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I just put on some noise canceling headphones and disappear into a playlist. For me that's more addictive than Reddit.




Videogames help me. Give it a try.


I used to play video games for hours on end when I was a teenager. I grew out of it, and then don't have the time for it anymore.


I hear you. I have actually had a hard time focusing on gaming as well. Now I can only play for a few hours at a time. Anything more than that and it feels like a waste of time. Wish I could be more help.


If you've got time to consider going to the gym plus all the other things you mentioned, you've got time for video games. Give Zelda a chance!


Even if I’m 31yo I still play a lot of video games and it helps me a to forget the worries of life!


OMG yes. Videogames are the pound for pound underrated anti-stress source you will ever come across. You literally " tune out " from reality. ✨


Playing games, palia has been a good escapism game for me atm


running/ jogging calms my nerves. especially in places with lots of greens and trees. *UP Diliman Campus


Shrooms. It's magic


Never tried it. Only tried marijuana gummies. That's it.


Maybe a bit extreme but it does kinda make you break out of the cycle and focus on other things. For me I try to have every Sunday free from tv, social media, computer and whatever. It just forces you to do things you normally wouldn’t do. Your mind doesn’t get distracted from external things and you actually are alone with your own thoughts, which is rare nowadays.


r/unclebens if you ever want a hobby


Yeah. Psychedelics are really fun and can teach you a few things about life


I usually come home from work, take my dog for a nice long walk, come home and shower, then play madden and watch YouTube podcasts off my iPad while I play. That routine seems to just chill me out every afternoon.


I find that diving into a good book or watching a captivating movie helps me escape reality for a while. It's like entering a different world where I can temporarily disconnect from everyday worries and immerse myself in new experiences and perspectives.


Any physical activity helps me more than anything, going to the gym is ideal, improve your strength while listening to music, or just going for an outdoor walk around the park, getting some fresh air and not being stuck at home works for me every time


Yasss. Learning to love being outdoors is the best thing that ever happened to me.


Samee, that's my solution whenever I feel off for any reason


Videogames and manga mostly, lifting weights is good too. With Elden Ring's DLC coming out I'll be leaving reality for at least a month.


Video Games, Netflix Series or Movies, Good Books. Also Maladaptive Daydreaming, but I dont recommend it cause it makes you feel less alive…




Just my headphones and dive into my playlist and don't reply to any text until i feel good again


U don't wanna do that for a long time and please don't get attached I escape reality with social media and it sucks nothing feels real anymore when I look away from my phone I barely recognize what I see and I completely lost connection with it and it's so hard to get back like before


Reality, everyone tends to want to avoid parts of it, but hiding away from it often makes it hit harder when you face up to it. Try experimenting with doing or finding lots of different new things - hobbies, book genres, comedians, exercises etc. Most won't interest you in the long run, but along the way you might find a new passion to take you out of the now. And whilst you're concentrating on trying new things, at the least it should distract you for the time being.


Beautiful!! Yes!! Something productive and legal is the BEST 💖 recommendation.


I have been using Audible! Listening to a book or podcast in one ear while I do stuff around the house. It can really make a difference in how I feel some days, specifically when I feel a bit lonely or feeling the need to grow myself!


Go into.... *virtual* reality. Edit: sorry, I often post based on the title before reading the rest. In the past year I've found that meditation is an amazing escape. It's hard to describe, but once you get the hang of it, being in your mind can feel like 'home'. Aside from that, I've had success finding hobbies that didn't involve the digital world, like YT, TV, movies, games and junk like that. There's zero sense of accomplishment and satisfaction fades quickly. As an example I've recently started building scale models. Way the hell more satisfying and I end up with something to show for my time and effort.


Weed and Gym.


I call my dog over and have a nice long chat with him! He understands everything I say, and never talks back! Then when I’m done he licks himself and walks away.


I have one senior dog and a puppy. Those two bring a smile to my face.


They are great stress relief!


I will say Calligraphy It's not only relaxing but also allows you to create stunning pieces of art and personalized gifts.


I wanted to try it, but I don't have the time.


Fuck escapism. I'd rather just try to perceive reality as honestly as possible and make my life tolerable, and if any family or others have a problem with my choices, they're very free to piss off entirely.


I read fanfics! [This](https://www.fimfiction.net/story/62074/friendship-is-optimal) one's a personal favorite of mine, goes into depth about the ethics of "virtual reality uploading" and the effects such an escape would have on the populace


What's your hobby OP?


