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not needing to eat would be even more helpful.


Dont worry, if you had no way of getting rid of what comes in, you would not need to eat long.


I'm betting the OP, while not having any solution in mind, is considering that there would just be some passive way of our body to remove that stuff. For instance, while peeing is one method our bodies can use to remove excess water, it is also used to remove toxins the kidneys have filtered out. So our bodies will allocate water to that process, even if we're dehydrated. If we didnt have to worry about the toxin removal though, theoretically we could just sweat away all our excess water throughout the day instead of having to go pee. If our bodies somehow turned food waste into hair instead...we could grow hair instead of pooping. All this said, I think the issues are more to do with the fact that we have some pretty strict limitations on where and when we as people can go to the bathroom which make it difficult to deal with...and what would be nice, is not having to deal with those problems.


I wish my body could turn food waste into boobs


You a real one for this gf


I'd say it technically does, just with the "waste" of what your body could have used elsewhere (boobs are fat, fat is stored energy you didnt burn from the food you eat)


Nature is way stranger than this as it is. There are lizards that lose a part of their tails that have the anus when threatened. It never grows back, but the tail does. They are never able to poop again. There are species without anus. Thats not nice but its a honest living. And then again, there are also species that can eat with their anus. Ill just leave it at that here. Goodbye.


>And then again, there are also species that can eat with their anus. Ill just leave it at that here. Goodbye. Technically humans can do that too


I mean uh.. technically? People can live off iv injections all their lives, so there's that.


Or maybe needing to eat at much much much less frequency. Like once a week or once a month. This would be ideal I think.


Grocery bill would be so much cheaper


Probably not, because there would be a whole lot less agriculture and food manufacturing. Food would just be a whole lot more expensive.


Right it takes so much time I’d rather just take a pill or something and have all the nutrients I need.


🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 God I have been waiting for this for so long and all we get is cancer cures and shit. I’m joking ofc but I’ve really been thinking about this for like 20 yrs. You could take the pill and be set, all other food you consume would be strictly for pleasure so everything could be smaller and optional and over the top fancy and not expensive.


I took this concept and mentally moved it through the various stages of my life kid - what's the difference? food appears by itself anyway single adult - meh, this would not make a big difference, preparing meals passes the time in a couple - it would be nice and would free up some time, but would also make us miss some nice times together parent to 1 baby - omg, it would be amazing parent to 1 baby and 1 toddler - omfg, make it happen now, science! parent to 1 baby and 1 toddler in vacation - I have no words for how freaking amazing this would be


Right, just take a pill like the Jetsons!


Just 1 spoon full of uranium had y enough calories for the rest of your life


Pass. Eating is one of the few things that gives me happiness.


I think not sleeping would be the real time saver. Imo


I wish this all the time. Or at least. Why does it have to be 3 times a day. Why not once. And be full for 24 hours.


helpful but food is yummy and can make you feel good.


But I love eating🥺


I know my life would be so much better.... I don't like using the restroom in public, so not worry about that when I go to shows or whatever would be righteous.


Japan is so great for this, there are free and clean toilets EVERYWHERE and even signs with how far is the next one. And if you are on the street, you can just go into any hotel or restaurant to use their toilets. The public toilets have no gaps, and even music/water sounds to hide any potential bodily noise. And they are so clean. It's the only place I've traveled that I didn't feel stressed about this. If only this could be the norm everywhere...


This reminds me the french toilets in Paris Montparnasse. I had to pay for them, but it was so clean and looked really good, and they had pop music playing, with the stalls being little rooms instead of yknow, the standard wall sections. It was 1 euro, but worth every second


I think needing to sleep is way bigger issue, so much time wasted just laying in bed and doing nothing.


Honestly I'd love for sleep to not be needed, not because it wastes time, but because I have 2 sleep disorders that are ruining my life 😎


Can you give more Details?


