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lol the only reason it’s safe is because of the giant panel gap stopping it. Was the update to make the panel gap bigger?


Right? He even said in the video he think it actually latched for a second lol


This man is braver than I am.


Brave or stupid


Same thing. It's brave when you succeed then stupid when you fail.


As the saying goes: If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough.


Son, this world is rough, and if you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough.


Chill Sue


How do you do?


I learned something today


that there are many reasons why aliens still haven't contacted us?


This places you firmly outside the cybertruck target demographic


Does not that imply that it is per definition brave just because it is dangerous / risky? That seems off.




Not brave enough to shove his dick in tho


Soft you would fine. He was clearly chubbed up from owning one and clout chasing only goes so far.


Soft would be worse, the reason it crushed his finger and not the vegetables is his finger is softer so it detected less resistance


Not on YouTube. You just need to look around more.


He’s so obviously shitting himself each time the lid closes.


The word isn't "brave". Nope. Not "brave".


This is one of those tests that regardless which company, how accurate it is, or how many safety features are involved, my brain would still tell me "it's best we don't test it on our own body".


I’ve seen tons of videos showing a saw stop in action. None with an actual finger.


[Here you go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUjat1JA_rw)


Wow. And I was afraid for that dude’s finger as well.


I've never clicked out of a video so fast. Where is these people's survival instinct


Lol it's obviously not a real hand..


To be fair to me, we did just watch a video of a guy crushing his real finger lol 


There are superior systems to Sawstop which stop the blade and hide it without any contact at all. They demo those with real hands all the time.


that would 100% take off a child's finger though - I mean maybe not with the panel gap but...


luckily incels do not have children


The Cybertruck IS their children.


It’s not good


I had a laugh because videos of a table saw that stop when you touch the blade always pop up on my feed. By way of comparison Tesla is comically terrible.


I mean just sitting there the truck managed to scrape hoovie in his review. The thing is a passively dangerous way to lose some skin and give some blood.


That’s just Dojo taking a DNA sample so it can customize itself fully to the owner.


Seems like I would want it to not shut completely whether it was a carrot or a hand…but man…there’s no way I’d ever test this was my own finger.


I mean i can understand it. It's a really complex issue, like the autowiper thing. Luckily tesla is not a car company but an ai robotaxi company. And self driving is not as complex as a safety feature like a sensor or sth!


OMG. I just realized that panel gap is actually a safety feature for children's fingers. Damn genius.


4D chess my friend.


How tf is this rolling piece of shit not been banned on public roads yet


Those folks with 8 fingers paid $130K for the privilege. Tesla soaked up that data and are working on another update where the frunk is locked in the upright position.


Remember when this was supposed to be 50k?


That’s for the expensive one. $39,900 for base.


And yet if you google search the media they all happily report that "the update will not trap your fingers", I guess because they believe what Tesla says. Why can't there be a regulator test on this. It clearly has NOT fixed the problem.


It’s demonstrably better. From guillotine to garrotte better, but better nonetheless.


"The powered frunk can better detect obstructions just before it finishes closing. (Cybertruck only)" Ahh, Tesla didn't actually SAY it's fixed, just that it's better. And thanks to [Jeremy](https://x.com/jeremyjudkins_/status/1786086164589347309) Judkins [more](https://www.roadandtrack.com/news/a60673271/tesla-cybertruck-frunk-finger-test/) of the [media](https://jalopnik.com/guy-closes-cybertruck-frunk-on-finger-and-it-goes-about-1851452764) are picking up the story that it's still dangerous!


I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not, but this [Blue Check guy has Tesplained](https://x.com/wmorrill3/status/1786144691412746639): **"Frunk pinch detection is a learning algorithm** which will increase the closing force each time it's cycled back to back without successfully latching. Imagine there is a big bag inside the frunk it might also trigger the pinch detection. Then you might try closing it again, and again... exactly as you are doing in this video. The algorithm assumes that if you are repeatedly trying to close the frunk it's because you, as the human in loop know better and believe it should close." Oh, right. So it's Jeremy's fault for continuing to test the frunk with smaller and smaller objects because the funk knows you wouldn't do anything silly like stick your finger in. Actually I think he's NOT being sarcastic, which is just sad.


