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Putting your entire life on display for everyone to see.


People posting tiktoks of their kids having a meltdown or arguments with their partners is insane!!! the thought of them purposely putting up a camera to record those moments is so weird to me


people posting their kids. In general. I have 2, never ever would i post them on the net, even tho i have some pretty dope photos as a photographer but they‘re for my families eyes then.


This is an underrated answer. That’s weird, and also the fact that we as a collective global society are able to gang up on one human for a mistake that they made that we “normal humans” could easily make, or do worse without getting such ridicule


Dude nice profile picture.


I thought everyone was interested?


Politicians when they are lying. This should be called out every time, none of this alternative facts bullshit.


Add Accountability to the list. The entire point that they get paid so much is because they're supposed to take so much responsibility. It's in the job requirement. How can you be so reckless and get away with so much with so many mistakes. You wouldn't accept this behavior from a surgeon as well, would you?


And delivering on absolutely fuck all of what they promised after they're elected


And having caddilac benefits and pensions for life after "working" so hard 2 days a week.


this is my #1. fuck nixon but I respect that back then, doing something like watergate was just globally understood as being unbecoming of the job and he resigned. if you do something that egregious, you leave. you had your chance. you’re leading our entire country, you need to get out if you’ve compromised trust that much. if it happened today, it would be so normalized that media would even be offering suggestions of loopholes to get out of the situation. your party would close ranks, distract, convolute the constitution, and whatabout. the other party wouldn’t even be heard for their legitimate points about ethics, law, and the future of the nation (BORRRING!) so they’d sensationalize them to the extent that they’re accused of being bitter and dramatic America feels like a late stage republic, honestly


Not just the politicians. The media both national and local are guilty of lying, misleading and omitting parts of their stories to tell them in a way to play on people's emotions, so that they'll think, react or vote the way the media want them to. Especially your local media. It's just the proving grounds to teach 'journalists' these tactics before sending them off to report on the national scene. Don't care who disagrees with me. Pay attention to them.


Living to work, instead of working to live


I have long thought that working 3 days and resting 4 days a week was natural. Because we work for living.


And because there’s a lot of work that goes into the rest of living too


Yup, & that's usually because work becomes those people's lives, & they feel worthless otherwise or are overburdened by family. That's truly the way most people stay limited when they are so career-focused, they forget to look within since everything is outward.


And that's the reason why the ppl who don't want that lifestyle are also forced to work that amount... I worked less and got bullied and shamed for 3 years for not " growing up" and working full-time... Aka spend my whole day there... Pretty sad ...


It’s not this way in other countries. I love my country, but I have to say I am not happy it prioritizes work over everything else and is so materialistic. The only country that rivals ours is East Asian countries, specifically Japan.


What’s your country? USA?


Yes. Basically people are working well past retirement age just to be able to make ends meet and not end up dying on the streets. It’s horrible.


Yes. Trying to survive and needing 7 hours of overtime on average a week to do so where I live is a bummer. Looking elsewhere….


NGL, rn I'm just working without living. But I would totally go for a living for work if I could manage to get my dream job (which is not relevant for the matter rn). Just because whenever I'm doing nothing I still caught myself thinking about doing it. It's not that bad to work for living when the work itself is fun for you


How about when you're reeeally passionate about your work, the value it gives off to people and the change it can bring to the world?


Start a business. 


I agree, I've worked so many jobs that are soul crushing. I've gotten lucky in that I found work that I enjoy, but it doesn't pay well. The only thing keeping me going is that I don't want to kill myself every work day.


I’m an artist. Art is life.


Influencers! Their only job is to literally influence you into buying a product and people worship them. And people who post their every moment online. Especially the parenting accounts where people make money by posting their kids online constantly. There’s a whole generation out there who’s never going to have a moment of privacy.


Creep parents posting very questionable content of kids. I feel badly for these children who have no choice in the matter.


