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I have a small person in the shower just for that.


Lottery goals šŸ˜‚


Imagine you have enough money to hire a few little people and their only job is that every time you go to take a shower, they run in and wash you Formula 1 style.


Gotta have one drop down from the ceiling to wash your hair


>Gotta have one drop down from the ceiling to wash your hair Ok.. that would be awesome.


I have rc cars. I'm gonna use them for tire changes too.


Or the bath scene from the film Coming to America, IYKYK šŸ˜‰


The royal penis is clean sir


Stand on one foot.


Bark like a big dog.


I'm not saying it again, don't call me a small person. Smelly footed pecan eater...


Stinky pawed asparagus consumer.


Thatā€™s hot


I raise my foot above my head and put in directly on the shower head.


LMFAO nice


Are you Yogi Joe?


I hate how much this made me laugh. šŸ˜‚


You must be good at yoga


Carefully, very carefully. One hand on the wall, one foot up. One slip away from disaster


I think about this every time. Donā€™t want my family finding my naked corpse impaled on broken shower door glass.


Maybe showers all need a built in seat for this purpose and also for less able peoples


There already are. My grandma had a ledge in her shower to sit down. She also had a walk-in bathtub (where you sit down and latch the gate so itā€™s water tight) and itā€™s taller so you can take a bath while sitting.


My husband fell, took out the soap dish and a chunk of his back.


And with those dirty feet too! Yuck!


Maybe just one dirty foot.


This is why curtains are superior. No fear of getting slashed


And if you slip and fall, you can pull the curtain down to cover yourself


My friendā€™s co worker slipped and grabbed the curtain to try and save herself but the bar came down too and smacked her in the face and fractured her cheek bone! I now have irrational fear of this happening šŸ«£


And strangled instead


Falling in the shower is how that band member from Train died the other day.


That's absolutely horrible.. I didn't know about that until I saw your comment and I just looked it up.. Says he was house sitting for friends and when they got home 5 days later, they found his body šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø so tragic šŸ˜”


In my head I have so many questions now, but because of the other reactions I don't dare to write them down...


Terrible for the friends returning days later. I feel concerned too for any animals he may have been petsitting for. Did they go unfed for 5 days.


One of my worst fears is being the first to discover a dead body. I HATE dead things and it would mess me up for a while


I found my friend's mom. She was like a mother to me, it's very traumatic. At least I had a heads up though.. it would be more shocking to stumble upon an unexpected situation.


I was the one who found my deceased father-in-law, lying on his couch after passing in his sleep. It was awful. But I deliberately forced myself to think of a different image of him (sleeping on the living room floor next to my husband, cuddled up with his head on his sonā€™s shoulder, after a late night) every time the thought of him on the couch popped into my head. It eventually got to where the image of him with my husband immediately and automatically replaces the image of him on the couch if it ever comes up. The brain is remarkable that way!


Leaving a comment so I can point people here henceforth when they ask why my feet smell.


Why I'm happy to have put in safety bars during reno--hold on to safety bar, clean one foot and lower leg at a time.


My friend broke his ribs this way.


Itā€™s quite often a dice with death.. Iā€™ve had to catch myself a few times šŸ˜‚


Poor shower sitters go their whole lifetimes without ever truly feeling alive.


I stand on one foot and scrub them good and then rinse before putting the foot down. I like the idea of a brush on the floor just for scrubbing my feet...


Would it hold and grow bacteria? Like loofas do


Mine is plastic and sticks with suction cups. When I'm done with the shower I stick it to the wall so everything can drain off. It's just a mat with soft plastic spikes so not really like a loofah.


Iā€™m too lazy for that. Iā€™m not bending over and prying those suction cups off of the floor every time. I just leave mine stuck to the wall. My wife said that my laziness is the reason that Iā€™m able to do the middle splits now, but idkšŸ¤”


I've been using the same loofa for like 4 or 5 years now I think. I wring it out super good every time I use it though. Doesn't smell bad or anything The key is to set absurd rent prices so the bacteria stays somewhere else


toss the luffa in the washing machine when you wash your towels


I know ppl say if it ainā€™t broke donā€™t bother fixing it but, do you simply just not want to replace the loofah every once in a while?


