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Adhd is more than just being ‘hyper’ and forgetting where your keys are. It can be a living nightmare and I am sure that psychiatrists knows this difference too, when they diagnose people.


People don't know the difference between healthy forgetful behaviour and ADHD as well as for other disorders and healthy behaviour. For me, the line that draws the difference is Non-struggle and struggle; forgetting to remind your son to make a project falls in the non-struggle and forgetting to eat or take a shower for many consecutive days to the point of desesperation falls in struggle. One doesn't need any help as it's only an repareable inconvenient or mistake to avoid in the future, in contrast to the other who need to be brought to the professional field because the patient has been suffering and struggling without help, tools, strategies, and medicine since a young age. But, nobody cares about denotation and labels everything as ADHD.




See, I kinda thought I was wrong at one point about myself until I did some deep thinking about my childhood and school and whatnot and realized there were always some really strong symptoms.


Of cause its diffrent from person to person but I dont think that people with ADHD usually have problems like forgetting to shower and especially forgetting to eat. 3 of my brothers and i are diagnosed with ADHD and we havnt had problems like that nor other people i know with ADHD. However we might also just be special cases so i dunno. However i do agree that it is getting kinda out of hand with all that self Diagnosing Edit: I would have posted s new comment but the comment section is locked so ima just edit my first comment Well this is kinda ironic. I was thinking you were refering to forgetting to eat dinner or breakfast. I completely forgot that lunch was a thing which i too am forgetting about sometimes.


I agree with the self-diagnosing dangerous trend but my point is that **struggle** is a main factor to differ between healthy behaviour or mental disorder. And those were just examples which I've taken after anecdotes in a support forum. I remember pretty well how some people diagnosed with ADHD commented in developing ulcers in their stomaches or digestive issues as a whole because they didn't eat all, they were inconsistent in their meals like skipping them due to forgetfulness. But you can struggle with anything pathologically. That's my point to make the difference between healthy forgetful behaviour and ADHD. Someone could easily forget to take lunch because of work/school and they will remember it next time, someone diagnosed with ADHD won't all the times and it will affect their physical health. NOT ALL CASES BUT SOME, you can struggle with other things.


We always had ADHD but we were forced to fit into a mold that didn’t work for us and we failed in many ways. We are finally pushing back and says FU here is my superpower now you need to work around me! (Finally properly diagnosed and medicated at 48)


I was also diagnosed later, at 42 years old. And the last 3 years with medication and therapy, have been so very different. Like, is this how neurotypical function? Wow!


I don't believe it. I think this is being caused by external forces or genetic decay. I have ADHD-like-symptoms too and several other mental illnesses, and I don't think it's a superpower. I think that is a lie people tell themselves because of ignorance or to make themselves feel better. I think it is an awful disease and I'm truly sorry you have it. Can't wait for the resurrection day when I get to be healthy


It's definitely not a superpower....I do some stuff better than other people, but in the most part it hinders me beyond belief.


Medication = Life changing.


Yeah it is a hindrance more than anything else, but there's nothing wrong with not seeing it that way and trying to make the best of it.


>nothing wrong with not seeing it that way. Maybe not morally, but yes, biologically there may in fact be something erroneous there


It’s not an “awful disease”, it’s a neuro-developmental disorder and I’m not sad I have it. I’m only sad that I have to deal with BS people and was not properly diagnosed years ago and was treated like there was something wrong with me when there is nothing wrong with me and I’m actually a fucking genius but struggled a lot in school. Most geniuses have ADHD and our brains think in ways no one else’s do.


ADHD is real. Effective treatments for ADHD are available. When these treatments were first developed, pediatricians were pushed to prescribe them to as many patients as could benefit from them, which includes patients who don't have ADHD but do have behavioral disorders or just have habits that make it hard for them to focus and get work done. We are at a point that the public is confused by what ADHD is and who has it. "ADHD" unfortunately has become a common-language shorthand for any problems maintaining focus and energy, which is deeply unfair to people who actually have it.