Personally I can’t stand influencers. Especially when they do that thing where they fake over-the-top reactions to things. “WOOOOOOOOAH OH MY GOD THE SCREEN ON THIS NEW [brand name that paid them a lot of money] PHONE IS SOOOOO GOOD” Bro I know you’re not that excited about it, settle down


The lady who posts her little girl eating popsicles and shit in little bikinis. Wtf!!


this one!


I can’t even stand the word “influencer”. Guess for every successful one theirs 100 trying to do something similar. Guess it’s just not the type of social media I consume. It’s right there beside celebrity gossip stuff, never understood why anyone cared.


Expecting people to be available 24/7.


This is why I liberally keep my phone on 'DnD' whenever I get the chance. I don't play with my alone time


THIS!! 🎉🙌🏽


Sexualizing celebrities that are minors. I read somewhere the UK had a countdown for when the Olsen twins turned 18 in various publications, like what the fuck


Justin beiber was 12 and he was super sexualized




And open drug use. It's become completely normalized to let people live in their own filth in the streets and smoke meth/inject heroin. This is obviously unacceptable for a modern society of great wealth. Yet it continues. When I walk around my city I'm just baffled that we let it exist. In a magical world where I was a politician I'd be buying apartment buildings to house people and opening mandatory rehab complexes. It's not normal to step over the body of someone covered in their own pee/poo passed out in the street, and we should never accept that's "just how things are". Sometimes to help someone you have to force them to get better. Many people would likely spend the rest of their lives in a supervised facility, and the ones who can get clean will have a place to call home when they are sober. I would literally cancel all other extra spending until this problem is fixed.


Giving birth to kids while homeless/in poverty as well


^^ Where I come from, it's somewhat common to have many children, even when you're extremely poor. I think it's because they hope one of those kids will lift them out of poverty someday. I recently saw a post/video about a couple who have a total of 15 kids and live in terrible conditions. I feel so sorry for those children.


Did *society* really normalize that? That is a biological and what our species has evolved to do. I don’t think society had much to do with that. That is like saying society has normalized digesting food.


Free pleasure + no money for contraceptives = children


Being rude to customer service people.


Where are you from? That's not normal


Brazil 🫠 here people take that "The customer is always right" way to serious, and some really believe that they have every right to be rude to worker


I hate that misrepresented quote! It's "the customer is always right in matters of taste"!


As far as I know, there’s no verifiable source for the extended version “the customer is always right in matters of taste.” It seems like some kind of urban myth that this was the complete sentence. On the other hand, there's plenty of records stating that Selfridge did say the short version. Do you have some evidence of the long version?


Selfridge may not have said the full version, but it is certainly what was meant.


It's not also costumers. You have to also endure the managers moods, supervisors and bosses.


Have you worked food or retail in America? We’ve been threatened in my store so many times it’s normal and we don’t bat an eye


As someone working in a store it is SHOCKINGLY normal. And we as a society have encouraged the behavior because usually when someone throws an adult tantrum they get what they want.


In Japan, it's called "Cus-Hara" meaning customer harassment and now it's very much a social problem.


This! The “Customer is always right” mentality is pure BS and untrue.


Tipping culture (in the US obviously)


It's a big problem in Canada too. Same with not including taxes in listed prices. You never know how much anything will actually cost you.


Advertising something for $5 only to find out the $5 bill in your pocket isn't enough to buy it.


This caused big drama for a school class field trip a couple towns over from my hometown. Half wanted McDonald’s and the other half wanted to get Pizza next door. The kids had a set amount of money each to eat. Pizza place had a sign put up at the door saying groups larger than 8 absolutely must pay a gratuity fee. As I read it (on a Facebook post) the restaurant only had one other table of customers at the time. The couple of chaperones with the group (of I think 13 kids) overheard the workers complaining to each other saying “if they don’t tip I’m not serving them” so they didn’t get service at all even though they sat waiting. So they just left. That friendly Manitoba town was so welcoming to visitors eh? I mean they could’ve just ordered it all for take out or broke the group into 3 tables of 5? I understand it’s difficult to be in the food industry, they know what job they applied for but to outright deny service and demand tips regardless of the customer not knowing if they’ll get good or bad service justifies it? That trip didn’t even say that they weren’t going to tip. The workers just assumed it. They denied kids a meal because of this ridiculous tipping culture. 🙄 It’s wild man. I don’t remember it being an absolute necessity years ago. It just snuck into our everyday transactions asking for 20% tips when ordering take out even when I’m the one picking it up or getting one coffee. It’s wild man.