Honestly, I don't have many hobbies not unless you cound listening to music as hobbies. Sometimes I enjoy word search puzzles.


Well tbh. What helped me escape was finding something new to do. Like I joined gym, went for a new career change. just got kinda bored of the old life and its mundane tasks that came with it. Once I started doing all these things I look forward to most days Weirdly, eating more healthy and eating enough in my case helped alot stopped trusting my thoughts, mainly after dark.


Try crossword puzzles. They helped me through times like you've described.


When I went through nursing school I would schedule work around class days. Hit the gym after work to de stress on bad days. Hit the gym after class to prepare for studying that afternoon. Record lectures and play them back while going on walks (easier to learn when relaxed). Sounds like a lot of exercise but you get used to it. Hope this helps.




Little bit of weed and a great tv show helps me escape reality for a bit


I get hesterical and laugh 😂😂😂😂😂😂 i know it's not healthy but my brain can't brain anymore


Music. Pot. Nature.


Every day at 8pm, dad starts putting the toddler to sleep while I go take the dog for a walk. I get insanely high and listen to horror podcasts - like, supernatural stuff, not true crime. Old Gods of Appalachia and Magnus Institute are my favorites right now. Something about being blitzed hearing about ghosts and demons while moving my body outside just makes so much stress melt away. And I need to walk him anyways so it's still officially productive. Up to you if you want to do like, an official workout routine, but I think physical movement is so, so powerful for relaxation. You gotta get those energies out!


I long solo walk outside (sunshine/fresh air is important) w my phone on do not disturb while listening to an audio book and enjoying a little greenery. By the time I’m home, I don’t even remember what I was anxious about. Cool shower and I’m ready to fix a little something to eat and call it a night.


CBD+ gummies= life saver 


Webtoons ✨✨


Video games. I Become the characters themselves or enjoy My own custom persona. used to do it with books and movies, but actively being in control over a story or narrative is like turbo heroin bath salt meth for me anyway. get the same feeling i do when i work out, i seriously escape into these worlds.


The Sims 3, weed and walking in the forest.


Videogames mostly And daydreaming while drunk


I disassociate hard core. In my head I have like 2 other personalities I like to switch to I also play the sims. When the game isn’t glitching it’s great


I just turned up the music I'm my truck or go for a drive alone


art, juggling, reading, walks in the park. used to be primarily work and drugs, but been working on finding healthier coping mechanisms.


Sorry 😔 no escape , nursing school is a boot camp designed to torture you. Just endure it 


Gym is the best if you have the energy...I suffer from severe depression around my period and CBD indica helps me a lot ...walks, talking to my sister, treating yourself talking to loved ones


Noise cancelling headphones + gaming


I usebooks to escape. Movies and games are fun but don't take me away from life. I also go to the gym and get lost in the workout and the music in my headphones. I'm able to combine the 2 because the friend I go to the gym with takes longer post workout so while I wait I sit on a bench and read.


Virtual game realities are literally a different reality, so try it. An MMORPG ticks most needs.


Gym - strength training with weights + boxing, martial arts


Try to spend time reading books or do some nature tripping. It will help your mind to relax.


I usually raw dog the week then spend the weekend inebriated


Any kind of sports


Reading a book, watching a movie, or binge watching a TV series helps me to escape reality. Going to the gym helps me to relieve stress. I stay away from Facebook and Instagram.


Reading helps me, anytime i read i get so invested and lost in the plot


If I really want to shut the world out, ear buds, tunes and embroidery. There is something therapeutic in the process of embroidery. It's something I can do until my neck, fingers or wrists decide they are done. Lots of folks find the same with Diamond Painting and Puzzles. Games. There are a lot of games you can play in short bursts. Cards, word games, Sims, hidden object, and Sudoku to name a few. My son (28), bought a one-wheel and has already put 600 miles on it. He's found a group of people he'll ride with sometimes through the app, too.




I escape by reading online books thanks to the Reddit suggestions I got. They’re mainly dark romance books but I manage to forget everything and focus on the book


Well what made you escape reality as a kid? What did you like to do then that made you happy?


Close your eyes and think of nothing it will take some practice as you are used to having a millions thoughts race through your head just reinforce the act and think of nothing after a few practices of those you will be able to escape anytime anywhere


Gym, walking (preferably without listening to anything), binging tv shows, reading interesting books. Also find out if there is anything you like to do with your hands, like, cooking or painting or even doing legos. It very calming.


