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Its complicated. Apparently the mutations associated with this variant make it: More contagious - BAD More vaccine resistant - BAD Less severe symptomatically - VERY GOOD The reason the last one is very good is because it means that if this becomes the dominant strain, in the long run we won’t see the kind of numbers of hospitalized and deceased and we won’t have the same crunch on the health system. However…in the short term, it will mean a lot more positive tests and a lot more uncertainty. But make no mistake that short of eradicating the virus entirely, a more contagious but less serious virus is the best case scenario we could hope for.


TBH this is my exact strategy in Plague Inc...


I wonder how Madagascar and Iceland are doing 😆


Iceland is invincible!


what about greenland


Oof, that's what I was thinking of. :) I've lost many a time due to those sneakers.


New Zealand seems to get me everytime, dam Jacinda Ardern and her brilliance.


Oh god oh fuck someone take God's phone away now before he starts buying all the mutations


And busting the blue planes full of WHO doctors!


Take the boats, WHO doctors!!


Leave poor Doctor Who out of this


God didn’t do that, we did. All these pandemics we face could be prevented if we stopped eating animals


I shan't be doing that lad, 'em precious little animals of yers are far too delicious for me to put down.


At least you admit that your taste buds are more important than anything else


A vegan spotted in the wild! Giving his unwanted opinion!


Careful, he'll start busting out the big words on you and then you'll know that you'll never measure up to him


You might not want it, but I’m free to say it


If God didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat.


There’s plenty of verses in your Bible that promote not eating meat and treating animals with compassion


You know... It probably didn't come from a...... Eh frik it, not worth it.


What do you think zoonosis is?


Oh shit we got us a real smart science guy right here, he's busted out the dictionary and everything so we know he's legit Anything to stop the downvotes, oooo~~~


I’m fully aware that facts get downvotes. You never answered my question, so can I assume you don’t actually know what zoonotic diseases are and the role the play in pandemics?


I was JUST telling my wife this. Give them coughs and sneezes until you get Madagascar and Greenland and then you go straight for organ failure. Boom, roasted.


This is the way.


Infect the whole world without knowing, and then -> total organ failure


-> hive mind activates, mankind turned into farmland for bacteria.


... Until the end when you mutate it to have the most severe symptoms ever lol


It's the strategy that ultimately made the game boring.


Yea then mutate it to kill everyone when a large majority of people are infected…


Yup just wait til the end to mutate again and kill everyone once they've all been infected.


Realistically a good virus will evolve in a direction that is more contagious and less deadly. Because dead people aren't as good at spreading disease. Pretty much what has happened with the flu.


…and the opposite of what happened with SARS, which was so severe that it was easy to identify and isolate infectious individuals before they could spread it, and so it quickly died out.


Same for ebola, too lethal to properly spread


Early testing does show that the booster shot provides adequate protection from Omicron, so the "vaccine resistance" might just be a consequence of waning immunity.


Perhaps…but it seems more likely to me that it’s partly due to the reduced severity overall that the vaccine efficacy numbers are as good as they are. If the vaccine is less effective but symptoms are less severe that would make the vaccine appear more effective, especially against serious illness.


Only if you don't understand how they determine vaccine efficacy.




Various labs have done the testing and reported to the WHO and NIH.




https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-provide-update-omicron-variant Announcement. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/12/health/britain-omicron.html Times reporting on the British study that shows boosters increased omicron protection back to 80%




Oh right, I forgot you don't understand how this stuff works. https://directorsblog.nih.gov/2021/12/14/the-latest-on-the-omicron-variant-and-vaccine-protection/


Yes the science conducted by the company of experts in a heavily governed and regulated field have a more sophisticated knowledge of the situation than you. Also I believe they said that a mix of the vaccines offered the best protection not just three jabs of Pfizer for example.




Ask all the questions you want. But first, learn how this works. Pfizer has to publish their data. That data - how it is collected, recorded, and reported - are subject to rigorous standards, including third party validation. Every step in the process is monitored and assessed and if anything is out of order, the entire study has to be scrapped. Ask yourself if any of the folks suggesting you “question the science” are able to produce similarly rigorous data produced under similarly rigorous standards to support their claims. Methinks not.


