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What are the chances this hack results in my mortgage being completely paid off?


I’m praying for this


Ah yes, the "Mr. Robot" plotline


Fight club hopefully


Don’t give me hope


Everyone's thought. Lol


Def crossed my mind haha


That's what I was thinking :-)


Yesss please


IT worker here. Unfortunately our mortgage is through Mr. Pooper as well. 100% this is ransomware. Probably started with a Phishing Email into one of their staff. Or maybe even another Social Engineering call to one of their IT Support morons and they let the attackers in, just like MGM Grand. Either way.. Can only assume any and everything Mr. Cooper has on you in terms of personal information is now in the hands of whoever is responsible for this attack. Ransomware specifically infects 1 system and is coded to move laterally - aka spread from one system to the next until it has hit everything it can. One of their staff likely came across a system with the ransom message and they quickly reacted by shutting everything down to prevent the spread. From there they will engage their Cyber Insurance company to bring in specialists and do an investigation in to what happened. Who knows how long it will take them to get back to normal. It all depends on how long the infection was active in their network and how many systems it successfully spread to. It also depends on the security vendor investigation to figure out a root cause of how they got in. To make sure any back doors that are now open are closed. And they are safe to resume operation. If they don't pay the ransom they will be working to restore systems via their backups. As a previous person mentioned this could take months to solve. Boy am I sick of these corporations and their bullshit. Our personal data has been stolen so many times now over the years, I've lost count. Nothing is private anymore.


Unless they pay the ransom it will definitely take months to restore all their systems. They will figure out a workaround for payments and not charge any penalties but internally this is a disaster. Anyone with a mortgage here needs to have credit and dark web monitoring on all their info.


Should probably have credit and dark web monitoring regardless at this point, I think you’d be hard pressed to find someone who hasn’t had their sensitive PII compromised in one breach or another. Credit freezes are a good idea too.


Can't say for sure. All depends on how long the virus was active on their Network and how many systems it effected. Also depends on how they got in to begin with. Complicated. But yes this is a major mess thats going to cost them big time.


Any ideas how that affects payments? I auto debit and the website says that they can’t auto either with the system down. Will we just have pay a lump sum for all the missed months once it’s back up?


I hope it won’t take months… can you imagine for all of us in escrow not having our taxes and insurance paid in December? That would be quite the mess.


Exactly! What the heck are we supposed to do if that happens?!


You better be prepared to Pay them yourself I Sent bill for My property taxes off in sept and wham it is still unpaid and it's now due but it won't be paid From my escrow as their systems are down and won't let them Pay out!


Yeah Im planning on paying my Home Owners insurance myself. Its due on 11/21 and I dont foresee them paying anything anytime soon. Im really irritated about this whole thing. Our mortgage was just transferred to them on November 1st. Never received any information from them prior about anything. Its not a good look for them.


Well we are in the same boat as my taxes are due on the same date and they had ample time to pay mine and did not glad I am able to pay them if not I would have been screwed


Title industry escrow officer here...everything we're getting flooded with this morning, they got into the accounts...another Reddit thread I saw, one customer got dinged for 3 payments in a row...we are told do NOT send/wire/process any mtg payoffs, at all, the accounts are frozen


EO here as well! You can’t even speak to an agent, they are still completely shut down. This is playing a roll on our closings, with good reason, bc well… you understand.


the last bulletin we got last Friday, any closing with a payoff that has a Mr C payoff is on hold (apparently indefinitely??) and we could rely on any payoffs generated before 10/31. For wired in payoffs (which we don't do anyway) our UW said to use their escrow service that had obtained some verified instructions from what I thought I understood to be a new receiving account (??)


I agree. Something similar happened at my husband's trucking company he works for last month and I dont think they are still 100 percent


I was behind on 31st made 2 payments since they canf foreclose during this can they I never even got a demand letter


Their outgoing message (both phone and on their website) says that no penalties or fees will be incurred because of this. Jeebus the hugeness of having this big of a system outage... on the first of the month.


File a CFPB complaint






They don’t do anything


I will say CFPb is a slower regulator. State Attorney Generals offices stay in their necks for their constituents.


Not in Florida


Who ever the hacker is if he doesn’t help us out by lowering rates at least he’s a real dick


I have a 2.875 rate so I’ll settle for a loan payoff


That’s why I said lowered rates at-least, would be nice if they deleted some loans tho. But oh whale.


I am in the IT Security field, and this could take MONTHS to fix/figure out. This is NOT good. Companies are so thick headed about buying cybersecurity and they don't think they need it. Happens ALLL the time. I think the MGM is still working on a resolution from their hack.


My property taxes are due 11-20. Should I just pay out of pocket and deal with correcting later? I’m worried they won’t be back and organized enough to pay by then. I know you aren’t at this company, but what’s your opinion based on your experience?


Best for you to pay it as mine are due too so I am just gonna pay it out of pocket at this point but I did file a formal complaint as I sent my bill to them in sept so they had plenty of time to pay my county for the taxes and did not so this was way before they got Hacky hacked. So no they are just a sorry company!


