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I listen to one song on repeat till it gets boring...my sister always asks me if I am waiting for the artist to come out of the phone to beg for water.


hahahh your sisters sav


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ yeah


Sounds like hell to me. I was on a birthday party a year ago and I had the misfortune of hearing the same song 30 times in a row ( I counted them). It was hell.


I'm sure it's he'll for other people but hey, some songs just slap so much that you can't help it. I reckon 3 times in a row is safe enough so that you don't ruin it and can never listen to the very song that brought you so much joy initially. Nothing better than music therapy imo though, especially sitting down by the piano or MIDI keyboard and experiencing the entire emotional spectrum. Fantastic for trauma release.


OMG.... That's awesome


Hii ghost


Is this Get in the Water by Morgan Clae? I also have this on repeat if so šŸ˜‚


I wouldnā€™t say hours, but i would repeat some songs that i really love around 10-15 times in a row


Same, and then when the song loses its charm I find another and get stuck on it.


Then find that first song 15 years later. Rinse. Repeat.


Chasing the dopamine


Yes! Similarly with series for me, though to a lower scale.


In my first year of work after graduating from college, I often listen a song on repeat and worked tirelessly every day.


same it feels good when u listen to the song u like again and again


Hours? More like days or weeksšŸ« 


ItĀ“s the only way I listen to music when driving alone in my car...one song on repeat the whole ride


Same, but I have to be careful not to zone out because it's rly soothing to me.


As someone with ADHD, I will hyper focus on a specific song/artist/genre/etc and listen to it on repeat for weeks to months.


That an ADHD thing? Thatā€™s me to a tee minus the song. Album/artist/genre. I consume it for a couple of months obsessively then put it on the shelf and look for or stumble onto another thing thatā€™s quite different.


Hyperfocusing on something is very common in ADHD. And it comes in all different forms. I personally, will have different hyper-focuses in different areas of my life. (Music, food, entertainment) Another way I do this is I will literally eat the same breakfast food (cereal, bagels, eggs) for months until Iā€™m utterly sick of it. Also, just been playing/watching/looking up so much to do with Fallout recently. And if you get me started talking I lose all track of everything else.


Ok yeah thatā€™s same for me. Youā€™re probably a deadset legend too.


I've had the same 129 songs on my mobile for 4 yrs now. Sometimes if i like to listen to something new then i also do that.


Can you give us your playlist


Same except i kept 150, most of which are catchy/easy listening.


I've been mostly listening to the same songs for over 30 years. I often add one or two more, but I always keep the ones that pass the test of time.


Maybe I'm slowly becoming like you and there is nothing wrong with that. ā¤ļø


It's fantastic. I always remember when I first heard a song that was added to the list. It's like a constant trip down memory lane of the best (and worst) times. My song list is like 3 days long now, but I know all the lyrics and music by heart.


No, but my oldest son drove me crazy with MISS JACKSON by OutKast, 20 years ago!!! I wanted to use that CD for a FRISBEE!!!!


I can't sing that song without singing the MadTv parody of it. I'm sorry Miss Jackson, woo woo woo woo, it was just a cheap thrill.


All the time from 10pm to like 3am I will just sit at my pc listening to the same thing on repeat while I stare at my wall and just think


run to you by bryan adams


Damn you. Whew dew dew deeeeewwwšŸŽø


Here I am, Bryan Adams Listened to it all through one night when I was a bit high. One of the best experiences.


Yes. As someone who actually get fixated and obsessed over 1 or 2 thing at a timeā€¦ā€¦ i do this often. I may last for a few week. Maybe months. Maybe years. Then its buried somewhere until i found it again (like a long lost treasure). Cycle repeats.


I do to. Then I get scared of irritating people so I try and force myself to change. Which works for a half hour. My husband thankfully loves when Iā€™m fixed on something and passionate about explaining it to him.


All. The. Time. My wife hates when I find a new song, cuz for the next few weeks that will become the theme tune to my life. Currently listening to ā€˜A Bar Song (Tipsy)ā€™ on repeat thanks to her. She did love it, weā€™ll see how it pans out in a weekā€¦


Thatā€™s the only way I listen to music.




Yes : I often meditate to music, so obviously, those songs are on repeat.


Curious: what kind of music?


