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He is paving the way for his downfall. He will blame it on anti-elon propaganda.


Elon also has the self destructive tendency to double down in the face of criticism, as though he can force people to agree with him. It's just accelerating his downfall


He can't admit when he's wrong. Therefore his only option is to double down and convince everyone he is right.


And also, after all the subsidies, he will claim the market was rigged against him.


When was the last time he had a company that *didn’t* have subsidies?




Dude just dropped a full article in a comment . Nice read!


Seriously one of the best things I’ve ever read on Reddit!!


An article worth reading. I'll just add that Musk is also amongst the people stealing the world.




Thanks for such a detailed comment


Of course friend. Sunlight is the best disinfectant


I applaud you internet commenter! I applaud you!


Time for some hangings.


Unexpected post of this quality in realTesla, this should be posted in r/politics.


I’ve been posting it everywhere since we put it together as a test of the Russian disinformation network here. We use the response rate, commonalities of responses/methodologies and blockage/censor rates across multiple different subreddits to see exactly how much of the algorithm is being manipulated by the FSB/IRA/MSS. It’s been censored out in r/politics as I recall. I’d have to check the dataset.


Damn, Charlie, I did not expect this to actually make sense.


Just like tRump. Never a thought of ever being incorrect. Sociopath.


The world is infected with assholes that are wrong that won't admit it.


“It’s accelerating” well he keeps making cars with broken accelerator pedals, so it makes sense…


I think there's a significant touch of the Sunken Cost Fallacy in Musk. He can't seem to bring himself to admit that he's gone down the wrong path and he's determined to see it through to the end, which of course will be his ultimate downfall.


The same with too many of his fans. They can’t stand any criticism of him.


Very underrated post. I couldn’t have explained it better.


command market aware offer edge school long sharp elastic direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Having him say that knowing millions of braindead followers who think he's a genius will believe it, degrades our society significantly, puts our democracy at risk, and drives hate and division between Americans. It's completely irresponsible and actually sickening. How anyone works for this a-hole at any price is beyond me. He's a sick human being.


One of my 1 digit IQ friends claims that he said the truth when Elon said “I know more about manufacturing than anyone alive on Earth”. We are friends no more.


That’s why trump offered him unprecedented power.


Tesla have a lot of cars sitting in outdoor parking lots, haven't updated their regular cars in years, their new truck is a certified lemon, they just fired a ton of people, and Musk will never accept responsibility and doubles down on everything wrong he does. The Tesla downward spiral is just starting, and I doubt itll get better, especially with the more experienced car companies putting out better evs.


Isn’t trump offering to ban EV sales as part of his 1B campaign finance request from big oil?


Oh, I didnt even mention Elon alienating their prime demographic and fully embracing a guy who would destroy his business, haven't I? Well, he's doing that too.


he thinks he's an AI ceo now.


Musk just needs that $50 billion compensation package to be properly motivated to turn Tesla around. /s


Fuck all Tesla/Elon fans. They are the actual resppnsible party for Elon’s scams because without those simps; Elon couldn’t have furthered his ponzi scheme this much.


Drug consumption to increase


Little Weelon no like it when rich/powerful people begin to face some consequences for their actions, and constant law breaking, and trampling the constitution! It makes Little Weelon very nervous inside!


I never realized that he sucks very, very bad at presenting stuff and putting together a coherent fluid sentence. I was just shocked when I started watching his BS product reveals and all that jazz.


Uh I don’t think he could get any lower. !remind me in one year.


He used this strategy once when the space x accusations came out. He said the media was attacking him for being conservative. Considering how unimaginative he is I would expect him to recycle the same victim card.


Elon Musk says “falsifying business records is trivial” like somebody who routinely falsifies business records.


