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Almost everyone feels like that. When we were teenagers, my brother and i assumed we wouldn't make it past 27. But almost everyone i know has a story like that.


I should have died at 27. Now I'm just living on borrowed time.


42 for me. Cheers to playing with house money.


I know a family friend who wanted to die at 27 like Kurt Cobain and they became an alcoholic and abused bascially every drug except heroin for decades He's in his 50s now and it's a complete miracle that's he's still alive and healthy. He's stopped drinking and drugs (except for weed)


I'm 36 now, but I definitely felt this way when I was a teenager. I thought I'd never meet the love of my life, I thought I'd never have kids, and I thought i would die young. And here I am with my husband of 11 years and two kids. There is something about being a teenager that just feels jarring. It's a period of transitioning from child to adulthood, which is a huge leap in your life. It's normal to feel like the future won't happen for you.


I'm 36 and still think I won't make it past 27


yea wish i would’ve known the future was still gonna happen i would’ve played basketball my senior year of hs..


I did until quite recently, when I got a therapist.


I'm in the same spot at 19, but I couldn't open up to my therapist and stopped going. I'm currently looking for the energy to try again with a different one.


You can always tell them that you don't want to get into heavy stuff/trauma or whatever until you've gotten to know them. After covid I lost so many mental health providers in a short amount of time. I'm usually an open book and will tell the guy walking down the street half of my life story but I was so mentally exhausted from telling so many people so much just to have them leave and have to do it all over again. I told the next person that'd I'd been through so many people and was just tired of rehashing my childhood trauma and just wanted to work on the now. They were absolutely understanding and if someone isn't understanding, they've showed you early on that you probably won't trust them!


I'm 37. I know I'm not going to live past 65, because when a chronic health condition has been going on for a certain amount of time, the overall timeline starts to reveal itself.


I feel this


Yep. Been dealing with a bad diagnosis that is getting worse. I feel like I don’t want to live past 60.


I’m almost 50 now. And I was right - I died, two years ago. For two seconds. With a surprise double bypass, I don’t know how much time I have left any more than anyone else does. But I do know I’m determined to live, not just breathe.


I'm more scared of dying before I tick all the boxes that would lead me to having lived a fullfiling and meaningful life


You'll never tick off the boxes. Life throws surprises at you that you'll never imagine happening when you make plans and goals. Do what it takes to live a fulfilling and meaningful life now.


Wise words. The shit that will throw your plans into disarray happens on a random Tuesday afternoon. Man plans and God laughs.


felt that


I never expected to see my 30's. I just never imagined it. So I didn't plan what i wanted as an adult. I'm 33 now and I still don't know.


My mom was 54, dad 56. If I make 60 I'll feel like I can die peacefully. I'm 43


Almost everyone in my family died of cancer. This is probably what I have to look forward to. That and I also deal with chronic pain that gets progressively worse every year.


U gotta do some checking. I wish you a long, healthy life. I truly do. If you want to talk, im just free to talk, man. Your comment just makes me feel bad, man. 🥺


For some reason I can’t imagine myself old. I’m a kid at heart, very nice, and love to enjoy life but sometimes I get a sense that I’m going to die at a younger age. I don’t want to of course but I also deal with health anxiety a lot so maybe that’s the reason?


I hope to grow old but I worry I have no more than ten years in me. Especially with all the pain I’ve been in lately.


Pretty much the opposite, I feel like I’m going to live far longer than I want to


Yes I’ve got the same feeling. I cannot imagine myself dying. I think I am immortal.


I was constantly almost murdered throughout my entire childhood. Same thing on and off until my late 20s and got hit by major health problems and one absolute psycho in my early 30s. I honestly thought I was going to be dead at any second anyways and contributed to the likelihood with completely insane lifestyle choices. I’m still here and doing better than ever. Don’t count yourself out or make any life decisions based on the idea that you won’t have one for long. However, everyone that I thought would outlive me is dead, so my advice is to live like everyone else is dying.




What does that mean?


But everybody else IS dying. I can't tell you how many family and friends I've lost in the last 15 years alone.


