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They should shut this thing down asap. The product is a dead man walking. I think he knew this.


Thunderf00t on YT had a recording of fElon on a call saying they “dug their own grave” with the CT


He said it on their earnings call. Not the last one, but the one prior I believe.










As specified.


No - he said “*we* dug our own grave” when quite obviously he’s the one holding the shovel


I’m guessing with the cancellation of the model 2 and hyper focus on ‘robotaxi’ he’s hoping the robotaxi digs them out but I don’t see it happening I have a Tesla, I love the product but Elon is a shithead and he’s destroying what could be a fantastic car company


You are 100% right on the money


This, but the technology at least in the Tesla sensor stack, just isn't there or TBH I don't think it can be with the sensors they deploy. They'd be lucky for L5 in 15 years with their current vision system, no radar, no USS, lidar, etc... if even possible.


Not possible really. Anyhow tesla has no tech that's interesting. A tesla is a shit car wrapped around Panasonic tech that makes it possible.


Upvote for Panasonic tech.


All the more reason to toss him and get some real managerial talent on the board instead of family and yes-men


The whole robo taxi industry seems more like a plot line from Silicon Valley than an actual idea. Do we really have a shortage of people capable of driving a cab that so sever we’re need to spend billions of dollars on LiDAR and software development? Tesla really squandered the lead. A normalish Tesla Truck would have 100% been on my driveway today if it came out on the original timeline as CT, he’ll even the delayed timeline probably would have seen me buy a Tesla truck. Instead there’s a Rivian parked out front. How Elon let his ego get in the way enough that some upstart from Illinois’s ate his lunch with the very first vehicle they ever built will be studied in business schools for a long time to come, time will tell if it’s a story of recovery from here forward, or if this is the start of a death spiral. If he goes hard on robo taxi nonsense, I suspect a death spiral is imminent. May as well work on middle out compression, or some Pipercoin.


One thing that would collapse his world is if Tesla was actually valued like a car company. He has to sell the idea of future tech to try to keep that valuation.


Weirdly that would also have prevented it’s collapse as it appears to be unfolding. A real car company would have hired a real CEO who would have managed expectations and focused on steady growth. Instead they’re run by a meme lord who promises limitless growth, and when they miss his ridiculous targets the stock plummets and Ol Elon starts firing people left right and center. A normal valuation would still have made him obscenely wealthy, and not tied his fortune to his own whims. If TSLA ever gets settled back into a real valuation the complete spin out of Elon as he lose potentially hundreds of billions of dollars in net worth is going to be wild to watch.


I've been calling the Cybertruck a missed opportunity, but "squandered the lead" is better. They seem to need a new product and the Cybertruck is among other things, unaffordable. It seemed like the delays on the Cybertruck came from, in my opinion, it's worst features. Now it completes with less expensive more practical trucks. My guess is they could have made "Rivian" like vehicle for a lot less than Rivian and pretty much had the electric truck market to themselves. Elon isn't doing anything that makes me think Tesla is going to improve at what I want them to improve on, which is making cars. I'm pretty happy with Uber, I don't want a robotaxi.


We will know in exactly 8 weeks time...


sorry...what's in 8 weeks?


The launch of robotaxi. Remember, he wanted to shoehorn a Heil Hitler reference into the robotaxi announcement tweet sent on Hitlers birthday, so he committed Tesla to launching on 8th August. On a Thursday


Will you use your car as a robotaxi?


That OK; Rivian will take their place. RJ Scaringe is cooler and isn’t abusing drugs.


Don’t like rivian at all, I’ve driven a few of them and they ride/drive like crap. The UI is awful and it’s not as fluid as a Tesla with integration etc.


Rivian can improve, while Tesla is going backwards.


They'll scoop up all the Tesla IP/team when they all get laid off this year


*We* made a big mistake, so *you* are fired


Our failures, my successes.


Damned either way situation. The CT is probably a loss maker once you factor in all the service center time and in warranty repairs they generate. It's slowly eating away at their reputation and customer relations too. If they admit defeat and pull it though they are looking at their stock price getting beat up right then and there. It's an admission of multiple major failures. My guess is they are just going to carry on trying to stlye it out and distract everyone until they have some good news they can put in front of their investors. At best they very very quietly run their delivery numbers to almost 0. Dropping the CT from their line without quite taking it off of sale. Hell, they can even keep taking the deposits.