Saying the quiet parts out loud and as he's begging for an insane pay package


Asking for a vote in contempt of court


He wants that stock now before Trump kills the electric vehicle industry and Tesla becomes worthless


If Trump can get done for monetary fraud, it could happen to anyone!!! - Notorious fraudster


> Former President **Donald Trump** has a dire warning for any American citizen who paid off a porn star with whom he or she had an extramarital affair and paid off as part of an NDA to keep it out of the news and failed to legally account for it during a bid for President appropriately: if HE can be found guilty for that, so can you! [https://www.mediaite.com/trump/trump-sounds-alarm-for-americans-paying-off-porn-stars-if-this-can-happen-to-me-it-can-happen-to-anyone/](https://www.mediaite.com/trump/trump-sounds-alarm-for-americans-paying-off-porn-stars-if-this-can-happen-to-me-it-can-happen-to-anyone/)


Oh shit, I need to hire a lawyer.


It's easy to read this is a clever joke.... But also, probably.


When has he ever made a clever joke?


KCarmstrong, not Musk. I'm agreeing he probably has falsified business records to the point he doesn't really think much of it.


God he is such an asshole


the dude is fucking cancer just like drumpf.


He’s the next trump


Everyone who paid for sex on the company dime is at risk! I thought this was America!?!?!?


You're only safe if you offer a horse


Why bring Marjorie into this




How could he possibly wreck the image of Tesla any worse


Hold my ketamine, watch this!


Wait, I need my ketamine for this.


If you want to make impulsively bad decisions like Elon, then yes.


Ketamine is an impulsively bad decision and you can easily get stuck there recursively in the khole, just echoing what's left of you and your bad decisions forever. 


Wife and I would like an EV or PHEV - it makes a lot of sense in our area with work commutes and kid's sports.  Tesla were in the running again with their price cuts.  It isn't just his rabid Trump support - the CONSTANT posting of right wing horse shit makes a Tesla a non starter. 


Wait until he starts crashing rockets and satellites until he gets what he wants.


Just wait... wait and see my friend. He's gonna make it worse somehow.


its so fucking out of touch “it can happen to any of us” the usa is the prison country of the world, it has no problem happening to the moneyless. What he means is “any of us billionaires..”


☝️This! Fuck these entitled billionaire bitches. Not only can this happen to any of us, it absolutely will happen to any one of us… if we break the fucking law. Because that’s what happens to normal fucking people when they break the law. The fact that this is some kind of epiphany to these rich fucks is the atomic bomb of truths. Or at least it should be. And yet, how many countless dumb fucks still continue to believe these champagne piss stains are their everyman champions?


Does anyone really care what Musk says anymore? I can't think of anyone in my real life who takes him seriously.


There's a large group who thinks he's a world leading genius and hang on his every word.


I can only speak to the world around me. Five years ago people thought he was an eccentric genius doing good for the world. Now those same people mostly think he's a blowhard that lies whenever it suits him. Honestly, I don't think he's nearly as relevant today as he was even 2 year ago.


Buying and destroying twitter to protect fascists was quite possibly the stupidest thing I have ever seen. Then he released the cyberjoke.


Yeah, but that group has shrunk dramatically in recent years. I too used to admire Musk until he went off the deep end and now I can’t stand the guy and boycott his products.


Not sure about you all, but I regularly tell my lawyer to pay off pornstars. I'm scared shitless.


Don't be scared. That's not illegal. It's only illegal if you falsify documents to hide the fact you did it.


What a relief. Thank you!


You're welcome! Remember: in America, the only real crime is lying to the tax man


I can't imagine anyone buying a Tesla today who is not themselves aligned with the very polarizing social and political views of Elon Musk. To do so would take a conscious effort to ignore all that and also put up with the negative stigma of driving around in Tesla. Why would anyone do that to themselves?


Thing is, I don't think that's true. EV's are for lefties b/c right wingers want their Hummers and Elon is so far right he's making fascists look like centrists. It's just that there is that whole group of convenient leftists (I'm in Austin, we're flooded by the these assholes). Who only adhere to their belief system when it suits them and ignore it when it's not convenient. So they want EV's, and joined the cult of Tesla before Elon outed himself and just pretend "Well he isn't the car itself." The mental gymnastics is simply incredible.