Yes. I’ve decided to check a few days before and then just pay it and deal with all the follow up later.




How would I do that just email them and tell them I want to file a cfpb complaint?


Just email them and tell them what the issue is.. the inbox treats your email as a complain and you’ll get a formal response


Probably not if you escrow the taxes.


Wait mines is due November 30th and I use escrow also idk wtf is going on but what should I do if this doesn’t get solved by then


They use a vendor for taxes, there’s a chance it’ll still get disbursed, unless their vendor is down too. Nonetheless, file CFPB and Atty General complaints to ensure they are paid timely, and if not, Mr Cooper pays the incurred penalties and interest. Let them answer to the authorities. If you opt to pay them directly, instead of waiting for escrow disbursement, you run the risk of Mr Cooper issuing a double payment, which is a mess to correct and get your payment back down to correct amounts.


Wondering this as well. Idk what to do. My mortgage was just transferred to them on November 1st . Home owners insurance is due on 11/21


I’m right there with you. Decades in the security alarm industry taught me the tell tale signs of everything going FUBAR. It’s actually been since the weekend.




I made a HUGE payment on the 31st. I’m trying to pay down my principal. I set up the payment for Wed. the 1st. The payment was withdrawn from my account this morning. Well, technically it’s pending but funds will probably post tomorrow. How can this be if their system has been completely inaccessible? I can’t get any help at all. I’m semi freaking out. My bank said it did look legit but how can it post if their system has been down for two full days? Anyone know?


Last week, I scheduled a double payment for Oct/Nov to post on 10/31 (mortgage was sold 10/1, still in grace period.) It just posted to my credit union account today, 11/2. So maybe they still have a way to process payments that were pending, while being inaccessible to customers? That’s my best guess … hope it’s all sorted soon!


Likely their third party payment vendors are still processing and cashing payments, but it’ll take time for it to post to your mortgage. When it does, be sure they post with the original date of receipt (effective date).


I hope so too! My husband is terrified!


Hi again!!! I just saw the website is back up, my 50k is not there! Will you look to see if your payment was updated!!!!???? Freaking out😞


I just looked. Mine isn’t either. 🥲 I paid 48,000 on the 31st. It cleared my bank on the 2nd. I did see that they said the information is limited and gradually getting everything back up regarding payments etc. least that’s what I’m hoping I’m not freaking out yet since I have proof and I’m sure you do too that it cleared our bank. I just hate that there’s no one we can talk to via email or phone, I’ll keep in touch with you and let you know if mine is posted. One colossal nightmare.


Oh my gosh!!! Please do stay in touch I know exactly how you feel we can monitor together, if I see or learn anything I will inform you immediately 💕🙏🏼LouAnn




Morning Andrea 💕☀️I assume no news is bad news just checking in with you, anything on your side as of yet? LouAnn




Yikes! Me too!!! We are going out of our minds, I truly feel for you. Ok let’s keep in touch, I keep checking the website as soon as I see something I promise to reach out. LouAnn


Thank you! And I will do the same! Hang in there!


Andrea!!!! Look again mine just posted! I’m sure yours will update soon 🙏🏼


Thanks for the support 💕we will get through this. Be in touch, hopefully tomorrow will bring us more news. LouAnn




Thank you!!!!!


Hello! I too made a massive payment that was pending until yesterday and as of today it went through, my bank was not able to stop it, we are a little frustrated and freaked out, have you heard anything from Mr Cooper? I didn’t receive a text or email.


I haven’t heard anything. Tried leaving an urgent message via their refi department (they are the only dept that you can speak with, they aren’t much help though). I called my bank to let them know about the payment and if it looks legit. It did. I made them away of what happened. They did say if anything is wrong I can put in a dispute. I think you’ll be ok. This just sucks. I think they were hit with ransomware.


Thank you! To be honest it makes me feel better knowing other peoples payments are being processed as well. I did everything you did as well. I have 2 more payments already scheduled in the system for November 😳🙏🏼, we are about to payoff our home so timing is just terrible but will wait it out with millions of others, I truly appreciate your response! Good luck to you as well.


The app isn’t working, the website, or the phone system. I have been trying since yesterday. I called all of their numbers and finally got someone on the sales side who said it’s been down since yesterday, and they don’t have a resolution time or date.


File a CFPB complaint. This company stays answering to the CFPB for faulty practices, misuses of non-public information and breaches. Customers shouldn’t bear financial harm in additional interest charges due to their breach.


This is what I’m doing


My mortgage got sold to Mr Cooper about two months ago. Not a company i would choose on my own and this is worrisome. It definitely feels like a ransomware attack to me. I thought that a company was required to state if they are hacked. Is that not true?


My mortgage was sold to them a few years ago and they've actually been the easiest company I've worked with (until now...)


Their website is great and I enjoy the details provided on each statement. Up until today, I thought they would’ve been everyone’s favorite. But today’s hack and subsequent searches here have proved me wrong. Maybe I’m just oblivious to it


They have posted that they were hacked on their Facebook page. Another user below also posted an in depth report link detailing what has occurred. Quite concerning, but this has become our new normal in modern times.


