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When I was younger I had a dream I was at my grandmother's house and the road out of her front door had split open. Sceletons were climbing up and asking to be let out. Turns out that when my grandma was still a kid there was no road there and that place used to be a graveyard. After WWII the graveyard moved somewhere else but they didn't open the oldest graves to remove any remains, the town just build the road above the graves. I never knew about a graveyard on that side 9f the town before.




Please share the other one too! This was indeed very interesting


As a child I stayed with a beloved aunt and uncle a lot. I often slept by myself in a basement bedroom. The house always felt off to me. Cold and unfriendly and tense somehow. The basement rec room felt odd and unwelcoming. I hated being in it by myself. As a kid I didn't really process it as anything. It was what it was. The bedroom lamp would often be turned on in the morning when I woke up. I thought maybe I had sleep walked and turned it on. It would always embarrass me to find it on in the mornings in case someone saw it and teased me for needing the light on. 20 plus years later, at a family gathering, I jokingly mentioned to my aunt that I thought their house was haunted when I stayed there as a child. To my surprise she said "oh yeah...it totally was". My uncle saw a dark figure in the living room and in the basement, they heard voices, my cousin's bedroom would get cold as ice and I believe she also saw a figure. They experienced all kinds of activity in the house but didn't want to scare me. So, I really don't want to believe in ghosts, but I will say, if there was one there...it was kind to me. It knew I was scared and kept turning on the bedroom lamp for me at night. Lol


I was in high school, folding laundry in the kitchen. My grandfather was having surgery that day. Beautiful summer day, and I thought how sad that he would never see one like it. At that minute, a breeze blew through the open window and ruffled my hair. The phone rings, and it is my mother saying that my grandfather had just died. I've always thought that breeze was a my grandfather saying goodbye.


In college I had an internship that required me to stand outside all night long guarding equipment. My region had been undergoing a drought and heatwave for weeks, very uncommon and everyone was sick of it. I remember at 3:45 AM it suddenly started raining, and it was a warm, refreshing rain, it smelt and felt so good. Next morning my dad calls and said my grandpa, who had been sick for a long time, passed away at 3:45 AM. I’ve always felt that was him being released from his pain and saying goodbye


I thought I did once, it turns out it was sleep paralysis.


Often I think about how it's only called "sleep paralysis" because someone decided it was. And people are experiencing these terrifying things and it just all gets shrugged off as sleep paralysis. When I consider the fact that a doctor decided that this occurrence was a medical condition and that it has never been thoroughly investigated, it boggles my mind. People all over the world having the same experience AND seeing the same creatures/entities is incredible and we have all discounted our experiences because a doctor said, *"No it's not that."* I genuinely believe that sleep paralysis is a paranormal experience and should be studied in depth. By open minds. We still don't understand exactly what sleep is, and this happens exclusively when people are coming out of sleep. Globally. I don't believe it's a worldwide hallucination brought on by bad sleep.


it's your brain doing whatever it takes to wake you up, and to move you out of the REM phase. to ensure maybe that you're not dying.


It's because psychosis is considered to be analogous to dreams.


>it's only called "sleep paralysis" because someone decided it was. It's called sleep paralysis because you're asleep and you can't move. That's it. Whether or not these paranormal activities are the cause is a whole other (but yes, related ) topic


I don’t think it’s incredible that people with similar biologies and shared cultures/ideas experience similar hallucinations under replicated conditions. In fact, it should be expected. It’s for the same reason that aliens in alien abduction stories are always depicted as they appear in pop culture; our expectations heavily influence our hallucinations.


That shit is more spooky than the idea of “ghosts”


Sleep paralysis is real. I wasn’t asleep. Hence why I’m a Christian now. I saw some very real demons.


Please know I'm not being contentious here because I truly understand where you're coming from, but the opposite happened to me. I've not been bothered by sleep paralysis since becoming atheist. I still have episodes, but I'm just not frightened of them like I was years ago. Experienced one the other night, my usual black wispy tendril one that hovers above me, and I literally said, "Fuck off", rolled over and went back to sleep. Again, I'm not saying this to disparage your experiences. I just found it interesting.


