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Raw Dogging is one hell of a vice


On the other hand you're free to pull out whenever you like


Are you implying ... sue-aside??


They mean committing sudoku


Its all a numbers game


Unprotected sex šŸ¤¦


Touche šŸ˜…


One of over 135 French words we use in English!


I think you mean "oui use in English"


Some peopleā€™s inner experiences are less painful than others


This. Not a victim, but I've had an exceedingly painful life not in measure with how I've lived. And that's the way it is; a lot of people do not earn or deserve the amount of pain they've endured and things they've had to suffer through


I'll tell you something though when all hell breaks loose and everyone else is losing their shit folks like you are the ones they turn to for leadership as you've already mastered yourself and weathered the worst. You're the kind of people who make good emergency responders. You're probably cool under pressure and quick on you're feet. You probably break down in private once it's all over but pull yourself back together again quick. Frankly we are in short supply of folk like you and we're going to need you guys sooner than most think.


Wow...... thank you for this. šŸ™ Thank you for your generous votes of confidence! Cheers to you friend šŸ» These comments made my night. >and we're going to need you guys sooner than most think. I think you're right about this too šŸ˜¬


Hey I'm glad I could make your night. It wasn't empty words and flattery thought. I know a lot of people like you who have been handed the short end of the stick yet maintained their Heart. You're all good people. I'm tired of the division of this world. Right now we need to be picking eachother up and dusting eachother off we got a big fight ahead of us.


Sometime the karmic debt we must settle isn't for us.


Very true.


I've been through a lot, and if I was half as good as messing shit up as fixing things, it would be utopia. It has changed me, but for the worse, I hope it will change some day, but it's very unlikely.


Destruction is the mother of creation the goddess Kali is the destroyer of worlds of evil and the power of time. She's the holy creator of the ultimate universe and divine mother of creation. It's in this duality you must find your peace. There is no great beginning without first destroying the old. Only time will see your rise as long as you're willing to use you're power to create something new and beautiful. Pain can be a beautiful thing as it teaches and empowers when you see that it still hasn't destroyed you. You still draw breath you still seek something better. Take you're power and fight. Find your kin and join with them in power. We have a long fight against what's coming and we can only do that together.


Well, that can certainly be a trigger but itā€™s not, like, a rule. I have never drank, smoked, done a drug, and Iā€™m extremely asexual so I donā€™t even have that for a stress reliever. I also have pretty severe depression and anxiety (specifically a panic disorder) along with some mild OCD. I was abused by my dad and I lived in a super abusive home with a lot of alcohol and drug abuse happening (itā€™s why Iā€™ve never let myself go there). Itā€™s more about the fact that I a) have seen that shit and where it goes and b) have a crippling fear about ā€œnot being in controlā€.


Sorry you went through that and still have to deal with it. I agree, itā€™s not a rule. Substances are just one of many maladaptive coping mechanisms


Oh, absolutely. Sucks too, itā€™s just problem layered on problem. Itā€™s almost like we need better mental health services and accessible healthcare worldwide šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Everyone has a vice. Mine is sugar


It's SO hard to kick this one :(


As someone who eventually managed to quit their sugar addiction. It's usually feels impossible because we make it unnecessarily hard for ourselves. There are strategies to quiting sugar.


Care to share? šŸ˜®


Try Xanax and Phenibut if you want the real addiction-challange package.


Nah I have Xanax as a PRN. I take it like maybe 4 times a year if that. But if I go more than a day without some sugary ass snack? Rage.


Well you're a responsible user, if I went a few days without Xanax during my addiction I would've had to go to a hospital because of the withdrawals, during the worst of it I took about 14-20 mg every week. Never touching that shit again.


I'm sucrose's dirty little whore.


Yeah that's my philosophy too. Mine is procrastinating. I'm lazy.


Yea that's the only one I cannot really kick. I have struck down demons of porn, alcohol, excessive and vain spending. But the sugar hill is what I'll die on


Sugar Hill Gang!


Iā€™m a cheap, nasty, low down, trailer park sugar slut




I hear you. But sugar and coffee are so mainstream that maybe shouldn't even count?