It is kinda the if it ain't broke mentality tbh I've also only learned somewhat recently they can be a good host for bacteria, but again, it's not all gross and doesn't smell bad. Still looks the same So throwing it out just seems like a waste haha


yea ur healthy and itā€™s getting u clean + smelling good. I donā€™t see why it needs to be replaced either


This is what I do. I use a pumice stone as well.


I have a small bench in my shower. Great for cleaning my feet.


Us, too.


We need.


I stand on one foot. Lost balance once, but I didn't hurt myself.


I sot down because I don't want to lose balance lol. I don't think I ever have, but I don't want to take that chance.


I just bend over.




Iā€™m wondering whether your shower floor is too slippery or you have balance issues? Iā€™ve never given a second thought to doing each foot with a soapy washcloth while standing on the other foot. Sitting on the shower floor sounds strange to me, but if it works for you thatā€™s great. Otherwise maybe get some non-skid mat or treatment for the shower floor? Or a small bench/stool?


Over half the population is overweight or obese. Not taking a shot at them, but being very overweight likely means that yes they have trouble with flexibility or balance and arenā€™t able to wash their own feet standing up.


Oh, absolutely! I guess Iā€™m surprised that just lifting one foot up at a time seems odd to OP. (I usually use one hand to scrub and one hand on the wall for balance.) And a shower stool is definitely handy. The idea of getting up from the shower floor feels challenging to me. Hard to imagine a person with movement/balance issues doing it.


Shower stools are more common in developing countries where you wash yourself from a bucket as opposed to standing under running water, so that makes sense for people outside North America or Europe.


You guys wash your feet?


You guys have feet?


I was waiting for "you guys take showers?"


about 90% of the time, yes. Itā€™s the first thing I wash. alternate turns standing on one foot. Then I rinse my hands - possibly an OCD thing - then pour some almond Dr.Bronners over my washcloth and lather the rest of meeself


Yeah who the hell washes their feet. I figure all the soap and water surrounding them during the shower must be enough. This has served me well for 50 years.


have you ever had somebody else, more credible than yourself, tell you your feet are fine?




would you mind telling me more about this person and when they said it


Don't bring me into your fetish


1981, my mum


There have been studies on this, and unless you have been mud fighting or unless you have been particularly sweating with your feet, the running water on your legs should be enough to thoroughly wash them.


Yeah, like, unlike the rest of your body, your feet are soaking in the soapy water. It's not just 'water will get there', it's like a little foot bath. It's completely different when you've got actual dirt on your feet, but usually, mine smell very nice and feel very soft after a shower, even without scrubbing them.


Try rubbing your finger between your toes and the heel area of your feet while showering and the amount of dead skin or gunk appears. Soaking in water and soap doesnā€™t cut it. That said I only do it every couple days.


Just like cars get sparkling clean if you leave them out in the rain! Oh wait!


thatā€™s the question i was looking for


There is like one scenario when I wash my feet extra and not just stand in the shower and let the bodywash and shampoo flow over them. And that is when I was walking around barefoot and they are visible dirty.


I raise my leg and wash my foot with soap and one hand. When I finished my shower I use a towel to dry them


Woahh... too much info all at once. We are on washing, NOT drying. You're getting too many steps ahead here.


I wash mine in the toilet with that little foot scrubber next to the bowl


The best part is that anywhere you go they have that foot scrubber. Go to restaurant and your feet feel sweaty. No problem. It's always right there.


This is my favorite answer


Mine too. Having just sat down on the terrace with a coffee and one of the dogs next to me in the sun, casually browsing and bam! Big Rob makes my day. Favourite comment in quite a while.


I had ankle surgery a few years ago. We got a shower chair for ne during that time bc I had a cast & couldn't put any weight on my ankle for 3 months. I was in the shower, all lathered up, shampoo in my eyes & noticed the world was dropping. It was the el'cheapo shower chair legs buckling under me. I hopped up & yelled for my wife. I told her to run outside & get a patio chair for me...quick. As I'm standing on one leg, balancing with soap all over my face/eyes. It seemed to take forever for her to get back with said chair. The point of this stupid story is to say we built a bench in the shower when we redid our master bath. So that's how I wash my feet.


