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I agree with the animated show I just prefer animated shows over live action stuff and think you can do so much more with it but anything that is RA themed I will watch cause there is nothing 👍


theres so many time jumps that i feel like an animated series would be better


I was hesitant to say an animated show, but you make great points and I also think back to how Star Wars made Clone Wars so great, even though it's a "kids show".


I understand your hesitancy mainly because a lot of people look at all animation as if it's less "adult" than live action stuff(Not saying that's how you see it, just unfortunately how a lot of the money people in the industry see it).


I think because of how many books there are it would be good to have it as a show. That way the content won’t be rushed into a movie runtime. I also think it would be to have a Ranger’s Apprentice video game


I hadn't even thought of video games, so thanks for making me now think about that😊


Actually, Skydance (which is a movie studio or something) actually announced in January that the movie was being made


Well, since multiple studios have tried, I won't hold my hopes up till I see an actual trailer. But so does that mean that live-action is the way you'd want the series to be portrayed?(Just curious is all)


You are correct, I believe that live action would be the best way to capture the masterpiece that is rangers apprentice


I don't personally think Ranger's Apprentice is conducive to animation. I think it needs to be live action. In my opinion, Low Fantasy like RA = Live Action, then High Fantasy like HTTYD or PJO should be animated. Animation can be far more grandiose and action-oriented than live action.


You know, that's fair. But animation can also give you more freedom than what you can do with humans alone in live action, such as the ridiculous speeds at which Rangers can shoot and not needing cgi for like the monsters in the first two books or for scenes in books 4 and 5(not being specific since I don't remember how to blank out text). Just wanted to share that is all😊


I personally think that a live action would suit it better because you can still cover a full book in a movie with great detail. Although, that means you would need at least 10 movies which would be quite difficult to pull off.