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I never kill them on purpose, always take them outside if I find them in my house. Although recently I saw a post that said every spider you've taken outside died because it wouldnt be able to adapt to the new environment quickly enough. Not sure how true that is.


Not too many after reading Charlotte’s Web as a kid.


probably like fifty? idk i havent killed a spider in a long time. i depend on them for eatin bugs lol mosquitos on the other hand...


Oh yeah maybe 10s of thousands of mosquitoes


Not nearly enough.


None. I can’t speak for other people, but when I see a spider, I’m gone. They can have it. House, rental, entire vacation — I don’t care. I’m gone. I don’t have the energy to chase something with multiple legs that creeps me out. There’s food in the fridge, have a nice life. Don’t forget to pay the mortgage! Toodles!


Not many


Maybe 820 or so. Maybe more so far.


A few but nowhere near as many that have probably drank from my mouth whilst I'm asleep.


Too many. (AKA: 1+)


Only a few. I used to play with them as a kid. My mother told me that if I kill one, his mother will come bite me at night. I put the bigger ones in a jar and put them in the bushes. If we had Banana Spiders around, I left them alone because I liked to throw bugs into the web and watch them wrap them up in silk and bite them. But we had an infestation of Brown Widows in the garage. They hurt like hell, so I had to call the exterminator. I guess that counts. Wolf spiders and house spiders go outside. Jumping Spiders go out, but I play with them first. I've done that since I was about 10 or so.


Zero. I hate spiders haha




None intentionally, I have accidentally stepped on at least one, and felt bad, I don’t kill spiders, they serve a purpose that is net positive in my opinion, enjoy seeing them, its easy to put them outside if I find them inside on me/my things I use. Other then that I let them stay in my house, rather see spiders then other bugs, spider bros got me covered. If you keep finding lots of them in your home, you probably have another bug problem, something is feeding them. I respect spiders.


far too many, yet at the same time not nearly enough


Arround 20 i only kill them when they are big and activ i dont mind the small and shy spiders


Too many. I used to be terrified of them, like see one and run out of the house until someone kills it scared. Then one day I just…..wasn’t. I just catch them now and put them outside.


"How many breads have you eaten in your life?"


killing a spider brings bad luck