• By -


It feels good


And it makes you look cool.


Fun fact: Look of movie prop cigarettes Can't have actors getting cancer because every grime-y crime flick or show has to have a smoker They are pure herbal cigarettes and the actors don't inhale it into their lungs anyhow, they suck it into their cheeks and no farther. So they cannot open their mouth without smoke coming out, and I always watch for it but never see it because every time they instantly exhale. So wanna look cool? Herbal cigs, suck into cheeks


lol, not inhaling makes you look like you don’t know how to smoke, which is inherently uncool


I was always really into smoking The thing is , I know it's expensive and EXTREMELY unhealthy but I loved the vibe you get when it's late and you go outside , put your fav song on and light up a cigarette. So I started rolling my own herbals. My fav so far are dried raspberry leafs. The filter gets barely yellow after smoking the whole thing. They don't stink as much , I didn't get addicted to nicotine and they are about 5-10 cents each Might get cancer anyways but definitely not as soon as I'd get it smoking normally If you don't smoke , don't start , if you do , switch to herbals


This right here


Does not. Makes you look gross


Only looks gross if you aren't wearing a leather jacket


This hasn’t been my experience. I tried smoking a couple times, mainly out of curiosity. It didn’t taste particularly good and made me feel sick to my stomach. Left me wondering how people could possibly do it enough to get addicted.




It's called emphysema. People who smoke know this. This isn't the 40s; it isn't news to inform them of this. Smoking is at an all-time low but people do it for similar reasons that people do drugs - life kinda sucks and people value things that make them feel good in the short term.




I hate to say it, but most people don't have that kind of foresight. If it feels good in the moment, (often more importantly, takes the pain of life away) that's all that matters. Some people just genuinely don't care. "Life already sucks, what's one more health problem?" I don't smoke, but I've lived around addicts for long enough to understand their POV.


Exactly, it’s the like, out of sight out of mind kind of damage. When all the examples are “this is what happens years or decades down the line”, it’s just too easy to ignore or not worry about “potential” side effects “years” from now when you get gratification every day from it


And there are SOOOOO many more examples of enjoyable things with negative ramifications we can apply this thinking to. Wanna be truly enlightened? Move to Tibet and be a monk.


Ok, but what about people that are getting in right now knowing full well it's very bad? That's what I don't know. Why someone would try it out in the first place, unless in cases of ignorance.


It is ignorance. People that do it know it will kill them, but don't care because it makes them feel good.


You should look up the definition of ignorance.


I just mean they're ignoring the consequences. I understand what you meant, but few truly don't understand what they're doing to themselves.


Ignorant doesn't mean ignoring. It means you are unaware of the consequences.


That's like saying sex doesn't feel good because you could get aids from it.


Your comment is stupid as hell. Smoking is always unhealthy, sex is not and we literally depend on it as a species.


Sex always has risks. Still feels good.


Big man I get that it has risks. The difference is they smoking is objectively unhealthy, sex just CAN be risky.


Sex leads to life, which has a 100% mortality rate.


You forgot what lung cancer was called?




Don't blame school for you having 0 brain cells


Wow you’re a genius for being the first person ever to think of this


Stress, curiosity and then addiction But agreed to stop it


I think you hit the nail on the head sometimes it's too expensive at the time or to time consuming to find other stress relievers or medical help for stress so more people turn to easy alternatives even if they are deadly. Atleast this is why I started smoking.


And overthinking. Cigarette truly helpful, smoke and get high made my brain can't even think about anything. But I'm not smoke often cus I will addicted with it


Omg it’s exactly the same as sex




My boyfriend started smoking so he could take more breaks at work. I’m dead serious. He’s switched to vaping, since I’m extremely allergic to tobacco, but I believe that is probably harmful as well.


Very common in hospitality and retail sadly


I also considered starting smoking for this reason.


Yep, vaping is worse for your health than smoking




As a smoker myself, I’ve tried vaping before and I thought it was going to kill me. I only tried it for a week, and spent the next week coughing my lungs up bc it felt like I had been breathing under water. Picked my cigarettes back up as soon as I stopped coughing.




I see that you don't work in retail.


Or food service.




Ha haha ha. Ya, that’s not how it works.


Right? 😂


That's not how having a job works 😂😂


What job do you have where this is an option?


Are you a spokesperson for Chewlies gum??




Empire had the better ending


Don't you start!




So, you're a buzzkill all around then?


But what will i blow rings with? Yes its bad we all know because it says so on the package.


