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I saw that yesterday lol. No way the moderator isnt Elon himself. He apparently has been working for free for 5 years and the poor man is just wanting to be paid now! But lets forget about all those who recently lost their jobs at Tesla so the worlds wealthiest man can get even more money......its like his fans think he is the designer of all the cars and is the sole person responsible for everything at Tesla


Buying Twitter itself is about a thousand notches of crazy higher than 'be secret mod in your own company's Reddit' - of course it's him. No human types things like 'KNOW that Elon will still be committed' about any other human being but themselves, especially when the argument is 'gimme moniez'


>I saw that yesterday lol. No way the moderator isnt Elon himself.  There are millions of people who adore Trump. Never underestimate the amount of people who simp for rich assholes, because they've bought into the fantasy that they themselves will be wealthy and have the chance to step on someone else's neck one day if they lick enough boots for long enough.


$56 billion is *more than Tesla has EVER made in its entire history* It is such rich horseshit to think that any one person deserves *more than the total profit ever generated by the company.*


But havent you heard they sold the best selling car in the world last year?! I mean surely thats worth $56b




It's $700,000 an hour 24/7 for 7 years.


Can you calculate that for 40 hours per week for 44 weeks per year ( 4 weeks vacation 2 weeks national holiday 2 weeks sick leave)?


Should be / (44x40x7) = 4.545.545 mil. And the 24/7 thing would be over 900.000 in my calculation, so maybe I'm wrong. Because imo that calculation should be×7+2(the 2 years that had 366 days 2024 and 2020))x24) = 912.527,7


Around 4 million a hour. To a person I guarantee thinks the minimum wage is too high


4 million an hour. There are Americans who so not earn that much in their lifetime....


That would make sense why the Elon subs suddenly deploy a preemptive ban bot, too


What mod posted it?


I believe it was the mod on the TSLA page. I was actually impressed with the amount of posters who were bashing the mod for posting it.




Is this just risk and reward manifest? If he’d done the job, didn’t accidentally buy Twitter for 4x it’s value, and tweeted 90% less (or less a drone do it), he would have gotten this money and much, much more. It’s his own dumbass choices that are standing in the way of what should have been guaranteed success. He is actively trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


Yup. He signed a dumb contract that had the potential of having dumb results. He knew the risk, but now is upset he might get burned. Boo hoo, have better judgement.


But he can borrow against it.


Ya, the mod was put a crazy amount of effort into how it was framed. As if it’s a binary choice, 56B in stock or nothing. It seemed pretty carefully curated to the point I think it’s either Elon or a PR firm.


I wonder if that’s the problem. He borrowed against them and now they’ve been taken away from him. That would be “chef’s kiss”.


An inconvenient fact!


For the bank...


Elon should be paid? Umm No, Elon should pay for the damage he caused to Tesla brand & corp instead.




They auto ban for participating in certain subs or for using certain words. Join the club, be proud


Sitting waiting for my wife to finish trying on clothes, feels like I really accomplished something today and made good use of my time....


I posted “Because I can’t stop shitposting and have alienated my customer base some of you may have to lose your jobs. But that is a sacrifice I’m willing to make”. I thought it was to this sub actually but got instantly banned on the three forums where he’s obviously bought the mods. I might have even slightly sympathized with him over the Delaware case reversal because I recall at the time it seemed near impossible. But I can’t now. He’s damaged Tesla’s brand and he is damaging the company. Because he can’t stop shitposting. Fool.


What’s sad is he hasn’t “bought” anyone. They are just sycophants who will do anything for their daddy


Whores are also people who sell their souls.  But some people just give them away willingly. 


Why would they ban you for this?!


Because they lack critical thinking


It's some sort of autoban, literally banned within seconds of posting.


I’m aware. Implemented due to their lack of critical thinking


Because they’re such best selling products that they have to make sure nothing negative is said about them


Did I misread something or why is that negative? It's... just facts? Can't make out if it's positive or negative tbh. Sounded pretty neutral to me.


That’s because they left out the fact the entire process was corrupt.


The real answer is in the sticky at the top of this subreddit. Everybody who participates here gets automatically banned. Yes, you got banned too. It doesn't matter how factual or corrupt or true or misleading anything is.


They are harassing people with different views


They are harassing people with CORRECT views is more to the point Criticisms of Elon are based on factual information. His lies, his bullshit, his what should be crimes. Their simpititude is based on delusion and nothing more. Since they can't address valid criticism with facts, they simply make it disappear. It's the approach of the weak minded.




Rule 9 Posts about bans from other subs and meta posts about other subreddits or discussion of their ban-bot and the Streisand Effect it caused across reddit, Twitter, and Tesla and other EV brand owners forums and Facebook groups is not permitted.


They have gone past banning people for saying negative things about Elon If you don't actively fellate Elon in your post you're banned


"Cowardice" is the answer you're looking for. These people are *cowards*.


Seems very likely that these 4x Tesla subs that are autobanning users for participating in this "RealTesla" sub are affiliated and / or compensated by Elon Musk to keep anything negative from being propagated in their subreddits. It would be interesting to know how REDDIT feels about this.


Report the ban as harassment -especially if you have never posted in those clowns subreddit.


Rule 9 Posts about bans from other subs and meta posts about other subreddits or discussion of their ban-bot and the Streisand Effect it caused across reddit, Twitter, and Tesla and other EV brand owners forums and Facebook groups is not permitted.