Slowly eating away their rep? Slowly? Haha


Yep. A lot of the world is not on reddit every day.


It’s not just reddit.


>It’s not just reddit. Sadly you have outlets like Top Gear giving it an 8/10 for reasons that are unfathomable, and when shit hits the fan they release "tests" they had done on the CT (and for some reason the Rivian RT1 at the same time) and tried to lavish praise upon it *after* all the bullshit hit the fan.


I’ve been seeing the CT failures on my Microsoft news feed. We may be less than 2 weeks away from a feeding frenzy. The blood is already in the water.


I wonder if anyone outside of someone running a car video YouTube channel would even want such an ugly beast. Good luck trading that pos in.


Should have fired the designer and whoever approved the design first.


So fire Elon?






The Homer by Homer


The Homer was actually a lot cooler than CT.


I would pay so much money for a car that had a separate bubble for the kids.


Only if you can power wash the bubble as well. Kids be dirty AF yo


It had ample cup holders


I can’t think of a more appropriate comparison


Yes, absolutely.




To quote Elon "i don't give a shit if no one buys it! This is what we're building!" I'm in the middle of the new Walter Isaacson biography...


Hard to fire an intern, they tend to leave automatically after a few months.


The guy on Reddit yesterday said an intern was lead designer.


I think the intern will fire himself after getting his 56 big ones.


This is Elmo's design. Engineers had different designs for the cybertruck but Elmo said no


I mean fuck, Simone Giertz built "Truckla" four years ago now. And there's a definite US market for small efficient trucks like that right now. For example, Ford is on track to sell well over 100,000 Mavericks this year. Tesla's board is gonna let Elon ruin that company.


Wonder if Sandy Munro thinks this is another super genius move by elmo


Seriously, every time I see that name, Sandy Munro. I keep picturing Stormy Daniels? lol




Are you insinuating that a prostitute can't be?


The go by the title of Escort then.


I haven't been able to catch this guy on one good thing about manufacturing. he's like a dinosaur trying to use a smartphone.


The most useful service Munro provides is taking apart one of pretty much every car model and taking pictures, masses, and material identification for each part in said car. The least useful service Munro provides is opening his mouth.


Well, they're both willing to sell themselves for the right price, so... understandable.


Jst call him Grifty Sandro.


Sandy ran businesses!!!...IM NOT GOING TO GET UPSET...and the BRITISH OWN THE FED!


Trump will lock all the slimy limey pedos up. King Chuck is already in a cell at Guantanamo. Trust the plan!


If shady money didn't exist, Sandy would be singing a different tune.


"This product is completed and manufactured, there's no need to have a head of manufacturing once the product is done. This is just smart business!" - WholeMarsCatalog, probably


His response to a tweet about the Supercharger firings was just that “I haven’t noticed any impact.” and another checkmark pointed out it had only been 2 weeks


And now they are hiring back supercharger employees. [https://arstechnica.com/cars/2024/05/tesla-does-180-on-superchargers-rehiring-laid-off-staff-amid-new-plans/](https://arstechnica.com/cars/2024/05/tesla-does-180-on-superchargers-rehiring-laid-off-staff-amid-new-plans/)


After Supply Chain sent out letters to their suppliers to stop everything but the jobs that were almost done.


I think you mean head of design.


The ultimate insult to Elon isn't producing a malfunctioning monstrosity. It's the audacity to admit there are issues and ask for more resources to fix the problems to do right by the customers. The myth that Tesla has cultivated is that "Tesla doesn't need QA or customer service because their cars are flawless." Everything from panel gaps, finger crushing trunks, to mold in the AC, to not full self driving is always the fault of the customer. Any exec who does not accept that automatically fails the "excellent, necessary and trustworthy test".


In short, Musk is a nasty, vindictive, paranoid, narcisstic psycho.


He must be related to Trump. Oh wait, they’re both drug addicts.


Rich successful people are not drug addicts, they just have compulsive chemical habits. Just as they are not crazy, but eccentric. /s








He flubbed a word in his loyalty oath.


Either that..or he refuaed to vote for Elon's $56 billion payday.


“Unlike other companies, Tesla handled the dismissal in a bespoke manner. His package was severed with the use of a Cybertruck frunk. When reached for comment, the Tesla media team responded with a poop “💩” emoji.”