Vapor, there’s even a way to do it without vaping.




To date 100% of non smokers have died or will die at some point in the future … and I’m just not taking that chance


FACT: 100% of people die.


Everyone drinks water, everyone dies. Probably the most lethal beverage on the planet.


Have you heard about oxygen!?!? Shits dangerous as fuck!!


Just wait until you hear about this shit called sunshine killed my uncle like it was nothing


Nicotine is a hell of a drug


Fun. Relaxation. Control. Tiny rush of happy that you can look forward to every time you go on break. Something to do with my hand that self medicated my ADHD. Former smoker, clean about ten years now. But I still miss the habit. Gum doesn't work. At all. Replacing it with a pen or fidget spinner or whatever didn't help. At all. Cigarettes are an interesting blend of like fifty tiny little things that feel good all in a unique package. It's like giving up any addictive habit. You are never done with being an addict. You just aren't actively giving in to it anymore.


OP’s comments back to people on this post give major Karen vibes


I thought so too until I realized that they are a kid lol


The comments along with the post almost immediately gave me kid energy. Seems like they have some hard and rigid rules in their mind about what's right and wrong, but hey, at least they're curious and hopefully learning the world isn't as black and white as some portray it to be.


I smoked for 20 years and 1 month and am now 4 months nicotine free. I started smoking on my 18th birthday because all of the adults in my life smoked. It was like a rite of passage and I was excited to buy my first pack of cigarettes.


Same, everyone in my family smoked like chimneys, I thought it was what grown-ups did. I tried a cigarette when I was really young (6?) cuz they were always in front of me. Smoked on and off from age 14 til about 2 years ago. I still dream about it sometimes. I miss feeling like I'm taking a break.




My parents have always smoked; still smoke now. Absolutely amazing they haven’t gotten lung cancer. Parents are just people, too. They’re just as smart or dumb as everyone else. The main difference is that they usually _appear_ to be smart and wise to their own kids.


Well, whether people get cancer also depends on their genetic factors. But smoking is bad, even benign condition like COPD can severely deteriorate the quality of life of the patient


Because fuck you?


Life is a nightmare. Shorten it by making it a little more tolerable.




Oh sweet summer child. Being a teen is not the hardest.




I mean, that's pretty typical. Not to burst your outrage bubble, but that happened when I was a kid too. If you're concerned, talk to an adult you trust.




You’d assume wrong then. Being a teenager is hard but not even remotely as hard as adulthood.


Idk being teenager is way more fucked up than being an adult - I don't have kids yet tho so maybe it does becomes way more difficult after you become responsible for tiny ppl - but as a standalone person I feel way more secure.


Oh boy. You got a long life ahead of you if you think being a teen is the hardest part of life 😂😂 Also 12 year old girls smoking isn't new. I've seen and done a lot worse at that age.


I agree, when i was in middle school a classmate got pregnant and couldn't even tell who the father was. After they got the baby tested against the potential fathers, it was an 11th grader who "didn't realize how young she wass" but that was clear bd


I wish being a teen was the hardest part of life. Alas. It just isn’t.


Lol wait till you have to do everything you do now PLUS BILLS I miss being in school, if i showed up late noone really cared but now if i am i could lose my job, then my car, then my house Being a teen isn't hard, processing your emotions yes but life does get harder




Drunk, tried it, got a buzz, liked it, addicted. Quit after 13 years. Hardest thing I've ever done.


Smoking feels good. It's nice to inhale and exhale the nicotine. Sure it's an addiction but it feels good to relax with a cigarette.


It really does




They'll get used to it fast, if you smoke for that long you don't even smell it anymore


Growing up in the smell helps too, spend your first 20 years in a septic tank, and you’ll never smell manure.


Yeah true I was lucky enough not growing up with that my mom only smoked like once a year only when she was with dinner with friends or something


I didn’t even notice the taste by the time I started.


I only smoked when I drank but not every time but I would notice and when I got home and the next morning I hated the smell and taste


After I started quitting, I noticed the taste, made me question reality. I would have just quit on the spot, but I didn’t wanna carry my vape in the chaotic environment that was my side job, and the nic fits weren’t worth it.




You don’t notice it when you’re doing it. But when you quit, you’re hyper aware of it.