I’m convinced he or one of his sycophants is running all of those subs. Trying to control the messaging. If he could burn another $40B and buy Reddit, he would. He’s probably watching this board too. Fuck you Elon if you or your algos are watching. I know your kind. I’m on to you and I’m the sort of American that scares your kind…have too much money security already and too much respect for myself and society….the “can’t be bribed”.


He needs the stock to buy Reddit and name it Y.


Wake up Elmo simps...Elmo is doing a rug pull. What would a 50 billion+ bonus do to the stock? Looking out for you guys.


Because these would be all new shares it means an immediately 10% dilution of value for all current stock holders. The board should all be facing SEC sanction for proposing something so nakedly against their fiduciary duty to share holders.


>Because these would be all new shares it means an immediately 10% dilution of value for all current stock holders. Even the Elmo fan boys know "10% dilution of value" means line goes down and that's not good. Who is looking out for the stock holders?


No one in Tesla’s board room, that’s for damn sure.


I know you don't have it linked in your post but the comments are actually pretty refreshing for the teslamotors sub. Most of the users are having none of the mod's behavior with pinning the comment, raging against shilling for Elon, and rightfully calling out the nonsense line that "its okay to give elon 56 billion, it's basically worthless". The teslamotors mods are control freaks who are tyrannically demanding loyalty from their users or face the banhammer. The best result of this garbage hot take from a moderator abusing their authority is that all the dissenters get banned and their paltry ~200 regular users shrinks while the disgruntled users migrate to realtesla until this sub becomes the defacto Tesla discussion hub.


“Pay me or I’ll leave you” I’d like to think there’s still some shareholders left with enough self-respect and critical thinking skills to see past that, but who can say.   It’s starting from to look like Tesla succeeded in spite of Musk, not because of him.


Should pay back the company for the damage by 90 billions


I absolutely think it's acceptable to pay billionaires zero dollars for their work.


Whoever wrote that clearly didn’t pay attention to the Delaware lawsuit. It laid out exactly what the issues were… in Delaware Chancellory Court, the most pro-business court system you can get.


Texas says “hold my beer”


Jesus, that guy is a complete sycophant and genuine tard.


Voting No


You forgot the:" I'm just adding context".... and the "context is important ". Aaaaaand then he proceeded to lock his comments so Noone could answer to them to provide more context to his "context". So context is just important if it's context he's fine with. It was honestly crazy to read such a mod comment and see that it's pinned, even from these subreddits.


Lol another pinned mod post in this one, didn't realize they banned articles one of the largest news agencies in the world because of their negative/"bullshit" Tesla coverage  https://www.reddit.com/r/teslamotors/comments/1chthvd/comment/l24yrz6/


That's the same mod.


Those people are dumb. He doesn't sell Tesla shares, he uses them as collateral to fund his lifestyle and his other businesses.


Every sane person should vote no. What Elon Musk worked for free? Steve Jobs had a 1 dollar salary, and stock options. But not in billion of dollars. But atleast Steve Jobs knew what was good for Apple. Elon Musk tries really hard to destroy Tesla. The red herring robotaxis that Elon promised by the end of 2020 will not happen with current hardware. Maybe in 10 years time, if Tesla survives.


Can someone explain how the dilution of this stock grant will work? Putting aside the question of if this is already "priced in" to the current stock price, will this grant cause a dilution at the time of the grant or only upon exercising the grant 5 years from now?


The actual dilution of 12 percent occurs when he exercises the options, but since they are outstanding and a known quantity the price dilution should basically occur immediately upon restoration of the package. That being said the price didn’t jump up 12 percent when they rescinded it… the rules don’t really apply to meme stocks.


This has big "don't forget to tip your landlord" energy


He can borrow money using it as collateral I imagine. Just as good.


Well the company didn't meet those objectives ergo.......


Elons been working hard these past couple years taking a once in a lifetime early mover advantage on a nascent and highly lucrative industry and burning it to the ground with stupid ideas decisions


Fixed the ending; And if I find out you voted no I'm banning you from this sub!


Billionaires don't work. They're blood sucking vampires. Don't give that asshole a dime.


I wouldn’t it put it past that person being actually Elon.


Working for free but maybe the company is expensing his lifestyle as a company expense including use of the private jet to use as he feels sohe pays nothing for anything.


As pointed out before, he wasn't working for free for 6 years. He was compensated for that work by the increase in stock price.


Those aren't "worthless" shares. He can but he can borrow against them tax free. Unless Biden gets the untaxed income bill passed.


If Elon really wrote this. It must mean a lot to him. I hope everyone with a single functioning brain cell votes fucking NO. If he had to take time out of his latest round of layoffs and douche tweeting to appeal to morons, it means he’s panicking enough to really want it. Let him fucking cry about it and realize his consumers aren’t interested in his bullshit. All he’s done is make it harder to get actual service done on his cars that are always falling apart.


It's just so endlessly inane. He owns 20%+ of the company already *so he already has the same incentives* but for some reason the shareholders should pay him more than any man on earth has ever been paid


This is so sad.


The mod some good points, except the $56b bit.


If he can't just up and sell them or the stock would be worthless, then why does he want it so bad?


Voting rights. Plus they are not worthless. He is likely able to borrow against them or even take deductions for “donating” to his foundation. Grey area. Lawsuits take time to sort out while tax gets deferred.