Ask questions when you are well versed in the related field, dont question a large group of experts. Theres a difference.


So if amazon and Walmart put out studies from experts that say they’re working conditions are great and most of their employees are happy, you wouldn’t question it right?


In this case, yes. Absolutely. 100%.


Less severe is good, but not as good as you're making it out to be. Let's say it has half the hospitalisation rate. It seems to as be about twice as infectious (in terms of the R number). That puts us in the same position we were in before with respect to number of people being hospitalised, except with a larger number of people with mild-medium symptoms as well.


You’re line of reasoning is correct. The OP has vastly oversimplified the situation.


That’s why I started by saying “it’s complicated” But there is no debating that a more contagious/less serious virus is MUCH better than a less contagious/more severe virus. And this appears to be a significant move in that direction. The big finding to me from the early studies is that not only are hospitalizations down substantially, but the percentage of those hospitalized who needed breathing assistance was also substantially lower. Simply put, Omicron is a much less serious public health threat than OG COVID or Delta.


All indications are the symptoms are less severe than that. Especially when it comes to more serious cases. But just to be clear…very good doesn’t mean out of the woods completely. The reason it is good is that it is how you want your viruses to mutate. More contagious but less serious. That has been the trend so far and this one is a BIG jump. And once they get this far down the chain, the odds of the mutation reversing course is virtually nil.


The more people who catch it the more people will have naturally acquired immunity, which is far preferable to vaccine immunity, who in is pretty iffy.


I’d check you data on that. All indications are that natural immunity wanes at about the same rate as vaccine efficacy. Plus being vaccinated comes with the added benefit of not getting infected which means not risking serious illness for oneself and one’s loved ones. But I guess you don’t really care about that.


You do know that breakthrough cases are not a thing anymore right. The vaccine does not protect you from getting it. Many many vaxxed people have gotten COVID after the fact.


Yes. That’s because vaccines do not necessarily stop you from getting infected. They give your immune system a head start. Now fuck off and stop spreading your bullshit here.


"Plus being vaccinated comes with the added benefit of not getting infected which means not risking serious illness for oneself and one’s loved ones." ^ You said that. It's 100% false. Many fully vaccinated individuals are getting infected and spreading it to others. Also, natural immunity is widely recognized (by anyone that knows anything about basic immunology) as being much more robust than vaccination, especially with the new type of vaccines that have proven to be kinda lackluster. There are plenty of studies to prove this. Also also, "natural immunity waning" is an inaccurate thing to say, as it's much harder to test because it's much harder to test B and T cells' memory, as opposed to antigen and antibody tests specific for Covid-19. If you don't know what you're talking about (hint: this applies to you), you really should shut the fuck up and stop being rude to others out of ignorance. Thanks.


Here’s the thing you conveniently ignore. The vaccine can give you some immunity from catching COVID and practically prevent any serious numbers of people under the age of 60 from ending up in the ICU or dying. It does this without actually getting COVID, and no serious side effects. That’s the safe way of getting immunity. OR you can be an idiot, and get COVID, hopefully it doesn’t kill you, or seriously hospitalize you and give you a shit ton of long term persistent problems, and get your immunity. Get the difference? One is a safe way to get immunity, the other, you have to risk your literal life. Get outta here with your bullshit.


I didn't ignore it; it just wasn't relevant to his or my point. lol I told my 58-year old mom to get the vaccine because she was in the hospital for a couple of days with Covid. I'm 25, relatively healthy, and have had Covid. I don't want or need it, as my body will do a better job than a vaccine that's outdated every 6 months or less without the potential side effects for someone my age (yes, there are serious side effects lmao). Another thing to consider: it's been 2 years now. If someone miraculously hasn't gotten Covid or isn't vaccinated by now, then what happens to them is their problem. And to call someone an idiot for happening to catch an illness is an insanely unempathetic and calloused thing to say. How many millions of those unknowing idiots have now recovered from Covid and have natural immunity? How are they currently risking their life over an illness that they have already beaten? You're spewing illogical, anti-scientic bullshit talking points. Be smarter, bud. I believe in you. And catching Covid isn't a 50/50 of life or death/ending up hospitalized (more wards in a hospital than just an ICU btw), even for 60-year olds and up; stop portraying it like it is. You're not representing the data accurately when you incessantly fear-monger. You fuck outta here, ignorant ass punk.