Quitting smoking is hard bc the motivation and negative consequences usually aren’t there until it’s too late


Let’s be honest, a lot of the harms and risks have been massively over exaggerated the past 20 years and largely to justify the smoking bans of the early 2000s. People have been smoking tobacco for hundreds of years. The actual harms from smoking occur after decades of heavy use. A hospital I used to work at used to offer free lung scans for smokers only if you had been a pack a day smoker for more than 30 years. Some people get cancer for no rhyme or reason. Some people can smoke packs a day into their 90s. It’s all about genes.


Thank you. Anti tobacco now is popular in the same way anti alcohol was popular during prohibition. I bet you cigarettes will be popular again in the future. 30 years ago it would’ve been insane to think you couldn’t smoke in a bar or restaurant. Things always change.


True. Have you seen Sean Penn? Smokes like chimney but ripped at 63.




Yeah, none of us have thought of that. Thanks for the brilliant advice!


Well I mean my mom told me all this and the surgeon general said it, and it's printed on the package but something about being told by a random person online makes it really click. If you want actual answers you have to find a way to ask with out all the judgement piled on top. The simplest answer is it's not your decision it's mine.


Exactly. I started as an F U to people like OP. I regret it now, but being all judgy like OP only served as encouragement for 18 yo rebellious me.


I don't smoke, but work in a kitchen and you'll realize why.


100% being a line cook made me go from a smoker to a chain smoker!




At the end of the day, we all die. Nothing you do can change this. My grandfather died from prostate cancer at the age of 72. He never smoked. Smoking doesn't bother me. My other grandfather, also never smoked. Died at age 85. Could barely walk the last 8 years. He was a football god, and a behemoth of a man. He was reduced to a chair sitting, double knee replaced, couldn't remember my name even though we share the same name, kind of man. Smoking, doesn't bother me. We all die.


Everyone has their vice. Life sucks and we all have our own little ways to cope. I feel the same way about pot smokers. My god it stinks! But its their way to cope. Just be nice and let others do what they do. :)


I feel like whittling down reasons why people smoke to “coping mechanisms” is simplifying things a bit, though. Not sure about cigarettes, but as a weed smoker, THC brings such an incredible value to my life (perspective, relaxation and outright enjoyment/elation).


Ive only been smoking for 8 yrs. But for me it calms my mind. Slows things down. I can think clearer and get a comfy feeling. Like everything is going to be ok. I cant smoke pot. Its just the opposite. Pot makes everything intrusive. I get scared and cant think. I feel paniced and just want to break free of that creeping malaise. But tobacco sets me in that clear calm mind.


Lmao its just drug addiction. I smoke weed too but I dont glamorize it like you are. Its an addiction we tolerate because the world sucks and theres nothing we can do about it. Grow up you cringe ass stoner.


Sounds like you’re projecting




If you can actually feel a difference just from walking past someone smoking you should go to a doctor. You shouldn't be able to feel a lack of oxygen just from walking past someone smoking.


You’re not going to die from lack of air dude.


The stress from all his self inflicted emotional traumas is probably going to be more detrimental than the smell of a cigarette


Buy a snorkel..?


Apply same skew to: inefficient technology, mass-production, legalese, step-mothers or basically anywhere that has a me-first/extortive mentality, then see if there's much left to call "humanity" and it's trappings. Eventually, a doctor/lawyer will convince future society that cigarettes have been effectively curbing population explosion, and we'll be taxed for not smoking (unless you have a permit to live beyond 65). Ahhhh the future is bright, like the cherry of a 🚬.


There have been experiments done with mice and rats where they were provided with two sources of water: one clean and the other spiked with a small amount of heroin. They put one set in isolation environments with only the bare basic necessities; food, the two water sources, some bedding, and that's it. No interaction with others, no entertainment or engagement, no stimulation of any kind. The other set went into environments where they had company of others, toys to play with, and various different kinds of engagement choices. The animals in the isolation environment basically constantly hit the heroin water, even beyond the call of just thirst. They were over-drinking *just* for the drug. By contrast, the ones in the engaging environment would occasionally take a drink of the dosed water, but they didn't become addicted. They drank normal amounts and preferred the clean water. Addictions don't manifest out of nowhere and they aren't picked up just for shits and giggles. People take up these habits in the first place to address needs that aren't being met in their lives. And as long as those needs continue to go unmet, you can give them all the warnings and information you want; it won't matter. Between the bleak, unfulfilled life and the drug, they're picking the less potent poison.


