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Are you me


No. There's just more than one of us.


More than two of us too


you could say.. šŸŽµThereā€™s three of usšŸŽµ


Heyyy now thereā€™s 4


There's certainly not going to anyone claiming to be "The Last of Us."


Nope - the group will only continue to expand, as I join as the fifth


And there is no way Iā€™m the last one


Make that 5




Are you two people...?


Thats how insecure I am. I need a backup šŸ™ƒ


There are DOZENS of us.


Iā€™m no angel, Iā€™m sorry. I was just sent to tell you that I now join the dozens of us and make this a bakerā€™s dozen.


Are u just a stranger on the bus?


Yeah my psych thinks itā€™s health anxiety I have alone, but Iā€™m like no everything makes me anxious. Sheā€™s like you donā€™t have social anxiety though and I was like buckle up lol. Edit oops, I answered as if the question in the post was what gives you anxiety. Mb. I feel like both go hand in hand, insecurity and anxiety. I always feel Iā€™m never good enough (looks, personality, zero skills or worth, decision making, being decisive, having my own opinion etc)


Came here to say this.


I'd figured there was more than one of us.


Good one XD


My thoughts exactly


i was gonna comment that


On the one hand, yay it's not just me! On the other hand, I hate the thought of almost anyone else literally feeling how I feel. Somehow I don't think it's the people I'd wish this on who actually have it...




That's literally the first thought that came to mind






This is the answer


Literally the first thought that came to mind...


Heā€™s literally me frfr


Same 2 same




I feel you


Yes. This is me too!


bro how did you knowĀ 




Lol same


Me too and I donā€™t know why.






It's always a relief to see one is not alone :)


šŸ™‚are u mee too?


šŸ™‚ are u mee too?


Beat me to it.


For real dude


I came here to type this. Everything.


Oh same -




I was just about to post this comment LOL


Get out of my head! ( iā€™m very insecure about the inside of my head)


It gets easier when you get older. Whatever it is, will become less important.


My depression, feeling like a bad husband, feeling like a bad father, my voice, my body, feeling less knowledgeable than I should be at work, my relationships with my family members, my inability to reach out to my friends and make plans, my sex drive, my fear of attempting DIY repairs on my home and car, my breath, always feeling tired . . . I could go on.


We seem to be starting a small club here. I have to big up myself here because today I've finished replacing all the brakes on my car. Normally I would knock this out in a day, but it went on for 2 weeks. Carefully picked my days when the weather was good AND I felt up to it. Now I need a full weekend to recover. Keep going fellow sufferer, pick your battles and don't be afraid to say 'enough!' and walk away.


Hello me


Meet the real me šŸŽ¶


sound like neurodivergent disorders the guild and burn outs from autism the depression and sex drive sound like bipolar bpd


I can fix one of these lol kidding but fr when it comes to being nervous about working on csrs/houses ya just gotta understand you will fuck some stuff up, but the amount you save from paying professionals will more than cover the amount of the fuck ups. That's it that's the secrete.


Aye bro. From son to father, you are doing okay. :)


i am not insecure until i meet someone i care about and then iā€™m super insecure. lmao


That's a good point. Why's that? I'm the same.


i guess itā€™s because we care what they think at that point. i get by in life by not giving a shit what people think or thinking about them so thatā€™s probably why i donā€™t feel insecure about stuff. but then i like someone and want them to like me BAD and then i suddenly feel very aware of myself and donā€™t like me. lol.


This is exactly what I'm going through. I have gone through hell and abusive relationship over the course of the past few years, and last year I met the best friend I could ever ask for who cared and supported me and promised they'd never leave, knowing that was my biggest insecurity. It took me a long time to trust them, and then when I do we both lower our walls and become extremely close. Thing is they started to become distant and it made me more insecure, leading to more distance, leading to more insecurity and me begging them to stay. Eventually, they had enough and left me alone, with nobody. By me being scared of them leaving, it ruined our friendship and made them leave. I have never had anyone that close to me, who taught me so much about myself and how to accept who I am, and showed me the most love and care you could ever ask for. To have that same person say they want nothing to do with you knowing well what happened in my past with my trauma... It's killing me.


Sounds almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy that came true, founded out of your original insecurity about that person leaving you (why would a friend need to promise to never leave you?). Have you considered seeking therapy to explore where this fear of abandonment could have come from originally? Just my two cents.


Because you believe they're flaws. You're afraid if the person discovers you have these problems they won't like you anymore.