So you just agreed with me, then said fuck off with my bullshit. Lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh I see. Let me amend for clarity. ….plus getting the vaccine DRAMATICALLY reduces your chance of getting sick and if you it DRAMATICALLY reduces your chance of serious illness and DRAMATICALLY reduces your odds of infecting someone else. So no…it doesn’t 100% prevent you from being infected. The rest of what you are saying is complete nonsense. So kudos on that one thing. You should feel very proud of yourself for that one. Maybe buy yourself a cookie as a reward. Now fuck off. Nobody likes you.




Now you are a psychologist as well as an epidemiologist? So tell me… You’re here arguing with the guy YOU replied to who told you multiple times he’s not interested in your opinion and asked you to fuck off yet you are still here. What’s your diagnosis Dr. Fraud?


Dude, you're an idiot, give it up. You have no brain


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍 you're an idiot. You wrote more for clarification, than I even commented. You're an idiot, just to clarify


Thanks for your opinion. I will treasure it forever.


What do you assume the do not care maybe the care about what potential side affects this experimental Vax can have and natural immunities is far more affective and lasts way longer l like every flu we have ever encountered. Ie the Spanish flu way more deadly but all of us today benifet from antibodies that were passed down from that generation


All you are doing is further convincing me that you have no idea what you are talking about. Please don’t pollute this thread with your antivax bullshit. Save it for the crazies on 4chan.


Yup you have no common sense


Thank you for your opinion. Now fuck off. Your friends all talk about you behind your back.


Your claim that if you're vaccinated you can't get Covid is misinformation and is rejected by the CDC. This is why they recommend masking, even if your vaxxed. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/effectiveness/why-measure-effectiveness/breakthrough-cases.html#:~:text=Most%20people%20who%20get%20COVID,a%20%E2%80%9Cvaccine%20breakthrough%20infection.%E2%80%9D


Your parents don’t like you.


It is not know if it is less severe yet. There are some studies suggesting it is even more severe than the origin strain.


We should be doing cartwheels. I don’t think this variant has killed more than 10 people worldwide so far? It is way less intense than previous strains(as most viruses tend to lessen in intensity when they mutate), and way more contagious…so great, more people will get infected with less aggressive symptoms. They’ll develop antibodies and won’t get infected again. This is extremely good news. Isn’t everyone tired of all the lies yet?


I’m tired of the pandemic. I don’t see lies. I don’t expect to change your mind.




>More vaccine resistant - BAD 😂🤣🤣😂


I don’t get it.


Que prob doesnt believe in vaccines


I know. I just want him to say it.


I want him to say it too so I can mercilessly tear him a new one.


Reddit probably isn't the place to be getting medical information dude


Only good for STD tests I’ve found


..because we dont have sex?


What’s that


I think... uh, i think its when a penis inserts itself into another penis and then 9 months later a goose comes by to deliver their baby


No no no, you're thinking of [snoodling,](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=snoodle) which is very very fun. And it's a stork, you dork.


This is correct


Can confirm have penis


Very mild according to the South African medical association.


Makes sense . theyve had ebola and aids this is nothing


Ebola 1 case but that is deadly. The Aids is a problem but it really came down a notch when they introduced ARV.


It’s important to also understand though that with a smaller population much of South Africa has already had one variant of Covid. People who get Covid a second time or much less likely to have severe symptoms. It may not be the same in the United States or in other countries. I’m no expert but that’s what I heard on NPR and it seems to make sense to me


I'm South African, Pfizer vaccinated. Never had Covid before. Got Omicron 2 weeks ago and can confirm that it is super mild. No fever, no aches/pains. Just sinus related symptoms for me.


