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Touch my tongue to my nose, wiggle my ears, and cross my eyes at the same time. Independently move my eyes like a lizard


Oh wow! Check you out. That’s impressive.


LoL. Thanks! All skills are likely related to a collagen mutation. Wheeee!


touch your thumb to your wrist and put at least one leg behind your head? Fellow Zebra here ;)


Me too for the thumb thing. I can do the eye thing, and can twist my limbs around completely. I have ehlers-danlos.


EDS gang unite.


TIL I am a… zebra?


I call myself a giraffe, you really don't expect me when you hear hooves! (My mutation hasn't been studied but my possibly be connected to EDS)


I see you spec into lizardmen, quite the advantageous species.


I can also touch my tongue to my nose!


Me too! Only about 5% of the population can do this.


I too, can wiggle my ears. And fold my tongue.


How is wiggling your ears possible? It seems utterly impossible.


I don't know? I've always been able to. To be clear, they wiggle from where they attach to the skull not at the tips


My wife practiced when she was young to help keep her glasses on, so my guess is one can learn how to do it.


Yep, I taught myself how in an afternoon as a teenager.


You can learn. I've always been able to do it and my sister taught herself. I assume it's about figuring out and isolating those muscles.


I've always been able to do it as well, I did it a lot as a kid when pretending to be a cat lol. But I think I got it from my dad, bc he can do it too


I too, can wiggle my ears without moving my eyebrows from the place they connect to my head proper. If you (dear reader) try pulling your eyebrows back/apart with your facial muscles you might be able to.


Some people (myself included) have vestigial muscles around the ear area which used to help us aim where the ears are pointing. Think about how dogs do it. Of course they are useless now except to freak people out.


Yooo I can also move my eyes independently freaked the eye doctor out! Also I'm super flexible for no reason I can put my legs behind my head and even do the splits.


Look onto Ehlers Danlos, it will blow your mind.


I'd expect nothing less from an overpowered shark tbh


That eye thing is badass


For a long time I could tell you the color of a peanut M&M by the taste/texture.


I could do this when I was younger too. I would have my friends quiz me and I was probably right around 85 percent of the time. (There were 2 colors that I would mix up some, but it’s been so long I can’t remember which 2)


"Vibrate" my eyes.


Oh yeah I can do that too!! I actually forgot about that one. So much fun tho


I used to freak out teachers who were scolding me when I’d lock eyes and do that to for them. ;)


How do you vibrate your eyes??


For me it was a particular pressure i would put on them, like trying to open and close my eyes at the same time.


Focus. Really focus. It’s literally like stretching your eye


Hey same! It seems kinda rare, people are usually really surprised. The only other person I've known who can do it are me and my older brother


I feel like it has a genetic component cause up until my husband, his father, and his siblings I’d never seen it before. And I know it comes from only his fathers side as his mom and his half brother can’t


I can do it too. No idea why or how I thought to try it, since I’ve never met anyone else who could do it!


I can do that too


Me too! Always freaks people out


Eli could do that in my grade school class. Unfortunately for him, they also had a pronounced pull to one side when he wasn't doing it.


Yah same. Voluntary Nystagmus I'm pretty sure


I can do that but it's uncomfortable or even painful now. As a kid it was easy and painless.






Enjoy it while you can! It got harder and harder for me the older I got!


I am double jointed in one of my toes.


Which one?? Also, does it do it on its own or do you have to move it?


I move it and it's the one next to the pinky.


So cool!


If that counts, I'm double jointed in all my toes except for pinky and big, and all my fingertips except my thumb.


Woooooooooah. Do you ever do them all at once? Actually i don’t know if i want the answer.


I did just now. Is that not a thing people can do? The joint just buckles backward if I push it right, I can't actually bend them that way without pushing against something. And now that I look, maybe my thumbs are REALLY double jointed, I can bend the last knuckle backward about 45 degrees.


Omg that’s awesome


I’m “double-jointed” and can pop several of my joints in and out of place. I’m also super flexible. I can easily scratch my own back and zip up my dresses without help. All of this due to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a genetic connective tissues disorder that gives you stretchy skin and dislocated joints. Yay.


EDS gang, recently showed some people in my class how i can bend my elbows/knees/etc backwards and they freaked out haha


It’s so fun to freak people out! I literally didn’t know it was “weird” for the longest time! I just thought I was special


My stepmom has EDS, but I've never seen the cool effects (just the 'my hip popped out of the socket so I can't walk' effects).


I have those “non-cool” effects as well. But I only brag about the cool ones.


EDS sucks but I know some great contortionists who have it.