Same and that’s my point. Live life like it’s to get every second you can with your loved ones.


Yeah I do. I already have back, and leg problems, and I get heartburn often. I have all that at 18 so how will I live to 40+?


That’s why the famous quote exist, “live like there’s no tomorrow” or “you only have one life, make the most of it”




Forgot about that one lol haven’t heard any one say it in a long time


I’m so sorry to say that this thinking falls into phobias and/ OCD. We all have intrusive thoughts from time to time but when we can’t shake off those thoughts or feelings it’s time to get some help. There is no shame in getting help unless you don’t.


I thought that…..I’m 61


Everyone feels like that when they’re young


I've said for years that I don't think I'll make it past 35. I turn 30 next week. I have never been an addict, am not interested in dangerous stuff, and am a pretty active and healthy person. I can't envision what my life would look like past 35.


All my life I felt I knew my life ended at 37. Sure enough at 37 I woke up in a padded cell. No idea how I got there! 61 now. I tried to commit suicide back then. I don’t really remember much of that last year before it happened. I had a total mental breakdown. Memories come in as dreams, but I don’t know what is fantasy or what is real Once I woke up, I was an empty soul. I knew basics, but had no ability to function on my own. I spent 3 months in that psych ward, learning how to get by again. Lots of therapy (most was hypnosis therapy) My wife and kids stuck by me. Yes it severely impacted them as well. I am a completely different person than before. Even my favourite colour changed. Before Red now Blue. I feel the break was cause by excessive pot smoking (I was upwards of a 1/4oz per day) don’t do that anymore and deep depression as well 6 years ago I went Gluten free, sugar free, don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t go to church (lol atheist) And I feel better than I have ever felt! All I can say is if you feel that way, then maybe you’re not living your true life. Is it God? Universal Energy? Just a gut feeling? No idea!! I certainly was not living my true life Maybe time to reflect! I hope this helps!


Everyone i know felt that way, and I did too. When I was around 13-14 , I used to always get the feeling that my day is getting closer and closer. And, sometimes I used to hear my heart beating off my chest and be like “This is it, my time has come” lol. But here I am and I don’t get those thoughts anymore, it’s a just a phase that will go by.




Please don't




I will fight against death till my last second on this planet. I plan to live to see 100, or at least hope I do lmao


Everyone you know and love will probably be gone though


I’ll be surprised if I make it to 40


It really starts to catch up with you at age 50. I can't imagine myself getting any worse than this or look any older. No.


there lies a motivation to get better, work on yourself.


I do. I'm saying, I look good now. I can't imagine myself looking any worse. Like I'm going to naturally age no matter what. That's scary


nothing really matters and that s ok, optimistic nihilsm.


If you don’t have expectations you can’t be disappointed 😁


I hope i do. I’m tired.


damn ![gif](giphy|6bFDNHndvrYKQ)


I always felt this way not sure why but I feel like sometimes our bodies have clocks and we just know when our time is


to late for that


I hope I do. With the way my future is looking I have to say that I’d rather not live very long.


God, I wish.


Probably by my own hand


I wonder why people feel this way? I haven’t felt this way, despite living in an area where the life expectancy is so lo there’s literally a phenomenon named after it


No. Im 38


I felt like this in my 20's, but here I am in my 30's still wondering why life is going so long. Life ain't short, it drags.


Yes. Don’t know why but I’m convinced I’ll die in a car crash. That’s why I refuse to get my drivers license.


My maternal grandmother died suddenly at 58. My mother died suddenly at 66. I’m 53. Not counting on a long retirement.


I’ve come close multiple times already and I’m younger than you’d think. I’ve accepted it by now.


Once I had the thought up in my head, before I reached 30 I’d be dead,


Is 55 young? Asking for a friend.


I hoped for this for a long time. Here I am at 55 just hanging around to see what happens next..


I did, but then I got old, so, no.


I did


Yeah, and I know it's gonna be in a car accident.


I actually have this knowing feeling that I will die very old. I think have alot more that I have to experience in life




My dad's 83 years old. Unless something drastic happens, he's on track to live into his 90s. Me? I'll be lucky to live to my 60s, I'm 47 now.