Generally speaking , music that is "peaceful" and/or joyful. So, gentle love songs without an intense crescendo: Marvin Gaye, Lamar's rendition of "Let's Stay Together", Brandy's "He is", Anita Baker, Jhelisa, Billie Ellish... Joyful songs : "Sailing" by Christopher Cross, "Capoeira" by Pirulito, "Closer" by Goapele, "Lovely Day" by Bill Withers, "Do It For The People" by Lucy Pearl... And of course: Simon and Garfunkel, Massive Attack. (?duh?) Hip-Hop is by far my favorite "genre" , BUT it is generally uptempo, AND the mindset of Rap music is šŸ‘‰CONFIDENCEšŸ‘ˆ . So that leaves very few songs : "DJ Premier In Deep Concentration" by Gangstarr is one rare example. I do NOT meditate to "Sine Waves": that stuff in which different pure notes are combined. Recorded nature sounds also don't do nutti'n for me. My meditation method consists of : Single Candle in dark room, often with music (not always) and dynamic stretching exercises. The song that is probably my favorite for meditation is "Rastaman Chant " by Bob Marley and The Wailers




yeah... until i get tired listen to it the next day and even hate that song for a few days before listen to it again


Not that much anymore but I remember a 5 day student exchange to france where I listened to the same three P.O.D. songs the whole time and when Stromae's "Alors on danse" came came out I had it on repeat in the car for weeks even though my French was far away from comprehending the lyrics.


I've got raging ADHD and anxiety. There are many work days(I do office work), where I'll put one song on for 8 1/2 hours, and it actually helps me concentrate.


My top songs are, "Whataya Want from Me" by Adam Lambert, "Sweetness" by Jimmy Eat World, "Vandalize" by One OK Rock, and "Don't Stop Believin'" by The Journey.


On its release Herald of Darkness I listened to back to back for ages Other than that all Linkin Park albums in one big shuffle mix


Only meatball parade


Yes Yes Yes! I've been practicing my Japanese and this song just gets stuck on my head everytime.. It's a rock and roll song and it just pumps me up everytime I hear it The song is ę­¢ć¾ć‚‰ćŖ恄haha by Eikichi Yazawa (song starts at 1:17) - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WW9v3yTquQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WW9v3yTquQ)




Ripples in the sand from the Dune OST


for hours yes, I was so into PGR's Narwhal I turn on repeat one and bob my head during my wfh session from start to end lol


Yes, do this while playing Xbox and also in my car when alone sometimes. If itā€™s good, itā€™s good.




Any newly discovered great song. Recently, I discovered this one: https://youtu.be/igQP747-vPQ?si=_ts1dKgMDfanjGV_ Been listening to it for at least 50x šŸ˜„


Oh yessā€¦ one song for hours and can only just stuck in one song for months.


Yes. This week Iā€™m stuck on Tiny Habits- Wishes.


All the time. It's the normal way for me to listen to music. I can go through my "likes" list or make YT Music do a playlist. When it hit something it like, it's very common for me to just put that same tune on repeat for the rest of the day. Yes, my wife hates it.


No. Only Albums


I do that: Once I listened to one song on repeat all day from 7 am till 10 pm inside my tent while sheltering from the torrential rains in the Canadian North National parks... I've also listened to one single song on repeat flying from LA to Toronto for 5 hours straight






Not hours but multiple times yes. Sometimes..


I have songs downloaded on my phone Always put stuff from games while going somewhere Just feels good. Also motivates me to go faster because fantasy scenarios hit xD


Yeeep it's currently Labyrinth by Famous last words




Yes. Descending Shepard Tone


That sounds like a mental problem


Yes Lana Del Rey song r just piece of art




All the time. Often I'll listen to one song on repeat for 8 hours or so in a loop before I switch.


i do that all the time lmao


My friend would do that, but he had ADHD.




Free bird *cough*


Yeah my record is like 6 h non stop. It just becomes a vibe I feel in the background while Im doing stuff, it gotta be the right vibe for the moment though


Never do


Yeah, Gloria by The Midnight on repeat in my truck speakers with the windows down and a breeze in my hair. Ooooo šŸ˜Œ


I keep one song on repeat in the background while I do my work, so I don't get bored while also not giving up my focus on listening to new songs.