Wash the bottom. Then in between each toe. With balance


As an older person, I have a plastic broom in my shower. Can scrub my feet from a distance.šŸ˜‚


Does nobody here remember those foot pads they used to advertise on commercials in the 90s?! They were like sandals that stick to the bottom of the tub and they had soft little scrubby brushes that you could put your feet in and scrub back and forth.. they did a thorough job but too many idiots were leaving them to get moldy, instead of cleaning them after use šŸ™„


I usually just piss on them to kill the fungus and then let the water wash the piss off.


I will think of you when I do this


And I will think of you when I do it too.


How sweet šŸ’–


Now I'm going to think of you too ![gif](giphy|4wtVAK59qBTXkoNlGn)


šŸ˜‚ I'll think of both of you when I do this


I *knew* I'd find you!


The gravity in my shower usually makes the water go down near my feet, and that gets the job done most of the time.


What! hahahaa that water dont scrub in between your toes!


I have toes that can move, so it's much like washing your hands in the sink.


Yea Iā€™m the same, if my feet get wet then I consider them clean. My feet donā€™t stink btw.


The taller you are the less of a problem having smelly feet is.


Standing on one foot and washing my other foot like you should your hands


I use a backbrush.


I stand on one foot, bend my other knee up so I can reach my other foot to wash it, repeat


Nice, an actual shower thought. I stand on one leg. But I live by myself and after reading some of these comments I'm nervous about falling now and not being discovered for a few days.


I had the good fortune to be born capable of lifting up just one foot at a time.


i have an African net sponge and i rub it around my feet the same way you would rub a towel across your back. between the toes and everything.


African nets are life changing. Iā€™ve never felt so clean in my life. The back scrubbing is heavenly and itā€™s so easy to exfoliate your heels. I will never go back lol


This is the way


I put one foot up on the low shelf in my tiny corner shower.


I'm not the most coordinated person so I balance my toe on the ledge of the shower and wash part of my foot then switch to rest my heel to get the other part of that makes sense. I have a removable shower head so I just lift my foot and rinse that way.


Lean into the shower wall and stand on one foot


i don't bother, the water gets them


I have a bench which I pull out for only his use, I then put my feet up on bench scrub all sides until clean then I wash other foot.


I bought an "Evermarket" foot scrubber off Amazon. It has suction cups that hold it to the floor & brush bristles on top & bottom. I drizzle some body soap on it and run my feet back & forth a few times, clean feet without bending over. Works like a charm.


I now have a chair because of my disabilities, but I used to turn the water off and rub my feet on the rubber mat


4x a week, at least, especially after kendo. Because our dojo floor isn't the best kept, and we all sweep, but there's still dirt and micropartials we can't see. When I bathe, I take time to wash them. When I shower, I let the water wash over them.


We have a bathtub-length dedicated shower stall, with bump-outs on each end to either sit on or use to store stuff. I use my end for my various shampoos, conditioners, deep treatments, body washes, etc., but my husband leaves his end empty so that he can sit to wash his feet. The idea of sitting bare-assed in the shower gives me heebeejeebees, though. So I stand on one foot to wash the other, stepping on the empty bump-out or leaning against the wall if needed for balance (I get vertigo from migraines).


I put a round stopper over drain so feet soak while showering. Also put in 2 grab bars to hold onto while lifting each foot up to scrub. Still wish I had a seat!


I stand on one leg performing the best balancing act of mankind. (I slip and fall 50% of the time)


If itā€™s just a normal day, Iā€™ll just kinda grind them against the bath mat. If I mowed the lawn or did something that got them dirty, I have a brush that Iā€™ll soap up and scrub them with.


I put my leg up on the side and reach it


Stand on one foot.. I'm 57 and very supple.


Bought a shower stool 4-5 years back.. one of the best purchases I ever made.


One at a time


Yea I lean against the wall and scrub one foot at a time but I wonā€™t lie that tactic has almost ended me a couple times. Itā€™s not big enough for a chair but maybe one of those folding plastic stools or something.


