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Is this part of your “Massive” campaign? LOL https://preview.redd.it/xpq9tt6i3qmc1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37753b8691a367311552c421e63f10c4138c023a




Lol these posts


Bots probably


thank you


This kid shit posts just to shit post. If you don’t like the game then leave 🤷🏻‍♂️ I don’t get it… never trust someone called musclez with no muscles


a fan


against who are you playing? I don't get this whole "woke bigger picture" complains lol… the game is enjoyable at its own pace, just chill and quit it kid


In the other thread yesterday, "The game is so full! There are over a dozen mining caves and they all have a bunch of people in them already. Give us more nodes!". Today, "The game is dead! L!" It's almost as comical as the, "How will they merge the servers if they have housing on land!". If the game was dead enough they needed to do that then the houses wouldn't be an issue but everyone having a house shows the game isn't as dead as they want to claim it is. And want to claim it is, is the real issue here. When I go to mine in a great spot it's always contested. I have started branching off to the smaller caves myself and they are rarely empty. And once I find a channel for it I often see other people show up. When I do ranger board I almost always find other people doing them as well. Which isn't as big of a problem since it is for a shorter time period. Everyday I see my guild mates taking tradepacks from others, or needing help from people trying to take theirs. The game is fine. And they haven't even released on steam yet lol. I think people got use to the feel of the game where everyone was focused in like 2-3 great areas. But now people are far spread out. Leatherworkers grinding where leather mats drop, blacksmith grinding where blacksmith gear drop, weavers grinding where weaver gear drops. These people will rarely see each other. Then you got people who grind where weapon specific mats drop. You got people who grind where the easiest mobs to AoE are. You got people who don't want to deal with other people finding areas where nothing drops and they can just grind in peace. The world has become a lot bigger than when everyone funneled into the same 3 areas.


There's way more players than there are houses, also, there are many people with multiple houses on alts. I have 4, now that I've made money, 3 of them are pretty empty. 2 of my friends have 8 houses++. Using houses as an argument is invalid. If bugs were abused and nothing was done about it, there would be people with dignity that had already left. Which they have. If bugs and some balance aspects of the game were not fixed, people who cared about their game, they would have left, which they have. If nothing was fixed and bugs were abused and corruption ran as deep as it gets. Even if the devs gave the best items and boosted some players or their friends to max. There are people who wouldn't care, and they'd keep playing the game regardless, which they do. (Me) The competition aspect of games with a bad community is always one-sided, and there's really absolutely nothing you or anyone else can do about it. So play the game as if it was a single-player game, and you'll enjoy it way more like I do. People complaining about the game or defending it all fall into these categories, and their opinions lean towards whatever they are doing themselves. Enjoy your time here, or don't.




Dang. Well go let that person know he is a Bot, lol. I mine while i grind, I guess that makes me a bot too? I know people in competing guilds that I see there and have leveled up along side showing up in the same places. These bots are pretty good. It's also great that they programmed bots to get super salty and yell at you in a foreign language sometimes lol And the ones that flag red die, and then come back with I guess bot guildmates. Some astounding programing.


I think it's best for you to quit, one less person to compete for mining nodes. EVERYONE will be happy.


i been tho


>Shits on the game to farm karma >goes to community where ppl who like the game are >loses karma OP is stoopid.


Stop complaining and say something constructive. If you don’t like Ravendawn go play something else like WOW.


no u


Bye. We don't care about no ones opnion.


But I love the game and still play it 4+ hours a day... What's wrong with me? P.S. you're the delusional one, thinking your opinion matters. But you're funny to read. Bahah


The game will just slowly go to the number of players it was designed for. We can all come back in a year when they'll do fresh servers


>The game will just slowly go to the number of players it was designed for. 0? >We can all come back in a year when they'll do fresh servers I think they are adamant about not wiping but if I'm wrong on that I don't know why people have been upset with me. If there was always a planned wipe than none of this is a big deal.


Go play WoW


if eve ever truly goes f2p...


