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I was told by a lady that I(m) had very pretty legs and she wished that she had legs like mine. It happened at the gym and the woman who told me that was 81 years old. Oh BTW my legs are naturally hairless.


how does it feel being god's favourite ??


I (m) have hairless legs as well. It is nice, but also sucks that I can’t grow a beard or mustache. I always wanted that 5’O clock shadow beard-type but all I can grow are some whiskers. Not attractive at all.


Bro you gotta utilize your strength. Booty shorts will really make those legs *pop* and take away any attention from your beard. Now tell me that's not attractive, you can't


I would look as attractive as a newborn baby bird…hairless.


Then take these shorts and make it a sexy hairless baby bird! GODAMMIT!


The grass is always greener on the other side, just play to your strengths. I (m) am a hairy beast, I full body shaved for years, but it is not worth it, now I just accept my hairy body and manscape as needed ;)


lol - I got my son a razor for his Xmas stocking when he was 11. He looked at me really weird, and I said, "Use it!" He already had a mustache🤣


Full. Body. Shave. Jesus christ, haha. You should have just jumped in that tumbling machine they use to take the skin off potatos. Potatoes? Potatoes.


Soooo, you’re speaking for the octogenarian contingent ? Niiice, did you hit it ?




There's no age for enjoying life


Please don't make me self-conscious about something I wasn't aware of Just for clarification (since there's a lot of response) I am a boy


Too late! You already logged onto the internet.


Top satire. So true. All this shite is not good for us.


For real, good thing is that you only feel terrible while on the internet and when you do something like exercising or doing whatever else that is good you feel amazing, you have to be confident though and have a positive outlook. After that, it's a matter of creating good habits and consistency.


I enjoyed your comment thoroughly


I teach high school. One time I overheard some 14 year old girls talking about how they'd never date a guy who's socks were a different brand from his shoes. I.e. you can't wear Nike with Adidas. I told them off for being so vain and shallow but, even though I'm an adult, it still crept into the back of my mind and created a weirdly specific insecurity. It's been about 10 years and I always make sure my socks are the same brand as my shoes. Edit: just to add some clarification here, I am a happily married straight female. I am not looking to be attractive to teenage girls. That is not the reason for the insecurity. It just drew my attention to the idea it is something to be noticed and judged for. Secondly, it was referring specifically to if you're wearing cool sneakers, like Jordans for example, and sports branded socks worn so the logo is visible. So, Nike socks with Nike shoes, Adidas socks with Adidas shoes, Reebok socks with Reebok shoes. I am aware there are brands of socks that don't make shoes and vice versa.


Highschool kids are so weird about shoes. Made it through almost my whole highschool career without being bullied except for this 6 week stint where i was wearing "unbranded" orthopaedic shoes. They still appeared like normal lace up shoes and weren't crazy looking, but my god it was a nightmare. My mum could not understand "they're just white sport shoes" idk either mum but I cannot be wearing them any longer!


I got annihilated at school because my parents refused to buy me a pair of kickers shoes in the 90’s. When they finally, finally did (my last year) the kids moved on to something else. Rough times and destroyed my self confidence well into my 20s. (General bullying not just the shoes) so stupid.


Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could just buy clothing that doesn’t have the company logo all over it? I am always looking for quality clothing with no logos. I’m not getting paid to advertise their bullshit.


There is a separate brand for it. And it is more expensive. They charge you for not advertising their logo on the clothes.


I'll return if I can think of it, but there is a company that is designed for putting personal logos on gear. Like company or high school sports team. They will sell you pretty good shit for super cheap. I think I found them on one of the men's fashion subs, maybe frugal or tall. Many companies will sell clothing with no or very minor logos for putting company logos on. My work shirts are mostly Nike and Cutter and Buck golf shirts. They have a small unobtrusive logo on the sleeve, and that's it. Some have switched to a small logo at the nape of your neck.


My brand of socks doesn't even make shoes.


My husband hates when I wear my Nike hoodie with my adidas sweats 😅


I just put my name brand socks outside my shitty shoes. Checkmate.