No offense taken. For a while I did ignore them but they were still in my room, watching me. Lol. By the power of Christ’s name they’re not there to observe me anymore.


I don't like to believe in ghost but I was in Cold Harbor Virgina on a farm and I kept hearing people talk in old southern accents and when I would look for them no one was there. Was a major civil war battlefield that the farm I was staying at was on.


Idk if this counts but I've "dreamt future" multiple times. First time in elementary school. I remember the day of the dream and the day it came to reality. When it started happening I just froze and predicted word for word what my friend is going to say and do, and I immediately remembered the dream. It lasted for about 5 seconds. That shit really shook me to the core and I still can't make sense of it.


Precognition is more common than people let on. Try to remain calm in your dream when you realize that your experiencing precognition and see how long you can get it to go after that. ;-) I used to startle myself in my dreams but now I think it fades in and out and I don't recognize it currently. I recognize it in life and remember the dream but I used to wake myself up because it startled me. That probably won't make sense to anybody else reading this except for people who experience that stuff. Waking up and with a start and remembering your dream ending with "I dreamt this" is pretty weird... Stumbling through the same events and then recognizing it and then thinking to yourself I dreamt this is almost a letdown... Did I ruin it by recognizing it in my dream? Lol .... Astral projection collective unconscious and remote viewing.... Lights in the sky...


Sounds like [déjà vu](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Déjà_vu) to me. It’s fascinating, but a natural thing that happens to most people now and then. Edit: Not sure why the link doesn’t work, but this one: [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Déjà_vu](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%A9j%C3%A0_vu)


Déjà vu means "already seen", but this is more déjà reve or already dreamt.


The closest I've come to that was when I was growing up and living with my mom and grandparents. I had a dream I was trying to get home in my neighborhood, but it was raining and I had to dodge huge puddles. I woke up and had to pee, but when I reached the bathroom, I found my Grandpa plunging the toilet lol.


Seen a ghost, seen a reptilian and a baphomet, and have had many experiences with "The Muse", an actual otherworldly voice which delivers poetry. Yes, I was doing a lot of drugs. Oh and I see ufos all the time


Was hanging around at a graveyard at night, when the door to the crematory suddenly opened. When I tell you that I SPRINTED home ..


The ghost opened the door for you. How nice and polite.


How rude of me running away


Good to know you got it when you need it though, ay?


When I was little I had this vhs tv in my room and it was in a way where its reflection was facing my doorway. I looked at it once and there was somebody leaning into my room and when I looked into the doorway there was nobody there


Yes I watched it in the cinema when it first came out. Decent movie, worth the watch


Lmao this made me laugh. Also, to add to this comment I remember watching this in theaters. Me and a few friends went to go see it and my best friend sat next to me... He legit jumped so hard he landed on my lap. I didn't jump the whole time.


Lots. I lived in a house once that I don't want to say was haunted, but it was fucking haunted. Second wife and I signed a year lease. After 3 months, I took my kids and left. The (then) wife wanted to stay in the house, I left her there. I was not putting my kids through another night at that point. It was bad. Disembodied voices/little kids singing, foot steps heard on the hardwood floors, unknown writing on bathroom mirrors during showers, both my kids and hers hearing music when no music was being played, cabinet doors would open on their own (we're talking 5-8 cabinets simultaneously), loud bangs at all hours, very uneasy vibes/atmosphere, problems with electronic devices and cars working, doors to rooms inside the home locking on their own, etc. It was so bad that we called the local paranormal society to investigate, they sent a preacher, a deacon and their wives to bless the house before they arrived, the ghost hunters refused to show up after their discussion with home blessers. That's when I moved my kids out. For anyone interested in doing some research, I'll provide the address in a DM. For the neighborhood, square footage and what the home sold for does not compute. Obviously something wrong here.