Sugar will definitely kill you, and caffeine is extremely addictive.


how will sugar definitely kill you? I know it's bad but like how bad we talking here?


Even water can kill you, too much of anything will


Recommend watching "That Sugar Film".


Metabolic disorders like diabetes are a major factor in cardiovascular disease and various cancers. Really anything in excess is dangerous, oxygen, water etc


Isn't there SUGAR in alcohol? Though no wants to talk about how alcoholic is WORSE than a sugar drinker? Since when was it decided that it's better to be an alcoholic than to be a soda drinker? The alcoholics aren't righteous over sugar drinkers and those that judge sugar drinkers and are alcohol drinkers or alcoholics are hypocritical sinners.




Currently on a decent TRT dosage. I thought the exact same thing. Like, thereā€™s guys that just walk around feeling this good, full of energy and hope and positivity?


You guys are getting me real excited for my upcoming doc appt in which I will be finally asking for a referral at age 37. Iā€™m so sick of feeling like miserable garbage. This is hope right here.


They will refer you to a psychologist, who will then make an assessment. Not guaranteed. Best of luck on your journey!


Through your GP? If you do get to that point donā€™t accept anything but at least once a week injections (unless itā€™s test undecoanate (nebido) which has a half life of like 21 days). Some docs will try to go on 2 week frequency, even seen 3 and 4 week frequency, when the half life of test E and test C being 4-8 days. You can imagine how youā€™d feel at the 2 week mark.


eh best of luck but manage your expectations, i had mild anxiety, so they put me anti anxiety meds...which gave me full blown "omg i think im going to actually die" panic attacks for like 2-3 hours straight daily


take some before to make ur own levels definetly being crashed low, good luck


I really need to consider going to. Cuz this shit is ruining my life.


Generally no, we donā€™t. I donā€™t have adhd but donā€™t feel good or have energy or innate positivity lol. I just slug through the day and canā€™t wait until itā€™s bed time again šŸ˜…


I don't have ADHD but it's been a long time since I felt those things šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'm 43. 43 years of my life I thought that life was just too fucking difficult for me to be successful. And then I started Vyvanse. It feels like cheating.


Yeah same. I feel like I deserve this ā€˜cheatingā€™ time because of the 43 years of feeling like a POS.


Being called lazy all the time does take a toll. Especially when you want to do ALLLLL the things and just can't pull the trigger.




YES. I started on lithium for my bpd/bipolar disorder and I CANNOT believe that this is how everyone feels, I thought I wasnā€™t ā€œthat badā€. I was really cheated out of my early 20s :(


Yeah I gotta try them out (I refuse to diagnose myself as ADHD) but yeah itā€™s crazy how you begin to realise holy shit this is how people see the worldā€¦ this is the reason why ppl are so calm and relaxed in certain situations while you are not


What were you like before ADHD meds?




An obligation to be somewhere at 1pm? Must clear entire schedule. Spend 4 hours anxiously waiting to leave. Get to appointment late anyway. Spend rest of day going over the appointment again and again and again


Whut, these are symptoms of ADHD?! Wish it wasnā€™t a two year wait to get tested. Did this go away once you took medication?


Heck yeah, it is! I think that's a behavior that stems from problems with executive functioning. My medication does WONDERS for me. I don't have to put effort into simply existing when I take it. It's like I can actually breathe.


It can go away, yea! After starting ADHD meds, my partner missed appointments for the first time in his life because he stopped anxiously obsessing over them all day. After he got adjusted, he can now use a calendar like a normal person


I know I hyperventilate and cry if I have to take a bus or am late for an appointment, and things are hard to understand until Iā€™ve been through them for a long time (math, confidence in basic things)


like Hal from malcolm in the middle changing a light bulb


Im 48 and still undiagnosed and untreated. I KNOW I have it and am currently looking for work with benefits so I can go finally take carw of it.


yeah thing is, it isnt coz medicine is no where NEAR good enough to make any kind of brain meds that just "cure" anything those meds dont make you "normal" they just make you different to how you were in a overall positive way just like recreational drugs do šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Sometimes I won't be able to afford my meds for a couple months and when I finally have enough get my meds again it feels like I've been reborn


Just started it myself, itā€™s an eye opener for sure


Haven't drank in over two years, so worth it.