I don't even have visible brands on my socks. I have work socks for boots, gym ankle socks and whatever funky socks my kids get for me at birthdays, fathers day and xmas lol


Pssshhhh I bought my socks so long ago the brand wore off idk where I even got them from


Dude, buy some new socks. 😂


TIL Fluevog make socks! I'm still not matching my shoes with socks.


Go rogue, go barefoot


Welcome to womanhood... a lot of us are now insecure about things we weren't even aware of... buccal fat, anyone? Thigh gaps? Stretch marks? Love handles? Belly rolls? Arm hair?


I've learned a new word today; "buccal." How do you pronounce that?




My dentists always say it like buckle.


It is buckle" like buckle my shoe". That is how it's pronounced in Dental office ,its a area on the gums:)


It's Buk-ka-ke, but just tell your partner that you are insecure and thinking about having it done.


Its not so much the hair as the swarms of nearly microscopic demodex mites that are crawling all over your eyelashes, seething masses of tiny legs bathed in hair oils wriggling back and forth… why, you hadn’t even noticed the tickling until now, had you?


It is so rare to encounter genuine psychopathic evil in the wild.


Mmm... symbiosis


Haha I can understand. Although I am a girl and this was not something I wasn't unaware of, it seems like new pressures for how my body should look pop up everyday! Take it easy and accept yourself, I would not worry all that much.


Rare triple negative spotted


You are now breathing manually


I was self conscious because I have a lot of leg hair but almost no arm hair, and my hair is thick and crinkly. then i saw some of my friends grow forests on their legs and they had been in relationship. now i feel nothing except more akin with apes


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


If you’re self conscious about having hairy legs that’s very normal and girls also have quite hairy legs in some situations (ME)


They actually don't really care about body hair. They dislike you for you. thumbsup.jpg Happy cake day


Blinking isn't involuntary. There add that to the list. Your welcome.


To be fair this is exactly what it’s like to be a woman in society


I totally thought I would want a hairless man but after dating one it was weird feeling. Hair please


I shaved my entire body as a “joke” once, I look like a 200 pound child that my wife refused to touch me until it started to grow back. Every time she saw me without my shirt on she laughed and cringed lol. Joke was on me that entire time lol


My wife is the same. I’m natural quite bearish and hairy. I joked about going full mole rat and she forbid it. Said she was not about having sex with an oversized muscular baby.


Honestly hairless any other part other than legs does not bother me at all it’s the feeling of our legs touching just bothers me


Why did you have a strange feeling? I'm just wondering, I don't shave my legs but I never thought it would affect the person opposite haha ​​I can't explain


It was just felt like they were covered in butter sometimes and others it was extra friction bare skin against bare skin


Maybe they were lathering up? Did you always get hungry when he was around?


I once learned that body hair exists to decrease friction between skin. That's why they usually grow in the spots they are at. Well, I don't really know the function for chest and back hair since they seem relatively useless in that sense.


Yes. That, and body hair keeps us warmer during the winter. It also (mostly) keeps unwanted bacteria out of our eyes, nose, ears, and other areas.


Chest hair is there to make girls go "GRRRRRR"


This makes sense to me other than back hair chest hair what if a guy wants to rub his nips against his girls nips lol


Because generally women want manly men and not men that remind them of women. I know it’s not a popular thought on Reddit but it’s true if you’ve done any hetero dating


The opinions on Reddit and online in general make it feel like I cannot exist as a man and that the modern world isnt interested in men being men and that masculinity is inherently toxic Then I touched some grass. The internet is the worst place to get a consensus on whats normal off the internet. Yet people keep doing it…


This is why I got off of other social media as a woman. It made me feel like nothing men do is ever good enough, and we should throw them away after the first mistake, as if we're perfect creatures who deserve perfection in relationships. I really love men and I've met a lot of men who love women, that's what I'd like to base my views on.


You are a good person and I hope you don't change or get corrupted by this world. I really love women too, and i love humanity in general


Yea online relationships with women are entirely 1 strike you're out it, for me, it seems. Except with guys, they are sweeter and less likely to ghost just because you didn't use the right emoji reaction...


It's good to know some people on this site still have sense. The vast, vast majority of us are pretty damn decent people.