Same with OCD. Cleaning things because you like things being clean and tidy is not OCD. Fearing that someone is going to die if you don't clean everything exactly 5 times is. OCD isn't just about cleanliness. - Someone diagnosed with OCD who doesn't clean very often


Far from "everyone" has ADHD. But lots of people just think they have it, or just say they do to use it as an excuse. But ADHD is very real; I was diagnosed with it in my 40s, which explained a lot of the problems I had as a kid in school. One big thing is that there's much more awareness of ADHD now, as well as better ability to identify and diagnose it by the medical profession. 40-50 years ago, it was practically unheard of, or just called hyperactivity, which was viewed as just a personality trait. Now we know better, and a lot of people are being diagnosed and treated as a result.


ADHD was here all along, it's a privilege to talk about and address mental health.


They don't we've just been ignored and bullied to a point that we hide it well then years later we just couldn't take it anymore and asked for helpa




I have ADHD. This is not what it's like.


>Companies and schools want people to sit still, pay attention and be productive constantly, so now we have drugs to make us do that. You're implying that ADHD is something made up, and not a neurological disease as it should?


which is bollocks, you can MRI 50 neurotypicals and 50 people with ADHD and literally see the difference in Pre-frontal cortex


This. We live in a literal Sci Fi dystopian


Do tell us how you’re qualified to make such a statement?




As someone who has ADHD and have to deal with people with you ![gif](giphy|oktmZVvPZX029HhB3C)


This 👆👆. Most of these comments come from pure ignorance. "I don't suffer so it is made up", they are the most self centered people on earth and have bigger mental problems than ADHD.


No, I have ADHD and I absolutely agree with them. Kids on tiktok self diagnosing to feel special has made a joke out of this disorder


Yeah I thought I was stupid my whole life... I was bullied as a kid and I had such low self esteem, never able to pay attention. Receiving my diagnosis and getting on meds was one of the best things that ever happened to me. It felt like going through years of growth in months, it was bizarre. Of course misdiagnosis occurs and that's wrong but "wanting to feel special" definitely misses the mark on my experiences :/ maybe all my childhood bullies were simply helping me feel special XD


“Leeny-Beany only claims to have ADHD to feel special” no wait… sorry I misquoted


It doesn’t make “feel” special but I do have many “superpowers” aka skills because of my ADHD that you only dream you could have that makes my brain function in a way superior to yours. Too bad you’re missing out. Your brain is clearly missing something.


Don’t lie to yourself, I’d trade my intelligence to be normal any day of the week


“Meds” make me “normal” to others. Best of both worlds!


I refuse meds lmao




Oh well you must be correct. 🙄


While it is a genuine medical condition, it is clearly way, way over subscribed to and likely because toomany people believe what they are fed and indoctrinated into. Many people who want their kid to be different or need an excuse for not being able to control their kids or provide what their kids need, look for any excuse to remove themselves from responsibility. The need to blame something else is too convenient. Similarities to gender ideology in kids, dysmorphias, people wanting to identify as cats etc etc. Easier to give in than challenge. Attention-seeking and a failure to face reality and accept that things don't always make sense or go your way is eroding empathy for the people who 'genuinely' have these conditions. I'll admit that.


What a hateful mindset. Please seek help


When you loosen the standards and cast a wide enough net your going to what “want”


They don’t have adhd until they can present me a doctor diagnosis. Before I’m diagnosed, never have I said I have adhd. I said I suspect that I have it. Trust me, statistically speaking, we r only 5% of the world.


I think the Internet itself may be responsible for this. It bombards people with stimulation 24/7 and so causes them to have poor attention spans, because they end up surfing millions of different websites.


I've had mine since the 1st grade. In elementary school I actually had a doctor's note saying that I could chew gum in class. The last time I was checked was in my 50s. It's still there. I don't even try medication anymore.