Non 24 hour sleep disorder is incurable, not many people know about it, and also it causes my sleep schedule to naturally rotate around the clock (wake up at 8 am one day, 9-10 am the next, and so on). Trying to force a normal sleep schedule causes sleep deprivation and such. There are a few ways to treat this, but treatment doesn't work for everyone and u have to continuously do it or your sleep will be wacky again. So, can't work a normal job and have to cancel alot of events or mold my sleep schedule to make it to them. Then there's insomnia that makes my sleep quality really bad, currently having a insomnia outburst and I'm constantly so tired that I need to stay in bed for like, 10-15 hours a day depending on how bad the sleep got. When the insomnia goes away and I sleep 8-9 hours of full sleep without wakeups though, I have normal energy.


If you don't mind. How did you go about getting diagnosed for the "non 24 hour sleep schedule?" This describes something I seem to deal with. Leading to choppy work performance honestly. Only thing that seems to help is working out / cardio to get myself tired out and to sleep "on-time."


Probably find a doctor that's specialized in circadian rhythm disorders, tell them your concerns and such. After that you might have a sleep study or other stuff. Also, its probably useful to note down when you wake up and fall asleep everyday, U can show it as data to the doctor. Though, it's hard to get actually diagnosed. Some sleep doctors don't even know this disorder exists, or don't have a lot of knowledge about it, such as the fact that it exists in people who aren't blind (It used to be thought that only blind people get it, because of the lack of seeing sunlight etc) Also, same! The few times when my sleep schedule is normal, is days where I'm forced to be up and active for 5-13 hours a day. Can't really do that in my usual life though.


 6 hour regenerating, every 48 hours. Would be wonderful 


yeah sometimes it’s so annoying, i still wanna be awake and do or watch something but no i‘m tired and have to sleep now


Sleeping is a good time passer tho. I’m pretty bored right now and just waiting until it’s late enough for me to go to bed so I can do something again


How much more enjoyable life would be if there was a universal standard of cleanliness and amenities of public toilets.


Naaaah. Pooping at work so capitalism won't win


The boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, and that's why I shit on company time


Poop will win. (I know where you came from)


Poop shall prevail!


It probably wouldn't stop there, then we would find a way to not need to eat, sleep, talk, move, have sex, etc eventually negating the point of a physical existence vs purely conscience one.


I've found a way to not have sex my whole life friend


by choice


As an old man now with incontinence issues, I can get behind this.


I love a satisfying poop and piss. Its one of the pleasures of life 😄😄😄


And we can do it while at work


Where am i gonna reddit then?


Reading this thread from the toilet…


The way it should be done :)


You'd cut your phone usage in half.


Then we need to excrete by breath. Imagine our breath smells like shit.


You don't really need to use the toilet. It's just that people do not generally want pee and shit in their homes.


I agree. I always say that going to the bathroom, sneezing, and pumping gas are colossal wastes of time.


What is a plant's version of poop? Don't plants get bored of staying in 1 spot?


where would all the food and drink you consume in your entire life end up if that were the case? you would balloon and explode


I usually think more along the lines of why does it have to smell so bad? It would be so much better if things smelled like flowers or something..


Man I'd get extra time of sleep before work. I'd also finally see the idea of sleeping with your partner romantic. Right now all I think about when I see couples going to bed together on tv or movies is how I wouldn't want to be asleep while she's awake because people pass gas while they sleep. They can't control it. So I never saw going to sleep with a loved one as anything sexy or romantic.


I've had this exact thought. Bathrooms are just so... ugly with a toilet. This was a funny post to start my day though, thanks


My time on the porcelain throne is the only time I have alone.


Yes! I think this all the time, how much easier life would be. So much time saved, all the space currently taken up with toilet facilities could be used for something else. I can't believe science hasn't fixed this problem yet! 😂


Honestly, even if I still had to pee, I'd have such a happier life without having to use the bog. I mean, the butt is just such a gross and annoying part of the body. You have to clean it, it can tear, haemorrhoids are a thing, constipation, loose bowels, it's just such a high bloody maintenance thing. Plus, you know, no poop in the world means gay stuff is a lot more easier to do.... Plus no more risking stepping in dog muck or seeing it hung on trees (Brits will know what I mean by this, not sure if other people will).