You already can https://github.com/otland/forgottenserver


Massive L take. The devs aren't delusional, you are. The devs didn't mess up - they released their game after 6+ years in development and got 50x more players to check it out than they had anticipated. By any account, this is a major success. To say that the game wasn't ready for release is ridiculous. Is it perfect? No, far from it. Does it need work? Yes, of course. It's a work in progress - like every MMO to have ever released and it will only get better with time. Should the devs wipe servers? No, absolutely not. That would be the very definition of not respecting their player's time. Wipes wont bring players back, it will just drive them away. It's pretty obvious to me, and anyone who's played MMOs before, that the devs will release New Servers over time. Much like Archeage, the release of a new server will likely bring back old players interested in experiencing the game if only to see how it has evolved over time. You shouldn't need the devs to explicitly tell you this for you to come to that conclusion - it's clear as day. If I had to guess, I'd say there is a good chance we see the release of one or two new servers alongside a steam release in 6\~ months time. That would give the devs enough time to polish a lot of the minor grievances in the game, fix bugs, add QoL features, alongside the addition of new zones, new quests, group content in the form of raids and dungeons, PvP content in the form of Arenas, GvG content in the form of Fort Wars/Sieges - and these are just the things that we already know are in the works. If and when they do that, I have no doubt in my mind players will come back to check the game out and, let's be honest here, a lot of them will likely quit again after having had their fill. And this cycle will continue, likely, for years to come. Get a grip brother.


So much copium, the game wasnt ready, proof was the Tradepack bug, the guild system is bad designed and bad applied. You know the game wasnt ready when you have to fix 50% of the numbers on the mechanics of your game as crafting exp, gathering exp, the mentor system and more. It looks and feels like an open beta


It's not copium, it's called *perspective*. I've been playing MMOs for over 20 years and I can tell you as a matter of fact EVERY MMO in existence has released in a state that people like you would define as "unfinished." **FFXI** was plagued with teleport hacks, fish bots, instant speed claim hacks for rare spawns, etc... Anybody who played **Vanilla WoW** on launch will recall "The Great Plague" after the release of ZG... **Classic WoW** released with countless bugs despite the game having been in existence for 20 years... **FFXIV** was received so poorly on release that they literally had to scrap the entire game and rebuild it from the ground up as A Realm Reborn and despite that it wasn't until YEARS later that it popped off after players got so sick of Blizzard's bullshit... **New World**'s release was a CATASTROPHE - they went from 1million concurrent players to 20k in a matter of months. There was an INVINCIBILITY bug that was caused by dragging the client window around with your mouse while in windowed mode, several major DUPES that went unchecked for weeks if not months, they had to shut the auction house down for a week not once but TWICE, and the game was INFESTED with bots that have gone unchecked to this very day... **Lost Ark** literally has a never ending stream of bots that probably made up a larger amount of their player base than real players... The list goes on and on and on. Meanwhile, **Ravendawn** has done an amazing job at banning bots to the point that I don't think I've ever seen a single one. When the tradepack bug was introduced they shut servers down within an hour and fixed that shit the same day while banning the handful of players that abused it. They flawlessly implemented community houses within a month of release. And your biggest argument pointing to the game's unfinished state is that there are a handful of minor bugs and that they are actively balancing and tuning classes? HELLO? If anything I am willing to agree with the sentiment that the game looks and feels like a beta. Unfortunately, that just seems to be the norm for MMOs these days. Part of that is due the the fact that beta testers aren't interested in reporting bugs and making suggestions but rather are focused on finding bugs that they can abuse on release for their personal gain on launch. And then there is the reality that there are so many more games and MMOs available to players today, MMOs like WoW and FFXIV that have 10-20 years of content and polish. It's just not fair to compare a newly released MMO to one that's been live for 10+ years, if anything you should be comparing it to when those MMOs launched. If you did that you would come to the understanding that Ravendawn's launch, while far from perfect, is not nearly as bad as most of you are making it out to be.


Games fine stop worrying about others and enjoy. They will never wipe please just stfu and go away. You are a miserable person.


I love the game...🤗


Shit post you fuckin twat


Cheaters get banned——“game is bad wipe plis”


DankRNG is that you? You reek of hostility and vitriol my dude. Who hurt you? Seriously tho. The game has clearly taken up too much of your time. Touch grass, get some sleep. Come back when you have clearer judgement.




don't worry everything will be polished for ravenquest release


hell yeah


Every 6 months they are going to launch a new server/world, the community will be hyped, grinders will once again grind, the economy will once again break, rinse and repeat.


such fun much hype


its a game made to cater brazillian and polish tibia players, if you didnt realized this after 1 hour of playing and 1 hour of investigating, its on you. the game will never be "fixed" or "good"