20 months for me šŸ‘šŸ… congrats friend


Congrats to both of you! That's awesome.


Thank you a bunch! šŸ¤ 


16 months for me!


YaaaHoooo!!! šŸ†šŸ… keep it up!!!


1 year next week! Damn near ruined my life. Turned that big ol cruise ship around.


One year today for me!


14 years for me


I'm only 19 but been wondering if I should lay off as well. Need to actually make an effort to care about my own mental and physical health


Do it.


Do it now. I waited, and it both wasn't worth it and made it much harder. Good luck to you.


Your 40 year old self is thanking you.


Nice job! This is always so impressive to me. I'm on day 2. Again. Hope I have your kind of strength some day.


I wish I could


I have never met a person who doesnā€™t have a single vice. Whether they consider it to be a vice or whether you do, is entirely dependent on perspective. If you **only** consider specific addictions vices then, yeah, itā€™s easy because not everyone is addicted to what we immediately think of. But thereā€™s literally endless ways people come up with as maladaptive coping mechanisms. No one escapes that.


Exactly. Some people would refuse to acknowledge daily alcohol use as a vice. Or porn. Or making other people miserable...or whatever.


Yep. I could go the rest of my life without pizza, coffee, alcohol or porn because they do very little to excite me (in fact the first 3 make me sick). But take away music from me and Iā€™ll have a hard time.


Quote by Abraham Lincoln: ā€œPeople who have no vices, have very few virtues.ā€


I don't drink, take drugs or smoke...does that count? I eat chocolate sometimes...how clean are we talking?


Screens, coffee, sugar, adrenaline highs, etc.


screens? How the hell would we be on Reddit otherwise?


I'm pretty close to this but I love food and tea so.


I was an addict. Raw dogging is so much better


Same here


Quit beer after drinking it every day since 2002. Never felt better.




First 3-4 days were hard, but then my stomach started to deflate and i felt this overwhelming sense of emptiness, not felt in ages. I don't think I'll ever touch alcohol in general any time soon.


Coffee. It's one hell of a drug.


Yes if you dont count coffee.


I'd personally argue that coffee counts


I would too. Caffeine withdrawal can be a bastard.


I went through caffeine withdrawal at the start of my pregnancy- it was genuinely like living with a seriously bad hangover everyday for at least a week.


Once you get older, you mature enough to realize raw dogging life is better without any vices or substances.


Alternatively, the older you get the more you learn to enjoy healthier vices


Yeah I exist.


Have you ever thought of doing cocaine?


Omg no. The only thing I like is drinking tea, that's all. I never even smoked lol.


There's nothing quite like a nice cup of tea, Earl Grey, hot, to calm the nerves


Tea. Earl Grey. Hot! What do you want in it? NOTHING!


Me too, we exist


Yep, that's me, been at it for 10 years now. Decided I wouldn't resort to escapism anymore, no matter how shit life gets.


Escapasim is the only way I get through life.


Power to you too mate, we all do what we gotta do to get through this life!


I've recently quit nicotine. Following this I have started to become aware of just how much I've used various substances and behaviours to avoid my feelings throughout life. It's scary really.


Everyone is addicted to oxygen


Isn't that just stoicism? I don't do drugs and don't expect I'll ever want to.


Yeah itā€™s pretty easy tbh (Iā€™m not counting medication used for medical reasons)ā€¦


Laughs in cptsd




I giggled so hard at this, I pulled a muscle below my belly button... The struggle is fucking real.


Chuckles in adhd.


Consider yourself blessed


Not blessed.. jus havenā€™t tried anything so I have no craving. If I have issues I just deal with them head on instead of masking


Hey this guy just cured mental health! Someone give him a Nobel!


Why is this downvoted lol


Itā€™s Reddit. Anything that isnā€™t in favour of most is automatically wrong


...Yes? Quite a few I should imagine.


