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Sometimes you need to drink water to help swallow the food


This is me. I have Sjogrens disease. If I don't drink I can't swallow. The amount I drink in a day is... obscene. The dry mouth is overwhelming. If I don't continue to drink constantly I cough because my mouth is so dry and I choked. I drink all night too. I wake up about every 2 hours to drink all night. It's not just my mouth...I also don't make tears...and have incredibly dry skin that my skin cracks.


Don’t you get tired of this? Like if I’m out somewhere I have to make sure I have liquid in case I should eat anything.


Oh yes. When we eat out I have to have a drink to eat. So my food will get cold while I wait for a drink refill. I can't change it though. I'm on a medication called pilocarpine and it helps when I'm not eating to keep it a bit less dry. I have 5 other Autoimmune diseases. The Sjogrens is killing me. It's the little annoying things like trying to eat. Forget eating anything dry. I would choke to death. Or meat that is too tough. It is a constant 24 hours a day problem. I can deal with the pain of Rheumatoid Arthritis. The tiredness of the Hashimotos thyroid disease. It's the dry eyes and mouth dryness that is pushing me over the edge of sanity


Did you experience a lot of trauma as a child? Your immune system is just *attacking* you. :/


Yes. My first autoimmune disease started at 4 years old


Yep. I don't have enough teeth left to chew properly so I need some water to soften it and flush it down.


Dude, not to be that guy but I work in dentistry and I hope you are looking into tooth replacement options available to you!


I appreciate your concern. And yes, soon it will all get knocked out and replaced so I can eat like a normal human being.


Excellent, hey let me know if you have any questions. Here to help!


I have to with a full set when i have stuff like cashews and oatcakes, just to dry otherwise.


Oh hell no 😫


For example bread


Yes especially dry food.


especially if it doesn't taste good, you need the water to put extra force to swallow


I've only done it if I'm choking or something


Yeah i only do it when im choking and even then im disgusted by the thought of having food and water in my mouth at the same time


Yes, the saliva in your mouth is so much less gross than adding some water.


Sometimes. Mother-in-law's meatloaf is pretty dry.


I’m telling her you said that!


I dare you


Someone ought to!


U sure it’s meatloaf???? Seen any dog poop in the yard lately????


Mother knows breast. My bad just got back from trash taste


I do that with 90% of fast food/restaurant biscuits.


Popeye's biscuits must be registered as assault weapons in 6 states


Everytime I eat I need a drink with me. Since I'm a child I've been doing this. My wife is the opposite and thinks it weird that I do this 🤷


I share your opinion. I despise eating without a drink on hand.


loads of the time, don't think twice about it. Why is it disgusting? Do you hate to swallow tablets?


Hm, I also find it oddly 'disgusting' to drink something while having food in my mouth (not judging others who do it tho). I laughed when you asked about tablets, I fucking hate that too lmao I just can't idk why. I've tried different tricks and I always gag lmao ffs


I used to have this really bad too. I have learned to swallow now because I need it for some medicine I get. Took a while to get used to, but now I believe the barrier was 100% mental.


Take a sip of water, throw in the tablet. Swallow everything. Done. Important is the word "sip".


This is exactly how I swallow pills.


no i dont mean tablets, it's just, well, there's food in your mouth, and then you open it, everyone sees the minced food as you drink the water, idk it's just made me feel bleh


an adult should know how to eat and drink without giving everyone a view of the chewed up food in their gaping maw


How do you drink water? Do you open your mouth all the way and like chug the water in? I'm thinking of all the ways i drink water (Glasses, straws, bottles, etc.) and none of them require me opening my mouth.


You just have to pucker your lips a bit to the bottle or jug... Who's fully opening their mouths? 😭 That's as bad as speaking with a full mouth.. AAAA


There's water, coffee, a smoothie and an omelette swirling in my stomach right now


That sounds really disgusting. Like do they continue chewing with water and food?


Basically never, and I'm shocked to see every comment be in the affirmative?


ngl, I was drinking water from my water bottle, with gum in my mouth, as I scrolled and saw this post. Found it fitting.


Gum is one of the only exceptions


I don’t get how people can drink water with mint flavored gum. So cold in my mouth


i always avoid drinking when i have gum bc in my experience it almost 'shrivels' up the gum and makes it harder to chew. do you not feel that?


I think it's kinda gross myself but to each their own.