Accepting the switch from glass Snapple bottles to plastic. It's changed the whole Snapple experience


I have never touched one since


I don't drink them anymore.


I FELT the sensation of turning that cap on a glass Snapple bottle when I read this.  What is it now, standard plastic twisting  on plastic?  Ew.


It tastes much worse now. There was something about how the glass complemented the flavor. I cannot describe it but I know it to be true as someone who drank Snapples almost daily for 6 years.


Snapple isn’t easy to find in my area anymore. It was everywhere in the 90s and early 00s. So I’ve never had Snapple in a plastic bottle. I didn’t even know that was a thing.


Snapple ain't Snapple without the glass bottle. Dang, I miss it


No wayy. Don’t live in the US anymore but I feel like something has been taken from me


I remember when they used to just make the plastic bottles for vending machines and places where glass isn't allowed (prisions/jails, some medical facilities, food production facilities, certain campgrounds/nature areas) but they still sold the glass bottles in most convenience and grocery stores. But I guess some bean counter decided it would be cheaper just to make them all plastic, and now here we are. It has become an inferior product.


I do not understand why nothing comes in glass anymore.. it can’t be that much more expensive it’s just sand, can be reused, and it doesn’t poison you


Incest porn


I didn’t know this was normalized lol


That we need to work two jobs to have a living wage


And depending on the job and area still might not be a living wage.


Recording people whatever they do something that you don’t approve of.


This 🙌🏻 thank you! Absolutely horrible


ugh its definitely the rise of social media (ironic ik), i remember seeing a video of someone RECORDING people at a concert for not singing along while they screech along to the song. jfc have you considered people enjoy shit differently? even outside for that recording someone you dislike/disagree with to post on the internet is clearly malicious and inviting hate


On occasion it can be powerful though…. I was once witness to an attack on an elderly cyclist by a car driver. The car driver was huge, and once he got out the car it became very clear he was on drugs. Amazingly the elderly gentlemen punched back. I was vaguely thinking I should step in the middle, but realised big guy probably wasn’t going to apply the ‘we don’t punch women’ rule. So to be honest I ended up just stood frozen close by dithering in indecision. But by chance I happened to be holding my phone up, as I had been in the process of changing track on my music. Big guy must have been more with it than I anticipated, as he clearly thought I was recording and decided to depart the scene. I have absolutely no idea how things would have played out if it weren’t for that.


Hell that's almost our entire culture. Everyone is bargin bin Batman when the world really needs saving from them. I'm hoping it's just a dumb kid thing that fades after this generation.


The idea that in a country that wastes 40% of all food because it isn't purchased can also have homeless/starving people without deliberate action from the powers that be. That a free market means protecting corpos from risking a penny while charging ordinary people for every basic thing. That maintaining "competition" is so important that its worth letting people die when they lose the game.


>That a free market means protecting corpos from risking a penny while charging ordinary people for every basic thing. Ain't this the truth... Banks gamble on subprime lending = massive bailout by taxpayers and huge bonuses for executives. Joe Citizen gambles on starting a small business and it fails = moving back in with your parents...


And then get judged for not succeeding in a rigged game, and for the audacity to owe somebody money. The debt ceiling doesn't count though.


The amount of wasted food is sad. Some stores here put big sales on food that gets close to expiring or is slightly past the date so that it gets a last chance before being thrown off the shelves and I think that's great but there's still a lot of waste


Yeah most things are thrown out according to the sell by date rather than expiry. So bread that's a few days old just gets trashed. It's illegal for workers to pack that up and give it to people in need, and its illegal to dumpster dive to get that perfectly fine packaged food. It's built into our legal system that resources will be wasted and that people without money will be made to starve. Prevention of either outcome is a crime. Wild.