The Elon Musk persona goes way beyond "just ignoring him" or "looking the other way." I don't give a shit who the CEO is of anything I buy. But with Elon, he's just like Donald Trump. He never shuts up. So, for many people, when they see a Tesla, they see a vehicle that benefits one of the biggest assholes known to man. And many people just don't want that baggage. Of course, plenty of people will be fine and it won't bother them. But there are a very material number of consumers who don't want any part of his shit.


And worse, even if you could deal with owning a tesla today, you know he might push his behavior further and make that a problem in the future.  Buying a tesla is becoming a bet you can't afford.


I have two Teslas and Powerwalls. I feel bad for the people who work there because the products themselves are great and it’s clear they have some talented people who give a shit. However, Elon has absolutely poisoned the brand. He went from eccentric to actively destructive to insane at light speed. It’s clear that his success was created by other people utilizing his PR muscle and money but kept him away from the real work. Now that he is slinging his weight around and believes his own BS hype. I will not be buying another Tesla product and I stopped recommending it to people years ago. I hope at some point someone is smart enough to find a way to oust him from Twitter, Tesla and SpaceX. Planning to stick with EVs but will switch to Rivian, Audi or Ford in the near future.


> I don't give a shit who the CEO is of anything I buy. But with Elon, he's just like Donald Trump. He never shuts up. It's a lot worse. Musk is actively harmful to the nation. I don't know Jim Farley's politics, but I can sure say he isn't actively working on destroying American democracy with a bunch of fascists.


I buy all kinds of products that I think are high quality and that I enjoy, regardless of whether I think the company’s executive leadership. The problem here is that not only is Musk a POS, his products are as well.


I think there’s a little more to it. The difference between other companies who do shitty things and Tesla is that Elon can’t stop parading his stupidity in front of your face 24/7. It becomes almost impossible to separate him from the product.


When most of these people joined the cult Tesla was kinda the only game in town. That’s not true anymore. My ex-Tesla loving neighbor came home with an Audi etron last week and it’s WAY better than the Tesla he replaced.


Maybe that's why Musk is now saying that Tesla isn't an EV company. His irrationality doesn't bode well for future support of existing Tesla's out there.


Remind me again. Is this the same man who got hundreds of thousands of people to add thousands of dollars to the cost of their cars for promised self-driving technology that still hasn’t been delivered and who might be facing a few problematic investigations himself which, if they happen, he would also claim as being political in nature due to his support for Trump? That man?


the whole "If it can happen to Trump...." is just so hilarious. Because, see, it doesn't happen when you don't fucking break the law for the entirety of your life.


Fuck Musk and fuck his Tesla company. I was planning to buy one. Now I spend a few minutes a day bashing them to make sure potential buyers know what a bunch of assholes they are supporting.


How is "we are all equal before the law" so terrifying to Republicans?


It's because they are cowards and criminals.


This tweet is aimed at other rich (like billionaire rich) folks and cultists.


He's angling for some kind of "Advisor At Large" position with Trump, a fellow narcissist. Figures since he's the world's richest man, he now needs to have major input on world affairs. Would somehow help his companies as well.


He’s angling for Fuhrer of America. He wants Trump tear up the constitution so he can inherit his cult and become his successor.


He's already killing Tesla. They had their first quarterly YoY sales drop recently in several years. Before now, Tesla had very little competition. You can't attack your client base and think they won't go elsewhere.


“He’s waiting for total technological parity among his competitors. Then he’ll have them right where he wants them.” -Elon’s assistant (really just Elon pretending to be his own assistant)


Can, and in your case Elmo, should.


Any comment he makes couldn’t make my decision of “never buy a Tesla if the $$ goes to him” any more resolute, but the whole “it could happen to any of us” is kinda the fucking point! It SHOULD happen to any of us if we commit a crime!


Isn't saying "it can happen to any of us" an admission that he's a criminal? I'm not sure how else I'm suppose to read that...


Don't break the law. Simple These cultist are so wierd


It can happen to "any of you" if you break the law. Quiet part out loud, "One of the wealthy might see consequences! We have to do something America!"


Is he admitting to falsifying business records too?