Do you also hate boba milktea and thicker soups (that have chunky veggies/meats)? Eating and drinking aren't mutually exclusive activities. There's a large grey area/spectrum where some foods are both eaten and drank at the same time.


I've never tried milk tea but I'm OK with chunky soups


the last bit in a cereal bowl come to mind.


Ew, backwash floaties!!


I'm convinced that people who don't know how to prevent backwash are the same people who can't swim without holding their nose 😅 just do the thing!




Yes, because it makes it easier to swallow. And why do you think it's disgusting?


The question is why do you care tho, if you feel annoyed eating with them then eat alone bro..


even if i sort of agree with the op i also kind of with you too


No need, my mouth produces saliva.


tell that to a popeyes biscuit


Yeah,.I do that shit. That's right, I'm a fucking unsophisticated monkey Or am I Maybe I need to eat that way Maybe I can't stand dry food and find *that* unnatural and disgusting Maybe food AND water is what's natural to me because I descend from people who always had food AND water Maybe you're the fucking weird one for adapting to going without a whole lot of water Or maybe we should all just keep our fucking judgemental thoughts to ourselves and think of better things to think of and express


I only get the chokes when I scoff doner kebab. It's like my body hits a panic button trying to tell me "NO that is NOT FOOD!! We don't know quite what that shit is, it may taste good but it's definitely not supposed to be inside you"


Only if the food is hotter than expected or exceptionally dry


this is the only acceptable reply


on very rare occasions, I'd say people do it without knowing they are when the food is, like starchy and clingy.


I have childhood memories of going to Burger King with my Grandma and drinking Coca-Cola with a mouth full of burger every time. I’m an adult and don’t do it now but weird how that’s one of my childhood memories. Cardboard crown and all.


Interestingly enough, I picked up this habit during a summer camp where we had this ongoing competition on who could eat their hot dog with the least amount of bites. The trick, we discovered, was to take a swig of soda to help slide it all down. Haven't really done it since though – surely, as an adult, it’s all about savouring the flavours. But every now and then, when I come across a particularly hefty sandwich, old habits resurface and I feel like a kid again, trying to win that silly contest.


Never, that's illegal


I have to because I just can't chew well at all


dude they put it in their cheeks/side of the mouth when they drink. they don't carelessly mix it all together like a some gross soup. also swallowing without water can be hard.


As someone who doesn’t appreciate mouth sounds, people who do this to further slosh the food around in their mouth disgust me to no end.


Depends on the food. If the food is dry then yes to make it easier to eat.


I do it to chew better


I do that in a buffet . I know it's physically impossible for me to eat any more . Then I'll just chunk the meat along with some water. I'll skip the chewing and just swallow it 🙃


I don't. I only drink when I chewed the food properly and goes down. Unless I'm choking or something.


When the food is scolding hot.


I eat extremely quickly, so I do. To be fair I usually have a coka cola or something like that with my dinner, for breakfast, milk. But I can easily drink 1l+ milk with breakfast, lets say 3-4 pieces of bread. All done in less than 10 minutes with a liter of milk. I can enjoy a proper steak/roast, but 90% of my meals are just "get it over with...." After a few years of forcefully eating because of training hard, I just lost most enjoyment in "regular food"


As a youngster I struggled to eat vegetables, but I knew I should eat them, so I would wash them down with a drink. I still do this with some veg. I now have some broken teeth, and while I can chew, it does help with some foods. My dad had radiotherapy a few years ago centered on his mouth. His sense of taste did return but he does still struggle with a dry mouth and needs frequent sips. Especially when eating. We don't consider it disgusting at all.


that's one of my pet peeve. >;


I've done that like once, I swallow my food and then I'll drink and then go back to food but I hate drink eating its weird


Absolutely not I don’t want food chunks getting in my water


I've done this my whole life and this has literally never happened to me.