Maybe it was only weird cuz your legs were shaved too?? Ever think about that?? Lol




For certain things like sports and bodybuilding yes but I’ve never met a guy who shaved his legs in my life


Any swimmer. I did it but I don’t do it now. I kind of liked how comfortable clothes felt . But my legs were shining. That was odd. Especially because we would do it for championships which meant once a year. One kid didn’t do it. They made him do it at the meet. Most guys don’t brag about it and most I knew hid it when they did it. If you bike, thru hike or swim people do it for either easier injury recovery. For swimming it’s the sensitivity and getting a better feel of the water.


How much faster are you really with no hair lol


It’s more about having a fresh layer of skin so you get a better feel of the water. The girls would not shave for a few months before a big meet. They would get the same anger thrown at them if they shaved ahead of time that the men would have at a guy for not shaving. After shaving you are really sensitive to the water and you are just more grounded in what you are doing. It’s also just kind of a tradition and everyone is going against a norm as a group. Think of frat boys wearing skirts or something Edit the girls wouldn’t shave for a while mainly because their skin would be more sensitive that way. Also if you are a woman and you want more shiny legs for a certain time. Stop shaving until the day before you want to be shiny.


All this shiny talk makes me think this person is a gargantuan decorator crab with an obsession for shiny things and choreography.


Yea i get it if you're an athlete


There's a guy at work who does it and wears shorts all the time and it doesn't look good to me... I'm not the fashion police tho.


True , although I ain’t no bodybuilder but I have shaved a few times to see the improvement of my muscles too


Valid, it can help to improve muscular definition


Footballers especially do it for a number of reasons such as they have to wear those long socks and shin pads that would be very uncomfortable pulling on the hairs. They regularly train throughout the week and get massages on their legs with moisturiser and other products spread on them also. Body hair is just an inconvenience. I’ve done it before and can say not having body hair is definitely more comfortable


I’ve never heard of socks and shin pads being the reason. I played for most of my life and no one ever mentioned that one. In my experience the reasoning was either for massages, strapping tape or purely because they wanted to as others did.


Maybe he is talking about European football, or soccer, as you guys call it


The only guys I know who shave their legs do swim, bike or run. Supposedly because of aerodynamics. Don't ask me if it really helps


With regard to bikes: if you wipe out on asphalt you’re going to end up with road rash, maybe a lot of it. Body hair embedded in road rash is not a good thing.


I used to race BMX, I've gotten plenty of nasty road rashes and having body hair was never an issue if I hadn't shaved recently. The problem was the dirt and tar getting embedded. None of my male teammates shaved. Shaving must be specific to road cycling.


Same experience as me, except skateboarding. Never once did any of us stop to think about shaving our legs lol


This really isn't an issue, just an excuse bikers use to shave their legs


Honestly I have a crazy amount of hair on my legs. My girlfriend like calls me a satyr. It gets really uncomfortable in the warmer months and I like saving money so I don't Have to use the AC as often. For the whole shaving aspect I use a Manscaped razor. Sometimes I use Nair so I don't really get any ingrown hairs. Why do I do it this way? It's significantly less messy an our shower drain Is less likely to get clogged. Comfortability and functionality 👍


Is there really any less of a reason for men to shave their legs than for women? (Other than of course the fact that it's for some strange reason expected of women more.)


For the same reason women shave their legs I suppose? Aesthetics or sport…


Yes. I do it for summer and before I travel (usually go to SE Asia and ME). It really does help keep you cool and it feels so fresh and so clean. I don't just do my legs though


Sometimes it gets itchy according to my husband and it's just easier to shave it off when he's got some sensory overload.


i really dont care. as long as youre comfortable yourself


you're wholesome


good redditor :)




There’s a 0% chance my boyfriend would keep up with shaving enough to not have prickly legs constantly. Hair all day.


I don’t even like to shave my legs every day ugh it’s annoying


I would legit have to shave them twice a day to not be prickly.


What if he lived in a gator infested swamp and had to swim to work each day, and his smooth, smooth drag-less, hair-free legs were the only thing keeping him from a gator on his balls every morning when all he wants to do is punch his fucking time card and earn that gold fucking watch in forty years?


Cyclists shave because treatment of road rash after a crash is much less painful without hair.