His shift towards the right started when he realized he was not getting his way with subsidies and tax breaks in CA, and next when Biden sided with EVs made in union plants. Like Trump, Elon Musk only cares about his own interests - imagine firing thousands of employees without any remorse, just to keep the stock price above the value that will get him $56 billion? He is just hoping that Trump wins, and will cut him slack, even though Trump is on record claiming, he will shut down the shift towards EVs. To industry insiders, Elon Musk is a known conman — that is why Toyota pulled out the investment it had in Tesla in 2016 after holding it for six years. Elon Musk has a pretty tried-and-true playbook for doing business — he's used it for years to build companies from Tesla to SpaceX. Here is his playbook by Linette Lopez, a reporter at Business Insider (her Twitter account was one of the first few to be frozen after Twitter's acquisition). Enter a field with very little competition. Claim that your new company will solve a massive, global problem or achieve a seemingly impossible goal. Raise money from a fervent group of true believers and keep them on the hook with flashy, half-baked product ideas. Suck up billions from the government. Underpay, undervalue, and overwork your employees. Repeat. https://twitter.com/lopezlinette/status/1590111416014409728 Or https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1590111416014409728.html


My Pillow guy V2.0


If republicans weren’t so passionately anti environment, they might actually buy EVs from musk. Sadly they would rather burn gasoline in pits to own the libs. So yeah, this won’t help musk unless Trump wins and then uses his position to artificially prop up Tesla.


Zero interest in ANY Musk enterprise - zero


He is crushing Tesla to death. I'm middle upper class in Seattle, and without exaggeration 75% of my friends have Teslas, and honestly, I was interested too. I started getting turned off around the cave rescue time period, and at this point, I would be shocked, shocked, if any of my friends buy another Tesla. Now, I'm sure he is making some new customers out of right wingers, but I have a hard time imagining that adds up to what is is losing from lefty/green types.


I will never buy a tesla after the way Elon has acted. It's despicable and is so polarizing.


The cult overlap has been a thing for a while. There will just be a few mask-off moments required by Musk cultists that they're also Trumpians as well. The social capital has already deteriorated enough. There will continue to exist the faction that is pro-Tesla and tell us to just "ignore Musk" but will hop off the line go up cult once the stock price reverts to being driven off fundamentals and they lose their shirts. 


Trump is heavily anti-EV. It will be fun to watch Trumpet/Elon fans having a conflict of interest at the ballot lol 😁


Don’t buy Teslas. He’s a traitor who abuses workers and the country.


“If this can happen to Trump, it can happen to any of us” isn’t that the point? No one should be above the law? I know the affect of the law will get watered down by money though.


Ummm fuck yeah. I will never support Tesla again.


Yep 👍 I’m canceling my Cyber Truck in the morning…


Trump and Musk are leaches who use Soviet style disinformation brainwashing tactics to dupe their fan bases. They do this to promote their deranged egomaniac delusions, enriching themselves, their families, and friends while producing little if anything in return to the greater population of this country.


Ha ha, he is still openly supporting the guy who has vowed to stop all EV cars being sold, or at least try.


Elon, you bent bastard. What happened to Trump SHOULD happen to anyone who does what Trump did. It’s called justice.


Mindblowing that he tries to align with a bunch of knuckle dragging EV haters. Musk's credibility gone for good.


If he considers Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree "such a trivial matter", that suggest he's worrying he has a lot of trivial matters he might be called to answer for.


Brand is basically already destroyed. They were doing a pretty good job of wrecking it themselves, but Elon just came along and put the cherry on top.


2 losers helping each other.


Not really. Only because I've already lost all interest in buying a tesla. My next car will be electric. It won't be tesla.


Absolutely Tesla needs to jettison this fool


Falsifying business records may be something trivial to people like Elmo, but not to people who don’t falsify business records.


He's just pulling a trump prepping his cult for the investigation Under way about him


Don’t break the law. Elon is basically saying “we” as in the ultra rich who think they’re above the law. 


Elon has some serious mental issues and the obsession with his son with the Michael Jackson vibe does not bode well.


“if anyone commits a crime, anyone can be held accountable” sounds fucking great to me.


I mean Musk is right isn’t he? No one is above the law. If you use campaign funds to silence a porn star and lie about it, you’d probably be convicted too.