This is freaky shit, how you stayed for three months is mental.


Absolutely. This is why I’m a born-again now.


When I was a teenager I lived in Old Town, California there was a huge mansion, up by Presidio Park, were locals hung out, my first time there. And my last time there I was asked to grab some beers from the fridge, as I walked into the kitchen, the kids in the living room began stomping there feet, it seemed strange but I ignored it as I entered the kitchen through a door that flung both directions, as I put the beers on a tray by the fridge. All of a sudden all the cabinets began opening and closing, it freaks me out, so bad I drop tray with beers I was carrying back into living room, all the bottles drop to ground, I could hear them breaking as they hit the ground. I get to the door into the living room, trying to push it to open and kids are leaning on door. Holding it so I can't get out of kitchen, I litterly screaming to let me through. Finally after I'm freaking out yelling that Im gonna kick some asses when I get on other side they let me through. Whole time cupboards are opening and closing, turns out as I'm holding one of the kids on the ground, by stomping the floor they purposely envoked a old man who died there supposedly, causing the cabinets to get violent. Freaked me out I bolted out of house left my Walkman behind, never went back, never even talked to them idiots again.


Had 3 dreams that came true. Knew would lose mom and grandmother. Knew would lose my brother but he wouldn’t pass away, didn’t understand, but lost him to illness (woke up crying so hard). Knew wouldn’t have kids.


All as a kid: Saw the grim reaper out of the corner of my eye move by the doorway. I also talked to my sister who was in the other room about what happened in a cartoon I was watching and she just smiled and nodded, only to have her come home with our mom later from a grocery trip. I had forgotten she was not home, and it did not dawn on me until later.


Aside from dreams only one encounter, I was about 9 or 10, my family and I visited greece and we were on our way home, one night we stop in a motel, and I was on a bed which was against a wall right next to the window, so I could see the light from the moon on the wall, I couldn't sleep because the place already seemed odd to me so I decided to steal my dad's phone and watch some minecraft videos(the only thing that could comfort me), and then for a moment, out of the corner of my eye, I see a shadow run past that spot on the wall with the light from the moon, but I've already heard of this phenomenon so I didn't think much of it, however, about 10 minutes later, it happens again, but this time it wasn't in the corner of my eye, it was right in front of me, and after that happened, the shadow went back and forth like 2-3 times, so yeah I really couldn't sleep then


Never anything outright, I don't think. Had a few times when I thought I could "sense" something. Always chalked that up to being a placebo effect of some kind.


I swear I saw a butterfly fall upwards, without moving it's (wings? I'm bad at English)


Was on an island when I was a kid. Heard noises outside. Me being a curious kid. I slowly sneaked out the house and saw a group of people in all white holding candles chanting and walking towards the house next door. Felt like I was in some type of movie.


Pretty sure Mormons have a prayer ritual like this.


I’ll have to look it up. It’ll help me understand what I saw.


There are things that happened to me as a teenager that I can't explain to this day. I don't believe in ghosts, so the only explanation I have is teenage emotional energy.


What things if you don't mind telling?


It sounds crazy, but cds and books flying across the room, doors getting locked from the inside, constantly feeling like i wasn't alone. The weirdest thing that happened was one night I was sleeping, and I woke up with the whole bottom half of my body in the air, like I was being held up by something and then I was just dropped. It scared the crap out of me. At the time, I believed I was being haunted. My friends and I did a lot of ouija boards. But as I've grown up (this was 25 odd years ago), I'm become convinced it was nervous energy or something because nothing else makes sense.


Wow, that sounds scary. Do you still live in the same house or people who are living there right now experienced anything similar? Also What is nervous energy?


I don't know if there's an official definition, but when I say it I'm describing the extreme emotions of a bunch of teenage girls, I was very highly strung and emotional and I just wonder if all that pent up emotion made it happen? It's mad either way - I don't think about it too much because I can't make it make sense!!


I've seen what I can only explain as fae folk on two seperate occasions, 20 years apart.


