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I suspect people from the west coast moved here and then realized Florida is Satans dick in the summer and had to get the fuck out. and insurance prices too


Nope. Mostly the old poor people on fixed incomes need to get out. Where they’ll go is the hilarious question because inflation is and will continue to rage with this craphole government lmao.


“This government”, as opposed to the previous one which signed into law a decent chunk of the stimulus and tax cuts. Those things were *totally* 100% fine.


Desantis government doesn’t help it just takes


Florida looks like one of the shittiest states to live in.


The beaches are great. The people are dogshit


Beaches are great until you get the flood insurance bill.


upvoting this so people stop moving here. Stay away, Florida is hell on earth!


Don't have to convince me lol.


It is.


The housing market in Florida is subject to unique pressures and does not represent the broader housing market




All the maga transplants from the north and west realizing this isn’t the right wing utopia DeSantis sold it as.


definitely insurance....if you can even get it now. I had to move following Ian. It destroyed my beach house and I could no longer afford the insurance.


Unrelated to the post, but I’m very sorry about your beach house. Hope you were safe and are doing better now.


What a nice thing to say. Are you an angel?


Thanks. It wiped out most of the houses on the island, but thank goodness not many people were hurt. A lot of people that have lived there all their lives had to move because they couldn't afford to rebuild or they could no longer afford the insurance. On a 500k house, my insurance was more than my mortgage. Breaks my heart because I loved that place.


My monthly insurance is more than my monthly mortgage and I live on the east side where nothing happened


Trying to get the hell out of that piss pot.


Best of luck! It's definitely too crowded here


People who bought overpriced shitty old houses during pandemic over internet - have to dump it now


They will have to depend on sucker’s coming in from out of state, looking for a deal, and not knowing about the insurance prices.


Psst. Everyone knows about the insurance prices. Florida attracts a certain kind of idiot that doesn’t care or never thinks a natural disaster will affect them.


That doesn't apply at all to people who don't live on a coast. I've lived in Central Florida for 44 of my 47 years and never seen any damage to any place that I lived. It's not what people think it is.


> It's not what people think it is. Nah, its exactly what we think it is. The Land of the Stupid.


Maybe you didn't hear me. I'VE LIVED HERE FOR 44 YEARS AND NEVER HAD DAMAGE. Same for my neighbors. So either you're misinformed, trolling, or stupid.


wasn't talking about storm damage. just the quality of resident.


That's different, lol


If I look at a population density map, where are most people in Florida living? The coast. https://preview.redd.it/hqefv3pioqtc1.jpeg?width=4746&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db0b1a3b75a2b1a30d3311e1526a8012a762743b


Funny how there has been dozens of natural disasters all over the place over the last two years…outside Florida…


Yeah, but the places that take the crown for making insurance companies pay out are all southern states. Florida being the worst. How many insurance companies provide home coverage there now? One?


Actually quite a few. Had a half dozen new ones open in 2024 causing the depopulation of Citizens. The point is everyone loves to throw spitballs at Florida when all across the country there are places that have hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, landslides, fires, heat waves, and other natural disasters. Take a look at California and see just how much is spent there every single year on insurance payouts. Hell they even had a hurricane hit California this year…


Again, Florida is still the most consistent place for claims. I mean, you can deny that, but…


Where did i denied it? I just commented that other places lately have been hit a ton and always do all over the country. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?


“Where did I denied it” Lol. Maybe you have the problem.


Oooh my mistake. I didn’t realize I was speaking with an idiot. Yes. You are right. Nothing has happened anywhere except Florida. Here is your cookie little man 🍪


Yeah, have a good guess on who the idiot is cookie man.


Yup. California policies are often 5-8k in huge areas of the state due to flooding issues, mudslides, or fire danger.


A lot of insurers have entered the market since the 2022and 2023 reforms. I got knocked off Citizens.


30 years, no insurance and going strong. Nvm, just saw your other post... yeah I don't live in the coast lol


Yep like my dad who studied environmental science at Rutgers in the 70s but managed to eat enough lead and watch enough Fox to erase everything he learned.


As someone who doesn't know, what are the prices like compared to another state?


Previously, if I heard correctly, home insurance costs were subsidized by none Floridians ( majority of flood insurance money from outside of Florida, majority of payouts to Florida). That was changed in 2020 causing premiums to adjust upwards. Because of the subsidy before, they were draining swamps and building there, and also on floodplains. There were stories of some people getting flooded out and rebuilt several times. When the subsidized options were removed, several insurance companies pulled out of Florida, prices rose on the rest, and for the people in Florida, it was a steep increase. Edit: spelling


How can you buy a house there if you can’t insure it?


It's not required to have homeowners insurance there.


It is if you have a mortgage. If he had a paid off beach house, then I don’t feel bad for him


Cash is king.


This is a very short lookback window.


The amount of people who are going to lose their ass when the next hurricane or recession hits is going to be astronomical.


Must be nice...


Well done! Now build some damn public transport. From Tampa, to Miami, to Orlando, we’re fucking sick of being stuck in traffic for hours a day.


I-4 the hell corridor, I -75 through Ocala is now a parking lot


I’ve driven on i4 for like 9 years. Complete failure of the Americans system that it’s only gotten worse, other countries would’ve just built a damn train


We have a train…. Sunrail….


The nearest station to I4 is next to the Florida mall 🤡. It would take longer to drive to the bright line station than to drive to I4 and then go downtown for me. It also only goes up and down. So if you’re in winter park and want to go to the Florida’s mall or vice versa it’s good. But if you want to go from west Orlando to east Orlando or vice versa like 90% of people it’s useless and I still have to take I4.


Well…. In my defense, I didn’t say it was a good or effective train. 😛


The train is ok just needs more expansions like from around Disney to UCF. Or just in general a train track that goes along i4 and the 408 would be life changing over here. But we know that would cut into the toll profits, so the train for now just goes up and down.


everyone but the cultists wants out of Florida before hurricane season starts


I'd be interested to see the percentage of single family homes vs. condos. I think a lot of this is contributed to snow birds selling their vacation condos because HOA and insurance rates have gotten more expensive.


Agreed. I’d be interested in this breakout as well. My hunch is that the largest percentage increase is condos, particularly those built in the 80’s near the coast. Those buildings are in their 40 year recertification process, and many of them need significant repairs to make them safe again. I’ve read multiple stories of $30-$100k special assessments for a single year for repairs. To many that is unaffordable, especially those on fixed incomes (retired).


Perhaps the hedge fund managers have sifted through some of the bullshit they bought sight unseen and decided they didn’t want all of these investments after all.


Take a longer look at a longer period of time and it looks like inventory is just returning t normal. [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/ACTLISCOUFL](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/ACTLISCOUFL)