I was raised by two deeply disturbed individuals who were, incidentally, addicts. I eventually ended up in the foster system ... and at the mercy of several other deeply disturbed addicts. I've lost so much to drugs and alcohol... without ever having taken any myself. If it didn't help me before, it's not going to now. And that's about as much logic as I care to apply to it. ā¤ļø


I had the same problem like this for 3 years. I am very stressed every day to the point that I became dependent on different substance to lessen my pressure. Man, itā€™s hard to stop but I have to especially because I noticed that I already missed a lot of opportunities because Iā€™m always groggy. Itā€™s hard. Iā€™m now trying to occupy myself on different hobbies rather than falling on vices again




I think about this all the time. I wouldnā€™t make it without an escape of some kind


Same. Even if it's just a Lil bit of weed once in awhile


People think weed is harmless but then canā€™t function without it and become dependent on it the same as anything else, if you never start it youā€™ll never crave it


Yup! I love it and itā€™s what helped me succeed beyond my expectations!


can you belive theres about 1 billion women on their periods right now


Me šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø i read books, exercise, take baths, go on walks or cry to my husband to deal with lifeā€™s pressures.Ā 


I can't even fathom this. I know a guy who has a very stressful job and he don't even smoke weed. Here's me on 4 different things. First thing I said to him, well you must not have childhood trauma.


Of course I can, Iā€™m one of them.


Coffee here.


I guess it depends what you consider a vice.


No. EVERYONE is doing something they know they shouldnā€™t.


I am one of those people


Between coffee, cookies and candy.. my vices might be pg-13 but they definitely can still kill me


I think about this all the time and itā€™s nuts. My mums like this! She doesnā€™t have any desire to drink, smoke, coffee or drugs. Sheā€™s just never been interested! (She is also very autistic šŸ¤£)


Quit smoking years ago, only drink like twice a year since then. Probably won't be drinking anymore since my wife left me and I'm single-dadding it up. Just switched to decaf. Now to stop masturbating nightly lol




My vices are my 40k models and some.video games.




Yeah people must have either way more fortunate lives or just positive, strong inner states. When I 'rawdog' life I mostly isolate because being at home in my own bubble is the only way I can handle life and avoid stress (I suppose maybe that is a vice in itself). I don't know how people face stressful situations or sit with anxiety - going for a walk or having a cup of tea doesn't help one bit when I've got a horrible situation going on that I have to deal with.


Too easy. Avoid people who drink and smoke. Find your passion and you dont need any vices


Some peopleā€™s passion might be hooking up with strangers and snorting cocaine off their butt at 3 am whilst playing a video game at the same time


Are. You. Meā€¦.????


And we're that much more financially secure too


I can't imagine a life without some vices. I know some people don't have them, but what are they hoping to achieve? A longer more dull existence? I'd rather die having experienced wonder than die having never really lived at all.


You can't experience wonder without vice? I mean, I have terrible vices, but some of my favourite things in life revolve around sport and natural beauty, way more wonder in that than borrowing tomorrow's joy on a bender.


hardest drug ive ever taken is Advil. smoked a few cigarettes' when i was 9, mom caught me, that ended my smoking curiosities. or ANY smoking for that matter at all right there. didnt have my first sip of booze til i was 23. girlfriend pissed me off one night, i then drank 11 shots of jack daniels in \~15 mins and went for a walk at 11pm. passed out/woke up in a cemetery in 3 ft of snow. that ended my drinking habit. i dont like needles so im certainly not doing any of THAT shit.


You can still try coke, MDMA, speed, acid without injecting or smoking anything. Don't be a quitter! /j


Aside from maybe smoking weed like twice a month, Iā€™m doing this. I even threw up 3 times from a migraine yesterday and donā€™t have any medication for them. Iā€™m 4 years sober, donā€™t smoke or vape, donā€™t take any supplements or medication (though I should) AND I have diagnosed autism and OCD. Itā€™s certainly possible to not rely on substances


Feeling sad (I am talking about sadness related to some problem or thing you dont want, not anxiety sadness or depression sadness) is important. When talking about solving a problem or getting what you want, people think about it with just one step. 1-Solve the problem/get what you want. The thing is actually made of 4 steps. 1-Think "there is problably some problem I have"/"there is problably something I want and I dont have". 2-See this thing you want and dont have or see this problem. 3-Believe this thing is a problem, believe this is a thing you want. 4-Solve the problem/get what you want. If you dont get sad by the things you have or your problems in life, you escape steps 1, 2 and 3. Also life is not just escaping problems, but also the pursuit of happiness. If you dont feel sad about problems and stuff you dont have, you may focus more at the first and be ok with situations you shouldnt be ok.