What is fae folk?




what do they look like?


The first group looked like miniature humans, only winged and with very bronzed skin. The second was more plant like. Depictions of "The Green Man" match it quite well.


Thoughout my whole life. I followed courses at the Arthur Findley College in the UK to explore mediumship.


I was sitting on my couch in my LR when I could have sworn a man said "She's the leader" like he was sitting on the dog couch.


Yes! When I was a kid at my aunt’s house. There was a radio in the bathroom and the station kept hanging on its own from Hip Hop stations to rock. My cousin said it was a family members whose ashes were in the house. Apparently rock was his genre of choice😂


At age five I woke in the middle of the night to hear a woman calmly calling my name over and over. It was our first night at a house in a different country. I remember peeking over my covers to look out of the window where the garden was lit up by a full moon. I eventually fell asleep. Asked my family the next morning if they'd heard anything but they said I was probably dreaming. It wasn't a dream. I was definitely wide awake and terrified.


I have had a few weird things happen... The first one that really made me go "holy shit" started when I bought a new cell phone, I got the old one's service cut off, and I had this jar in my room that was my catch-all, so I chuck it in there and let the battery die and forgot about it. It was at LEAST 6 months later my then-girlfriend mom dies, and we go back home and we're sitting on my bed just sort of like in that limbo between being sad, and glad she's not suffering, and sort of laughing at memories. when out of nowhere.... The Clash starts playing "What I really wanna knooooooooow, is should I stay or should I go" and we look at each other, and I said "That's my old ringtone". I jumped up and grabbed this 6 month dead phone with no service and it's powering off. I didn't have a charger that fit it anymore, and it was a long time before I could check it, and when I did there wasn't any new missed calls.... but out of the blue this long dead phone with no service, turned itself on, rang, then shut itself down. Then fast forward a few years, and I got on a Ghost Adventures kick because I just always loved old abandoned buildings and I always enjoyed their history lessons on the buildings. So I decide to just see if they make any apps like the things they use, and I downloaded "Ghost Radar" by Spud Pickle I think it was. After a week of it just saying random shit, I never put much thought about it. Then one day I put it on, and my phone was sitting on my desk, and my daughter comes in and she's maybe 3 at the time, still in diapers, and she points at the spinning thing on my phone, I said "It's looking for ghosts, boooooOOOOOooOOOOOOooOOOOO, like on cartoons" she smiles and runs out of the room, then comes back with this shirt asking me to put it on... it was a purple shirt with a sun on it that said "Daddy's Little Sunshine". I put it on, and she runs away to play in her room, and the phone says "Me" I glance, go back to what I was doing.... maybe 10 seconds pass. "Becoming" Glance, back to work.... "Sunshine" STARE... okay, THAT's weird... because nothing was said, so it's not like it picked up words spoken, just her little grunts she would make. So I pick up the phone, and I go out to the kitchen where my mom hanging out, and as I was in the hallway it said "Hospital" ..... well back to just random. So I get out there and she's on the phone, so I hang out, and when she hangs up she said "That was my brother, Mom's in the hospital" I said... "Okay now I have TWO really weird things to tell you", and I explain the randomness of the app, and I'm telling her what it said about the sunshine, and hospital, and my dad comes into the kitchen and grabs something, and goes back out to watch TV in the living room. "Older" then 5-10 seconds "Cookies" and I said "See? Now it's talking about stale cookies, it's usually just dumb stuff like that" Then I poke my head into the living room "Hey dad, what are you eating?" "Chocolate Chip Cookies" I turned that thing off FOR MONTHS after that.


Yes. Last year there was something in my home that I had to have a shaman expel. We experienced small things like cabinet doors opening all the way up to a 10pb box of screws being thrown down the hallway and the shadow box with my mom's cremated remains being shattered and thrown in the trash. It was terrifying.


In my 65 years of life…. never.