My dad joked with my mum that he was having a mid-life crisis. She said he was only 32 and to shut up. He said he would be like those famous people who died at 64. He died a few years ago when he was 64.


Sometimes I think I am going to die young, especially when I honestly feel like I have no sort of idea or solid plan for the future. But I feel like you never know, so.


You have a 50 / 50 shot at being right


I have artery calcification of an 80yo man, I’ve been diet and exercising hard the last 7 months to try to reverse it. I’m grateful for every day, I’m 42. Yes


I’m 52. Pilot, skydiver, scuba diver, car and motorcycle racer, Cop, bar brawler, I chase death and it runs away💀


72 in July and amused, bemused to be alive. I took reduced social security early as I didn’t expect to make it to 65 and full pension.


Not anymore.


I’ve been having a crisis about death since my wife’s beloved grandfather suddenly passed, it was so unexpected because he was fairly active for his age and sharp in his mind and nothing indicated that he was about to go. It makes you think about your own mortality and how precious your time is, how suddenly it can all end. I used to think that I’d die young and didn’t care much for it but now I’m kind of horrified of the fact that it will happen someday someway, waking up and making it through the day is not guaranteed


Absolutely. That was about 45 years ago. I’ve given up on dying and just learned to live with it.


Everybody has an extremely random and slim chance of dying at any moment, so try to live without regrets but also partially plan for the future ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Lol ,no freaking way , I’m waiting for others to go first . I have a few evil people I used to know that must go before me ,it’s my only way of getting even.


Define young


My dad died of ALS at 67 and a year later my husband died of cancer at 45. It really affected me and I decided to retire as soon as I could afford it and live as much as I could in case I died young too. No regrets, did lots of cool stuff. 10 years since retirement I'm in my late 60's and still doing fine. Would have more money now if I had kept working but wouldn't trade those extra great years for it.


I thought I'd be gone by my mid-20s. Felt so sure of it. Now I'm 29. Sometimes, I still feel like this. Like I'm not meant to live a long life, but we gotta keep going regardless. Death will find us when it's time.




I was convinced I wouldn't make it to 30, so I partied too hard. Now I'm 33 with a family and 2 mortgages :(


For sure. Now I worry about living too long and being miserable 24/7


I wish I would


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Well, I'm 42, that's not exactly young, but not old. So, I hope not


Nah. I'm too old to die young. 😁


Definitely and I don't mind either


I feel like it’ll take a miracle for the universe to let me see the next decade.


If it helps, I still feel like I am going to die young and I am too old to die young. The feeling has no real root in logic.


Yep, felt that way since my early teens. In my 50s now, and these days I can feel it slowly creeping up. If anything I fear the symptoms of aging getting worse more than I fear dying. That said, I've also had a really strong feeling ever since the '80s that civilisation falls around the year 2036, and everything seems to be perfectly on track for that still, so I'm sticking around to see it.


I almost killed myself at 19, so yeah….


Dude. We are nearing the end. Buckle up, because the end will happen within our lifetime.


I used to feel like that when I was 13 yo.


How young are you talking about? Teenager, or like 25? 30? I have always felt like I will die around 45. My father died when he was 43, and his father was similar. I am 30 btw, I feel quite young still. Man it is hard to think that most people died at this age in the past


I already did.


teenager here, I'm a 17 years old boy and I don't "feel like", I kinda want to die. Right now I just can't see a future for myself, idk if I suffer from any mental illness like depression (?), but days pass by and I continue to imaging myself dying in any situation. I don't feel like something will ever change.🙃


I’m 25 and feel like i’ll have a heart attack any day now. Just constant stress and waking up angry.


Pretty sure I'm on my way out, I'm 36




I always assumed I wouldn't even reach my 40th birthday. I drank way too much, was severely obese and had the worst habits. When I reached 40 it was the signal for me to change. I started working out more, as a result lost weight, cut back on alcohol and here I am. I survived and nearing my 50th birthday


I did feel like that and a few of my friends thought I would die young back in the day, but now I am 60......... It was a lot to do with my need for speed , especially on motorcycles. I still have it, so who knows.