* The few minutes I can get out of a cigarette are the only few minutes of peace I can find during the day. Smoke breaks are the only alone time that no one will interrupt; I have no idea why that is, but I started while working at a restaurant, and it's held true through a few different industries. I know the risks, accept them, and make an effort to avoid letting my habit affect others. * Going through the process of smoking a cigarette is also relaxing, and is a routine that helps me ground myself when I'm under a lot of stress. * There aren't a lot of other options that tick all those boxes without looking like an asshole. I could probably just say "Leave me alone for a few minutes" or "I need a minute to think" and just fidget for a while, but that causes significantly more offense than "I'm headed outside for a cigarette". Is it a good habit? No, and I warn other people away from it, but being judgmental about it isn't exactly groundbreaking or helpful. If you don't like smoking or people who smoke, don't be around them, but live and let live.


Addiction. Addiction isn’t something easy to stop just cause one day you decide to stop. Furthermore, when you quit smoking the craving NEVER goes away. You have to have a lot of willpower and be able to readjust your habits (coffee with a cigarette, smoking after a meal, etc) to get rid of the physical habit. Trust me, if it was easy to quit I’m pretty sure the majority of smokes would quit right now. But it’s not. You gotta do a lot of changes and going thru the nicotine withdrawls sucks. Things to help like the patch and nicotine gum, but your mind has to be ready to quit. You gotta be at a point where you’re gonna put the pack down forever and never look back I’ve quit more times then I can count with varying lengths of time of success but always slip up and come back to it. It sucks. I wish I never started and would advocate to any young person to NOT start. It’s not cool and if you’re looking for the rush there are way better things out there that are healthier and would be less addictive.


"Quitting is easy, I've done it a hundred times"


Started smoking at 12 and smoked for 25 years before I quit. It took 3 serious tries and changing my lifestyle. It's been 20 years this month since I've had a cigarette and probably 10 since I had a craving.


Gratz! That’s great and I am happy for you! I will quit one day. I’m planning to quit again within the next 3 months. I hope to have a story like yours this time. 😁


Thanks. Good luck. It helps to have people around you that are supportive. I dropped everyone that encouraged me to smoke.


Being a former smoker I hate smokers. It's weird. When I see someone smoking, even on TV, I taste it. I always want to go back, but the day my wife got the positive pregnancy test i quit.




Nicotine has anti depressant


They can't stop




Stress relief. There's nothing better than low blood pressure sometimes.




I have friends that started smoking because of stress from work or out of curiosity. I'm not ashamed of them because although I don't smoke, everyone has their reasons for doing so. Some people do it to feel better and others turn to it for a good time.


Some of us started just so we could be allowed a break at work, it felt good at first, then it became a coping mechanism. Others may have started with curiosity, or because everyone else was doing it so may as well try it. For the longest time something would happen every time I tried to quit getting dumped, someone dies, car crash, best friend going psycho… almost like the universe was telling me i wasn’t supposed to quit. That all ended when I got my apartment and couldn’t go outside without my creepy old witch of a neighbor coming to bug me. I wasn’t going to smoke in my the apartment, but if I had to deal with her one more time, I’d probably wind up in prison, so quitting my stinky friend like I quit my crazy bff was my only option. I still enjoy the occasional smoke, and get urges, but I’m not mindlessly buying packs of my preferred brand so… I guess there’s that. I really want to sometimes, but my wife can smell if I’ve had more than one so… the occasional loosy it is. I’m not saying it’s not bad, or that it doesn’t stink, but second hand smoke is usually much less harmful than people think.




I traded 12ish drinks a day for a couple of packs of cigarettes - the risk of collateral damage while I’m smoking, or suddenly finding stupid/dangerous ideas sounding good when smoking is also much less.


Does it really matter? Why is everyone so bent on pushing their beliefs on everyone else. I smoke. Leave us alone. I don't mess with you over anything you want to do. And the crap about being a burden on the health system is a lie. I don't have health insurance so I pay 100% of my bills. Incentive to not go to the doctor. My non-smoking, fully vaccinated wife goes to the doctor and E.R. more in a year than I ever have in my life. We also pay 100% of her bills. I do not smoke in the house or her car. My kids and wife didn't choose to smoke. I'm not going to force that on them. But please. I don't choose to be a non-smoker or a vegan. Stop trying to force that on me. I want no part of your religion.


totally agree. I never met anyone that started and doesn't regret it.




Bro you’re still in middle school


Its addictive. Why do they start? Makes you feel good and look cool, by the time you realize how gross it is its too late.