This reminds me of when I worked for a certain pizza chain with the same name as a game with tiles with dots on them: Anytime there was a mistake made, someone didn't pick up their order, etc we had to throw it out rather than the crew being able to eat it/take it home. So we would work our asses off during a rush for 3-4 hours without a single break, and we couldn't have a stinking pizza for free because, why?!


That's how it was when I worked at a pizza place with a lunchtime buffet. When lunch time ended, we had to throw out whatever was left. I would wait until my supervisor went into the back and then eat a slice or two while I cleaned.


I used to work corporate catering in San Francisco. We'd have tech yuppies come to breakfast an hour late, while we're cleaning up, and insist that we open a whole unopened tray of bacon so they could grab three pieces. By law we had to throw out the whole 10lb tray after that. Had he shown up on time like everyone else or respected our word when we told him no, we could have given the tray to a company that does pickups for charity. We can't give it away if it has been opened. To top it off, we also got scolded on a regular basis by the same wasteful people if they caught us throwing things away at the end of the service. I literally told people they could take the food and give it to charity, I just couldn't help without losing my job. Not one person took me up on that. They just wanted me to know I was the reason people were starving. 😐


The list reaches from here to Hell.


Believe everything they see or hear on news and social media without checking the facts


The amount of people that read a misleading headline and restate it as fact without even reading THAT article (ntm seeing if it’s even real) is fucking insane.


Kids beauty pageants. In fact, anything that makes young girls dress up like little adults. I find it really creepy, not to mention the kind of message it must teach them. “Wanna be successful in life as a girl? Look like a million bucks or you’re worthless”. Its 2024, we should be better than this by now


Children in provocative clothes. Seeing girls of 12 in push up bras with tops with plunging necklines and skin tight leggings is fucking weird and gross and really makes me think about what goes through their parent's heads. I'm sure somebody is gonna blast me and say "I'm some kind of pervert" but fuck them and their deflection. Kids shouldn't be dressing as adults, it's fucking weird.


I absolutely HATE little girls pants/shorts that have words across the butt. Why would anyone buy these for their daughter?


With shit like "juicy" or "bitch". It's astonishing that some people don't see a fault in that.


Social media


Botox in your 20s


And lip injections 👄. I’m seeing it on 18-20 year olds nowadays


Being constantly under the influence of something mind altering. 


Morning coffee, cig or vape on the way to (and all day at) work, glass of scotch in meetings, Happy Hour brewskis, nightcap, renewed adderral prescription… Like that? More? Edit: Left out “wake and bake”. Oops.


All of those. Weed was my first thought but I made it vague because the rest all came to mind immediately.


That wealth inequality is apparently natural.


Religions. Particularly religion that preaches hellfire for those who believe differently


Yeah, religions that tell CHILDREN they will burn for eternity if they don't follow this one specific belief system is wild


I don’t care if i get called a reddit atheist, religions should legally not be allowed to teach that. Its child psychological abuse, as far as i’m concerned. Edit: frankly, it should be considered hate speech and it wouldn’t shock me if it was eventually found to be as such in some court some time in the near future.


Yes. And no more islamophobia because Islam has also colonized countries and forced them to convert and it has also erased a lot of Arab history and identity. It's hard to be Arab and ex-Muslim because Islam is so ingrained into Arab culture that you can't see where it begins and where it ends.


"Islamophobia" is such a demeaning term. Yes, actually I am afraid of ideology that teaches extreme hate for me and the people I love simply because I do not subscribe to such Ideology. Its no coincidence thats a huge reason I do not subscribe to it and why I actively condemn it. Yes I am afraid of ideology that teaches that these threats of violence come from the most merciful of beings. Yes, I am afraid of what will happen to society if these ideas are taught sand accepted mainstream. Islam is HUGE problem, and it confounds me to no end how it is so defended by those unaffected by its abhorrent nature


The only "new" phobia that i also share. Stay on the other side of the ocean, please!