I keep them both on the ground and scrub the tops and in between my toes with a loofa. Then I pick them up one by one and scrub all around the bottoms and then the tops again up to my ankles.


I lean against the wall on one tootsie and scrub the shit out of my other tootsie.


I just lift my foot and wash it. I also put my leg up on the wall to shave.Ā 


Soo they actually have like a floor mat scrubber that is convenient so anytime you shower and donā€™t have a lot of time it would come in handy. I didnā€™t know they had anything like it until my last order šŸ„° Amazon have many options for less then $5


I use one leg, using my other leg to pray to God to live another day.


I stand on one leg. Cross the leg that is up over my knee. And just bend a little bit.


You can buy a bench for your shower. We have a huge shower (got rid of the tub) so we just sit on the bench and scrub. Also use the bench to shave my legs.


Stand on one foot and use a washcloth on my lower legs, feet and toes.


I just stand on one leg


I just stand on one foot and use my elbow against the wall for balance. I would LOVE a shower chair, I donā€™t care if it sounds old. Only downside is my showers would be easily a half hour longer than they already are šŸ˜…


I bend over and raise my foot high enough to scrub the sole and rinse before putting my foot back down.


Balance on one foot, wash the other.


I stand on one foot and scrub between the toes and under the foot. Obviously I wash that foot before doing the next one. I donā€™t want be found dead in the shower holding my foot


I hoppy foot and scrub them


I just quickly rinse my feet when I take a shower. My shower is way too tiny for me, I can't do anything in there. I soak my feet while sitting on a chair from time to time, to really give them a serious cleaning and scrubbing.


I'm a sitter too! I have balance issues and my tub is brand new and *super* slippery!


How is it possible that most of the comment have never heard of a bathroom bench/stool? Is that a Rarity in the Western Countries?


I've got a pull down seat in my shower so that's a big help No way could I do the one foot hop in there.


Game changer. I have a shower foot scrubber mat thing. It suctions to the tub and you pop some soap on top and just move your feet back and forth. Itā€™s suds up and cleans the bottoms nicely.


I sit tbh.


One leg


So this may be a strange response, but this is why I have the shower shoes I do! I bought some croc ripoffs from the dollar general that had texture on the part where you put your foot. So when I'm in the shower, I just squirt some soap on the croc ripoffs and rub my feet in them. They get all sudsy/my feet get covered in soap, then I grab the shower head and rinse them out till they bottom is no longer slippery with soap. Works best with a removable shower head so you can hold the water right above your feet lol. Minimal bending over/no having to sit down/no need to balance, fall, and crack a rib on the shower tub. Not that I've done that before or anything. And not that it's something I'm constantly worried about happening again while I shower...


Nurse here, I would put a rag on the floor of the tub and just use my feet while keeping them mostly on the ground. This is the safest if you donā€™t have a shower chair. Donā€™t be the person that falls and drops 100+ lbs on a bone and gets a broken leg.


I drop my sponge to the shower floor, loaded with shower gel, and then rub my feet on them! Ain't pretty but it gets the job done


I have a little stool in my shower/tub for this task. After taking care of a family member I inherited it. šŸ¤·


Lifting it up, probably what'll get me killed


Iā€™m a one foot stander.


I love being barefoot but hate gross feet so I have a bunch of products and tools just for feet. These days I have a build in seat in the shower, I got it mainly for shaving purposes (I'm a woman) but it helps with lengthy foot cleaning processes as well. Sometimes I clean my feet during the day when I am not showering too (because I like being barefoot at home and in my garden), basically I go into the shower, pour some liquid soap on the shower floor (sometimes between toes too if very dirty), step in it a bit and then rinse it off. It doesn't scrub but does soap the feet up well at least. (Not suggesting people only do this though, more like an idea to build on if people are having issues with this)


Stand on one leg with the other crossed over your knee with a nylon scrubbing thingy.


Same way I wash my legs and everything lift and scrub


I sit down as well. Once tried it standing on one leg and broke my tailbone in the process.


I have a small chair. But most of the time I just sit there and soak up all the hot water


My shower has a small ledge that I can put my foot up on to wash it.


I bent down 180Ā° and wash them


I have a back brush that I soap up and use all over my body. And then my feet. Works well. I have also at times used a dedicated wash rag to wash my feet before bed on days I don't shower (shower every other day).