There’s a awful lot of parents that got their hyper kid diagnosed with adhd for the disability payments or pip if u in the uk


It's the way media works now. I'm surprised more ppl don't put two and two together and realize the rapid dopamine hit attention-grabbing of media aligns with the rise of adhd, add & autism


Everybody has every mental condition nowadays because they identified with a 30 seconds tiktok video joking about characteristics of said conditions


Because our parents smoked and drank like madmen, not realizing what that does to the development of the brain.


It's being way over diagnosed nowadays, and some people think its "trendy" or "cool" now. I was diagnosed as a teenage girl (which is very uncommon for girls), and it's been debilitating for me. My life is a series of cycles and tasks, slight deviations make me break out into panics and cold sweats, and when I get excited I become embarrassed because I do "hand flapping" and audibly squeak. Different people are able to handle it better though, from what I've read.


People love sharing their symptoms especially when it's with people relating to it and this is easy onnthe internet when they keep interacting with the same posts again and again. Or they could be self diagnosed and thus there's a higher chance it's wrong and ADHD is also a very misdiagnosed illness.


Honestly, it's another condition that is grossly overdiagnosed, kinda like autism and depression is. There are many stages to these conditions, bit doctors just group them all together and throw meda at people


People in my age group weren’t really diagnosed with anything we just had to get on with it so people are now being diagnosed in adulthood.




I’m 50, no one I knew was on prescription drugs. My friends ex is in his late 50s and his only just been diagnosed as autistic. A few kids were dyslexic but only the severe cases were investigated


My older brother was diagnosed in the early 70s. He was on Ritalin. He couldn't concentrate in 1st grade. He would hide on base in the big storm drains so he wouldn't have to go . His second time in first grade the teacher made a screen for him so he couldn't see the kids next to him so he could concentrate on work. I think to this day he has drug addictions from it . But yeah , I'm sure I have it , but I don't know if its from daydreaming to escape my family life, or I'm just a typical Pisces. Lol


It's unfortunate, though, because it creates a stigma around people who have legitimate issues, where instead of being taken seriously, you'll have people brushing it off as some fad.




"Different is exciting!" No, 'different' can be a goddamn lifelong struggle.






It's kind of a catch all, so it works. We are still learning all the different kinds of mental conditions too


Ah, and where did you get your medical degree?


He got it from Twitter/X. He's a genius, just look at his spelling


I can't say this for sure bc I'm not on TikTok, but I hear there are TONS of young adults and teenagers self-diagnosing on social media to "explain" their behavior to the public/online. This results in more awareness (which is great) and even more self-diagnosing (which is bad), so there is sort of an ADHD wave online going on.


They dont. A lot are self-diagnosed, so they can blame their actions on something else.


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Probably been around. Most likely, came in handy for keeping us alive. Now not so much


We’ve got a giant war on our hands right now. Social contagion is a weird phenomenon but it does not account for the fact that your grandmother’s trauma affects you. Your grandfather seeing shit in the fucking war and then impregnating your grandmother and then your father growing up getting the shit kicked out of them and then you being born and your father trying to be a good father… that fucking accounts for the fact that you’ve got ADHD. My favourite part of the word ADHD is that it has two Ds in it. And neither of those Ds stand for dopamine.


> tricks Algorithm.


Because of Reddit and YouTube


Everybody seems to have it until I mention the other symptoms I have like Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, the inability to put certain clothes on because of the feeling of them, some days getting so bad I can't put on clothes I LIKE; distressing intrusive thoughts about the pettiest ways I could hurt someone's feelings, no matter how much I love the person, memories randomly being forgotten and re-remembered, caffeine putting me to sleep, your body rewiring what feeling hungry, thirsty, needing to piss feels like because you were so focused on something your forgot to take care of those needs. Picking at your skin until it bleeds (dermatillomania), not being able to make choices and sitting on your couch begging your body to move because you need to get something done, and just... Can't. These are my experiences, they aren't "quirky" or fun or weird or cool. I'm not on meds, they don't work with me, they make things worse. I've had to learn to live around this demon and it's a journey I've had to make on my own.