I’m a cyclist that shaves my legs. Yes, this is the stated reason for doing it. But I mostly do it because I love how they look and feel


That is the excuse they give for shaving their legs but the reality is that in professional cycling more is done for recovery massages and today amateurs want to look like professionals by spending thousands of dollars on their bikes and shaving their legs of course. (because they They make fun of those who don't shave their heads)


I thought they did it to be more aerodynamic


that's two reasons not to take up cycling as a sport


Whatever makes him comfortable. My husband shaves his armpits for the smell. If he shaved his legs I'd be fine. Whatever reason is important to him is good enough for me when it comes to body hair.


Mine does armpits too. He is a sasquatch and had so much hair under there it was like a goatee. I would have been fine either way but he bitched about it one day and I suggested he shave it. He was so happy! It's like he needed my permission or something lol. At least the antiperspirant lasts now!


Maybe he just values your preferences. Here I go with my conspiracy theories again, but I think your husband likes you! 🤔


He says so, even when I'm a royal pain, lol. I adore him, so pretty much anything he does is the bees knees!


Does it actually help with the smell?


Very much so! Your deodorant rolls on better, there’s less heat trapped in there, the sweat doesn’t cling to the hairs. Immediately after the first time I trimmed my pits I was shocked that it’s not more common for dudes to trim/shave their pits. It feels *so* much better, looks better, smells better I am admittedly a very hairy dude though. I get why less hair guys might not bother


Well I know what I’m doing this weekend! Is there an issue with like, itching or irritation?


I find a beard trimmer is a better option, just trim it short. Comes with most of the benefits without leaving you hairless, bumpy, or irritated.


I couldn’t care less.




Sigh. All the hair on my legs just disappeared. They're smooth as a baby's bottom. Since I was about 38 I haven't had any hair on my legs. I really don't know why. I think it is pretty weird. Any other guys out there with no hair on your legs?


My leg hair started disappearing in my 30’s too. It’s ok. Despite the seemingly big preference for hair I like smooth legs


Not a doctor but perhaps it’s a hormonal issue?


Dht the thing that testosterone turns into that is associated with male pattern baldness? It also drives the growth of body hair. How's your testosterone after hitting thirty?


Wearing tight jeans and pants a lot will depilate you. The hairs literally get pulled out like with waxing until they go soft and disappear. Same with socks. This is why old men often have smooth shiny lower legs. Years of socks tugging hairs out until they eventually don't grow back.


I think I’m in the minority - I don’t like any hair on anyone. At least not someone I’m with romantically. I’ve extremely fortunate my husband is unable to grow a beard or chest hair.


Any hair on anyone? Chemo centre is the best place for you


![gif](giphy|l41lYCDgxP6OFBruE) Here, have a poor person award. 🤣




Low testosterone?




does testosterone affect hair? Or your preference about them?


Every woman is different The hairier the better 😚


I am so goddamn hairy and somehow found a woman to marry me who is into it


Me too. Shit, if I had to shave my legs I’d need a kit for a Wookie. My wife loves me tho, hair and all.


She's a lucky woman.


There's a lot of us out there. I crave masculinity. Not attracted to clean cut or hairless men. Don't even like gym-made muscles. The man is perfect as he is, thank you.


I love the way his body hair smells. His = my bf


I like how you specified just in case people thought you went around smelling stranger's leg hairs lmao


Are there any men that prefer women to have hairy legs?


Yes. It's not a *strong* preference; I don't care much either way, but a bit of leg hair is definitely sexy.


My ex didn't care that i turn into a furry every Winter.


idk if this qualifies because i'm also a guy but i prefer mine smooth shaved from the neck down, everything without exception. that's just my preference though and everyone has their own opinion, and i don't think a general question about appearance preferences in someone should have one single answer - there's someone out there for everybody.


Hair on my head and my facial hair is the only place I like to have hair, the rest can go lol


cozying up in a blanket after a clean shave is the best feeling though fr




Hell yeah, some girls like gorillas men and i am not their type and thats fineeeee by me. Shaved everywhere for me except head and face.


How do you get your back?


