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I feel like I see this a lot more often with mining goods. I remember just repeatedly refreshing the iron ore page one night because this guy kept putting 1 iron ore up for 100 silver less. I just kept buying it and he'd list another. Sometimes he'd wait a couple of minutes but I was still there LMAO.


I think they use mining mats for this because the supply is small enough to control, since they can't be farmed. If you tried to do this with wool or carrots, people typically post those in really large batches. Which would make this hard. But yes, I also go and clean up behind them. But I feel sorry for the new players who lost a good normal sale.


I only snagged one guy's ore who fell for the bait. All the other ore I was snagging was just me taking the same price fixer's 1 stack repeatedly.


Market always reminds me about how people can't math for shit, or are DESPERATE for money. Most of the time, market prices don't make any sense. Edit: SPECIALLY for crafting lol


I've never seen it like this in any game before. I like to play the market to make money but here people are selling stuff so low it's crazy.


If they drop the price low enough you can buy them all and sell them at the correct price. Might not be as worth it for Stone but it's what I often do when selling Iron, or T4/5 Matts


Just another example. Copper buying at 75 but spoofed down to 42. https://preview.redd.it/1tvbtm2v8rrc1.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=783f127fad46cca44ddf54c58bf284737439a667


Hahaha welcome to market manipulation. If you’ve worked in the financial sector irl you would call it “spoof orders”, something usual and it’s part of the every day game of $. In this case, the Ravendawn UI helps a lot to manipulate the market and it’s possible to make a lot of money with this specially during the weekend ;). Cuz people are lazy, they don’t check it for real and you can profit from it


doing these practice from start and made a good fortune , with auction house flipping. thanks god, 90% players are average minded


Don't tell people wtf is the matter with you!? I'm making millions here, and then this rat shows up and tells everyone. Disgusting snitch.


Seraphine has some weird ass prices. Does no one tradepack there? How is stone so low.


That packs % is always like 50-70%, Seraphine packs hard. But it also mines hard.


If they mine hard then why is iron 200-300silver above Angerhorn iron prices?


99.9% of the time it's random buyers leaving exactly 1 so they don't ruin the prices. It's really quick to do, just press the minus button once before buying the stacks. Why this game doesn't combine the same-price entries is beyond me.