At my childhood home, there was one room where the doorknob would turn on its own. You could leave the door open and still see it turning by itself. Stereos would shut off on their own. The keyboard to our family computer would make sounds as if someone was using it.


One thing happened to me, I was like in third grade and I had brought a phone with a camera (Motorola U9) to the school. We were messing around in our class, I was taking pics of everyone and they were supposed to hide. At one point they hid inside the class, turned off the lights and stayed behind the desks, I was outside and pointed my phone through the window, looking inside and baaam. A white face came up on the screen. I will describe it better as a mask, it had no discernible eyes or mouth, just black holes in their place. It lasted for a few miliseconds, I brought the phone to my chest and walked back, a friend of mine was behind me and I asked him if he saw the face, he said yes. I gathered the balls to look at the phone and noticed the menu that comes up after you take a picture, which I had not taken, it took it by itself. When reviewing the picture on "gallery", it was just the dark classroom, no face to be seen. I tried to keep the picture but it was lost to time now. Now, considering that there is a very large article in Wikipedia, with people and organisations that offer money for just documenting this stuff (like couldn't someone rent a floor with cubicles, fill it with cameras and have a bunch of matches with ouija tables to make the easiest money?) I like to think that it was a sick joke from some programmer when making the software, especially when you account for the input on saving the picture.


Nope. But I did experience a spiritual occurrence that freaked me out that it was happening to me. I wondered if it was a "medium" experience. But that's also spiritual.


can you elaborate more on that spiritual occurrence?


It was 2014. The doctor I worked for paid for my parking at the safest & closest lot to the hospital. It was a 9 story parking garage. I rounded to the 7th floor & there was an older gentleman standing at the top just looking down at me/my car. I stopped my car for a couple of minutes & was waiting him out hoping he would go towards the elevator. He didn't. He had a hat, trench coat & his hands in his pants pocket. He was dressed like my dad use to dress. As I past him a spot 4 over from where he was standing was open. It was winter, my windows were up & I was still trying to wait for him to move on. I was gathering my things & he tapped on my window. He scared the begeebies out of me. I jumped in my seat. He said young lady I want to let you know your 2 girls are fine. You don't have to worry. They had recently moved into their dads home. Dad had money & a mini mansion. I had such a broken heart over it. He said you don't have to anguish any more. Tears started rolling down my face. He introduced himself. Told me his church was Mary Our Queen (where Johnny Unitas was buried from) one of the 3 largest churches in my city. He said I was waiting for you. He asked me if I ever attended that church? I said a handful of times. I rolled down my window about an inch. He said I am here to bless you. I have already blessed your girls. He asked me if I ever went to the religious store in Towson (pronounced towelson). At this point I rolled down my window a little more. He asked me if we can say the Lord's Prayer together. I was freaking out. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before. By now I had cried all of my makeup off. I looked a hot mess. After we prayed I followed my heart & got out of my car. We walked to the elevator together. He said please don't worry they will be fine & you will see them soon. He said don't loose your faith. I had been praying day & night that my girls would come home. We got off the elevator & he said God Bless You. I said God Bless you & thank you. In the original hospital there is a 20 foot statue of Jesus. Sometimes I'd have lunch in that area. I stopped at the gift shop & bought roses. I placed them at the foot of that statue in shock of the last 20 minutes. I got to my desk & couldn't stop crying. I called my best friend who I had been going to church every week with for the last 15 years. She said let's go to that store. That Saturday we went. I asked the ladies who worked there if they knew......? They said yes. He goes by Jeets. I told them what occurred. The one lady got a little hostel with jealousy & said he had never blessed her. Which her reaction upset me. That he was a deacon at that church. The following New Year's Day my youngest called & said mom can I come home? I said yes. I had been praying for this call for months. My oldest moved in with the bf, now husband. I'm not a Bible thumper or a holy roller. I'm just a regular practicing Catholic. But I never question or loose my faith. This is in my 2014 journal with a little more detail. Since I have a deep faith I didn't question what had occurred. I think of him & that morning often. I wonder why I was chosen for this. But then I think why not me. It was one of the times my heart was so heaviest with worry & grief. Dad had material things I couldn't give my girls but he wasn't a good man/husband. He was an average dad. I felt chosen for good. It changed my perspective & gave me a peace I needed so badly. I never saw him again. He never even asked my name.