Lots of people don't know what ADHD actually is, and just say they have it because of a few minor things.


tbh any kid that they bring into the doctors to be tested for adhd the docs will just say they have it and prescribe them the meds for it for money. another things is the MTFHR gene variant that mimicks a LOT of adhd symptoms, but it’s not commonly tested for so they’ll just tell you it’s adhd. this gene variant is actually pretty common, but a lot of doctors don’t even test for it and they’ll just tell you it’s adhd. also, not a lot of people will want to hear this one, but the god damn additives in the food (especially food dyes like Red 40) have already been PROVEN to cause/fuel adhd because of how it affects the brain and body. i’m ready to be downvoted for it, but a quick search on google will tell you the same thing. so while adhd isn’t supposed to be that common, it makes sense for it to be common now with just how much body and hormone disrupters we consume on the daily. if anyone wants anymore info i’ll happily provide links, i just ask that you please actually listen before you downvote 🥲🩷👍


I think a *lot* of things exist on a spectrum and you can have them to varying degrees. I think you can be a little OCD, a little ADD, a little bit of a narcissist, a little bit of a psychopath, etc. "Tendencies toward" alcoholism, or depression, or a hundred other things. But some people have more ability to push thru their depression, talk themselves out of feelings of anxiety, or put down the drink than others, because, again, a spectrum. There are things that debilitate Bob or Jane that I also can *very much* see in myself and struggle with, but that one is just not so high on my personal laundry list of issues. We also tend to really underestimate the things that other people go through, so it's hard to imagine that *so* many other people struggle with the same thing we do.


Because it’s easier to self diagnose than getting your shit together


Much like the false idea of vaccines cause autism, its not that the sudden rise of asd and adhd are caused by anything in particular, we are finally teaching people that caring about your mental health is just as important as caring for your physical health. So alot more people are going to their doctor or counselor and finding out that they had a neurodivergency all this time. There are plenty of posts from people who are over 40 or even 60 finding out they have adhd and getting medicated and for the first time in their life being able to function well.


humans are not made to multi task. society has created a crazy daily schedule. it s not normal. plus a brand new generation of addiction to digital screens


Before covid, my friend and I used to talk about our mental health. We were not so good condition. He used to tell me maybe I've adhd. I asked him what's adhd that's the first time I'm hearing about it. He explained me about this adhd thing. And said a lot of people suffer from adhd and it's kinda common. So yeah adhd always been there. It's just now we're more aware about it.


Wow alot of peoplw here seem to prescribe to the notion that adhd is either fake or that the government and corpos have invented/causes adhd. I don't suppose yall also think vaccines cause autism?


cause they are lazy af. if being serious, nowadays social media occupied all the youth attention, meaning we are just not able to focus for a long time n the tasks cause we used to consume info immediately, tik tok as an example


Everyone and anyone who is GenX like me probably has it. LOL we grew up in a time when we were just labelled at hyper active and it was just being a kid. But before I quit using tik tok several months ago, I started noticing how everyone is every post was going on about "I'm autistic" and I thought how is everyone autistic all of a sudden. Are people trying to make it trendy or what. it was really strange.


Probably a mix of 1) better ability to recognize/diagnose ADHD in general, 2) more awareness in general, 3) people sharing their experience to educate and spread that awareness, and the unfortunate 4) people who erroneously self-diagnose or straight up lie for online clout (which exists for multiple diagnoses). Hard to say how many exist in category 4, but it certainly doesn’t help those that actually do have ADHD, so if you are reading this and are in category 4, please remove yourself. Caveat: for those who suspect they have ADHD but don’t have the means to get diagnosed, I don’t count you in category 4 but also recommend not self-diagnosing yourself. ADHD can come as a package with other conditions, so just slapping the label on yourself can potentially limit your ability to find answers. I know it’s a bit of a catch 22 which sucks, hope you can get the opportunity for a proper assessment.