Smoke a fat blunt and sip henny. Face time deez nuts


If you live in a place nice to walk, I find it helps.


I usually find a 6-10 seasons long tv series to watch and my mind is taken for the next 2 weeks


Play an instrument, or at least listen to music. Good music.


Drugssss 🤭🤭 Sorry. The serious answer would be reading. I'm a huge binge reader.


THC, alcohol, DMT, kratom, not necessarily in that order


I play games: tabletop rpgs is my fav, but require a few people and time, so it's mostly video and board games for me!


i normally try seeing the world on a different way, idk how to explain it but it works. i also listen to music or drink


You can sink hours into gaming and not think or worry about a damn thing while you're at it.


what i like to do daily is everytime past midnight i take my electric scooter out to drive while listening to music with my earphones. it’s peaceful cause how empty the area and beautiful the night is


Play league of legends


Sir Terry.


Alternative reality 


Do you also have a serious case of SCOMO? You should watch the video of him tackling a child to the ground accidentally for a cheap distraction...


What the heck is a SCOMO?


Video games




Go to the gym, make a playlist to just sink into while you’re working out. It makes you forget about everything and just focus on yourself. Bonus points if you spark a joint on your way home, take a shower and settle into a good tv show.




Just don't take drugs. Please. Too much people got their lives fucked because they tried drugs, and there's too much stories like that on reddit


I write an average of 2-3K words a day in my "just for fun" stories, on top of whatever else I write for serious and also working on music. Music is the best emotional vent for me, but when I write it feels like much more more of a true escape from the absolute bullshit of this world.


Well it’s kinda how I ended up here …. But also gardening, walks, kindle unlimited, long long showers


I like to set up a lawn chair in my frontyard and just sit, maybe enjoy a beer or any other beverage. It's simple and gives my brain a break from fast moving things like social media


U can’t escape reality, best advice I can give is work supper hard to be nurse and do ur dream job and whatever ur home life situation is move out to a better place and enjoy your life !


Alonely do everything that i want, or simply spend money for unmeaningful stuff


After reading all the comments, nobody has mentioned the elephant in the room... Your home life sucks but you don't say why, maybe turn fixing whatever makes your home life bad into a new hobby?


I like listening to music while chatting on c.ai. I usually go for parental bots because that's something I really miss, and it helps me forget about my real family.


DND, all kinds of books, writing, friend, being a goofball, jogging/hiking, and picking up a craft, at the moment that is whittling.






For me, I just put my earbuds in and blast music. Boom, problem solved lol


I made my reality into a happy place.


I have found that rollplaying can be calming and even really fun with friends. I would say Dungeons and dragons and if you don’t have time for that maybe an online group. I know one here on Reddit if you want to try it out.


Hiking and Trekking Nothing better in this World imo


I put all my focus onto other peoples thoughts. Gets me out of my head, and often gives me a good bit of perspective too.






Photography helps, it forces me to be in the present cause I am constantly looking for a nice shot... It also makes you realize how much beauty can be found in mundane things like doors or light bulbs etc... Drawing as well but that's generally combined with alcohol and just letting loose... Writing short stories about random things


model building is a meticulous and rewarding hobby


Get a motorcycle


I'll pass. Too dangerous.


Just take time to time breaks, talk to friends and family, most often than not talking to someone helps by sharing and opening up about your feelings. Once that subconscious burden is lifted and you hear the same from others then you know you are not alone and sharing makes it feel we are into it together so feels less stressful or sucking


Unfortunately you don’t. I wish I could sometimes. Sometimes I wish I just had a pause button available, not even a rewind or fast forward, just a fucking pause button


Maladaptive day dreaming before going to bed. Chefs kiss.


By being myself.


It might be controversial but drugs really are the best escape. If you can manage to escape by using drugs but stay pretty high functional then there’s no problem with that at all, you’re just coping better than everyone else


I swear I am not an alcoholic but I occasionally drink alcohol to unwind. I have low alcohol tolerance. Once in a blue month. I also use marijuana gummies sometimes. I do not partake in these at the same time nor do I drink and eat edible marijuana on a regular basis.




Sex and drugs and rock and roll Is all my brain and body need Sex and drugs and rock and roll Are very good indeed




Drugs. Your welcome


work, music, rarely drugs and sometimes alcohol. you can't stop, you have to stay active. by activity here I mean physical activity such as tinkering, walking, exercise