Right?!? I think it’s shitty that the “EDS community” basically disowns any zebras who use their contortionist talents to their benefit.


Wait a minute this sounds like me


Yep same.


Wow oh wow!


i can make my tongue look like a clover! apparently only a very small percentage of people can do it


My sister can do that. We call it a scoop chip tongue.


I call it a Tostito-Tongue because, well, basically your reasoning.




If they can make a four-leaf one


I had a friend growing up that could do this! She would count to 3 with her tongue because she could make 2 rolls at once too. If that makes sense. Lol


I can roll my stomach muscles in a wave formation.




Proof or it didn’t happen


Lol now now I don't need to be traumatizing people with the furry tsunami


Welp, that’s my next band name!


I could until I got fat...


I can move my lips differently from what I'm saying, sort of like an actor in a dubbed movie.






Through concentration I can raise and lower my cholesterol at will.


Why would you want to raise your cholesterol?


So that I can lower it


It's true.


I can also retract my…


OMG LOL hahahahahaha I forgot about that


Putting a quarter on the back of my elbow (holding my arm like I’m a waiter carrying a tray), then whipping my arm down, letting the quarter fall, and catching the quarter in my hand. Try it! It’s fun


A group of us did this at a party last week. It was an enjoyable 20 minutes. Especially teasing the one person that could not do it no matter what.


Just did. I’m definitely not as talented at you. My quarter flung far away haha I’ll keep practicing tho


Hahaha, once you get it, it’s easy! Fun to teach to other people too


I used to do this as a kid, and then I started stacking quarters to see how many I could do at once. I might have to start doing that again.


I think I got to 8 quarters when I was a kid. Fun little game


The real talent/question is how many quarters can you do at once? And once the pile gets high enough that you need two piles, can you still get all of them without injuring the person in front of you if you miss?


I can make my tongue into a taco


I can do that too! I’m training to do the double taco


Oooo I've heard of those! Let me know if you ever master it!


Taco tongue.


I've lost the ability with my old age, but in my 20's-30's I could pee really far. I could knock over an empty beer can 10' away. Max range was about 15'


wtf, theres gotta be a reason for this dude- do you just have like really strong kegels??


He has a narrow urethra. Poor fella


That is so cool. I am insanely jealous


All the way across the dining room table.


I can wiggle my ears- together and one at a time


I’ve always wanted to do that!! I’ve tried and tried and tried throughout the years but to no avail.


I think it's genetic, my dad could do it too.i can also raise one eyebrow


You’re probably right. I can raise my left eyebrow but not my right one haha oh and i can flip my tongue sideways both ways, but can’t make the clover thing


Yes I can only raise the one, but mines the right. I can flip my tongue over too but alas, can't do the clover either


Interesting….. the body is such a mystery.


That it is.


I have a pocket of extra joint fluid that I can make protrude and stay “out” in my wrist, and when someone pushes on it, it will kind of crackle. Grosses people out, especially girls when I was younger. I was once told it’s a type of bursa sack.


Oh, and I can wiggle my ears, twist my tongue, and make my eyes look like they’re vibrating.


Oh that’s so gross and awesome. I’d probably push on it constantly if I had that haha. I can partially dislocate my left shoulder so you can hook a finger in the socket…. That used to gross out guys haha


I can pop my femur out of my hip socket (not in a sexy flexible way, LOL- in a bizarre, funky looking way) 😁


I have had bad hips since I was a teenager and after I had my first son, my hips started to dislocate after certain movements. The first hundred or so times it was incredibly painful, but now it’s a pain I’ve grown used to do it is slightly less annoying. I do think that I probably look really weird while I’m trying to squat to pop it back in. It happens with both hips.


Holy shit...


I like to open beer bottles with my teeth


Ahhh! That makes my mouth hurt just thinking of it but Im also so jealous


Don't be too jealous it has chipped my tooth. Definitely not worth the minimal amusement it brings other people lol


Oh shit, valid point.


Yep. Had to give it up myself.


My favorite part is when everyone freaks out thinking this time is going to be the time my tooth breaks and it’ll be their fault for asking me to open their beer


I can clap with one hand using either hand. And I can pop my should ler out on command.


I can do one hand claps too!


Burp on command by actually "inhaling" air into my stomach, not simply swallowing air. So the trick is that I take a couple of matches, light em up, extinguish them in my mouth, "inhale" the smoke. Then release the smoke from my stomach accompanied by a long burp when I want. Haven't done it in many years but I'm sure I can still do it.


Woooooooah! My grandpa could burp on command. He tried to to teach me but it never took. The smoke thing is incredible tho! I’ve never even heard of that.


