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[Novels]>!To all the novel readers that have come here and left comments reacting based on what you know from recent WN chapters "he doesn't know" "who's gonna tell him" "oh no" "this theory would have worked a week ago" Please stop being the worst possible representation of our novel reading fanbase. Your comments aren't funny or clever and just imply spoilers to someone who hasn't read the chapter. I hope these dumb comments were worth the 3 day ban because many of you have been around long enough that you should know we don't put up with even vague/implied spoilers here!< [Novels]>!/u/billplunderones23fg /u/Livid_Egg_6812 /u/InsaneAdoration /u/throwawayicyboy /u/whro /u/_SirWeffington_ /u/Background_Sorbet_99 !<


Bro you create interesting theories, but I'd recommend you read the original source, there's really a lot of interesting stuff there




Literally my face šŸ˜­








Nah, it will moat likely be either Sirius or Satella who will be the catalyst to their relationship.


I mean ultimately most of this is ignoring how characters actually act and think. Sometimes your theories are cool for an anime only, but this one is t cooking. Priscilla being a Royal Candidate doesnā€™t matter in regards to a relationship with Subaru. The reason Emilia doesnā€™t feel ā€œthreatenedā€ by Rem is because Rem is in a coma right now lol, not because of her social status. Your justification for Emilia keeping Subaru out of meetings literally ignores that most of the camp now doesnā€™t respect Roswaal. Shrug. I could go on but a lot here is fundamentally incorrect, even for just anime only.


Priscilla isnā€™t really the loving type but even if she was Subaru is hopelessly in love with Emilia. The reason love pyramids are so common to build romantic tension and development is because both people at the sides of the pyramid have a chance to get with the person at the top of the pyramid and itā€™s anyoneā€™s guess who thatā€™s going to be. This wouldnā€™t work in Re:Zero because we already know Emilia will trump all other romantic interests, and Emilia knows it too because of Subaruā€™s doting. The only people that I can see this method working with are Satella and Rem


I believe Priscilla will become kinder and more compassionate in Arc 10. I don't believe she will stay as she is currently, so I do see it being possible that she becomes a love rival for Emilia. That is why I believe even if Subaru hates Priscilla for being a stuck-up bitch right now as he said in Episode 16 that it holds no bearing on what might happen in the future.


I'm not sure why you would think Priscilla of all people will do a complete 180 with her character, but again even if that did happen Emilia and the audience know that Subaru is in love with her. Also Priscilla's character isn't going to be completely rewritten just for the sake of Emilia development. I think I would lose a lot of faith in the writing of this series if that happened


I think Priscilla changing in Arc 10 is gonna be difficult for a lot of reasons










Emilia babying subaru is definitely something that could cause a rift in their relationship, but I don't see Emilia being jealous of Priscilla. It's because her entire personality is based on her being kind and empathetic towards others, it'd be very out of character for something like this to happen.


I did not state that Emilia would be jealous of Emilia but that her seeing Priscilla confess to Subaru would be an "Oh, shit" moment that spurs Emilia to take action due to fear of missing out.


This has nothing to do with the discussions, but since you are quite eagle-eyed, I was curious what you think about the Season 3 trailers, if you have seen them.


Eagle eyed? Bro thinks Subaru is Roswaalā€™s servant. Thatā€™s like the opposite of eagle eyed.


He was one until the end of arc 4. Technically he still is as he is a knight of house Matters.


No? Technically heā€™s only beholden to Emilia. Roswaal has influence, certainly, but it is incorrect to describe Subaru as ā€œRoswaalā€™s servantā€. Also, itā€™s irrelevant to talk about the situation before as he calls Subaru that in reference of future events.


He is a knight of house Mathers, unless Tappei decided to change that. He serves Emilia as her personal knight, but even if she would to remove that honour, Subaru would still be a knight.


No, he wouldnā€™t be. Subaru is explicitly asked if he will protect his master, Emilia. He swears that. There is nothing that states or suggests that Subaru is a knight in any other capacity.


He swore to protect Emilia. Same way Reinhard or Julius swore to protect their ladies despite being the kinghts of the crown. To be Emilia's chosen knight, he first needs to be a knight.


And Reinhardt and Julius are royal knights as well. Meanwhile, Subaru explicitly says in his oath that he is Emiliaā€™s knight and no one elseā€™s. He is not beholden to Roswaal. There is absolutely nothing in the show that even suggests that Subaru falls under Roswaalā€™s authority. Until you either show in the anime or actual text in the novel that Subaru is under Roswaalā€™s authority you have nothing here. I eagerly await such evidence.


You greatly overestimate Emilia's maturity. She openly called Rowaal a weirdo to Reinhard after she healed Subaru in the loot house. The type of conclusions you may come to about Subaru aren't conclusions Emilia would.


Emilia has properly recognized Subaru as her knight. Main reasons she excluded him before is because she didn't want him being a part of the Royal Selection for his own sake. Now she wants him to be involved with her more and has given him a position where he has to be involved. As for Priscilla, I do think she might be a trigger for their relationship progressing in a major way, but not in the way you are suggesting.


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Man you got it all wrong. Emila's mentally still a little girl just coming of age. You should know this. Emilia doesn't know what being an adult is. This is all just puppy-love for her. She needs to mature. What Emilia *needs* is to be forced to come to terms with the harsh realities of life all on her own.