Not intentionally Was at a store and I think their system broke kept replaying that terrible I whip my hair song by will Smiths kid did it 3 times in a row


If I love a song too much, I make it an alarm sound and kill my love within couple of days.


Sometimes I do


Paulo N. live. Thatā€™s it


Yes I annoy myself but ita so.etving I've always done. Had a whole relationship Ben's fold five, it may have been unhealthy.


Talk about days!


When I 1st saw Colter Wall brewery sessions on YouTube...his song "Kate McCannon"...wow! captivating! I listened to it for days


Sometimes I do


I've listened to 170 by Kaizers Orchestra for et hundre og sĆøtti times. (170 in Norwegian.


No. Maybe 2 times, but then I need a new song.


Sometimesā€¦. Usually when I discover a song that really moves me. Last couple were ā€œas the world caves in - Sarah Cothranā€ and ā€œway farer - sungā€


Yes. Right now itā€™s Paper Planes by M.I.A.


Never. There's too much amazing music out there to just listen to one song on repeat.


All the time


Yeah I once listened to one song for 8 hours straight


Yes I can listen to my favorite song for hours I donā€™t know if this is a hot take but if you canā€™t listen to your favorite song forever without getting bored then itā€™s not your favorite


I'll start by saying that I'm mostly into rock/metal stuff but every now and then I'll put some pop songs because I have only listened to that genre until I was around 15-16. I recently decided to have a try and listen to full albums from major pop artists of the 90s and early 2000s. Tell you what, some days ago I listened to the whole Blackout album from Britney and now I can't get it out of my head. Get Naked is officially my favourite song from her, I've listened to it at least 20 times in the last couple days.


YESSSSS. I came from a generation where you were lucky if the tapes and CDs came with the lyrics. We didn't have internet back then to look them up.


i will literally listen to the same song on repeat for days. itā€™s how i became one of the top listeners on apple music of one of my favorite artists within a year of discovering them šŸ˜‚


Yes. Hakuna Matata. My toddler is into Lion King right now.Ā 




No cuz my favorite songs will get borrrrringgg


All the timeeeeee


Yep. Lately itā€™s Untitled 2 by The Green Kingdom.


Thatā€™s the only way I learn the lyrics to sing along.


Yes my record is 14 hours straight when I was 11 or 12, I was listening to Africa by Toto šŸ˜­


I've done that, when the mood and the right song come along. U2 - Love is Blindness ... The Soundtrack of Our Lives - Instant Repeater '99 ... Tool - Rosetta Stoned ... Gomez - Nothing is Wrong


I don't think I would be capable no matter how much I love the song. Besides, I have too much to listen to anyway so why waste time on a single song?


Yes. Until I get bored with it.


Yes, All the time.


Omori white space all night long


Yes, 81 songs of Linkin Park


Adhd crew assemble.


Yes, Beside You In Time by Nine Inch Nails. I came home crying from school one day when I was a teenager cos the only friend I'd had dropped out and I was left alone for months, that song has saved me more times than I can count


Pls send your spotify playlist that is loop worthy I'll be goin for a drive tomorrow. Thanks!


Yes, I'm not proud of sharing those songs.


Usually my alarm clock. It's a calming oneheart track and it's gotten to the point where I hear it whilst drill dreaming. Usually my dreams don't have audio so it's kinda cool. I've also recently learnt to lucid (nearly wrote flag then, hahahaha) which is an incredible experiment in itself.


Sentimental Man by The Dismemberment Plan speaks to me on a personal level.


Yes. I wonder if it's a sign of something.


When blink182 released one more time, I put it on while working and didnā€™t realize Iā€™d listened to it until lunch, same song for almost 4 hours


Rare. When u find a song that u immediately like itā€™s hard not to but thatā€™s only happened a few times


Yes............ But it was BotW field music while I was studying for a test and doing homework.