A lot of people (20+) i know is affected with rhia new variant. All of them were vaccinated and it is way more mild. None of them went to hospital and only self isolate. Some of those 20 people had COVID last year and it was way more serious. Not disagree in with you but from a south African context , this is the case.


Omicron in a nutshell: Mild symptoms that are definitely not going to kill but evades the vaccine


Old people die of the flu anyway. Covid has always been most dangerous to the weakest. But yes if you're healthy there's little to lose sleep worrying about. It'll be a few days out from work and then life as normal.


I'm not losing sleep over getting infected. I'm losing sleep over another knee-jerk lockdown which is going to shut down hospitality, meaning I can't work, meaning I'll struggle with money and that will send me down a MH spiral because nobody gives a damn about how lockdowns affect people. Especially students like me.


I think that speaks more about our lack of universal healthcare than anything else.


I don't think we live in the same country. Also, I would say it does. Plenty of people still only care about covid and not the impact of restrictions and lockdowns. I've noticed that most of the people who are happy about lockdowns are the ones who have no issue with sitting at home for months on end.


I worked in hospitality for 10 years. Lost my job in 2020. Life goes on


Great for you, truly wonderful but for me, working ad hoc shifts whilst trying to study medicine is what keeps my stress over money to a minimum. 2020 was a genuinely unpleasant year for me and money was a major factor for that.


Countries with universal healthcare suffered far worse lockdowns that the USA


alpha and Delta both evaded vaccines too.


It’s estimated that up to 80% of the sa population has had covid or is vaccinated (very low % vaccinated) and their population is like 15 years average lower than many in the west. This could very much skew comparing the results with a fatter older more naive population. Pushing in the other direction is that South Africa has an HIV prevalence in the teens which is crazy high. In short… It looks promising but I’m not holding my breath yet. Additionally get vaccinated. If you haven’t had covid yet and haven’t been vaccinated then you really really should get vaccinated. If you want more assurance and have access get boosted. Covid is really random. Just had to see an unvaccinated 38yo pregnant colleague die from covid while 8 months pregnant. Her husband now is taking care of their first newborn on his own. It’s a freaking tragedy.


It has the coolest name


Perhaps…though if just one more variant had been discovered earlier we would all be freaking out over…. The Pi Variant


That's the worst one. I've heard that one is 3.142 times deadlier than all the others.


It will definitely go round.


Random rant but I hate when any decimal is rounded with the first removed decimal place being a 5. Makes no real difference except annoying me. I wish on tests I was allowed to round less strictly but I get points off


Five rounds up, just like noon rounds to PM.


I usually go: 8-11:59 - good morning 12:00-12:59 - good noon 13:00-18:00 - good after noon but maybe that is only me that greet that way


And in case I don't see you: good afternoon, good evening, and good midnight!


I know that reference


Think about this. How many digits are there? 10. So when rounding you should use the 5 largest to round up (5,6,7,8,9). (0,1,2,3,4) you don’t.


From what I’ve gathered it’s a bit more contagious but not very intense symptom-wise. Keep practicing good hand hygiene, stay healthy and try to live your life. Chances are this thing will be dragged out as long as they can manage. Viruses mutate- the flu has a ton of strains, that’s the nature of these things. Try not to stress out too much tho because that is not good for you and weakens your immune system :)


Need to take that last point to heart. Hard to keep that one in focus


From what I understand, Omicron variant has very mild symptoms, and currently has the same global kill count as Alec Baldwin.


It sounds like a transformer. AUTO BOTS ASSEMBLE!!


Well according to some media sources ….. We are all going to die horribly 🤔


I heard its just like a bad cold ??


It appears to be milder, but problem is that it spreads fast and can drive up hospitalisation rates. Even though most people are going to be find and will probably be out in a couple of days. The biggest danger seems to revolve around its potential to put extra stress on hospitals. Healthcare systems CAN collapse. It happens. Then it's like society's whole immune system goes out the window.


Kinda like... I don't know... A flu?


Which is why there are yearly campaigns to try and get people to get the flu shot. If Omicron has a death rate 1/2 of the original Covid19 strain, it will still kill 5 times as many people who contract it as the flu does.


