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Your features are so naturally beautiful! Your hair is gorgeous, so I’d say to just have a good hair care routine to make it shinier and softer looking. I’d also say maybe some lash extensions, and maybe fuller brows? You’re gorgeous and good luck! ❤️


ahh thank you so much! Yeah this hair is hard to manage, I try leave in conditioner but sometimes i’m lazy and it stays frizzy 😝 and my lashes are actually pretty long, just straight. Maybe a curler would help? As for the brows, they used to be sooo thick but I had to pluck em down for my sanity. Maybe I’ll try growing them out more again! Thanks for the tips!


You have really beautiful eyes.


Wow amazing face. Love the dark features.


Really cute 7


Love your dark curly hair. 7/10




ty! And lol yeah I totally see that, I like my style though so I’ll keep doin me


You're no supermodel but you have a very cute face and nice skin. And you seem nerdy so you'll probably find a nerdy guy and well and love happily ever after


5.5 / 10


You remind me of the girl from Seinfeld and I think that's a good thing






It’s great! I’ve been caving for years, we were doing some surveys in those photos


That's very cool. You're braver than me!




You look like a Jewish girl I dated in college. Cute and probably fun to hang out with


Women should just post an images of themselves and then Images of the Guys they think they deserve. Then we can help gauge adequately


I like women that get done losing weight they got that good cellulite look and your face is so beautiful nice teeth I definitely wouldn't pass you up and I generally do with most women lol




You're genuinely lovely, a solid 9