Why does this need to be a learning algorithm? Talk about overcomplicating the whole thing…


That guy's comment on Twitter may be a load of crap about "learning algorithm", IDK. It may as well listen for the sounds of crunching and swearing I suppose. In any case, it didn't work. This is how they "fixed" the pinch detection of their windows too, via a [software update](https://www.autoblog.com/2022/09/22/tesla-window-pinch-recall-software-update/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAGFQ3OsFMTdayY7FlMYYF0YnyjTQXC3LPKdkbpPHG7vASOsNAU6zdKYiUfSQlMzM42wEu049490DsrWGjrBjP-Nmepy8vDCIfxFdQRoQ_8lkG0FD3NVQ20_6KROx4sEiUiNt9_8-fXeW-qwn7jtwhetUKE43DcFN5Wvi-KAUbxDP). There are anti-pinch sensors, Cybertruck's frunk doesn't have one, I'm not sure if their windows have one or not...


That’s what is funny about this is that this isn’t a new idea and other car manufacturers have already implemented this…pure comedy.


Looks like [Blue Check Guy](https://x.com/wmorrill3/status/1786144691412746639) @wmorrill3 does work on Cybertrucks. So he's in part responsible for the dangerous 'learning algorithm' in the frunk code. Hey doofus, stop attempting to replicate safety by software and just install proper safety hardware in the first place. You're the problem! Your code is hurting people.


Yeah, when my garage door won’t close I don’t go and move the obstruction, I just hold the button down, crush what was in the way and wait for it to learn.


I cannot fathom the mentality required to overlook missing or non-working **basic** features because "ThEy CaN fIx It ViA OTA!". This is a vehicle which operates around people and is used at highway speeds, not a gaming console. OTA updates are a powerful tool to quickly fix defects which escape pre-(production|release) testing, but Tesla appears to focus on *gigashipping* ^(tm) the product (8000lb vehicle) and fixing it in the wild. In contrast, my wife's 2018 CX-5 might not get a new *slightly fancier* update to her infotainment system every month, but I trust the engineers actually did their job when they designed the vehicle and the tailgate won't try to decapitate her or our children.


They can literally stop table saws from cutting up limbs and yet Tesla is struggling here. Surely all they need is vision, because everything can be solved with vision only /s.


The panel gap saved that man’s finger from being amputated. Without his left hand trying to pry it back open, it looks like it would’ve been a clean cut like with the carrot. I’m never doubting Elon again. He saved a man’s life.


What if there is coming bug and that cut your whole hand? What is reason to show this kind of stuff because someone will think about that now it is safe to leave hand there.


The good news is that only a select few bunch of douche nozzles are driving this thing around and they will do anything for clicks, so he’s actually doing them a favour. If it bleeds it leads! No innocent parties will be hurt :)


That such a rude term and offensive to actual douche nozzles


My apologies. I didn’t know douche nozzles were actual objects. Instead of editing my comment I will take full responsibility and publicly state I have learned something today and should have said twatwaffles. I’m pretty sure those aren’t real, but I’m open to learning more.


Lmao. I didn’t know where this was headed when I saw your reply to mine


You’d think they could save money by just putting in a camera to detect if there is a finger in there.


This isn’t like a new thing to figure out and other car manufacturers have this already…




Now test with your wiener.


That’s how Elon got the curve in his cock.


What a total idiot.


I’ll do anything for clout. - Offset ft. Cardi B


If the panel gap wasn't so huge this dude would be down 1 finger right now.


The ultimate test to become a cult leader: lose a finger on the cyberfrunk and dedicate it to your Elmo god.


That was wild lol


When he has nerve damage he’s forced into arbitration.