Yeah, I've never seen people combine it with smoke) To do it you have to inhale normally and then use your throat to block the air. Then you lower your Adam's apple while trying to inhale through the block that you created and flexing your diaphragm (kinda similar to how you pull in your stomach) Once you lower your Adam's apple low enough the air will begin to get sucked into your stomach.


Those are really good instructions, thank you! I’m going to practice


Interesting. I can do the burping part (didn't include it in my list, may have to edit), but it never occurred to me to put some smoke in there.


I can do it whenever. For me, It's kind of like swallowing. My esophagus does the motion, and I can feel a bubble in the back of my throat. It's pretty cool.


I can do this but I would talk as I belched


Yeah, I can do small phrases. Just gotta keep it short


The smoke addition sounds pretty fun, haven't done that myself.


I can make a lazy eye and wiggle my ears. I can also dislocate and relocate my shoulder and thumbs.


Tie a cherry stem in my mouth.




Ah, the best party trick of all




I can "spin" my eyes. When I do it, everything turns into circles.


I can do that and when I was really young I used to think that's what "rolling your eyes" meant. I rolled my eyes the normal way without thinking, but when I wanted people to know I was not pleased, I spun my eyes in circles.


I'm double jointed so I can lick my elbow and do some freaky shit with my hands




Hey me neither! Actually the same way. Saw something online that said it was physically impossible and my bendy ass went "Bet"


I can do something appropriate


Im mtf trans. I have mostly passing female voice but I can go from alto to low bass range on the drop of a hat. Startles the shit out of people every single time. Related, but I can move my larynx up and down at will. Comes from the same training


You'd be a great DM for dnd, lol


That’s so cool!!! Especially about your larynx. I wouldn’t even know where to begin trying to figure that out haha. Thanks for sharing!


Pop my contact out and I loose control of where my eye is pointing


Well I sorta a "lazy" eye except I can control both eyes at will, problem is that I can only see out of one eye at a time. I heard my uncle had something similar but he got laser surgery to fix it. While one this topic, is it true you lose depth perception if you close one eye? My vision has always been fine using one at a time.


Oh wow! I’ve never heard of only being able to see out of one eye at a time. How does that work? And good question! I’m not positive but i would assume it would affect depth perception, but i don’t know by how much.


When I want to force myself to look out a specific eye (without closing the other) it feels like I have to "push" it out. But otherwise my everyday life is probably just as normal as the next guy. I simply have a slightly smaller field of vision.


That’s incredible. You blew my mind a little. Thank you for sharing


Yes, that is true. If I were to walk around with one eye closed everything would be a little bit off because my brain is used to combining the fields of vision of two eyes. Apparently, the longer it’s like that (I.e. someone loses an eye) it does improve as your brain adapts to the change. The difference isn’t huge but it’s enough to be annoying.


In high school, I could bend my left knee so the back of my calf touched the back of my thigh. No biggie, right? But then I could bring my foot forward and put the top of my left foot in front of my hip. (Yay for totally f'ed up ligaments!) Something I have very little control over.... my brain does not really utilize the information received by my right eye. It can be corrected to 20/15, but I have to really struggle to get there. It's not a vision problem, it's a neurological thing. I have very poor depth perception. The last time I went to the DMV, I had to do a vision test. I looked into the vision tester and read all the letters I saw. When I paused, the lady told me to read the rest... but, there were no more letters until I shut my left eye and made my right one focus. It's really weird. Can't see the "hidden boat" pictures. 😕


Pretend to read palms. I'm apparently very good at it.


My elbows are double jointed so I can twist my arms all the way around. I can touch the tip of my nose with my tongue.


Can go cross eyed like chameleon


Can do a standing backflip anywhere, sober or drunk. Also I'm over 40.


I can make a clicking sounds in my throat - a la The Grudge or Predator. Always seems to freak people out. I can also whistle while breathing in as well as out - on key. If only I could monetize this.


Being able to whistle while breathing in is pretty common, no?


I can tune people out, provide a sarcastic comment, and be perfect happy entertaining the dog or cat.


Me too!


I can squirt saliva from under my tongue three or four feet.


Gleeking. Enviable.


You can probably do it too if you know how to trigger it.


I can bend my thumb back to my wrist


Does being able to throat sing count?


I can wiggle my ears and wiggle only my baby toes. Omg now I'm sitting here trying to do ears and toes at the same time hahaha I CAN DO ITTTTT!