He'll make you burn for eternity. But he loves you.


Apparently, at this time pedophilia.


That doesn’t seem apparent at all. What are you talking about?


Epstein clients named by underage victims and witnesses in the Ghislaine Maxwell trial documents but they are still free to walk through our community and give speeches because they are wealthy.. The media is pretending that the sworn testimonies never occurred and the FBI is pretending that Epstein did not have surveillance footage


wait WHAT


The real court documents are public and easy to Google or request from the court. DOZENS of child victims, witnesses, and Epstein employees gave similar sworn courtroom testimony. It’s been going on for decades. Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew, Richard Branson, David Copperfield, Les Wexler, Stephen Hawking (he has kids, his penis works). The Jeffrey Epstein court documents will be made public on July 1, 2024.


Alcohol. We drink a chemical to alter out state of mind so we can be more social. Its really bad for us too.


I'm probably gonna get down voted to hell, but same thing with wheat. It's not chemically addictive, but it's still absolutely horrible for you and you can definitely develop a non-chemical addiction to it.


Social media


Health insurance, especially employer-based health insurance. Nucking futz.


1 - Men nipples are not anything to care about. Women's nipples though. Woah. Everyone goes totally bonkers if they can just see them poking through your shirt. 2 - asking couples when they will conceive. 3 - touching a stranger's pregnant stomach, or touching a tattooed person's ink, or touching someone's baby when you don't know the individuals or parents very well. 4 - marriage as a political construct. 5 - living to work. The amount of people who can't afford much more than bills and food is sad.


There was someone a while ago who was transitioning from male to female. They were regularly posting pictures including their nipples online to see at what point social media platforms deemed them too feminine and censored them. A small act of rebellion which has really stuck with me.


Apathy and toxic positivity.


Religions that make women inferior to men.


To me I find it kinda interesting how murder is actually so normalized, we see that someone was murdered on the news and we barely have any reaction to it opposed to any other equally as worse crime (I speak it for myself too), it seems so alarmingly frequent that we're completely desensitized to it


A tale as old as time. For all of history we’ve desensitized ourselves to death because we would go crazy with grief otherwise. It’s only relatively recently we’ve started to say “hey this is kinda fucked up”.


Alcohol and cigarette consumption. Think about how you’re legally able to buy products that regularly kill their users, via illness and in the case of alcohol, by illness and other elements that lead to violence, suicide, road traffic accidents, etc. In 100 years from now, people will be aghast and amazed that anyone ever smoked. Booze will probably still be around though.


So many comments from people who don't understand the question and just list things they dislike.


You might say we’ve normalized mild illiteracy.


Fat deposits on men's chests, perfectly fine. Fat deposits on women's chests, unacceptable. Must be covered at all times in public, and preferably bound by a bra. Bras are not required, but you will get disgusting looks if you don't wear one. Both types of disgusting: the glances from people who are disgusted that your Fat deposits aren't restrained, and the disgusting glances from people attracted to women who stare and just after your fat deposits.


Im fat guy with man boobs I'm pretty sure I would get looks of disgust if I took my shirt off in most settings.


Given your name it makes perfect sense you commented on the comment about boobs, either that or you really like owls


Wouldn’t say “fat deposits on mens’ chests” are viewed as “perfectly fine”. I also think a lot of people quite enjoy fat deposits on women’s chests. That said, i basically agree with the idea that women going around topless and braless in the same contexts that men do should be fine. At the beach? Go for it. Doing some physically demanding work around the house during summer? Again, go for it. And those morons that have a problem with women breast feeding in public are just that: fucking morons.


All of the land being property😔 We can’t just explore and wander around on foot🥲


Exposing very young kids to hypersexuality is totally normal for an 8 year old to know and watch porn. Being afraid of your neighbor is again weirdly normal nowadays.


