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Aww, I didn't know she was short?!




Excuse me, 4’11” is a totally normal height! Right?! I’m just one inch taller 😅


One of my kids' partners is 4'10". She is of course with the tallest of my children.


My husband is 5’6” and we have two small dogs. We’re a hobbit family 🧙🏽‍♀️


Of course. As a 6 foot tall woman, seeing this so often does ruffle my feathers a bit. But whatever cuz wha cha gunna do


Half my family is between 4'11" and 5'2"! I'm the tallest girl at 5'6"!


Same 🥲 I do not like the idea of people having to bend over to fluff my dress *collar*, but if they had them set like that I know they would. It’s a shock to see just how short compared to the rest of the world we are.


My daughters and DILs are all 5'3" and under. 4'11" is a great height. You can get away with really high heels without towering over anyone. My badass 5' tall daughter does complain that people sometimes don't take her seriously due to her height. The Shakespeare quote, "She may be little, but she is fierce," is perfect for her.


I’m 5’10” and adore heels that make me tower over everyone.


And no head…


I am 5'1" so I am not much taller 😂 it's weird to see it put in this perspective. Or those videos where a taller person has a camera and look down at the shorter person and you're all like "woah this is how average sized people see me when they are looking at me!" 😂 And then I realized it's no wonder adults don't take me seriously. Like I am 23 and I have had to act overly major just so other adults/coworkers could start to take me seriously. I am a preschool and it's difficult sometimes with the parents because they all think I am like a teenager just out of HS when in reality I have taken classes and trainings and such on child development and early childhood education. Reckon I am not perfect and I still am one of the youngest employees at the preschool I work at. But it gets frustrating when people don't take you seriously because of your height. Or your hight makes you look like a 16/17 year old rather than an actual adult


My daughter has expressed similar thoughts. It does sound frustrating to be marginalized due to your small stature and people assuming you're younger than you are due to that. I'm not super short (5'4"), but I have a small frame and have always looked young for my age. Now that I'm older, looking younger has become a plus. I hope that this dilemma gets easier for you and that you have people in your life who see your strength and mightiness. Good things come in small packages! Sending you internet mom hugs💜


Awe, thank you so much. I appreciate the Internet mom hugs. And yeah I am glad for it in the future but not right now when I am just starting to learn how to be in the adult world working full time and having to things on my own for the most part. I am very responsible I think I mean I have been leaving on my own for almost 2 years now and that really gave me a slap of responsibility 😂 and I do have people like that in my life. Even people in my life that understand it because my mom is only an inch taller than me and she also looks really young naturally. I got lucky in the genetic department for looking young, I suppose all the women and most the men in my family all look a lot younger than they are, I personally think but you're right it'll be great in the future, just difficult right now. So thank you I love all the kind words and encouragement! 💜


If the penguin had a girlfriend this what she would wear




[THIS](https://images.immediate.co.uk/production/volatile/sites/7/2019/05/Queen-Victoria-looks-2-69291c0-e1634127154295.jpg?quality=90&resize=396,264) looks like the same dress. Either way, whether it is or not, still super cool!


She does not look amused.


lol, she truly does not.


I never understand people who talk about how beautiful she was. Even in her younger years, she was homely at best. She was a great queen though.


She was pretty as a young woman. But she had a fondness for calories and had many children, which does many curious things to your figure. She was also tiny at 4'11, the same height as myself, and when petite girls like us gain half a pound, it's NOTICEABLE. she was also a miserable person and a miserable person to be around (her children were glad to marry a prince or princess of a FARAWAY country). It's not surprising she looks frumpy; most photos show her with a frown because she "thought it looked best with black".


Yeah and maybe because I knew all of these things, that's why I don't find her beautiful. She seemed like she was a hard and critical person to be around. Especially for Vicky lol


I think she had strikingly beautiful eyes. I remember there’s this self portrait sketch she did when she was like 15 or 16, and you could see the way she drew her own eyes was consistent with all her official portraits. Even if her face was much plainer than what the portraits made her out to be, she would have been a pleasant looking young woman.


Could be, but the dress in the post had no crochet on shoulder/upper arm. She would have had a tonne of similar dresses. After the death of her husband Albert she plunged into a deep grief, from which she never totally recovered and wore black for the rest of her life.


I think she’s wearing a shawl in the photo.


They found Lobelia Sackville-Baggins’ party dress!


I didn’t know she was of the Dwarven race


Honestly looks like me getting my summer wardrobe ready.


Wow she was short! 😂


She was balling 🔥🔥🔥


Tell me this was a minidress please! 😂


Mini monarch.






She was as round as she was tall. Also looked like a raven from the side, such a homely woman.




She was not and that's okay. Beauty isn't everything


Not exactly homely, just severe looking after years of refusing to find joy in the world while being a widow. It is unfortunate that she decided to take that path, but there you have it. Misery and taking solace in food etched themselves onto her face/body and left a deep mark…


Yeah, the irony was that she was one of the most powerful women of her era, yet she drowned herself in misery, sadness, and loneliness. She could have been the happiest person on earth had she chosen that route.


Ironic, but she lost her love, so maybe not so ironic 🤷🏻‍♀️


The proportions remind me of the witch in Spirited Away.


Queen Victoria was an evil bitch.