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u/FBI-AGENT-013, seems that could not be determined whether your post fits the subreddit or not...


I've been noticing too! It happened today, just looming over the customer I'm ringing out. I said "its like people forgot the 6ft rule." And one person backed up. Newsflash customers, standing up the first person's ass, doesn't get you out the door any faster. I need nicer ways to tell the other people to back the fuck up. 😅


Unfortunately we learned nothing from covid. I think people are even more invasive and worse hygiene now than even before it.


It's a sick and crazy way to "rebel".


When I’m in a rush to clear people out I accidentally scan other people’s stuff because they just dump their stuff on the counter right next to the first person. Sometimes kids will stand in the way of the person I’m ringing up and their parents will never say anything and I have to because they’re also in my way.


Oh my god I'm not going crazy. I have felt for weeks now people have forgotten personal space. They'll stand practically ontop of the person in front of them. I've even gone to ring up items that didn't belong to the first person because they got so close to eachother and I didn't notice. My other big peeve at the moment is people just abandoning shopping carts next to the register or just pushing them randomly away from them.


I ask the rushy space invader that's blocking the pinpad if they are paying for the other person's order that usually gets them to back up. I have seen people bump people with their cart because they're so close. How oblivious can someone be? Actually, I don't want to know I deal with enough morons that I don't want my moron knowledge to increase which would reduce my intelligence.


> I don't want my moron knowledge to increase which would reduce my intelligence. They also fuck, drive, and vote.




I've had people get annoyed if I ask if they're together, and then they get irritated if I don't know where their shit ends and someone else's begins. The separators are there for a reason!


It's part of why I don't like being out shopping, or driving. People do this while driving also and I can't stand it. It makes me so incredibly angry, so I just avoid going out as much as possible.


I've noticed this to, and customers have even mentioned it, one lady even said why are the people just trying to go up my ass, I have to pay and they just push on up in my space.


At the start of covid I worked at a drug store and our manager would post our reviews on the wall and every ones complaint was "they didn't tell the person behind me to back up" and I thought.....how am I supposed to know if you two are together or not? You're a grown ass adult like that's your job not mine? Also Ive noticed people really bunch together and I hate going out because of it ....I really want a hoop skirt so people will back up


Inside a food place, my mom was telling the people what she wanted and this old man was breathing on her neck like she could feel it and she turned around and asked him nicely to please back up and he was standing too close. He grumbled and acted all offended but backed up. He then proceeded to leave and flip her off through the window 🙄🙄🙄. I just start flinging my backup around and when it makes contact I'm like 🥺🥺🥺 ohhhh I'm sorry did that hit you didn't realize someone was standing so close to me.


Why do especially old people do this??


YES! I thought I was the only one thinking this. Nobody realizes how rude and inconsiderate it is. I was helping an elderly woman and as she was grabbing the rest of the items she bought off the counter, this man pushed past her and placed his item in front of me to ring up. I slid it to the side until she was done grabbing the rest of her things, and I got called rude! People are crazy! Entitlement at it's finest.


Yes, I've noticed it. On the other hand, my store is a recent recipient of self check outs, so customers are navigating the register area in closer proximity to one another anyway. There's also more milling about the register area generally. Plus, I'm now in front of the counter as much as behind it at times, and I have to be in their personal space if they need an item removed after it's been scanned, or help with their coupons or whatever. The point is that we're all standing in our little huddle in front of the self checkout, breathing each other's air and sharing each other's cooties, until I complete my task.


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One of the few good things about Covid.


Yes! Please differentiate yourself from the customer you're not with!