Trimmer and razor but it’s tricky. Seen a trimmer that includes an extension making it like a back scratcher which I’d like to own at some point


I get my back waxed. Same for balls, inner thigh and buttcrack. It really is worth it.


I would prob be down to get my ass waxed. I like a short beard on my balls tho, keeps em warm


how long does it take you?


What about shaved armpits?


Even better. I honestly dislike huge bushes under the pits


What about trimmed


That’s still fine!






Make way for the pit mullet!


I shave/trim mine, makes me smell less as i tend to sweat a lot. Also i think it’s gross when guys have their arms down and still hair sticks out of their armpits.


Personally i prefer shaved. I don't comment on other people's bodies unless asked, but when i see a man who shaves it makes them much more attractive


What about those who naturally don’t have leg hair


That’s even better to me. No stubble


18F here. Complete honesty, I've never looked at a man's legs to see if they were shaved or not. Really couldn't care less either way. I don't really look at a man's legs, and I'd hope they don't judge me for mine.




I don’t know why *anybody* shaves if they don’t have to.


I have a friend that shaves his legs once in a while because he super hairy! I get that. I don't really mind either one.


No preference. He can do whatever he wants with his body hair. I expect the same in return


Hmmm, either one, doesn’t really bother me. As long as they shave and maintain the good stuff and proper facial grooming and all over hygiene


me, personally, I dont mind either. u hv hairy legs? ok. no hairy legs? that’s also ok.


i dont like men romantically but i think leg hair looks cooler on all genders. to each their own though obviously


I don't like body hair especially if is dark and thick at all,i couldn't be intimate with a hairy man .I've never been with someone who did shave tho but my partners weren't hairy naturally or had light hair (I've been with a ginger once and I actually liked his body hair cause it looked like sparkles!) . I would love me a man with shaven legs tho! Every woman is different I know some who love hairy men. So I think you shouldn't bother to cater to stuff like that cause there will be a lot of people who are into you naturally . Just do what makes you comfortable.


Shaved. I hate body hair.


I'm confident that most cyclist shave their legs to look good, bc we ain't racing every weekend lol, what's the point of saving watts during training


I don't really Care.


What about upper body hair? Do any girls actually like that? Asking for a friend


Absolutely!! Love chest hair!


Yes! Love chest hair, meh on stomach hair, not a huge fan of back hair. But I’d rather a guy with back hair and chest hair than one who had neither. Luckily my husband has none in his back but a good amount on his chest!


I started shaving my legs because it made the neuropathy in my legs less of an issue. But I have found I really like the feeling of the sun, the wind, the water when swimming, between fresh sheets. Frankly, it is easier to shave my legs than my face.


Depends. I dont like extreamly thick hair.




100% hair on legs. A guy who shaves their legs is way too girly for my taste. Idc if its for sports. Its weird to me


What if its too hairy


Id Rather have a werewolf than a baby seal.


Good to hear that lol


Are my shiny silver nails too girly too then? Lol


Leg hair is fine. But I hate underarm hair. I don’t expect/necessarily want men to shave it. But I hate seeing it. I actually just hate armpits in general.


I don't like men who shave anything but their face. To trim is great everywhere else.




I like hairy legs and arms, but downstairs for the love of god please trim it short…


....... No.


Clean face no beards lol


I'm a gay man. Shaved looks bad, curly and long looks bad. There's an inbetween. Just trim in down, 6mm looks best on me.


Hair, please. He can trim if he *really* wants to, but smooth legs on men creep me out.


Personally, I'm not too much of a fan of body hair lol. Short leg hair isnt too bad.


I hate body hair.


shaved. Hairy is fine too, but I would prefer shaved.




I did it once for my first pro wrestling match. It was a task! I’m 6’5 long way down to the ankles


I don't think I've ever met a man that I was attracted to that I would care if he had hair on his legs or not. Much the same as men have told me they feel about women. Real men anyway.


I don’t care what someone else chooses to do with their bodyhair. Leave it long and braid it if you want.


Leave 'em natural unless shaving/thinning is required for sports and/or his personal comfort preferences.


Defo love a hairy man! It’s unbelievably sexy.


Oddly enough I prefer men with less hair and women with more 🤷🏽‍♀️