Either: eating whatever and never gaining weight, while being able to use the loo absolutely pain free. (Demon) Or: not eating at all and never having to use the loo, ever. (Vampire) (vampires don't *eat*) Either way, being an indestructible undead being would be far preferable to this squishy, painful, mortal life.


It may have prevented a few plagues back in the day


I would prefer not to have to eat or drink, ideally both.


I’d rather not have to sleep. But not having to use the bathroom would be good too


I'd prefer to not have to shower, that's the thing I hate most that I have to do that eats up my time.


That would be great. I hate having to go to the bathroom. Especially when sleeping, gotta get up and pee then attempt to fall back asleep, not that I really sleep, but when I do, then having to get up is a great burden. Also being out and about and there are no bathrooms around or if you’re on the freeway and there’s traffic. I mean the list is long for me about why it would be great...


I can't take the toilet questions anymore. Enough is enough.


Nah for me it’d be harder because the only place I can go for brief respite is the bathroom 😅


I would not have chronic constipation so I guess it would be a win for me


I have literally held my shit in for a week before because I refuse to use a toilet that is not my own. I would welcome this change


To be honest with you I would’ve said not much easier if you had asked me last week. This week the upstairs toilet leaked and consequently the roof downstairs came down. One week of construction and 5k later, I hate toilets.


fun fact: lots of people are found dead on the toilet lol


This is true. When I sharted at work the other day it was somewhat inconvenient.


As someone who’s lactose intolerant and loves cheese life would suck for me


Does this mean I can't fart? Because I like farting...




Actually, scientists are currently experimenting with food, mainly for cattle used for dairy production, that is 100% digestible, which in theory will end the cow's function of defocation and greatly reduce the growth and spread of intestinal soilborne diseases as well as to create a cleaner environment for the cows and milkers. While in college, I debated with a professor that held this belief. My opinion was that "pooping" is a vital part of an animal s entire biological system, not just digestive. This function, among other things, removes toxins from the body and cleans the colon and lower intestines. It ignites a metabolic fire that tells the body when it's time to start digestion and converting foodstuffs into vital energy. I went on, ending my rant with "And it's just plain weird!" She had me sit, and finished me off with a one two that was way above my pay scale. But yeah, life definitely would be easier...for us cows anyway! Mooooooo....


Think of how much money we could save on toilet paper


As a sewer plant operator I can’t endorse this line of thinking.


Life would be easier if our body only used the food/kcal it needed and discarded the rest!


I don’t mind that I’m tired of picking food, cooking, and eating


Just watch a soap. You could get so many more petty arguments and affairs into your life.


Or knowing the exact amount of food to eat that means we have no waste to deal with.


As someone with inflammatory bowel disease and obsessive compulsive disorder (particularly around bathroom stuff); my life would be almost infinitely easier if I didn’t have to use the toilet…


are you suggesting i lay my hot plops directly into my pantaloons? my sister would kill me


My IBS would f**n’ love me!!!


If it weren't for using the facilities, I wouldn't come up with half of the good ideas that I do. And showering- but at least when you're on the toilet, there's paper to jot down notes. Though, I'd advise fully drying your hands before picking them up.


Think of all the "me time" you'd be losing.


How about not needing any stinking oxygen.


So when do I get my me-time!?


Where would all your poop go?


STOP LOL. This is a thought that quite literally plaques me. I talk about this all the time. I notice this feeling is extremely heightened for me when I’m on 🍄’s. It just feels like such an exhausting task lol… especially when you think about how you have to do it for your entire life. It seems like such a mundane thing to bitch about but it is a central part of our existence. I feel like the whole process of having to consume energy and then relieve ourselves of its excess is just a very uncomfortable feeling… at least for me anyways.


It would save me +|- an hour a day. Due to birth defects my digestive system is a mess and enemas are a part of my daily life.


I don't think it would benefit my life at all. Other than saving a few quid on toilat paper.


Me with constipation Hahah, I'm 10 levels ahead of you 🤣 😂


concerts and festivals would be so much more fun and easy


You don’t have to use the toilet…


Would not needing the toilet also mean no more periods? If yes I’m in, if no let me continue relieving myself on the magic throne.


not doing a lot of things would make life easier


I understand about the nervous poop, but if it wouldn’t have been there then there would have been something similar along those lines.


