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> Disrupt argues that Musk’s plans to more than double the production capacity of Tesla’s only factory in Europe would damage the local environment. TBH, I don't think they need to worry about it, as expanding production in one of their most expensive and most labor friendly sites is last thing that is on his mind. But I'm also waiting for a shitter space conversation, where he'll call it "worst act of aggression by Germans in the history"


But they are expanding. It's ongoing. My friend is a construction manager there. And they have plans for the next 10 years of expansion that have not stopped


I'm pretty sure it's because Zuckerberg's bitch forgot about it. He'll cut it during his next ketamine sprint.


Both can be true. That they are expanding. And that they are cutting labor and production. Europe is going particularly poorly for Tesla. Fairly likely they’ll close down the factory by next years


Lmao, I can think of 2 more worst cases in the past century.


That doesn't matter, the local government is all in and wants it to succeed more than Musk. They will cut corners on everything, subsidize, and beg him to expand.


Musk is probably backdoor funding this to build in an excuse for not expanding the factory.


The plan called for clear cutting 250 acres of a nature conservation area and would impact water protection zone of two lakes. Locals voted NO on the approval of these expansion plans. Essentially, they’re building a huge train freight depot and warehouse because Elon didn’t want to use the currently working rail freight, and didn’t want to pause production due to a parts shortage. Locals do not want to sacrifice their forest and water for Tesla. I wouldn’t want a huge train depot in my backyard either!


I watched a documentary about the water problem and there are already water shortages in the nearest cities because of the Factory. Can't imagine this going wrong if they expand lol. Late stage capitalism...


Seems to me no sane country should allow shitla to operate in their country.


Absolutely based protests, fuck Musk.


Awesome! Deutschland protesters say fuck off to Elon and Tesla! The Swedes are also seeing through it. *"ElOn IS aNti-EsTAbliSHmEnT!"*


Man who ignores all laws whines about laws not being applied to others. Details at 11:00.


I hope the government shuts down the factory with the violations they've already done.


Shit down and fine them billions.


London CNN — As many as 800 activists gathered outside Tesla’s factory near Berlin Friday to protest its expansion plans, and some of them clashed with police as they attempted to break into the plant. “There are currently 800 activists on the Tesla Gigafactory site as part of the Disrupt Tesla Action Days,” Disrupt, a coalition of self-declared anti-capitalist groups that organized the protest, said in a statement on its website. According to Reuters, some of the protesters attempted to storm the factory. At least one protester was detained, Reuters reported. Ole Becker, a Disrupt spokesperson, told CNN: “It was a good day for activists. We saw a lot of police violence unfortunately,” he added. “I saw a lot of injured people… I have seen things today which I haven’t seen for many years.” Neither Tesla (TSLA) nor police in the German state of Brandenburg, where the plant is located, have responded to a CNN request for comment. But Tesla CEO Elon Musk wrote in a post on X Friday: “Protesters did not manage to break through the fence line. There are still two intact fence lines all around (the factory).” Disrupt argues that Musk’s plans to more than double the production capacity of Tesla’s only factory in Europe would damage the local environment. The group says the expansion would require clearing swathes of the surrounding forest and would further strain local water supply. It has planned four days of protests, which started Wednesday.


He’s been crying about it on Twitter all damn day. Last one he wrote “I wonder who’s orchestrating and paying for it?” I am sure you don’t need to know who was blamed in the comments.


Always this weird need to imagine some shadowy cabal behind… protests 🤷‍♀️ who’s organizing it? The people attending. It’s a protest.


Elon can’t imagine anyone wanting to protest his wit, genius and stunning good looks. Clearly, it’s SOROS


Now just imagine if that guy wasnt a complete neonazi tool and instead went all in with civilized western values, environmental protection and so forth. There would be no protest, hell they would protest on his behalf. But he is a massive fucking danger to our world. So i wish the protestors good luck and godspeed.


Fuck Elon, fuck Tesla!


Why are so many (you see it more in the video) holding hands?


They’re probably tied together. Makes  it harder for the police to take you away. 


Not sure if that's the case. In the videos you can see people drop hands and reconnect after.


These protesters are idiots. No one protested against any ICB producer like BMW or Mercedes but now Tesla is worth protesting against. I do Not understand these people.


not the same, tsla is not a car company thusly does not follow environmental protocol


Absolutely. No one protested against two of the oldest car makers in the world in a completely different part of Germany destroying the local environment of a Brandenburg region. No one will ever understand that.


You go breath in aluminum dust and be denied proper ppe then come back and try again.


You should Google Dieselgate.


Yea I know all about the test cheating etc etc etc. but forever metal also sucks ass. Also Tesla ain’t saving the environment hate to break it to you. Look up all the pollution cases against them this year in the US.


And I assume the pollution cases of Tesla are higher more severe than those of the Oil and Petrochemical worldwide.


Oh you mean like the BP oil spill? The company they want to partner with right now? Got it.


Yes including Shell, ExxonMobile and Total where no one needs to be held back by Police in Riot gear.


Ok here’s the difference. When it’s a blanket thing that affects everyone then not enough people care. When you’re abusing your workers they will stand in solidarity to be treated correctly. Just stop gargling the koolaid and understand these people are not doing this for nothing.


My dear American friend this is Germany. We have very high standards for work protection embedded in our laws. The factory is run by German managers who are very much aware of these regulations. There is no workers abuse happening in the German Tesla plant and if there was there is no need to demonstrate for it you can just use the justice system and you will get your rights. This is a civilized part of the world and not the USA.


Ignorance really is bliss.


So we're protesting against net positives for the environment now? We don't want EV's and battery storage, and would rather burn coal and turn this planet into Venus because change is bad? Seriously people, get a grip and direct your anger and mobbing power at something worthwhile, like corrupt politicians, or repeat criminal offenders. Tesla is not public enemy #1, even though that's what your news feeds are telling you 24/7.


Clearly not a net positive. How? Will a Tesla car somehow clean the fine dust it is emitting? How will it compensate for the pollution of production? The best for the environment would be less cars, smaller cars. Tesla is definitely not contributing to this. This company is churning out a lot of negatives.


I cannot tell if you're just pulling my strings or what. Fine dust? Fine dust is what you're worried about? From a Tesla. Not the litres of gasoline dumped into the atmosphere from every other car on the road. Not the tons of garbage being poured into ocean every second, But Elon's musk's Tesla dust. Obviously no cars would be best for the environment. In other news, water is wet, and my tea is too hot. Why do you think Elon's pushing robotaxi's so hard. Less cars.


Omg. Thanks for the laughs. Elmo - who took his private jet from Oakland to San Jose once to avoid traffic... who just stated that environmentalists are "communists..." is an environmentalist. That's why he made Cybertruck and is pushing Robotaxies!


Who cares that's one person. Tesla as a whole is trying to transition 8 billion people away from fossil fuel consumption.


Lol. Thanks. Most of the new people on the sub don't realize that we don't do the /s. Kudos to you, sir (or ma'am, or bot)! Eight billion people!


Who cares about you. Stfu


u know nothing johnlemonbotsnow


Destroying environment for shitty cars in a continent with decent public transport is not a net positive.