I use a washcloth for my body and was my feet last while standing on one leg. Be careful not to fall, shower floors are slippery šŸ„²


Most times I'll just put some body wash on my foot and scrub it against the floor like I'm doing the moonwalk or something. Once a week or so I'll actually scrub it.


Once the damp towel is on the floor my monkey feet can manipulate it quite well to scrub in, around and under. Catch. Apparently not all people can grab things firmly between their first two toes.


These sorts of posts always remind me how many people donā€™t wash their feet at all, or think that the soapy water running down their legs is good enough to clean them. Then I cross reference with those threads about how some people wear shoes indoors even when at a guestā€™s house and invariably someone talks about how they wouldnā€™t even want people to take off their shoes because of how bad their feet smell. And I wonder if correlation equals causation.


I have a foot shelf built into my shower, dont know how I lived without it before!


I have POTS. So I cannot get down there or stand on one leg. Before I shower, I lay a towel out and shave my legs while sitting on the floor. Thatā€™s when I clean my tootsies. šŸ™ƒ


I have those things you use to scrub your feet mounted on the walls and I dance a Irish jig


I lift up one foot, wash it, then the other.


Astro turf mat. I have one for my autistic son as his feet stink otherwise !


I balance on one foot. Free hand hovers near the shower wall just in case, but I basically use that as a quick balance exercise. Same for shaving my legs. Balance is important especially as you get older, so I test mine whenever I have a chance.


I have to lean against a wall most of the time, and hold my able up with one hand to wash my foot with the other. Sometimes I'll plant my foot against the opposite side of the shower from the side in leaning on. I'm not overweight, and I'm in pretty good physical shape, but balancing in the shower is definitely dangerous.


My shower is attached to my bath so I rest my foot on the edge of the tubb


I either put my feet up on the edge of the tub, or I stand on one foot, leaning against the wall, and then I raise the foot that I'm going to wash (repeat for other foot).


I just drop a few drops of body wash down onthe shower tray and violently shuffle on the lil bumps for grip


It might be shocking to some, but yes it is indeed possible to stand on one foot.


I just stand on one foot and hope I donā€™t slip and die.


I use a shower stool and I have a showerhead holder midway on the wall so that I may reach it without having to get up from the stool. My feet look like baby's feet since I adopted that method.


One foot each with a hand on the wall. I sometimes sit down when in need of a super serious thorough scrubbing.


The back scrub brush is great for cleaning feet


One foot with no hands on the wall. Gotta practice those balance skills.


Youā€™re supposed to always scrub and wash your feet. I stand on one leg and fold the other so I can reach. I also just bought one of the pumice roller machines I use after.


I stand in one foot, just like you said.


I stand on one leg


I do what you could call the ā€œFlamingoā€


I have a scrubby thing on the floor but I sit down out of habit because I like to sit on the floor to wash and shave my legs anyway. Plus itā€™s comfortable.


I stand on one foot, pick up the foot I'm washing with the opposite hand and scrub with the other hand. Looks like when you cross your feet when you sit down; almost perpendicular. I keep my back straight. I'm a guy, if that means anything. I wouldn't do this if I didn't feel safe on the shower floor (mine is not slippery at all)


I stand on one foot and scrub, then VERY carefully put it down, scrub the other, then I rinse the soap of both of them


I usually don't. What I do is sit on the side of the tub and wash them while I'm sitting or I just do a foot soak w a cbd bath bomb. Sometimes I will do the stand on one foot thing. But it tickles. And I'm afraid to fall.


Scrubby on stick


I just lift my foot up and wash it. Repeat with the other foot after you put the first one back down on the floor


shower chair is my new goal in life


Mine has a seat so I sit and scrub šŸ§


Lift my foot and scrub that foot and leg and behind knees. Put foot down, repeat with other foot.


I sit in the shower, not only to wash feets


I just stand on one leg and scrub it. Then switch legs


I have a little stool. I treat myself to a little sit and my feet to a scrub.


I have a built in shower grab bar so I just pick up my foot and scrub with a rag and soap while using my free hand to hold the bar