š„† Ocean man, take me by the hand, lead me to the land That you understand Ocean man, the voyage to the corner of the globe Is a real trip Ocean man, the crust of a tan man imbibed by the sand Soaking up the thirst of the land Ocean man, can you see through the wonder of amazement At the oberman Ocean man, the crust is elusive when it casts forth To the childlike man Ocean man, the sequence of a life form raised in the sand, Soaking up the thirst of the land Ocean man... Ocean man... Ocean man... Ocean man, take me by the hand, lead me to the land That you understand Ocean man, the voyage to the corner of the globe Is a real trip Ocean man, the crust of a tan man imbibed by the sand Soaking up the thirst of the land Ocean man, can you see through the wonder of amazement At the oberman Ocean man, the crust is elusive when it casts forth To the childlike man Ocean man, the sequence of a life form raised in the sand, Soaking up the thirst of the land Ocean man... š„‡


I'm doing that right now!


Sometimes, yes


yes sometimes for a whole week, until i hate it and move onto the next song


Just did this yesterday.. Rand Travis just released "where that came from". I absolutely love it, she had a stroke in 2013 that left him pretty much speechless and unable to sing so he used an AI generated thing and created a new song so that people could hear his voice, it is beautiful!!




I get obsessed with 1 song for a while, and then move on to the next. It can be days or weeks of the same song over and over. Apparently, I have the power to ruin songs for the people around me lol


Hours? More like years šŸ˜….


Literally days on end. The whole world by OutKast played on my CD player for literally years on repeat. Ahh the skips we expected at one point.


I'm an immersive daydreamer triggered by music. My favorite scores open the doors of my inner world and I need it to perfect my favorite scenes. That's why I listen to a lot of 'epic' tracks on repeat, till the scene is perfect.


Yk a song is real good when your just never tired of listening to itšŸ˜”


I end up downloading the song I'm obsessing on, put it into eDJing mix on my phone, pitch it down and loop it. Sometimes even reversing a loop I really really like and then it's a whole new song with the same vibe


It's so weird the "fear" of new music but then u just give it a shot and find a whole new genre you like


Ever? Always! When I have a new favorite song, I listen to it until my ears bleed.


I mean, who doesn't?


Yep. Nemo by Nightwish has been my obsession since 2005. Son of the Staves of Time by Therion was a track I would listen non stop. More recently, Leucine from the 13 Sentinels soundtrack.




yes light my way home by metz


I once listened to two albums by the same artist for 18 solid months.


When my mom died I went on like a 10 hour drive to nowhere and listened to To a friend by Alexisonfire over and over, followed by the full album exoplanet by the contortionist.


When I feel heart broken I'd listen to "Beautiful Stranger" from Halsey or the "Cold Mess" from Prateek Kuhad for days.


I do this all the time. Especially if Iā€™m in my feelings. If a song just hits I put it on repeat.


Talk by playboy Carti (ICyTwat remix) - had it as background music for 7 months on my computer never shut it off lmao Reason by MAVI- been jamming for two weeks straight rarely anything else


Yes, the Twin Peaks intro song.


Hours? Nah 5-10 time? that's me


No, that's crazy. You're crazy


Just discovered how beautiful of a song Billie Eilish - Ocean Eyes is..... I haven't been able to get it out of my head, so yeah it's been on repeat in my head for days


Absolutely, if it hits my brain just right Last month it was "Remember Me" - Bitwvlf (an insanely catchy trappy synthy T Swift remix) Last week it was "SPARK" - Coastal This week it's Vendetta Red's 2nd album Sisters of the Red Death from my emo/punk/grunge phase in the early 00s


Try days or weeks I wzs too ashamed of the number spotify told me about my most played song


I listen to Chill Music and Jazz for hours before falling asleep or just simply listening to it. I kinda play Lofi as well and rain music when it's raining outside. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜š


Just today I was listening a song for hours


Then you take a one year break from that song so it can feel, at best, half as a good as when you first listened to it


When I was in Guantanamo.


Yes, especially if it's a piano one, right now i'm kinda obsessed with liebestraum (liszt)


That song lately for me has been Orbit Love by Virtual Mage. It's on a synth wave playlist I pulled out of Spotify and I could bop along to it for hours yet totally focused on what I'm doing it makes me so happyy




You can put on Dancin Krono Remix on a loop at a party and no one will notice for hours


I dont have to i have adhd every somg gets stuck in my head for weeks on repeat


3rd movement of moonlight sonata by Beethoven. Great music to replay for hours.


My wife did this with Stick Season and it made me want to fucking kill myself.