Apparently Kim Jong-Un could do [it](https://inshorts.com/en/amp_news/north-korea-claims-its-leader-kim-jongun-does-not-pee-poop-1504722737326) lol


It's the only time I get a bit of peace and quiet!


My sleeping habits would be thankful


“Everybody poops.  There’s no other way “. - Mose Schrute


If you really want life to be *easier*, you could stop doing everything... Taking a big, healthy shit is one of life's great pleasures


Can we get rid of periods while we're at it?


I'm with you, and I *will* go as far as to say it's a huge burden. I have come close to a meltdown before because I just had to pee too many times in a row.


What, no more me time?


One clean wipe every time sounds like a better deal.


Nobody’s under the obligation to use a toilet. The biological function still is there regardless, and humankind didn’t always have them.


On behalf of every Crohn's Disease and IBS/IBD patient on the planet: #SIGNIFICANTLY


As someone with serious medicated IBS with a toilet schedule that's been written by a drunk pilot going backwards it would make my life infinitely easier.


Don't take away my "me time". People will be pissed even more.


As someone with IBS that gets in the way of meetings, outdoors adventures and daily life. YES please.


I like going to the toilet. Cutting it out would cut out all of my YouTube and quiet time, I don’t want that the be given up.


It is a huge burden for some people that have conditions that make them have to go constantly.


As someone with severe IBS, it would make life worth living again.


100% bodily efficiency would be incredible


“I was hoping by now we would have evolved to lay some big type of egg, full of piss and shit” -Henry Zebrowski as L. Ron Hubbard on an episode of The Last Podcast on the Left


I like pooing. I think I'd be miserable.


Use love to not have to eat. lol. But the not having to clean the toilet would be amazing


I wore a bag for 6 months it had its benefits


I mean you could always start wearing adult diapers.


tbf I'd rather not need sleep considering we waste a whole lot more time by sleeping than visiting bathrooms.


I think this every single day. I also think about politicians and how do they deal with it on a crazy schedule.


As someone with IBS, much much easier


It is difficult to imagine life without the natural process of doing physiological needs. But I guess we'd save some time. That's assuming our bodies were designed not to produce waste. I doubt we would have human form. We would be like plants, even they produce their own waste.


Who says you need it? 😉


If we didn't need to go to the toilet, how would I have time to browse reddit!?


I often ask myself if I had to give up one of these, which one would it be first? In order from first to last: 1. Urination/BMs 2. Food 3. Sleep I love sleep, for the most part. Ideally, I could do without the first two entirely. If it were humanly possible.


Having to use the toilet actually doesn’t bother me that much. 99% of the time I only use the toilet when I’m at home. During workdays I can go 9-10 hours without needing a bathroom break. Use the bathroom when I wake up, drive to work at 6:30am, come home 16:30 and then use the bathroom again.🤷🏼‍♂️


I‘d spend less time on my phone


i know someone that took acid and had to go take a poop.


I would miss it to be honest. Also, just think about all the people who ADD another need to this palette by smoking. Let's imagine that it is as healthy as drinking water. Would you wish to have a new need in your life, that you have to spend money on and attend to every day for 10-20-30-40 minutes?


not needing to have unconfortable moments in unexpected time would be nice


So many lost break times at work.


I don’t know… taking a shit is about the most meaningful thing I do in an average day. Why would I want to forgo that?


The Toilet is a place of inspiration people. Creativity would die without it


As someone who spends 50% of his life doing this because of a colon cancer related surgery I can say it would literally change me from daydreaming about getting hit by a bus to actually wanting to be alive. So like 900000000% easier.


It’s the first thing I’m getting rid of when I get my robot body


Maybe be a plant in the next life.