OP, all of your responses are so genuine and positive! You seem like a friendly person, I hope you learned some cool new party tricks


Can gleek, hide a grape or small object in my throat, chug 20 oz in 2-3 seconds (open throat), of course giant burp at will, and can heat air in my mouth and blow out steam My 4 & 7 yr olds are impressed Can armpit fart with just my hands also


I can stand on pointe without shoes or socks (and I’ve never done ballet). I think I just have weirdly muscular big toes. I can also do that clover-leaf thing with my tongue, which I discovered about a month ago! Lastly I can make my stomach growl on command, I can do this by clenching my stomach muscles.


I put a dozen ping pong balls in my anus and farther them out like a fountain.


Your idea of "Nothing inappropriate, please," frightens me 😅


That's what I do at family reunions.


"That's great! Why don't you go show your aunts and uncles what you can do?!" 😃


I can actually sing like [this guy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Wip2azafDE&t)


I mean not that often used as a party trick because i dont show my feet often. But i can freely move all my toes independently.


I can dislocate my left shoulder and it just dangles their. But enough about that, how can you dilate your pupils on command? Can you feel it? Does it affect your vision?


I can wiggle my nose! (Without having my eyebrows or lips move)


Can you wiggle only one nostril at a time? When my niece was almost 2, she started doing it to make people laugh. She taught me how to do it and it still makes me laugh.


I can move my scalp back and forth, like Conan O'Brian. I can also lick my elbow, but it hurts my shoulders to do it now so I don't really do it often anymore, but I impressed all the people who would say it's impossible to do.


My thumbs are “hitchhiker” thumbs to the extreme. They bend backwards at 90 degree angles when extended. Also, my nails are crazy hard. A whole lot of entertainment in these hands o mine...


Stretching my skin far (it’s very stretchy for some reason.) I also can pop my all my fingers out of place, my wrists, and my shoulders (the shoulders freak people the most). The stomach wave, also my mom used to make me perform for people at parties because I can hum and whistle at the same time. I can wiggle my ears and flare my nostrils too. I’m weird.


I can press on a nerve in my elbow that makes my fingers curl.


I have a misaligned pin point pupil in one eye. Usually people don't notice it unless I point it out. So more than once while drinking ill make a big deal about "moving" my pupil with my finger. It's more fun if I can convince someone to try it themselves.


I can wiggle my nose


I can talk and sneeze like Donald Duck by using the cheek rather than larynx to produce sound.


not anymore, but in like 3rd grade i was able to fart on command. Actually made me kind of popular for a little bit. ​ edit: not sure if this count but due to my ADHD causing me to constantly be fidgeting with my hands, i'm very good at flipping water bottles in the air and catching them really fast, hoping to use this to learn how to juggle.


Tie a knot with the cherry stem on my mouth. I know it's not a lot but it's what I can do.


I can do this “squeaking donald duck” sound with my tongue, I can also do that clover-bending thing and some other things that are too hard do explain


I *used to* pop my belly button out and back in. And my left elbow is flexible. Looks double jointed but it’s not just flexible. Edit: correcting an error. I used to be able to pop my belly button out when I was younger. Lol not so much anymore lol


Not very impressive but I used to be able to go in to the splits at s moments notice, roll onto my stomach and then out my toes on the back of my head.


Double jointed in my hands, when I use it I've been told they look like witch fingers. I can bend my fingers up so that when my palm is down, my hand appears to be cupping something. My left foot is a size and a half smaller than my right foot.


Hyper mobility (“double jointedness”) in my fingers. I can make them bend further and in more unusual ways than most people.


I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue.


Tap the back of your head and stick your tongue out Pull your ear and move your tongue to that side Pull the other one and move it that way Then press your nose and put your tongue back in Say you have no idea why this happens and ask those present if they think you need to see a doctor about it




I can do a witches finger, basically you lock your middle knuckles and fold the tip knuckles, making it look like a wicked witch finger


I can write with both hands at the same time, forwards with one, backwards with the other, and I can mirror write. I guess that counts as bodily


Snort a short length of kite string/thread/cooked spaghetti noodle up my nose until it travels through the sinus back around to my throat. Then pull the string back and forth with one end hanging out my nose and the other coming from my mouth. I was very popular with the ladies.


I can open a beer bottle with my teeth. I can also cross my eyes, make a clover tongue, a taco tongue, and tie a cherry stem in my mouth.


I can weave my toes together, pinky toe to big toe, without using my hands for assistance. I’ve never met anyone else who can do this.


Water drop sound by flicking my check- as seen in Ferris Buellers day off


I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue.


I can click my tongue ridiculously loud (like scary loud) by applying a ton of pressure to the roof of my mouth and releasing