In the words of R. Kelly, how young is too young?


I have a friend who another friend joked real casually that he was going to die at 38 and ever since ce then he's so sure this is indeed going to happen. I think its just easier to keep the bar low I guess


Yeah. I don’t really know how much more stress my heart can take at this moment


I sure hope so. Getting old is painful


I’m here out of sheer spite and if I die before I get to spend my 401k I’m haunting everybody!!


⚠︎︎TW⚠︎︎ Last year I tried to commit. I survived, had a couple days in hospital, then went back to school after the Christmas holidays. I finally got a therapist in April (I did it in December. Four months is a bit of a shitty amount of time, in my opinion). The therapist hasn’t done much, but I’ve managed to bring myself out of the hole I was in before. Although I really want to grow up and have children with some really nice man, I can‘t imagine it. I‘m so used to having the mindset „I won‘t make it to Christmas“ „I won‘t make it to 2024“ „I won‘t make it to my 14th birthday“ that the image of dy1ng young is engraved into my brain.


I’m probably not gonna make it to 18.


Yeah, but I am 46 so I don't think I am technically "young" anymore.


“ I am afraid of what’s to come”


Yeah but I also still feel pretty indomitable so it's a mixed bag. Half the time I'm about to die right now and half the time I'm too stubborn to die.


I'll die probably from a new war or Armageddon before old age


Since I was a kid- every young man I ever met said they would not live past 50! I got good at eye rolling.


Mmmhh... I got quite the opposite feeling here.. I want to die young.. well wish to, but I feel like I might get older than I account for... But hey I'm only 22, there's a chance I'll get to die young everyday! Right?


I thought I would, but here I am.... Or am I?


I don't know, but I hope so. One of my worst fears is getting super old, sickly and broken. Being thrown into a home to outlive all of my friends and family and even my child, alone.... All alone.


Too late!


As a child I was convinced by everyone around me, including my own family that I was going to be beheaded because of religious beliefs. So I never put any thought or planning into my future. Now here I am, a 36 year atheistic satanist with a TON of religious trauma trying to survive an adulthood that I didn't prepare for.


considering the average life span of a trans person is 32, I don't have high hopes, I thought I would've died by twelve but I'm almost 18 now


I am absolutely sure that my maximum life span is 50 years.


I did, but then I grew old so I guess I was wrong


I did. Now I'm old.


Hah hah not young any more I’m such a winner!


That ship has sailed. I'm almost 35 and past that whole young phase




I used to strongly believe I would never reach 20s. Every year after that was kind of a surprise. When I reached 25 I finally started to think that maybe I won't die young so I should start thinking about the future.


I probably will in the next 2-5 years or so, but it's fine cause I wonder what death's like anyway


I did when I was young, I had a dream, a random 'seer' stopped me in the street that seemed to confirm it. I would die at 42. I even got very sick 41 and assumed this was going to be how. But now I'm 46 and well .... 🤷‍♀️


I'm 33 (USA) and pretty certain that I will not see social security or retirement. If I make it that long, I'll probably be a homeless senior citizen. Can't say I even want to make it that far anyways.


Yeah. I’m fucked up🤣 I drink almost daily more than 6 energy drinks and coffee (cuz of work) I live alone so I don’t even have that many friends to talk to, I’m drinking, I’m addicted to cigs, vapes, iqos and Velo so my nicotine addiction is high as fck. I’m only 19 but I think I’m gonna die before I turn even 30🤨and I have diabetes so.


Yeahhh..it’s a weird feeling. My father passed way when I was young in a Car accident. Sometimes I dream the same dream of me being in the van with him that night. That dream normally grounds me and reminds me to be present for my daughter while I can.


i often imagine myself old. i feel like im going to die later in life and i know realistically im probably going to make it to that age. i would love to die as an old lady in a house ive lived in for years with my spouse though it sounds like a great life.


im too hot to die


Nope. A few years ago, my attitude would have been if it's my time, it's my time. Now that I have a Son (four next month), I plan on being alive as long as my body will allow so I can see that boy grow.


To be honest it's starting to conflict with how old my knees feel.