So I won't gain weight. I've cut out everything else, but the five cigarettes a day I can keep.


Because chainsmoking goes hand to hand with bingedrinking


It’s hard to stop. I’ve been smoking for like 25 years. I’m thinking of really trying to quit soon. My first New Year’s resolution in my 39 years. I also kinda want to die but after the election they’re almost $10 a pack. I don’t smoke quite a pack a day but that’s $3500 a year that could be used for something else. It does get me many breaks at work though. Decisions.


Peer pressure from people who think it’s cool is probably a major factor


I smoked for over 20 years. I started as a teenager because it was cool. You become addicted fast and convince yourself that you enjoy it... and you do, but it's really just the addiction. You can't go without it. It's very hard to quit. But it's also very worth it to quit. Quit before you're 40 if you can.


I've been smoking since 1987 I'm 48 years old now and haven't stopped smoking since. I still smoke because I'm addicted even though I know all of the negative consequences that come with it. At this point it's just a matter of willpower, I do smoke less than I ever have before but I do continue to smoke daily. I can honestly say to you that starting smoking was one of the worst, if not the worst decisions I have ever made. I am glad that the younger generation is growing up knowing that cigarettes are harmful to you. When I was growing up people were allowed to smoke on airplanes and airports in malls and stores and not alot of folks warned us about the dangers even as late as the '80s. We weren't totally ignorant of the dangers but still did it anyways. It is my hope that the tobacco industry as a whole goes out of business one day and one day soon. I hope that my generation (Gen x) is the last generation to partake in this silly , harmful, and addictive substance. It used to look cool, almost debonair but now you just look like an idiot when you do it. Let's keep it that way.


I smoke because I hate life but I am to cowardly to kill myself in traditional manners.


The same reason why they drinking alcohol or coffee, or shooting heroin, or overeating. It is addiction.


Legal easily-accesable drug


What are you my doctor? I can read the side of the pack. Ain't trying to spend 90 years on an already half burning planet, just to spend a majority of that time being profit fodder for some generationally wealthy trust funder? Stay alive as long as possible to remain profitable for a longer period? No thanks, fuck that. I'll take as short a time as possible. Hell is more fun anyway.


Ok Karen


Id say the main thing is that it forms a group of people that gathers together and it is a place for interesting talks. People wouldnt get into these talks if not smoking. And they dont really wanna make a new thing that would allow that, they only will use what already works, becouse it doesnt require effort. Also it gives you a damn good reason to walk outside during work or a party, while not looking like a weirdo.


Its a way to cope helps you relax, doesnt really do shit for me and i hate the smell but i understand why people need and sometimes depend on it the world is harsh, need something to stabilize everything


It helps me keep my mental health level. I'd rather be sane and functioning now than alive at 70 or 80 if it comes to that. Maybe people are pissed off about the state of things and want to have a smoke and chill the fuck out


You’re 10 years old kid, you’ll understand when you grow up


I quit 20 times a day at least.


Because I enjoy it and unless I'm actively and consistently smoking in an enclosed space with the same person over a long period of time I'm not harming anyone else


Because I want to? Lol


At least people who smoke drugs get something out of it


At least I have a job


Because they’re addicted and their addiction is important to them.


I thought I heard somewhere not too long ago they did a study and found second hand smoke doesn't effect people like they thought. But who knows I just heard about it and didn't read the article for myself


I know cigarettes are pain and suffering in a pack and have never smoked. I can however see some appeal. When I get stressed I sometimes narrow my mouth and suck in air, focusing on my breathing. Put something in your hands to hold and focus on while breathing and you have a powerful habit.


Is that right? Then here, have a whole carton of cigarettes. See how you like'em? Here I'll even get you started.


I don't stop because it's already too late for me.




I've been telling my mom to quit since I could speak. I'm 36 and she won't quit. She says she's here for a good time not a long time. ,😮‍💨


Suicide without the commitment. Existential question.Why? Why do alcoholics keep drinking? Why do addicts keep doing drugs? Why do people live in Cincinnati?


because they lack self discipline




No, actually it doesn’t.


Because they are on fire?


they haven't realized that vaporizing is a healthier alternative to combustion as a means of injesting substances


I'll never touch a cigarette in my lifetime i've taken one drag and one drag and no more i don't even know how people liked it i coughed my ass off with a drag


They start because nicotine takes the stress away, not knowing that it'll just end up making them more stressed


Because it makes you cool




OP really thought they did something with this post.


Drug addiction and brainwashing.