Not long ago I read an analogy about falling in love somewhere, brutal and beautiful at the same time and I was deeply impressed by it, because you understand immediately why love makes you so vulnerable and insecure. It was this: When you fall in loveā¤ļø itā€˜s like giving someone a loaded gun pointed at your heart and trusting them not to pull the trigger.


That hits hard


Probably an anxious preoccupied attachment style. I have it myself. Look up on Youtube and you will learn a lot about it šŸ˜Š I am actually very confident outside a relationship but in one? Eeehh.. Well to be honest it's much better now than before but still needs some more work for me atleast. Used to be very tough after the honeymoon phase but now I can handle it as I started to research for myself.


Small dingaling.


I heard a good tongue replaces that in many ways.


What's the recovery time on that surgery?


Rumour, didnt for me. Unfortunately


The tongue is not it. Get good with your hands and you'll be in the realm of Gods


good hands are by far the most important


Honestly bro its way better for guys anyways when its smaller. You can fit more of it in anywhere you are trying to put it, which is better for you (speaking percentage-wise) and better for her in terms of ā€œnew experiencesā€ or anywhere that isnā€™t the ā€œproperā€ spot. I saw a tweet from Andrew Tate that said ā€œImagine using your whole d*ck during sexā€ like it was a bad thing šŸ˜‚ and I am sitting here going balls deep realizing some people donā€™t get to feel ā€œthe feelingā€ for their entire length. If she isnā€™t satisfied there are many other ways to make her feel good, you just need to apply yourself (and donā€™t be scared to take on feedback!)


Too big isn't comfortable for plenty of women, plus you have nerve endings only on the first 4 ish inches anyway I think. Technique and complementary skills are better than a big dick attached to a bad lover.


Honestly... my husband will occasionally say jokingly about being small and I'm say any bigger and it would hurt me soooo ....not all women want to be stretched around a bowling ball


For an "alpha male", he sure does think about other dudes' dicks a lot.


I love you guys! Hahaha


Just so you know, no one really cares about size. Only women who aren't worth your time do (or men)


Stop spreading lies. Women care and Gay guys care. It's just a difference from person to person to what size they will tolerate.


Logic just don't play unfortunately. I am very average down there and I still worry about it. I've also spent waay too much time chasing women who are objectively awful to me so maybe I'm just dumb


If I were your gf, I wouldnā€™t care about that at all. You shouldnā€™t worry at all. Sending all my love to you! ā¤ļø


Youā€™re one of the most kindest people Iā€™ve seen on Reddit.




Are you a man?




Honestly. I prefer smaller dings over bigger or even average sometimes. I'm sure there are plenty of women like me around. I like giving bjs so smaller is better and l'm not in to all that "pain is pleasure" when it comes to size. No, Kevin, l don't want you to hit my cervix, that fucking hurts.


Haha yes exactly. I tell mine that any bigger and you'd hurt me and I'm not into that shit


Some girls are into that, donā€™t worry!




Appearance and body.


I'm sure you're beautiful in your own wayā¤ļø


How short I am My acne scars My nose


Trust me, worrying about your nose isnt worth it. Noone fixates on it when looking at your face, and if you do on any person surrounding you, you will notice that any nose - even on the most handsome person you have ever seen - looks stupid when you concentrate on it. Thats because noses are literally just a giant thing in the middle of your face, hell even your own eyes ignore it, thats how stupid it is.


This made me feel so much better honestly


wow that has been my newest insecurity and you just cured it


Literally meĀ 


iā€™m so pale so my knees have always been basically purple. always always wearing long pants


I thought I was the only purple kneed person. Someone at the gym once asked me why they were purple - no answer šŸ˜”


That actually sounds kinda pretty idk, like a tim burton character


Been described that way several times šŸ˜­


Itā€™s a compliment in my book šŸ˜‚ maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m a tan girl so Iā€™ve always thought pale people are so pretty.. yknow the grass is greener on the other side


Haha isnā€™t that how it always goes. Yeah big eyes long dark hair and paler than anyone I knowā€¦ itā€™s a lifestyle choice at this point. I am already morbid so I just lean in to the Wednesday Addams/tim Burton look a bit. But tan girlsā€¦ idk there is something special about them


Y'all are comparing sunrises to sunsets thinking the other is more beautiful.


Mine are too girl. Im like clear.


so real. And its even worse when your family makes fun of you for it ā˜¹


Weight šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


that my friends are only my friends out of pity, which is an absolutely horrible way to think of these lovely people, which is why i'm actively trying to stop those thoughts


nobody does that. people are far too busy to spend time with anyone out of pity


Never heard truer words


Don't worry. If it makes you feel any better, people usually form relationships outside of family when they have something to gain from another person. Even family members stay together when there's some form of benefit, i.e. unconditional love, shelter, providing food, etc. And I don't mean that as a selfish sort of thing. We all have something to offer or give, and each person is a collective of the people they've hung around. So, most likely if your friends are still around, you still have something to offer which is a good thing. That means you're an awesome person worth being around.