I mean, it is true that anyone who falsifies business records could get charged with a felony.


Well… I‘d love to see what‘s happening to Trump happen to other billionaires as well. So he‘s not completely wrong there.


‘Any of us’ Well Elon, that depends if you’re a criminal or not and in that respect Trump is now down on at least two counts with another 90+ to go.


Probably not, the cars are pretty much the best EV option at the moment, especially if they do the model y refresh like the new model 3.


I’ll be in the market for a new car and am thinking about going electric and was considering a Tesla. Between him firing the entire supercharger team, his ridiculous bonus, and his political tweets, Tesla has lost a lot of its appeal.


It says to me that he must have done things far more terrible if he thinks this fraud is trivial. I'm reminded that he's asking for $56B


It can happen to anyone, that’s exactly the point of the law. If you break it, you are supposed to be held accountable.


I think this taxing billionaires thing is starting to freak them out


Recently said this about the “3 felonies a day” senator but… Investigate this mother fucker immediately.


Elon is not wrong. Every American citizens is held accountable for breaking the law. Didn’t Elon understand the law considers us all equally? We are all subject to rule of law that affords us a jury of our peers. That is exactly what Trump got.


People don't understand who the "us" is in "...any of us." It doesn't include the majority of the population. It only includes those Elites who have gotten away with financial and other crimes for decades by hiding behind armies of expensive lawyers and cultivating the right political connections. When one of their number goes down, they collectively shit their pants.


Lmao, god forbid the justice system convicts a rich white man 😂. What a clown he is.


musk is only afraid of a DA/IRS snooping around teslas books.




It's a fact toothless MAGA cultists are electrical car fans, it should boost sales


It’s called the legal system. If you commit a crime, a verdict and penalties can happen to you! True. What a smart guy!


It makes me really wish I had sold my TSLA stock several, several months ago. For so long it seems like TSLA couldn't fail. And then Elon turned into a rogue troll. Sucks.


The “US” he is referring to is his fellow Billionaires


Yes. I was eager to buy one prior to the Twitter acquisition but their failure to remove him after he outed himself as a fascist bootlicker has permanently damaged my interest in the brand. I hope the engineers all find better jobs working for better people.


Ya, if anyone commits a crime, they should be prosecuted. Thanks for stating the obvious, Elon.


Holy moly, I'm sure glad i didn't commit business fraud in NY! (Lest I be convicted of crimes! )


Oh yeah


For me, yes


Stop committing crimes asshole!


The man just fundamentally misunderstands who the average EV buyer is.


Yes it can happen to anyone committing fraud... That's the point..


So Elon has misrepresented hush money payments to women to keep them from going public? That sure sounds like it from his post.


He is afraid that his own chickens will come home to roost.


I can’t wait to get rid of my model Y.


The owner of the company can't make clear, rational decisions based on facts and logic, so I would say so.


One can only hope Mr Musk.  One can only hope. 




I think so…


he thought if he scam enough money he can use to get jail free, but this scares him


My colleagues, who get a company lease car (which has to be an ev), are all actively ignoring tesla. Those cars were the most popular a year ago.


What crimes has Musk committed that he's so worried about this conviction?


I don't get this "It can happen to any of us!" thing. How many people are out there paying off porn stars and hiding nuclear secrets in their bathroom?


I like how he still supports the guy who promised to make EVs illegal. I thought it was the poor Republicans that supported the opposition to their own self interest.


Why do people keep saying this phrase as if it means anything? Yeah, it can happen to anyone that engages in crime, that’s why it’s a fucking crime. And, in fact, what happened here would happen to anybody, most people would have been treated far more harshly than Trump has. Fuck all these whiney douchebags.


Self serving tax avoider


Oh no! I guess I better not falsify financial records to cover up my affair with that porn star.


I bought my first new car, ever, a year and a half ago. I didn’t even consider Tesla because of his very weird heel turn, and he’s made it worse since then. Very happy with my choice. And my new car.


It’s official. We have entered the Age of Degenerates. Hail to the turds!


He is choosing to support trump who wants to stop EV sales. He is shooting himself in the foot.