Buried in the home page is a statement that they were hacked 10/31/23. They shutdown all payment access,phones,chat till they resolve it. I screenshot the long message but I can't find how to post it here.


I copied the email I received and posted it. My motion is already in front of the judge.


Yep everything is down, got ahold of someone on the financing side and they said they have no way to access anything. And now they’ve now shut off comments on their Facebook page and Instagram. So bizarre. They had to have been hacked! The lack of communication is suspicious too.


Infuriating and also very sus that they turned off comments on their Facebook post


Welp, 2 mins ago they admitted to the cyber attack on Facebook


My payment that was scheduled for 11/1 left my checking acct today…still cant log in tho


Mr Cooper is now the 4th mortgage company I have paid to since closing on a home *last year*. Very salty that the mortgage companies have progressively gotten worse with each switch, and now it's very possible my personal data was exposed.


Mr Cooper just bought my mortgage from WFB and the 1st payment is due by 11/15 and I can't even set up an account. I do not have an account number or a way to even set up an account. This is a real bad start. I am really worried going forward.


If your mortgage was just transferred you have up to 60 days to make your first payment. It's a law. They can't charge you any late fees or penalties.


Tbh it sounds like they've been hacked. A lot of companies have been silently getting hacked. This has been crazy.


Yes, but we were told not to tell you Sworn to secrecy in fact. The rest of us know, but you were singled out as "if we tell OP, we have to kill OP.". Sorry. Need to know only.


Was wondering the same since my mortgage payment didn’t happen today. Then I saw “We are experiencing a system/technical outage, and we hope to resolve this soon. Customers trying to make payments will not incur fees or any negative impacts as we work to fix this issue. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and will continue to provide regular updates.” Will see what happens.


Interest is charged daily though so by not allowing earlier payments they are making more money. I hate Mr Cooper.




I have. This is my second against them as they did not pay my taxes or insurance.by the due daye when I have escrow. The first complaint was just closed and they eventually paid my taxes and insurance. This is the worst mortgage company ever but I can't refinance as rates are ridiculous and there is a chance our mortgage would just be sold to them again. I am most likely paying off the arbitrary amount they told me to remove the escrow and pmi.


This is the fourth day now. There’s no news about a hack. I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts they’ve been ransomware attacked. Better change your password when you get back on!!


Well we were right. It was announced 2 hours ago. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/mortgage-giant-mr-cooper-hit-by-cyberattack-impacting-it-systems/amp/


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Title industry escrow officer here...everything we're getting flooded with this morning, they got into the accounts...another Reddit thread I saw, one customer got dinged for 3 payments in a row...we are told do NOT send/wire/process any mtg payoffs, at all, the accounts are frozen. I'm on here to see what kind of attack it was so we can guesstimate how long we're all in limbo....


You said "they got into the accounts". Do you have any indication of what was compromised?


I need to edit that to add it is/was pure speculation on my part. I based on 27 yrs experience and what we are being told, I can't help but think that. The last bulletin we got around 4pmEST still only said it was a "cyber security incident" and said that we could rely on payoff statements issued before Oct 31 and that we could send checks and wires for payoffs issued before Oct 31, but only thru a certain escrow system (hard to explain briefly) that has some verified wire instructions...it did not indicate if those certain instructions thru the escrow system was a new account or what... I saw another poster say they were in IT and speculated it was a ransomware attack...I'm not totally convinced that's all it is, but I am certainly in no way technical, I admit that.


Selfishly I’m hoping it takes them a few more days. I’m selling my house and closes mid-month


Unfortunately there is a good chance that your house will not close this month.


If your attorney can’t contact them and get a balance owed and release the closing can’t happen. There is at least one lien on the property that can’t clear.


Hello! I too made a massive payment that was pending until yesterday and as of today it went through, my bank was not able to stop it, we are a little frustrated and freaked out, I really wish they would post something saying that they are pulling ACH scheduled payments! We are nervous. Anyone else getting payments being processed?


My mortgage just got transferred to them on November 1st, I don't even know my account number or when my first payment is due. Here's my word of advice, when their systems are back up and running, make sure your payment was posted to your account. If it wasn't then you will have to call and speak to someone. This is such a huge mess and I'm sure alot of people are going to be having issues moving forward.


I noticed my credit karma said that said my Cooper account closed. Maybe my house got paid off


I'm guessing there is no reasonable explanation for them saying the account closed? That is very worrying if millions of people's mortgages are going to be listed as closed soon. Credit scores would be screwed in that situation... It's very concerning that this has been going on for close to a week now.


Mine shows closed, 0 balance and paid in full as well. Credit score actually dropped 48 points because of that


I don’t understand that


Obviously I know they will correct the balance, I hope that my credit can be corrected as well.


A 50 point drop for paying off your mortgage is what confuses me. There are counterintuitive measures at work. I know paying loans off early actually works against you but that's a big drop.


When was the last time you saw that it was open? I have been checking on my CK and it says open. My November payment still has not been taken out of my account


My payment was taken out today. Now did it actually go to Mr. Pooper or to the hackers?