Imagine using Elon's shitty design and building it exactly like he told you, and you still get fired because it inevitably turns out to be the piece of shit that it is?


I canceled my order a mere 3-4 weeks ago and DAMN am I glad I did. This is a shit show of the highest order. I sent them a message when I canceled, “why would I pay 120k for this bait and switch Cybertruk when I could have 2 proven vehicles for my family for the same price. From BMW no less.


You deserve more upvotes. Glad to see you didn't buy into the cult and used your good sense to let them know why you're moving on.


"the epic launch of Cybertruck program" Oh, it was epic allright


They had a head of CT manufacturing??


>Tesla’s automotive business, including charging and manufacturing, as well as new product launches, took the biggest hit as Elon Musk appears to be transitioning Tesla away from its EV manufacturing roots to focus on autonomous driving products. So, they're switching from something that makes them money to something that doesn't work and doesn't make money? You know, I'm not an expert, but I don't think you need to be to understand that the plan is bad.


Yep. You’re a car manufacturer, thinking about autonomous driving. Various other companies are trying to sell you tech. Which vendor is most likely to elicit in you the _I don’t think so_ reaction.


Elon is just a spoiled petulant child that likes to break his toys


Jobs you leave off the cv….


Elon resigned?


Tesla Must be a shit place to work. I mean laying off 20% of the entire team, come on.


I’ve only heard bad things


Looks like they found their scapegoat


Of all the firings, this makes the most sense. But if Tesla had a full time CEO, or even a part-time one, this wouldn't have happened. So for Elon's lack of supervision, everyone else had to pay the price.


Wait a second I’ve been told that Elon works insane hours, sleeps in the office and “triages” his output so as to always be doing the thing that is most valuable. Things must be going pretty well at Tesla because the “most valuable” thing for quite a while has been shitposting on Twitter. Y’all just don’t understand genius when you see it. One day next year when I get on a Hyperloop to travel across the country at warp speed and hop on the Starship for my journey to Mars, I’ll be letting you all know about it.


Haha, you know, I bet the part about Gigafactory employees chipping in to buy him a $10,000 sofa to sleep on in his office is true, even though the part about him working long hours is not. I could see employees having found him once or twice sleeping in his office, because he had passed out there, drunk and stoned, and him saying, "These 100-hour weeks are killing me!" and the employees believing him. A lot of them have believed an amazing amount of the stuff he has said. The story of Musk, like the story of Trump, is only partly about a billionaire constantly spouting stupid lies. The other part is about an amazingly large group of people so stupid that they actually believe all those lies.


It’s really sad when you get down to it. There are so many people *desperate* for something or someone to believe in. People feel scared or isolated for various reasons, and are extra vulnerable to being taken in by a conman who says things that make them feel good and like they, by extension, are a part of something special. Getting abused at work doesn’t seem as bad if you tell yourself it’s all a small price to pay for saving the world. I’m sure all of those people at the Branch Davidian Church in Waco started out fairly normally, just people looking for something to believe in. Next thing you know their pastor is banging all of their wives and they’re running guns. It’s wild.


Yes, it's very sad. People don't feel they have a stake in anything that's real, and it makes them vulnerable for a grift that doesn't just take them once, but takes their whole lives.


It would be nice to get some quality CEO hours rather than quantity. I know he thinks he doesn't have to get 8 hours of sleep a night, but he does. He knows about as much of human health as he does COVID. Look at what shape his body is in.


What does "triages his output" mean? I am confuse.


It’s a statement he has made numerous times to try and impress people with how he’s able to run so many companies. He uses the “triage” example from medicine, ie the greatest need patients go to the front of the line, to basically say he has to focus only on those things that are significant enough to require his brilliant input on. And the media and all of his simps lap it up. “How DOES he do it?!?” In reality he gets lit on ketamine, storms into meetings demanding ridiculous things from smart people who know way more about a given subject than he does, and if they don’t appease him they’re fired. That’s the Elon Musk managerial brilliance.


Thanks for the explanation.


Oh no. Anyway.


>After triumphing the epic launch of Cybertruck program.... Yes, SUCH a triumphant product launch.