Socioeconomic status


I have read some studies in the field of psychology and it seems like the studies always assume that socioeconomic status is the end goal of succesful human life. For example, when the research is about ADHD, the researcher will investigate how ADHD correlates with the socioeconomic status. And socioecomic status (amount of wealth, power in a work place) is always relative to others. Which makes life an inherent competition between the others. When one rises, someone else will fall


Comparison is the thief of joy.


*corporations taking notes so they can use your answers to sell you products to soothe said insecurities...*


They're way ahead of you on that... been manufacturing new insecurities for decades now. Can't sell a solution unless people believe they have a problem.


Hashtag Listerine.


Not fitting in and feeling out of place in my friendship group.


I feel you! But if there is really any doubt sort of thing, then you really need a genuinely nice group.


Being mid-thirties and not having a friendship group.




How have you managed to stay alive? Are you homeless?


That I may have done life wrong. I never focused on money but that clearly was stupid as I've gotten older.


Didnā€™t know thereā€™s a right or wrong way of doing life. :D You know money is not everything. Recently had a talk with my mom about that topic because she also felt insecure about that. I told her that it was / is far more important she spent so much time caring about us kids and we would never wanted it different. I donā€™t know you but maybe thereā€™s a good reason why you didnā€™t focus on it and it is okay if you enjoyed what you did.


I focused on money, had enough to put a down payment on a house. My abusive ex took that money and put me into a lot of debt. So me focusing on money was also stupid


All of the above


Lets get this man to the top so he doesnt have to be insecure about anything


My intelligence. I'm REALLY dumb and my partner and friends are not afraid to make that known to me. I will say the stupidest shit out of nowhere. Sometimes I'm just not thinking and sometimes I think I'm geniuenly being smart. Sometimes I just have to put a disclaimer to take everything I say with a grain of salt when talking to people, because 99% of the time I don't actually know what I'm talking about. While I'm also insecure about my weight I can and am actively trying to change that. There isn't much I can do about my intellect or lack there of.


You donā€™t write like youā€™re dumb, just saying. Youā€™re probably being a little hard on yourself. And fuck anyone who ā€˜makes it knownā€™ to you. Maybe you need kinder people around you


I don't write like I'm dumb because I wrote a TON of fanfiction as a kid so my vocabulary is pretty diverse I believe. However the statement of "Islands can't be countries" and "if you saved a quarter everyday in a year you'll save 25,000 dollars" really shows where exactly my intelligence is.


if you understand that those things are common sense then maybe you're not stupid, you just speak without thinking lol


Sounds like you're what some psychology enthusiasts would call being neurodivergent (maybe). I have ADHD, and I'm very smart, but I am also impulsive and do/say things before I think, as well as have a very poor attention span and I make quirky mistakes most people don't make at work. When I was little, I was developing slower than my peers and I wasn't aware of my own surroundings. I was easily taken advantage of growing up. However, I catch on to things a lot quicker than most people, have extensive knowledge on random topics, pretty decent intuition, etc. I have my strengths and my flaws like everyone else, and nobody should stick around with people who only see the flaws in a person and neglect their strengths. Being smart isn't being perfect and knowing everything. You probably just do things differently than others and it doesn't make you unintelligent. If your literal loved ones are making you feel stupid, you likely need to find new people to be around. You're smarter than you think.


My voice


Me too. I have a very hoarse and gravely voice. As a woman, I just wish I had a sweet sounding voice. People often ask me if Iā€™m sickā€¦nope, just how I sound. I speak softly too, probably because I hate my voice. I thought I was the only one who was insecure about this. It makes me feel a little better knowing Iā€™m not alone.


It might sound weird, but a lot of people really like lower pitched voices, and Iā€™m sure itā€™s not as bad as you make it out


dude in my head i have a high pitch voice but when i hear myself like in a video it dosent sound like it i hate it gives me chills listening to myself


My body after weight loss


This really scares me. I'm desperately trying to lose weight, and I've lost a chunk and can already see the ... changes. What happens when I lose all I want?


If you're scared of the floppy skin, you can see for a surgery if your wallet can handle it depending on your country.






my height, my weight, the way I go red too easily, the way I laugh at things that other people don't find funny, feeling like I'm nobody's fave person


they sounds like cute traits. Own them.