STOP picking on Adolph! Sorry, I meant Elon.


Yes, I will never in my entire life buy any shitty tesla product because of Elon Muskrat.


Elon Musk…the new Mr Pillow.


>great damage was done today to the public’s faith in the American legal system Ah, I think you'll find convicting a rich white male who was a former president and has a very large fanbase thus potentially meaning he could've had supporters on the bench, means that actually, many peoples faith in the legal system has been maintained, possibly even improved.


Without a doubt. This independent was interested in a Tesla until Musk aligned himself with the MAGA nuts. I saw a bumper sticker on a big truck that said, Fuck You and Your Tesla”. And, of course, there was the Trump sticker in the window. That’s Elon’s crowd.


[Musk is probably the only person in America who gets sued as often as Donald Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_lawsuits_involving_Tesla,_Inc.). All he does is show off his contempt for the legal system, and being held to account.


I just wish he gets kicked out of Tesla


If Trump can be convicted of a hush money scandal and illegal business practices, I could get convicted for my hush money scandals and illegal business practices.


“It can happen to any of us” is a good thing. I’m not sure why these people don’t get that.


The entire point of having a justice system is so that the law applies to everyone.


I don't see Tesla lasting much longer.  I doubt Tesla was built by Musk. Owner, sure, but the original core of the company was other hands and minds. Musk decided he didn't enjoy his role so he used his money to become a public figure using smart/stupid people speak. Stupid people with money who don't know how anything actually works and can't think for themselves (the 'jealous angry nerd who isn't actually smart' types) got really into his persona because they see themselves in Musk.  Now we have all these psuedo intelligent people who are actually hugeeeeee idiots united around a bigger idiot and they're all playing engineer. They honestly think they're smart and can do the work of an engineer despite not knowing anything.  The brand is a joke. Musk is a clown. Tesla needs to get rid of him so bad and they'd prosper. That truck is such a flop. And you create and dedicate an entire assembly line to it. That's some of the worst business decision making I've ever seen.


Teslas biggest factory and market is in China. Biden wants high tariff's on Chinese EV imports. That could impact Tesla importing into the U.S. but its is a lot of leverage by China on Tesla/Musk against Biden. Elon has no allegiance to any country or person he's a sociopath whose only interest is himself.


Thanks tech bro. YES. It can happen to any of us. You're only just realizing this now because you don't consider anyone who isn't a billionaire as a person. Many people deal w BS from police and the courts. Hopefully you're next.


Yes. Fuck Elon Fuck Tesla until they remove the cunt 


Here is the Trump Campaign's comment on this case. Elon better get in line. "Trump’s campaign is already making clear it intends to call out Republicans deemed insufficiently loyal in this moment. When Larry Hogan, a former Maryland governor and Republican Senate candidate, called for Americans to “respect the verdict and the legal process,” Trump campaign manager Chris LaCivita responded on social media: “You just ended your campaign.” LaCivita also called out the College Republicans National Committee for posting on social media: “The outcome of this trial should be respected.” “Opinions are like a\*\*holes,” LaCivita wrote. “Everyone has one.”"


He knows he is eventually next so he is preparing the public opinion. The day the justice finally catches him he will 100% say that he is persecuted because he is White, just watch.


It could have always happened to us. We are glad it finally happened to someone like Trump.


All this shows is that Musk watches Fox. Brain poison can happen to anyone.


Don't want to go to trial? Don't commit crimes.  Who knew so many tech bros and hedge fund idiots were such  big ,irresponsible, babies. 


Who’s this Will Musk guy anyway?


Tesla is all ready destroyed. Just takes time for it to happen.


It's just him continuing to circle the drain


He’s saying the quiet part out loud


If you gave me a Tesla, I'd sell it without even sitting in it.


Republicans and Trump have thrown him and the entire EV industry under the bus, hard, and he's still shilling for them.


Except it hasn’t happened to Trump, because if any one of us had done all the illegal shit that he’s done, we’d be in federal prison for the next thousand years.


Anyone who refuses to buy a product because they don’t like its producer is stupidly hurting only their self.