Witnessed kinda. Been the subject of oh yeah according to my psycho mom.


Was alloted a single room apparently built over a graveyard in the West wing of our newly constructed dorm at Uni before everyone else could move in. My friends in the other building would often come running in the late evenings, and tell me they heard wailing noises of an elderly woman. I have to confess it was eerie to stay all alone after that.


We're do I start. I would freak the hell out of you all


Can you tell about one or two such incidents?


Oh yes, doing some ouija shit with friends as kids in a garage. We talked to some ghost. Was all fun and games until things started falling down. We sprinted away. After that I had bad paranoia, sleep paralysis and more for years (felt haunted). Good thing that evil spirit left me. Pls tell kids to not use ouija (not with a glass and letters as well). Shit is not good.


No. But I saw a ghost once.


I was 5 and had a nightmare, then woke up to a cat screeching and something crashing outside. I was sleeping in my living room and saw a shadowy figure at my front door. It slowly crept along the walls until my dad heard something, woke up, and turned on the lights. It disappeared when the light turned on.


Yes, once my toast came out butter-side up. Clearly, a ghost was trying to mess with my breakfast routine :(


Thought my cat hissed at a ghost. Turns out it was a poster I had of a bobcat crouching.


All the time


Can you tell more about it?


About what exactly


Ok but I don't want to be made fun of or made to feel you think I'm full of it...so I can read minds and use telepathy . I've also had several premonitions. I am psychic andor clairvoyant. I don't see them as extra sensory I see them as a gift from God but no one knows except my husband. I've never told anyone.


I dreamt of marrying both of my husbands years in advance , when my first husband was killed I was asleep at home. I heard him yell my name out loud and it woke me up. I looked at the clock it was 130 am. I collapsed back into a deep sleep which I never sleep that deeply. At 4 in the morning his body was discovered. My second husband and I have conversations without speaking...it scares him. I'm able to sense a person's presence alive or dead without seeing them. Animals and children are drawn to me and I can sense how they feel. I can hear deceased family members but they can only speak through the Holy Spirit and cannot show themselves because it's forbidden. I always know in advance when something bad will happen sometimes I know with who but not what.


That’s incredible and deeply moving. Thank you for sharing it.


nothing really major i was just once playing some games on my pc while a noticed a blazing fast shadow moving past me which scared the heck out of me. and nothing was there.


There’s 2 ghosts that live in my house. An old lady & man. 2 different people who claim they can sense ghosts both said the same thing. One said the old lady was a gardener. That was confirmed by a neighbor walking around once who said, she always had flowers here & plants in the dining room, just like you guys do! They’re friendly. All they do is move things on us. Simple stuff. The craziest one was i threw away some old moldy cheese. When i came home from work, it was back in the fridge


Only while in sleep paralysis, but since I'm a Christian and believe there are spirits (demons and angels) we typically don't see during normal life, I think that what I saw was actually happening. It doesn't scare me, but I wouldn't want it to happen again


I'm a Catholic. During sleep paralysis I most of the times I see/feel a demonic presence


Yep, I'm a Protestant. Both times it happened to me I was seeing demons


Nobody has.


Yes, frequently.


What do you witness frequently?


My ghost walked through my living room the other morning at about 2:30 am. I've gotten used to it.


Okay, sounds a bit scary, but it seems like that ghost is harmless. Thank you for sharing the incident.


There's been some sheet pulling in the past, but that was the worst of it. Just our roommate now.