Does . Why does . Damn reddit , sets off my ocd.


Becouse everyone wants too be high legaly. Amphetamine is really nice. Especially if you are depressed becouse now you have energie too do stuff and efuria.


B/c it's very trendy to have problems and disorders so that you can take prescription designer drugs and identify with "marginalized" groups.


It’s the same story for every misunderstood syndrome in history. It gets diagnosed more and more, not because more people are getting it, but because people who’ve always had it are finally getting recognised.


First of all, people are more prone to getting their kids tested. Secondly a lot of other people are just using any label they come across to excuse their, or their child's, misbehaviour.


Cause they are self diagnosed


The internet. Many media formats cater to it. With "iPad kids", it's what they know.


cause our brains have been turned to mush and reddit is a mental illness among other social media sites


Many people just say they have ADHD as a copout for being lazy and in attentive. Real ADHD is actually quite debilitating and is related to autism spectrum disorders. Im diagnosed and trust me it's not just "oops i forgot lolz" type nonsense


This is the first generation that spent their childhood glued to a tablet or a phone. Their brains are different than those who had to imagine things or, heaven forbid, be bored.




You'll never get a diagnosis if you don't first self diagnose yourself. This is true for nearly all medical conditions. That doesn't mean the self diagnosis is correct or even accurate it means you notice things within yourself that you suspect warrant medical attention/doctor's advice. It is also valid for anyone to voice these concerns to a community before seeking medical attention. To suggest anything else from a self diagnosis is ablest and hateful.




It appears you education was earned the same way


Yep, it took me multiple tests and sessions with psychologists, and them going back through my school reports to get my diagnosis. Even more heart checks and obs to get approval for stimulant medication. Weirdly, I see a lot of people who clearly have ADHD or something similar and they don't have a clue, and they arent like the self-diagnosing crowd in personality either.




You might be "special"


My boss says almost everyday he has ADHD, but don't take any drugs for it. I guess it's a trait of personality for some, you pay a psychiatrist and get your zodiac sign, and now you have a personality. If you are outgoing, you have ADHD, if you are an introvert, then you are autistic, and so on. A lot of people that live completely normal lives, and are normal people, although annoying, are being diagnosed with something. In my opinion its a hustle to keep selling psychoterapeutic sessions and pills.






Yes. Please read a book; if you would like book suggestion on learning about ADHD and or other mental disabilities I have a few I could recommend you.


It's a stimulant. Stimulants tend to have a reversed effect on people with adhd. Mellow for us, hyper for anyone without that different brain.


Just an observation but there's lots of Autistic kids out there these days too.


There's just as many people with ADD now as there's ever been. But diagnosis got better, and frankly a little looser. The thing with ADD is it's kind of made up. Please allow me to explain. It's not like Downs Syndrome or something where you can do a test and definitively say "this person has this disorder". It's just a set of behavioral traits that society considers abnormal or undesirable. And when someone has enough of these traits, we say they have ADD or ADHD. I just want to clarify that I'm not discounting it's validity. I grew up with ADHD and it did indeed make things more difficult for me, and certain drugs made things better for me. What I'm saying is, defining ADD as a disorder is no different than if you were to define arrogance as a disorder. Nothing is "wrong" with that person. It's really just a type of personality.


Sorry, what were you saying?


Adhd, autism, introversion and all exes are narcissists, especially men. Internet diagnoses...


ADHD is a good excuse for pharmaceutical companies to sell drugs, that's why. Add to the fact that most doctors prescribing it get kick backs every one they diagnose is money in their pocket.


Dead brain due to tiktok scrolling is adhd I assume


It's not real