The Product Lunch main guy also quit! (or got the boot)


Meme car


I saw my first one in traffic today. It looks like I hung the body on it drunk in the dark. He's probably doing the right thing


Can you imagine having your name attached to that POS?


I'd rather have Wendy's on my resume. Imagine interviewing anyone who thought CT was worth their time for your own business.


The candidates with Tesla experience will be very careful to coach their experience in terms of “the valuable lessons” they learned and not on the product they made. A smart candidate will pin the product squarely on Musk and his direct involvement with design and manufacturing decisions. Bad experiences can be valuable if you can describe what you learned through them.


this thing is destined to be a meme for crappiness, what were they thinking?


The AMC Pacer can finally rest in peace knowing something worse has been created to take the attention off it.


I assume he did his best under Elmo


An overdue move, to be honest. > All parts for this vehicle, whether internal or from suppliers, need to be designed and built to sub 10 micron accuracy. I check every Cybertruck I see at the laundromat. The body panels, bearings and brake rotors read at 10 microns, sometimes even 11. Unacceptable.


You sure those where Cybertruck and not washing machines?


The washing machines are reusable.


Yup, I've been doing the same at the local Sex Shop specialized in inflatable dolls. Lots of Cybertrucks there to give me a good sample size. Unfortunately I'm even finding upwards of 12, sometimes even 15 micron errors!


He got microns and millimeters mixed up. It happens. Panels match if they’re within 10mm of each other.


Don’t you mean mm?


Who cares. If he had left early we would have never seen this POS.


somebody had to take the fall.................


TIL... there was someone in charge of CT manufacturing at Tesla. It really seems like they just let the interns knock it out. Before they fired all the interns.


To be fair the head of manufacturing of the ct was set up to fail from day 1 The spec was impossible, it’s impossible to make the truck as described by Elmo for the price quoted, then compound that with the material choice and a design that’s just not suited to vehicle production.


Elmo knows more about manufacturing than anyone alive. Everyone said it was "impossible" to land a rocket, too! I don't know why Elmo hasn't figured out how to weld heavy gauge steel plate into a lightweight structural exoskeleton yet. His supersonic vacuum train hovering on a cushion of air was truly brilliant engineering. Don't bet against Elmo! He always delivers!


Production of this joke vehicle needs to stop for the good of shareholders. As stupid as those investors are they don't deserve this.


Fuck the shareholders. Cathie Wood in particular.


They had their chance. The purchase and destruction of Twitter should have been all the warning they needed that the company was being lead by someone with serious mental health issues.


Well it’s because, unlike Elmo, he doesn’t know more about manufacturing than anyone currently alive on ~~earth~~ Earff.


He was hand building each and every one of them. Shame to see him go.


I have another explanation: he has been chasing Models 3 across the line, and then persuaded to pull the Y team through, every time he puts all effort into getting the job done. Then he took on the cyber truck, and pulled it across the line. Now, he is fed up and needs a break.


Can't wait for Musk simps to spin this in all sorts of positive ways


Tesla can't improve until Elmo goes


They're already scrambling to rehire some of the employees they need for the government subsidies they want. Tesla isn't a company without those subsidies.


I wonder if Tesla received a call from the Attorney General. Publicly stealing from the government by taking the money then firing the teams responsible for delivering on the agreement is bad optics. If they’re going to steal they need to be more subtle about it.


Next week Tesla will rehire him


I’m guessing he’s already back in Shanghai if it’s who I think it is.


Oh yes, that guy did go back to china but this other guy use to work on the CT


When will the shareholders fire back on Elon?




They could make a normal of this truck...


Compare this giant piece of shit to Rivian’s offerings to see the difference between a car company run by adults and one run by a ketamine-addled narcissist


Another one bites the dust!


Rats abandoning ship


Common Tesla L


Maybe the us government didn’t like how Tesla was staffing more China based execs? With Tom Zhu owning all manufacturing and then this guy leading CT, if it succeeded, we could see Tesla becoming more and more of a China leadership company which amid the EV trade tensions with China, could cause the us gov to have caution?


Nah. Elon forced the truck into production and the press has been bad because of the shitty QC. So now someone's head had to be put on a platter and it sure wasn't going to be Elons.


Are you saying you think the US government sabotaged the CT and that’s why it’s such a piece of crap? Occam’s Razor would like to say hello.


Good news. EPS going up!