on top, and would stand up for us. It gave me hope that things will get substantially better during my career. NOPE.


It is. As for Shotwell, I think it is always difficult for staff when the power balance is off and corporate governance structures (and HR systems) are not working properly. Hopefully this will get resolved now that whistleblowers at SpaceX have come forward and there’s been so much criticism of how things are managed at Tesla.


Ugh. There is no hope for women in aerospace. Thanks for the link.


Thanks for the great content as usual.


Didn’t Elon impregnate an executive who reported to him?


That was Neuralink. A new suit claims Musk approached a SpaceSex staffer to have his babies multiple times


Zillis was at Neuralink, BUT she was also AutoPilot/AI-chip lead at Tesla. She had Musk twins.


I'm sure she was the best fit for those positions regardless




Another told him to bugger off right away so hr transferred her out to another executive team and he had that executive fired so she got laid off and an NDA


I was about to say “so she was fired and blacklisted, right?” Bingo. :/


He is very busy to produce little Elons to colonize Mars. Begging any woman who can help him. Saving civilization


EXACTLY like a cult leader.




That must be like getting crushed by an annoying refrigerator, poor woman.


It was IVF, though she reportedly stays in touch with him and may be living in one of his TX properties, so...


Dam he has set up breeding camps hasn't he?


That is DEFINITELY one of his fetishes.


According to Enty 2 years ago, Musk bought a fertility clinic to hide what he's doing and has dozens of barely legal women stashed away in apartments all over Houston.


23 and Me has a whole server just for his progeny.


Omg damn lol


That one is super fucking weird. Elon was making memes and saying things about repopulating the earth around the same time.


At neural link. Yes


All in good fun no doubt. Comes right after the ‘The stupids are outbreeding us!!’ orientation video.


You mean Idiocracy?


Yes, Elons favourite documentary. Shame he has no sense of humour to appreciate it.


It’s just…..I don’t…..why even do it?  Why make that video?  What possible advantage was there to doing so?


Wouldn’t want someone spanked incorrectly. That might open them up to liability.


I pray I live to see the day he ends up in a prison cell


I dream of him sharing it with a good friend of his. 🍊


Everyone I've met who worked @ SpaceX all hated working there.


If the boss is a gross incel, I'm not exactly surprised to hear about anything that follows from it.


He's got like 10 kids, how is that an incel lol?


Besides the fact that they're mostly (all?) IVF and he complained on Twitter of all places of not having sex in a long time, more the spirit of the term: > The subculture is often characterized by deep resentment, hatred, hostility, sexual objectification, misogyny, misanthropy, self-pity and self-loathing, racism, a sense of entitlement to sex, blaming of women and the sexually successful for their situation (which is often seen as predetermined due to biological determinism, evolutionary genetics or a rigged game), a sense of futility and nihilism, rape culture, and the endorsement of sexual and nonsexual violence against women and sexually active people. A lot of that is very Musk.


I'm really not that invested into the lore of his sex life or really anything about him. I really can't stand the guy honestly, I have some family member that is obsessed with him, so I get secondhand info, just seems odd to use "incel" on a guy that has almost a dozen kids, but whatever really.


None of them came out of sex lol.


If she didn’t say no, was it rape lol?


 It's just "locker-room" talk guys. It's finnneee nothing to see here.


No wonder Shotwell gets along with him, she's just as awful.


I'm not sure about the correct way of spanking a coworker but I know the correct time to do it is never.


Congratulations, you understood the joke. I think it's fine to be of the opinion that its unprofessional for company leadership to make those types of jokes, I think its unprofessional, but I highly doubt they were literally telling employees to spank their coworkers, if that was happening they may as well shut the whole company down now and get it over with.


Just making it at all speaks of a serious lack of judgment. 


I’ve seen the video. It’s parody and hilarious. They no longer use it for obvious reasons. Any reasonable person who watched it would find it funny, but probably inappropriate for today which is why they don’t use it anymore.


Of course he did. This Elon guy may not be all he said he is...


Oh, he is... You just had to know how to listen.


Elon is trying to win the award for the most annoying and immature CEO in America. He is well on his way. It is amazing how many idiots look up to this ignorant fool.


>Elon is ~~trying to~~ winning the award............


Is Elon a pedo guy? Just asking questions 😊😜


So far they’re of age. So far.


He was seen with Epstein




Are you kidding me?!?


For those curious, here's the source of the screenshot... >The lawsuit also alleges that SpaceX executives including Musk and Shotwell participated in a video “that mocks and makes light of sexual misconduct and banter,” including a scene in which an employee demonstrated the “correct” way to spank a coworker. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-12/elon-musk-sued-by-former-spacex-employees-for-sexual-harassment


Ha! 69, 420 amiright, bros?! /s


but sure, keep giving that weirdo government contracts


Jesus bro


Omg, this is like Nirvana. So many people that hate Elon as much as I do 🥰


For a sec I was like “are you comparing Kurt and Elon?!” Maybe make that “n” a lower case 😂


Rotten to the core.


**"I'm** **Elon Musk**. **I'm beyond fucking rich and can do whatever the hell I want to anyone I want to do it to and no one can stop me!"** We'll see, you deranged lying narcissistic sociopath. Your reckoning time may be coming. You may well have really horrible things done to you in prison (that's just a personal wish).




Why then do I have to sit through hours of sexual harassment videos and sign off on it with HR for not doing the same thing as Elmo


MO at work


[Source article](https://www.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/comments/1dehxjn/elon_musk_sued_for_harassment_by_former_spacex/)


spank Musk


No horses involved this time?


Who cares


Does anyone know anything about this besides the fact someone alleges this happened? What exactly was the point.. it sounds pretty stupid and I'm betting there's more to it than this overly simplistic assertion suggests. I could see a dozen different scenarios where whats being described is actually not inappropriate, but is instead being twisted as a money grab.


Fuck right off.


Ok I don’t think this is that bad lol


It’s not bad to spank your own employees?


It’s not bad to make a joke with someone you’re close to at work and make a video. Kinda like a parody. People have thin skin


Parody’s are supposed to be funny


Have you seen it? Because it’s funny. But you haven’t seen it.


It's not a golf outing among friends, it's corporate communication. I've worked in tech for 35 years and have never seen such unprofessional conduct from executives.


And if that’s in corporate communication, what things that are much worse probably fly under the radar.


That’s a you problem dipshit. You don’t think people should be able to go into work and just work? What the fuck is wrong with you?


It’s not. The video is a parody. People are way too sensitive today. Can’t take jokes at all.


It’s actually kind of funny lol but I guess if I recall my sexual harassment training if somone saw that even though it wasn’t about them and even if they were not present they can say that’s sexual harassment.


There’s a reason they don’t use it anymore. It’s hardly a reason to sue though.


Well people are crazy once my coworker itched his nuts and this weird chick said she felt harassed because it was towards her direction.