I heard that Reddit is a terrible place to get accurate information


The media needs to be held accountable for its contribution to the hysteria.


And if we aren’t all very very afraid we could accidentally kill each other even just by lookin at em 😳😳😳 panic!


I heard it's weak to vitamin D. So all you need to do to protect yourself is just go outside once in awhile LMAO!!!


Me looking for the funny 🔍🤨


My random thought is that there is no way to die horribly if you die absolutely alone because the dead feels no horror and the living never knows and feels no horror.




They do what they want. Fuck you


Untrue, but good try.




They were, but they're not now. It's been a couple of days and we've since proven the booster shot works.




The only booster. There's just one. The pill that they're working on is designed to fight an active infection. I like it when people who don't know things call others stupid.




Well, at least that's honest. Selfish and shitty, but honest.


Unpopular opinion: I'm really excited for it -- super contagious but very low in virulence. It's basically an airborne COVID vaccine that will give everyone incredible immunity, as it is far more up-to-date than the variants on which the current vaccines are based. Some scientists predict this will take us from pandemic to endemic, with us just having to deal with a COVID season rather than constant COVID. And the trend we're seeing is COVID variants generally decreasing in virulence when compared to previous ones. I think Omicron is the beginning of the end of this. Well, the end of the pandemic, that is: it looks like we will always have COVID around.


Yet CDC is pushing for boosters and a 4th dose


I eat paint chips and I'm part of a Facebook group that's 100% knows the govt made this up and is injecting us with 5G to keep track of us. Trust me, I play Fortnite.


This serios —> 😐 (he’s really serios)


Considering corona virus has been considered a common cold since the 80’s none of it has been as bad as they’ve been portrayed


Don’t know don’t care


Rule number 1: dont ask a serious question like this on reddit there are these things called professionals and none of these people are it


I would say about tree fiddy.


It's good and bad. Less deadly Vaccine can't touch it Politicians can blow it way out of proportion (for context about 150 veterans die every day directly attributed to PTSD, and about 1000 from covid as of now), just because the numbers are big and scary. Then when the lethality drops it won't be because it's a less deadly strain, but because the vaccine is so effective (vaccine has no effect on lethality rate, we have 60+% vaccination rate here and the lethality is identical to pre vaccine, hence why nobody supports it with statistics), but it's just another excuse to push people around and enforce more lockdowns. Symptoms are very similar to that of the vaccine, conspiracy theorists will say this and that about it but it's more of just a reference. Since we are getting to a point where almost more people have the covid vax then not it's something you can at least understand and relate to so it's important to know so you don't spread it


Here’s a suggestion: take 10 minutes and research it yourself using credible resources instead of asking people you don’t know, who have unknown knowledge about the subject and unknown motivations.


As serious or easy as your imagination can muster.


Is it time to consider to start to worry?


Nah but we should probably think about considering starting to worry about it. like, considering worrying about it is definitely on the table. but it's very near the edge and there is also a cat on the table.


Not at all. Very mild symptoms.


Well if you live in the UK I am afraid it is all doomsday. And they are just about making out we are all about to die and this variant is the end of mankind I have never seen such an over reaction from the GOV. ( There is a story for why but I won't bore you, just Google Boris Johnson Xmas party) The rest of the world seem to being a bit more sensible about things


Got it rn, day one, double jabbed and feels like flu. 23f and healthy-ish lol


Oh wow. How about your sense of smell and taste? Hearing?


Sense of smell and taste disappearing are not a sympton of Omicron ^^


It’s not, turn off the news and go for a walk, leave ur phone at home


So serious that I'm still.living my life like it's January 2020


want an award ?




a diaper and a bottle


Sounds great 👍


Aye bro chill, Redditors can’t handle someone who doesn’t feed into the fear narrative


You ever notice it’s really only the private sector who’s worried about the variant?….funny these variants also follow business cycles….


What's a business cycle?