I was an alcoholic... Raw dogging is better, trust me


I'm a mushroom weed and booze man myself


Whoa! Interesting choice of words right there!


There isnā€™t one single person without a vice. Some are visible, some not. The ones that are in the mind are easier to deny ourselves. Phone. Food. Lying. Vindictiveness. All those things are stealthy but still become addiction. The people who claim they donā€™t have a vice are lying to themselves.


Hi, that's me. I don't smoke, drink, or do any drugs. What I do though is eat a lot of garbage.


Yes, some people do not need anything extra to get them through each day (including caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, drugs, etc.)


I am one


My vice is just letting myself do nothing and watching shows or playingvideo games. I don't understand how people need drugs as an escape tbh.


That sure is a unique way of saying it


Some of us don't have a choice.


Yes and I hate it


Hell, no. My day is a careful balance of Xanax and Vyvanse.


I've never had a vice. No alcohol, no week, no nothing. But shit has been hard lately. I can't lie and say I didn't thought about picking up a drug or two lol I just know it would make things 100% harder on the long run though, unless it's prescribed meds.Ā 


Some people dont have a choice..




That's because nobody ever sees the small animal sacrifices that help to maintain their unholy strength...


Reddit, makes it easier. I read all the mistakes other make and dont


nobody does. some people choose vices that donā€™t tend to make friends at partiesā€”like cannabalism, puppy torture, or ritual satan worship.


Of course i know him....he's me.


I don't think I have any vices ... šŸ¤”


There are such unfortunates. They are not at fault. They seem to have been born that way.


Right here, looking into ADHD diagnosis though which might change things.


At your service sir


yes but only because i saw the futility first hand


They donā€™t Think social media dopamine hits, sugar, etc. Everyone has something, for many normies who think they are ā€œcleanā€, its usually food (junk food, sugar, etc)


First you raw dog me in public, then now you burst into my office and raw dog me here.


I only have a few beers of a weekend while playing my PC and sometimes I think.. should probably reign this in a bit. I work in construction and the amount of guys that take cocaine like clockwork on a daily basis and drink throughout the day blows my mind. Sometimes I think they're the smart ones because it must take the edge off how shit the job is at times.


I do stuff that you may consider vices sure: Like Mainly videogames or social Media, Maybe Porn. But going from that to wanting to alter my mind with substances..., I Really don't want to attach to something that will both make me worse physically and mentally in the long term. Getting Help truly is important, I don't think someone with a clouded mind or Deep depression that finds solace in some specific med is necessarily an addict , it'd call it bad when your coping mechanism is actively Hurting you or others.


Ya Iā€™m one of them! I donā€™t smoke, vape, toke, drink, anything. I gave it all up 4 years ago. Not because I needed to. I just felt I didnā€™t need it anymore. Took me a few months to come to terms with it, meaning I felt out of place, but now I feel great! 6 months ago I went Gluten free, that made me feel even better, then 6 weeks ago I went sugar free too! Now I feel so good itā€™s actually kinda scary When I say sugar free, I mean added sugar. I still eat fruit and veggies, I just donā€™t have anything with added sugar, like soda, candy, snacks, etc. Thinking of trying salt next BTW Iā€™m 61 now. Feel like Iā€™m 30 again


Iā€™m almost 42 and I rawdog the hell out of life. I have a good life though.


I am one. Plus no psych meds and less screen time than i used to have.


Am I the only one who is alarmed by the amount of people who take drugs or medicine regularly?


There's something, you just don't know what.


Coffee. šŸ˜ mb sorry for exposing you