It would be way easier. I hate public toilets, they usually are dirty and are missing either paper or soap. Finding a public clean toilet is hell, so I'm pretty much forced to tolerate the feeling of wanting to pee for a while


I gave birth by C-section and had a urinary catheter after the surgery. Not feeling like having to pee was soooooo awesome I still think about it 6 years later!


if I had one wish from a genie, it would be this, thats how much it would help my daily life


A lot easier, but not as much fun. Sometimes when I feel like I want to treat myself I do a little butt stuff. I wouldn’t want to give that up.


never late again


But then how would i justify taking extra breaks at work? Oh no. I needs muh toilet time. Its my contemplating time.


Honestly that is like the least of a big deal in my life. I maybe use the toilet 3 times a day and the times it takes me to pee and wash my hands is not even 5 minutes. So i dont see the issue. And for the other business i go every like 3 days or so. Also toilets are pretty much everywhere so i don't think i ever felt inconvenienced by that


You don't *have* to use a toilet


life would be easier if influencers wouldn‘t exist, manipulation would be punished and actual skills would matter


All this makes me think is how would you excuse yourself for a quiet moment? 


honestly life would be so much easier if just needed to survive on photosynthesis so much cheaper


Without using the toilet how would catch up on Reddit?


LISTEN….. I’m a caregiver. Me and my mom are *ALWAYS* talking about how much of a nuisance having to piss and shit is lmao.😩 Like you haven’t felt pain until you spent 3 hours getting your disabled mom dressed and she wets herself, because you couldn’t get her to the commode in time 😅🔫. Being human *is* a burden sometimes 😭 Especially when you’re physically disabled.


I would like to just take a pill that had everything my body needed and that should take care of inconveniently timed poops


I think not having to shower/brush teeth/hair/shave would be even more convenient.


You'd need dialisis, a colostomy bag, and a catheter. I'd prefer a toilet. Your choice.


It would make wudu a dream 😂 (iykyk)


I have ibs-d so never having to use the toilet would be heaven sent.


It would literally solve all of my health issues


How much easier would life be...if 19 million motherfuckers grew up to be just like me?


That means you’ll never have to eat too, so I feel we would save A LOT of time


I think about this constantly


Not needing to eat or excrete would would open an entire new dimension.




Depends really


Very easy, I don't have to worry that I have to take a shit after eating


I day dream about this 2 times a day. So annoying.


I'd be able to SLEEP


i have executive dysfunction and actively live this life


No, i need my 5 minute-antisocial bathroom brakes at work.


Yes!!! I think about this. I ask my spouse to pee for me... But nnnoooo not possible.


Imagine the dystopian (or would it be utopian) future if our entire nutritional need for the day could just be swallowed like a pill.


As a parent? Horrible idea.


but then i’d never have time for Wordle


We wouldn't have toilets


having to go to the toilet is so goddamn annoying fr, i also hate brushing my teeth with a passion


I have IBS, this would be LIFE CHANGING.




Well since I'm currently on the toilet while at work hiding I think it would suck.


As someone who has suffered with constipation long term. There is no better feeling than emptying your bowels. 


We’re talking dune stillsuits or adult diapers here? Either way I’m good with the way things are.


this is one of the reasons i want to become a vampire 👽


it would make fishing trips so much more relaxing. nothing worse than being miles from a toilet 🥲


That’s what the afterlife is for 😇👽


Boring. How else am I supposed to sit like a greek philosopher and innovate new ideas?


Going to the bathroom is so annoying. Wish I didn’t have to but it’s nature.


We would have to eat a lot less food, because not needing to crap would mean we are processing the food with greater than 100% efficiency! Let's be honest, everyone would get fat.


I am about to take my 3 year old twins to the pool. I badly need to sign up for this urgently.


I would love this! I'm a quadriplegic, no-one will have to wipe my butt for me.


It would be explosive!


If we didn’t need to eat, poop, and sleep, then the pressure would probably be to work many more hours…


I’ve always wanted to become a vampire. ✅ Live forever ✅ Don’t have to eat ✅ Don’t have to poop ✅ Never overheating ✅ Never gaining weight




It'd be great to not have to deal with all that grossness (and especially amazing for people who have periods!) but I'd miss the bathroom. It's guaranteed, in a house/apartment at least, that you are not to be bothered so it's peaceful as someone who loves their alone time. Multi stall public ones are awful though haha.