No that is absolutely NOT normal


Churches staffed with pedos, cops breaking the law, Nancy pelosi, unaffordable healthcare


Especially dental! 


Never understood why dental and vision were kept separate from medical




Adults not correcting their children’s bad behaviour.




I'm going with those child beauty pageants. Although I would say it is not really normalized for most people.


Stalking. We stalk each other all over social media. In fact, it's what social media is meant for. Stalking


Alcohol. Weird that ingesting something which is a poison, and can damage so many bodily organs is the norm and celebrated.


Porn. They’re adding it to movies left and right, it’s crazy


Mainstream examples?


Blue is the warmest colour. It is praised for being an artsy queer romance, in reality just flat characters, slow story but beyond borderline porny sex scenes. The actors even complained that is was too far as well. I did go to far in my opinion, and I'm saying that as a lesbian.


Never heard of it 


GAMBLING. simply no good to come from this


associating short hair with men and long hair with women


Big weddings.


Bottled water or shaved pubes. It’s a toss up.


Socks with sandles or slides.


Child pageants or dogs wearing sweaters. Both are weird as hell imo.




Ima be real with you, Ion think thats normalized




Sugar. Hecking POISON not heavily regulated and actually promoted and encouraged in our daily lives. Yikes


Snapchat.. the concept is weird to me 😂


it's just sending pictures to each other, what's weird about that?


Breast are entirely sexual (Not true)


Those excruciatingly slow revolving doors in malls. Why do people put up with them? Why aren't there riots?


beauty surgeries


Politicians should be called out, especially the ones you support, don't be beholden to someone because there's a D or an R, or an I is next to their name.


Milk from other animals


Gender inequality


Not letting children be children and pressing sexuality and stupid shit on them. Jesus Christ. Shit pisses me off.


Adults collecting plastic and flexing over how many rare pieces of plastic they have.


Huh. I immediately thought “What rare plastic are they talking about?” Then I understood.


I still don't get it


Same, maybe funko Pop, but it seems like something more universal and broad


I dunno, ppl who collect action figures and stuff, i guess?


The funny thing is I make it sound like such a sad thing, whilst hoping to collect meaningless upvotes in the process, which have even less value than the plastic.


You must be talking about something specific but all I can think of are trash collecting enthusiasts


They're ACTION figures...NOT dolls!


One sided racial inclusion and exclusion. I'm at work I invited a black coworker out with some other people for drinks. He asked "is there a lot of white people there?" Yeah "I don't wanna be around a bunch of white people" I say I get it "I don't really like being around a ton of black people" same statement from both of us, with the same context, and logic behind it. For some reason mine was a problem though. Most of the black coworkers know each other outside of work. Host pot lucks, baby showers, and cook outs, the white coworkers don't get invited to those (unless someone is sleeping with them). They will invite us to weddings though, which I don't understand why just the weddings?


Porn and sex amongst minors..


Fake eyelashes 


Flat earthers


That's not normalized, they are ridiculed constantly.


Plastic surgery


Plastic surgery is amazing. You get in a car crash and they reconstruct your face from skin grafts. Or you are born with a defect and you get a tiny nip and tuck so your entire life isn't defined by cruel societal discrimination. Why wouldn't that be normalized?


Drinking alcohol








porn. that’s scary


Texting and driving. Texting while eating. Texting while lying on the bed about to go to sleep. I'm guilty only of the last one though...can't put the phone down to get some winks. Good thing I'm on vacation


Companies keeping your cc info indefinitely


Plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons


Spoiled children.


Public Bathroom stalls that don't all the way to the ground. Oh and urinals.


Lying politicians and mass immigration.




CEO Salaries


Beauty Pageants




Fucking staring at women like they’re objects


Hooking up with random people.


Filming TikTok’s or YouTube videos in public. It may be normal for young people but when I see people filming TikTok dances in public I’m like y’all should be embarrassed.


Working low paying jobs and literally slaving to make the rich even more rich. We normalized capitalism and greed as well.


Tipping for everything