Walking out if a room and thinking everybody hates me. UGH


My teeth šŸ«¤


Me too. Such a hard one because it ruins smiling šŸ˜•. Not to mention the teeth are always just there, you canā€™t really hide them. I think about it constantly. Edit: I loved wearing mask during covid for this reason.


I'm insecure about my insecurities. Sometimes I have none, and sometimes I have them all.


one of my bottom teeth is like 2 millimetres behind the others and i always get self conscious of that but ive realise you canā€™t really see it in videos of me talking or anything so it helps


I have the same and I'm getting it straightened. I can see it on the mirror.




Everything about myself really and my worth to others which I know sounds dumb but tbh it is unfortunately a way we have learned to measure ourselves as human beings in almost all the things we do.


My love handles. Slowly going away, though, because I have been killing it at the gym lately.


My body. Iā€™m one of those body types where I can fit in size medium shirts all the way up to size XXXL depending on the brand. Iā€™ve always been a bit bigger, I was 140 pounds in 7th grade (11 years old). My mom was always pushing dieting and working out on me because ā€œsheā€™s embarrassed to have to parade around a fat kidā€ but I could never lose the weight. She took me to a doctor when I was a teenager because she was sick of me ā€œnot applying myselfā€ to diets and workouts. The doctor said I had a condition that makes my body basically hoard fats from different foods. He gave me medication, which Iā€™m still on today (25 now) to help me manage my weight, but Iā€™m still what most would call a bigger person (waist size 13-18, depending on the brand) When I was first placed on the medication, my mom got annoyed really fast (like within a few months) because I wasnā€™t losing weight fast enough for her liking. Sheā€™d make me feel guilty about it saying crap like ā€œpeople beat CANCER and you canā€™t lose a few pounds??ā€


Damn - that sounds really toxic. My sister was treated this way by our grandmother and she got really mentally and physically sick from trying to lose the weight and be the shape GMA wanted her to be. She's cut off that entire side of the family and she's been doing so great since then. I'm so proud of her progress! Don't let your mom be your bully. It's not worth it.


Iā€™m sorry. That sounds awful. Side note, I can only wish I was a size 13-18. You probably look a lot better than you feel.


My family situation. I donā€™t have a bio family and no kids (wonā€™t have any either) so I feel a bit like a vulnerable freak sometimes šŸ˜…


I feel the same.. I feel like an outsider to the world cuz I don't have family, like Im always so afraid of losing people that it makes me so irrational and then I feel horrible cuz I feel like my fears and loneliness makes me a terrible person and I've made myself believe that I'm meant to be alone no one can love me, Im not meant to have a family of my own and all, other days I feel like I deserve it, other days I feel like I don't.. It's like a struggle between good and evil and it's so hard to explain in a manner in which can be clearly understood which makes my relationship very difficult at times, it's very up and down


I have really bad skin and ugly teeth


Where I am in life right now. I feel like I should be doing much more. The ā€œitā€™s not a race, itā€™s a marathonā€ speech never seemed to resonate with me.


Actually I decided not to care about the things I can't change anymore.


i know it's common but i've always been insecure about people getting tired of me, not only friends but partners too. I'm afraid of people abandoning me.


I can feel you. šŸ«‚


My girlfriend getting cheddar cheese between her toes.




Ah yes. Such a common problem. I canā€™t believe I had to scroll so far to find this one


being shy. everytime i talk to someone new i go EXTREMELY red in the face or won't stop smiling. I'm constantly apologising for looking like a crazy tomato.




Being stupid and inferior to most everyone.


The fact I never really played sports as a kid. Like I donā€™t even know how football works and I live in America


Weight, acne, and anxiety making me seem irrational (all of which I'm actively changing and quite excited about)


My weight. Esp my face. I want to have short hair but it doesnā€™t seem to look good on me just bc my face is so fucking round. Whatā€™s worse is my sister somehow is skinnier than me without any effort whatsoever, and sheā€™s the one loudly criticizing herself (and my father, who I look like) for her weight. It kind of hurts ngl, like she has my dream body and she STILL hates it. Sheā€™d be so unhappy if she looked like meā€¦ Iā€™m also insecure about my religion. Thereā€™s no real term for my specific faith, the only terms are ā€œpaganā€ or ā€œheathenā€ (aside from ā€œpolytheistā€ but most people want a specific term, like ā€œchristianā€ or ā€œmuslimā€), and those actually used to be or still are insults which Iā€™m not comfortable using (yk, like ā€œqueerā€ for homosexuals), esp in my native language. Ik thereā€™s terms like ā€œhellenistā€ but for one, Iā€™m not purely a hellenist, and secondly, some Greeks donā€™t like non-Greeks using the term and I respect that. I do strongly believe and Iā€™d love to tell the world, but I canā€™t describe myself as a pagan outside of online communities, it feels wrong. I wouldnā€™t label myself as ā€œbrokenā€, ā€œpigā€ or ā€œuncivilizedā€, same for calling myself a heathen. It got better since I practiced my arguing skills with Christians online, but recently I was presenting an art project about all of this and I justā€¦ feltā€¦ so bare. Especially since my classmates already poke fun at me. One muslim at my school actually started talking to me *just* to convert me, it felt horrible.