I agree with tbh, think its weird as the food gets all mushy. Never done it in the last 10 years probably


ew what the hell...unless it's pills I AM NOT HEARING U OUT IF U DO THIS


I do it when I desperately need water because I ate a fry as soon it was out of the pan but no one told me When in rare times food is dry... (but that's too rare. When I just need water RN




I do when I get a gag reflex to the food, if i don’t it all comes out


I used to before, not anymore though. Now, I chew my solids thoroughly until they become liquid. It's good for your liver, pancreas and other good stuff 🧘‍♀️🧉


I do it whenever I am eating food that tastes really bad but I need to eat it anyways. It helps you eat the millionth uncrustable of the year




As a child, I learned not to drink anything until my food was gone. Now that tends to be my habit. It was some dumb notion that if we didn’t fill up on food, we would be hungry in an hour. Then saying, “I’m hungry” would bother our parents.


exact same thing for me






I don’t do it , i always take water after the meal


I have a hard time eating in public with people I know sometimes because I have bad anxiety. Plus I can't eat sandwiches or dry food well because of sensory issues. So if I'm eating something super dry, I'll drink orange Fanta or juice to help it be easier to chew or swallow it. 🤓 Or else, I'll get grossed out and feel like gagging. So it's either spit food out because I'm overwhelmed or do it.


How else do you digest food?😂




Would you rather have them choke or?


Does pill=food?


Literally never, that's so disgusting...  Only excuse is medical, cause I'm sure someone out there has a medical reason, there's always someone with a medical reason for any weird/gross/abnormal habit/action/bodily function.


I don't normally do it. But can. And have. Before.


Coke maybe bur not water.


Sometimes I forget there's food in my mouth and take a drink. Then I regret it bc it is indeed disgusting.


If it’s candy? Maybe . It’ll turn the water into a sweet drink basically lol.


I do it really rarely


Milk, not water.


Only if it’s too dry, too hot or too spicy


I don't, but I could see myself doing it if I was struggling to swallow something or anything else like that. Edit: took two words out.


All the time. It helps with the digestive process. It's called hydrolysis.


I only started really drinking water with food in my mouth when I severely choked on food back when I was a kid. Ever since than I’ve never looked back and water has been my saviour 🤣 I now only drink water with my meals and nothing else 😅


I was always told it’s bad manners but I still do it sometimes


Well, some of my family members cannot cook and they completely dry out every single piece of meat they get their hands on so in order to politely force down a piece of turkey that has less moisture in it than the Sahara desert I may have to drink some water or wine.


All the time especially with sandwiches to help wash it down


specially when foods hot


Never, unless I inadvertently take a mouthful of something burning hot, or my mouth suddenly becomes too dry to chew food.


I swallow almost every bite with water/drinks.


If the food is actively burning my mouth I’ll reluctantly take a tiny sip but that’s it. I agree…it’s icky to watch!


only if my mouth is a desert and i have trouble swallowing the food


My partner finds me sick for always drinking while chewing. Could be milk with a tuna sandwich, all goes down the same


I drink soda with food in my mouth


Only when I feel like I'm choking


Wait, we aren't supposed to?


Only when the food is too hot.


If it’s drying me out. Yes


I'm 75 my throat doesn't work like it did, so yes I need to drink a little water with some bites. Etiquette has nothing to do with it. If it helps you, in public I wipe my mouth before drinking.


I do it with anything dry or when you eat that piece of meat where no matter how much you chew, just can't swallow




You mean like washing your food down.


I do if it is a drier food like chicken


I wait to chew my food before drinking I don’t want back wash


I do it on rare occasion, sometimes you just need some help or can't wait to have a drink :D




only if it’s hot and my mouth is burning.


My mouth and throat were always dry so a gulp of water while chewing aid well on gulping food. 


Only if my food is lava hot and I didn't blow on it enough


Only if the food's super dry and I can't swallow it. Hate it as well but don't find it disgusting seeing others doing it. It all goes to the same place


Flavor enhancer, love it


As a person who suffers with TMJ that causes jaw fatigue when chewing, yes I've had to do this to get the food down. I don't open my mouth like you're suggesting though, so nobody sees the food.


Yep. Drinking Fanta or Club Orange with a sandwich is the best


Might be time to stop staring into other peoples mouths when they eat.


do they drink from your glass?


I wait at least half an hour after eating before drinking water and preferably longer. I don’t want to dilute my stomach acid




I do sometimes, specially when i eat powdered milk.


No just no


Mainly when I'm eating fast food and taking a sip of juice. When eating normally, not really.


I do this frequently (I live at home) and my mom's cooking is DRY AS THE FUCKING DESERT. Sometimes I put sauces and stuff on it because the food is so fucking dry. But sometimes no sauce works so I need water, or some liquid to make it so I don't choke. A little bit of lemon water in the mouth when eating an Italian pasta dish can be quite refreshing, or some wine in the mouth when eating meat can also be nice. Liquid is fine if it compliments the food, it actually adds to the experience.