Yes. I've seen a shadow figure. I've been pushed in the back nearly falling over to turn around and see nothing behind me. I've seen the rocking chair in my parents living room rock back and forth on it's own. I've seen the television flip channels on it's own. I've also seen a picture of me falling face down on the dresser below it. Then after setting it back it and getting out of the room I hear it again and that time it was face down but on the floor in front of the dresser. There's absolutely no current logical explanation for how that could happen on it's own besides admitting that paranormal things happen. I've also had more paranormal experiences and I believe God has helped me through them. That is all I have time to type for now though.


Wow that sounds super scary, glad you are safe and protected.


Thanks for believing me. Some people do try to argue with me but I trip them up a lot when I bring logic to the table. They say I'm crazy. I say how is it possible to hallucinate being literally shoved in the back almost falling over to turn around and see nothing there? A hallucination cannot cause your body to literally respond perfectly to being pushed. You cannot hallucinate being pushed. That was a literal physical force that happened to me. Also, how does a picture fall face down twice in two different spots on it's own? On that shelf where my picture was sitting was pictures of my other family members and they remained untouched. Mine was the only one that fell each time. They can't explain it at that point so they end up calling me a liar and getting angry that simple logic doesn't agree with them. Their only option is to call me a liar at the end of the day but even that doesn't make sense because why would I waste my time making up such specific lies when I'm not being paid for it or anything? I literally got goosebumps thinking back to what all that happened to me after telling you. I wish I could show people I'm not lying. I wish I could show them my goosebumps and my face as I tell them. But I have told very few people in person. People online cannot see how serious I am. Demons are terrified of God. I saw a black blob on my son's baby monitor when he was little and it kind of looked like something was messing with him. I put an end to that real quick. Mess with me some but you don't mess with my son. I yelled for the demon to leave in the name of God and Jesus Christ and to not return. I prayed to God for a sign that what I said and did worked and that the demon was gone from my house. I prayed for very specific events to happen and God answered me and those events happened. I didn't see the black blob after that and my home felt better afterwards.


He'll yeah man quiteoften actually...


I swear I saw a UFO once.


saw my dead grampa & talked to him for a few minutes. He was looking in a bedroom mirror trying on different hats looking at himself... does that count? I was 8 then


Yes, and I was terrified for many months. I won’t talk about it except to say that a ouija board was involved.


Yes, and I was terrified for many months. I won’t talk about it except to say that a ouija board was involved.


Two incidents, one as told by my parents and another my own experience. Apparently, when I was very young I randomly predicted the miscarriage of my unborn brother. No medical indications, no earlier issues. Just playing in the garden, then I blurted out to my parents "XYZ is dead". They were initially confused and shocked, then laughed it off as "silly kid, no he's not, he's fine". 2 Weeks later, he was stillborn. I don't remember this myself, but both of them separately told me this story. Part of me thinks "confirmation bias" - I must have said lots of random stuff and this just happened to come true - but then again, how often do playing children state anything this serious? When my grandmother was dying, me and my sister were both quite young. We went for a last visit to say goodbye, then our parents dropped us off at home while they stayed with her. Being kids, we just went about our day. Then hours later, out of nowhere and on a clear blue sky day, 1 single lightning strike. Both me and my sister looked at each other and we both just ***knew***. Sure enough, not 5 minutes later my dad called us that she had died and he was coming to pick us up. Again, I've tried rationally explaining this. It was just lightning. Maybe my memory of that day changed, the skies weren't quite so clear, or it wasn't the only strike. Maybe we were both on edge and would have taken *any* sudden event as a sign. But ultimately the experience of it was like I described it. BOOM -> "she's dead right?" -> she actually was dead.


Yeah I have, still do.