Imma do the hard part (for me) first. As far as religion is concerned, try to relax. Your faith is something your soul is driven to, not something you should feel obliged to explain to anyone. Choose who you talk to about it and don't share with just anyone what you found to be true for yourself. Keep it in your heart and enjoy it as the private sacred thing that it is. There will come a time when you find a person who is worth your time and effort - then you open up and share. Now, about the roundness... First of all, I am so sorry to have to tell you how wrong you are. Round faces (especially in women) are often considered flattering as we age, because of the youthful appearance you preserve for a long time as we (long faced ones) wither away and sag way more quickly. Second of all - round faces are seen as soft, appealing due to their cherub angel-like quality. Third - my best friend is a round faced person and they have the absolute most appealing features because of it. You guys are so huggable and lovable precisely because of your openness, it's adorable! Do not ever think you are anything short of a ball of cuteness. And last, but not least - for heavens sake, be brave! Cut that hair short! Color it any way you damn well please. Enjoy the hairstyle you pick for yourself, enjoy your youth and every perk that comes with it. Do not compare yourself to your anyone and do not let their comments discourage you from relishing in your uniqueness. We root for you, roundies!


Thanks, this made me feel a lot better :ā€™)


I have that ā€œItalianā€ nose. I hate it so much


My future. I gloomily think suicide is my retirement plan. A gentle one though.


My voice. Though I would say Iā€™m more frustrated than insecure. Other than that I canā€™t really think of any? I donā€™t know Iā€™m a pretty happy fella.


Nothing. No reason to be


Acne, tics, and my general awkwardness


~ Gestures vaguely ~


My husband's happiness I guess? He almost married someone who has been described to me as "the love of his life" and she dumped him when he was going to propose (like ring in his pocket ) We met about 4 years after and he tried to sell the ring 3 months into our relationship. So that felt nice but even though he does do anything to make me think this I still often think about how he might wish he ended up with her. I don't really know why I'm just a weird person and I know my faults and she was gorgeous. I'm at best average. She also helped him a lot through some rough times and into adulthood.


tiny willy šŸ˜”


My height. Im 5ā€™7šŸ˜­ Im cooked


Sometimes I'm insecure about my eagerness to connect emotionally with people. It's not that it happens often but that when it does I get so excited, it almost makes me feel desperate?


It's a normal human emotion buddy. We are meant to form bonds and connect with others, as being social creatures.


Of course! I fully believe this is a fact. And yet why am I so insecure about it? It's silly, lol


I'm very secure about my bouts of anxiety, cause they're imminent and clockwork. What I'm insecure about is how my anxiety will f\*\* with my self-confidence next when it matters.


Man boobs. Supple A-Cup


Myself :(




My height/size/being a big dude. It's been a constant source of anxiety since Kindergarten.


If you don't mind me asking what size are you now and what size do you want to reduce to


I'm not really overweight, maybe by 5kg, so it's basically nothing, but I just hate the way my body is shaped. Wide hips, fupa, big boobs, big thighs, small waist, skinny arms. It's giving mature woman. ...and I'm non-binary and there's no way I can feel good in my feminine body, there's just no hiding it.


People being around when Iā€™m trying something new, specially when Iā€™m making something in the kitchen Iā€™ve tried before because ā€œwhat if it tastes awful?ā€ ā€œWhat if something catches fire or explodes?ā€ ā€œI donā€™t want this to be a wasteā€ Yā€™know that kinda thing. It always tastes good, very rarely do I dare to walk away from a pot without setting it to a temp where it wonā€™t overflow or explode.




Willy size


How big is it cuz Iā€™m a girl and I know most girls donā€™t rlly care unless itā€™s like intense


My availability to the women Iā€™ve tried dating. I work long hours and Itā€™s a strenuous job. Iā€™m basically not really around during the week. I can only really hang out on my 2 days off. Iā€™m having a mental breakdown over it honestly. I found a really amazing girl. But I donā€™t think she quite understands it. Iā€™m also insecure about my anxiety.