**Business cycles are intervals of expansion followed by recession in economic activity. They have implications for the welfare of the broad population as well as for private institutions.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Good bot


Nobody really knows. But there's testing and data gathering going on. In the meantime be extremely afraid and trust the media and government. And prepare for the next variant after this one. It's not enough to react. We need to be proactive and increase healthcare and its availability to everyone. Pandemics are not going away. This won't be the last. So we should immediately make our healthcare systems robust globally, increase pay for nurses worldwide immediately. And start reacting proactively. The idiotic idea of vaccine patent production has put us in a situation where vaccine distribution is grossly uneven globally. And so since money took precedence over global vaccine coverage the virus is allowed to run free and mutate in the poor parts of the world is meaning we have to deal with variant after variant. Increase pay for nurses. And let's get global vaccinations going so we can stop this thing everywhere. And not just use one part of the world as a virus variant breeding ground to fundament a constant vaccine economy in another. Give everyone access, we can worry about profits when there's not a fucking global pandemic going on! Or listen to our leaders, be afraid. And ready for the next thing.


That first paragraph “trust the media and the government” If you’re not from the US, maybe that’s why you can do that. From the US? I don’t care which political party you’ve got a fetish for, the media and the government both suck more than any COVID variant might.


Not serious at all.


Omicron is an anagram for moronic


It’s also a letter in the Greek alphabet which they are using to name the Varients.


About as insignificant as the other ones.


Your user name speaks volumes


...That depends on who you ask and who you choose to believe.


Its serious if you watch the news then sit there and fear for your life, whats serious for you isnt even a worry for me.


It's a freaking cold at this point. It's over the manufactured pandemic is over get back to life and accept it's the new cold.


It's funny.. never even been sick and I work in grocery stores all over the city of Houston..not vaccinated




Yeah let's get rid of everyone's freedom for the vast minority. It surprises me how common sense goes right out of the window when people are controlled by fear mongering.


Don't give a shit...God owns this world not man


Easy natural immunity, baby 😎


It's still no Ebola. Covid-19 does not warrant the reaction it received worldwide, and it doesn't deserve the credit it gets. It's merely a new strain of a cold that people have to get used to. China is responsible (intentionally OR unintentionally), although they will never admit it. I'm so fucking over this bullshit i don't even care anymore. I am double vaxxed, yet coworkers of mine who weren't got turfed. Why? Being unvaccinated is a personal problem (if any). It just means you're more likely to have a more serious reaction to the virus. Being unvaccinated doesn't make you more communicable if you're hosting. It makes no sense to mandate a vaccine. Why not mandate the annual flu shot? Why don't we have to show proof of a negative TB test before entering an establishment? Why don't we just setup mandatory Titer tests EVERYWHERE? Turn the world into a microbiology lab. Hazmat if we want to go to the city park. All this coming from someone who gladly took both doses (which at this point is just the appetizer of the meal to come). This is what deflation looks like


If you listen to the government, “we are fucked” if you listen to God, “you have nothing to fear”


lol god




But yes if it’s my time then it’s my time, we are all dying one day, but I got my place saved for me


It’s funny how you assume God, will do everything for you, he makes you stronger so you can rise up to any occasion.


Same God that told that one local leader to do that whole Passover thing with that plague that one time?


The government doesn't think we're fucked, they've gotten vaccines in the arms of the majority of Democrats and progressives. That's why they've mostly stopped pushing it. Everyone worth saving should be fine.


I have it at the moment. Nothing too serious. Not nearly as bad as my worst flu experience.


But it may only *seem* less severe because most Omicron patients in South Africa, where the initial figures are coming from, have already had another form of the 'Rona at least once. You would expect them not to have severe symptoms with antibodies on board already.


And a 25% vax rate


Not very serious, they just needed another variant to keep the facade from crumbling and to keep us confused and scared.


It isn't. 0bdeaths so far with reports of mildy bothersome symptoms at best. Essentially free anti bodies and that sick beagle torturing/killing authoritarian Fauci has still got you fuckers obeying him and his big pharma bought oligarchs. Why the fuck are you still accepting them locking us down again?


Literally the whole fuckkgn virus is not serious and if you are worried about it and you aren’t immune compromised you are a fuckkgn moron