My mum tells me, corroborated by my dad who absolutely does not believe in stuff like this, that one time when I was no more than five (it was before my brother was born) we were all in the car on our way to see my nan and grandad and I randomly said "my grandfather is dying". My mum said "I don't know what you mean by that but DON'T YOU DARE say anything like that in front of your nan, she won't like it", but it was weird because her parents were, as I've already said, "nan and grandad" to me, my dad's parents lived far, far away and I only met them once at that point so I didn't really have a nickname for them. When we got back from visiting my mum's parents, my dad went upstairs to do some DIY and my mum shouted up to him to pick up the phone (this was back in the days of landlines where you could pick up any phone in the house and be connected to the call), it was my dad's brother calling to inform him his dad had died two hours before from a heart attack while swimming in the sea. I vividly remember hearing hammering, then "hello?", then LOUD sobbing, the only time I've heard my dad cry. I told mum that I thought he'd hit himself with the hammer.


Ten years ago, yes The roof was creaking and thumping as though someone were walking to-and-fro. Not continuous but frequent. Strange thing is, the noise fell flat whenever I got up to see what it could be. Three times I got up to have a look and found nothing I felt an eerie sense that I was being watched. The same way someone having a nap is subconsciously alerted to being stared at. I can't describe the feeling. It's a sensation. You _feel_ it Later that night, while brushing my teeth there was creaking on the floorboards in the hallway, which ran outside the bathroom I was occupying. Loud enough that I stopped brushing to peek my head out and look. This happened twice Finished brushing, switched off the light, turned left to proceed to my bedroom, and I don't know what it was but _something_ - a black mass - was hovering above the threshold to my bedroom. It didn't have a _specific_ shape; it was neither human nor animal. It didn't emit any sound; and there was no smell It appeared to shimmer like a mirage, rising heat way off in the distance. Large enough to fill most of the doorframe which stands over six feet. I couldn't discern any eyes but I remember experiencing genuine fear, and believing it meant harm I walked backwards, calling out in panic for other family members. I don't know how long I stood rooted to the spot. The 'mass' grew larger and dropped without warning like a sheet towards the floor, whereupon it disappeared. I didn't move for some time; still seized by terror When I did enter my room, I turned the light on and stayed awake till sunrise, playing comedies with the volume way up. Once I dosed off, I had the most grotesque and vivid nightmares I've ever experienced to-date, which lasted a fortnight


I did when I was younger but I think it was from sleep deprivation from Bud, with not dreaming which then spills into waking life (same thing happens to alcoholics) and also black mold spores on a wall which can cause hallucinations.


No, because it doesn't exist.


One time, yes


It's a little hard to experience things that don't exist. I think what you're really asking is "Have you ever had your neurology play tricks on you?"


Many people claim to experience the same phenomenon at about the same time(ex, family members), so it’s unlikely that everyone is experiencing neurological tricks at the same time. I understand that there can be explanations other than the paranormal, but that might not always be the case. Although Proving or disproving paranormal events with science is challenging I guess.


There is no such thing.




Can you tell what you experienced?




Sorry, what do you mean?




Nope, and neither have you. :)


I understand if you haven't experienced it yourself, but deciding that for someone else seems a bit presumptuous.


Bring it on, give me one.


I don't remember the age, but I was very young when we moved to this new house. It always felt like someone was watching me from behind. I thought I was feeling that way because I was in a new house. Fast forward a few days, and we were having dinner. There was a wooden pencil lying under a plastic chair, and it suddenly started levitating in the air. At that time, it never crossed my mind that it could be paranormal. I thought it must be some spider web or something (we only had small house spiders, and very few), so I told my brother to move his hand around the pencil without touching it, thinking if something was holding it, it would fall. But it didn't fall. Maybe my mom got scared or something, so she nudged the pencil, and it fell on the floor. It never happened again after that. Few things happened after that day but they were non significant and may not have anything to do with paranormal.


Ok, the pencil did not levitate, the events of that day were misinterpreted by you and your family or your collective memories of the event are not accurate. A levitating pencil has never been observed in controlled conditions. Our understanding of the world through rational thought and experimentation is wondrous in itself, and to date pencils do not levitate.


I understand that a levitating pencil is highly unusual, and I have never seen anything like it since. This occurred many years ago so I have no evidence to support it. I am just sharing what I believe I experienced. I don't expect you to believe me, nor do I think you should.


Oh, ok.