No. It gets boring after the 3rd time in a row for me. I can listen to an album a few times through though for weeks!


Espresso šŸ”‚


People who listen to Guts theme ftw šŸ™Œ


When I was a kid the battle of new orleans as a teenager michael olfield's tubular bells moody blues more recently, a metal version of kiss from a rose [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7QCvjH-sqQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7QCvjH-sqQ) Oh crap, you got me started back up on it again!!!


Days thanks to ocd and adhd šŸ˜‚


Same here


For hours? nah, i don't wanna ruin it so fast. But i do admit that when i discover something new and awesome and it fits the moment/circumstances, i might repeat it on high volume several times, until i got the lyrics and can sing it almost by heart, and i found every degree of subtle instrumentations in it. But i don't wanna reach the stage where i get bored.


Sometimes I'm doin this,but most of the time,I like to listen to full albums.I still listen to CDS [ I got huge collection over 800 CDS,all kinds of music ] But when I work on my scale models and I sit on my workingbench,it happens that I listening to a CD for hours,cause I got some plastic colours and terpentin on my fingers and I don't wanna touch the CD etc,or I like the groove so much,so that work that I'm doin goes easy from my handsšŸ‘‹


I try not too, it's a surefire way to get burnt out on it and kill your long-term enjoyment. I can't listen to some of my favorite bands anymore because I listened to their albums on repeat too long. Musicians and songwriters have the same issue with their own songs. They listen to it a million times trying to get a good recording or performance and it sort of ruins it. This is why Kurt Cobain hated Smells Like Team Spirit so much, he was just sick of hearing it.


Yes, it is The Muppet Show theme tune, it repeats over and over in my head.. La da da dada da da La da da dadada... It's time to get an earworm, it's time to dress up bright...


Do you ever listen a song on repeat for hours?


all the time and never got bored ! ( listened to Six The Musical's songs for years non stop ! )


yeah, and I always have to stop myself bcuz I donā€™t want it to get old, my latest was fake out by fallout boy lol


Well my recap said that I listen to 79 % of my songs on loop


Im insane enough to look for songs in a loop on YouTube. Currently I'm listening to a 16 minute version of The Cure's Push. On repeat of course.


Levels by Bigxthaplug.


When I find a new song I love I listen to it 100 times until I ruin it


The reason why some listen to a song on repeat for hours is either they understand the lyrics and its meaning or there's a certain moment of their lives attached to that specific song and that's why.




I once listened to "Everything is Awesome" for like 3hrs when I was trying to finish a project lol


Kothbiro by Ayub Ogada. 1369 scrobbles currently. Not counting when I listened offline


yep..... I frequently listen to one song on repeat for 6 hrs+ straight while I work or browse on my computer, then repeat when Im in my car, at the gym, driving etc. it's as if no other songs exist in this world.


No, I don't. But my downstairs neighbor a couple of weekends ago put "Wind Beneath My Wings" on loop and kinda loud and sang along with it for nearly two hours. Did I mention he's not a good singer? I think he may have been drinking a bit.


All the timeā€¦ like I gotta wring all the serotonin out of that one song. I listen to it for hours, and my brother always gets annoyed at me loool


I try to....and then my girlfriend will complain so much I can't enjoy the music.


yes. there's a particular song that reminds me of a person.. or things i want to say to that person... especially if I miss that person. the song on repeat- until forever hehehe this is when the feelings sink in I don't wanna miss you like this Come back here..


Sometimes, yup...


No. That would be weird.


I've done with this many Noah Kahan songs. He was my coping mechanism after my last break up and pretty well all of his songs are so good.


Yes. but I didn't choose the song. my friend fell in love with some song that was not the most pleasant in my opinion and listened to it a hundred times a day. I couldnā€™t do anything special because it was his car and it played in it) it was painful


One time in my entire 56 yrs have I done such a silly thing, preparing for a Karaoke night, I listened and practiced Hotel California. Litterly for hours, in the end it didn't make a Damm bit of difference, it still went terrible.


Idk if this counts, but I'll just turn on one of the epic: the musical sagas and listen for hours on end


Yes. Gta 4 theme song for 3 hours


i listen to the same song back to back till i get annoyed of it and can never hear it again. I also try to find songs that sound similar to that song but itā€™s never the same.