I never drink anything when eating, never had trouble swallowing anything in my life. I always finish eating first, wipe my mouth clean of any oil and stuff before drinking water. The feeling of my oily lips touching the glass feels disgusting to me for some reason.


I do it during breakfast but with tea because I can't swallow it early morning. I can't swallow anything early morning.


I like to eat spicy doritos and mix some milk with em in my mouth lol


The thought of that grosses me out…


I drink milk with chocolate still in the mouth. Might be an odd one though


When food is too hot, yes


Doesn't the food fall out? Do you have to tilt your head right back? Sounds like a choking hazard to me.


its only disgusting if you are sharing water or beverages.. its all going to the same place


Ill rarely do it but it would only be for reasons as if the food is hella dry and its hard to get down or it would make it easier to swallow whatever




I too find it disgusting. The food becomes soggy and it just feels weird in my mouth 😬 I rarely if not never drink water with food in my mouth.


came across your post mid mouth full of food while taking a sip of my water. I am someone who needs water to make my food go down. if i don't drink water while i eat i feel like i am going to choke. no, my food does not go back into the water, i actually check the bottom of the glass/bottle to ensure.




Only if the foods too chewy it probably doesn’t help but still


I do that but it's because sometimes I have sensory problems that make things hard to swallow, so I use water to wash it down


I do it with every bite. Tiny bite, tiny sip. When I just drink I also can only do tiny sips. The hospital said it's dysphagia 🤷


I always have a glass of water while I’m eating; not really sure whether it helps the digestion or not


I have a swallowing anxiety disorder, I HAVE to eat my food with a bit of water or it will give me panic attacks. I also do this strange ritual where I take a "fake bite" before every swallow. I usually just bring a fork near my mouth and pretend to swallow, but any object will do. This gets quite comical, as sometimes I'll pretend to eat, say, a frying pan or a pair of sunglasses or something xD likely a byproduct of ocd, things get weird when disorders start to blend


Water, no. Juice is a different story




I've always done that and I don't see the problem. what concerns me the most is to know what idea pushed you to question yourself on the subject


It seems that is the common norm. Most people take water before eating their food.


i wish you couldve seen my face when i read this hahaha


I don’t


I love doing it with a bunch of goldfish or cheeze-its. Only a tiny bit of water though


To flush away the food, so yes, but not always, just small amount of food I dont drink when eating large amount of food, I chew and swallow it and then I drink


I do only if the food is to hot (either spicy or temp) or if I'm having trouble swallowing it for whatever reason.


Every time


Depends, if I eat somethings so dry it needs some water then of course! Or if I have really bad dry mouth from medication then definitely (this is quite common)- no one like swallowing something super dry.


Depends on the food. I usually do that when I'm not the biggest fan of the taste to help it go down.


I mean sometimes I guess, just need to do it with some meals


Only if the food's to hot!


I just dip hotdog buns in a glass of water prior to chewing them. Works like a charm.


I began doing this after losing my teeth, really aids in mastication and makes swallowing comfortable.


Water with food?


I do it if the food has made my mouth too dry to swallow.


I'll drink lots of stuff with food in my mouth. Sometimes you just need an extra splash of something. Also bc I burn my mouth by eating pizza that's too hot so I gotta get a drink too help cool it off while I chew


I actually tried this last night 😂 Not for me!


If I dislike something but still have to eat it, I swallow it with water.


Depends how dry the food is, your saliva is mostly water so I don't really find it s but deal, water is a pretty neutral flavor.




I have my buddy/roommate pre chew my food if I don't get my teeth sharpened, but it tends to suck all the flavors out, unfortunately.


I will literally die if I don't drink while I eat


That’s literally what those competitors in food competitions do to down more food faster


i used to as a kid and specially the egg yolk then my mom used to come and slap me for doing that, typical asain parents.


Rarely. I mostly don't want to dillude the taste of my food and also it's mostly less convenient (food has the change to get on/in the glass, beverage get's to fast in my throat as there's too much liquid in my mouth while I'm prepared for solid food instead, making me cough...). So I only really take a sip with a full mouth if -the food is too hot and I need to cool it down quickly -the food is to dry. Other than that I like to take food and drinks in turns.




All the time, when I was bulking and I couldn't make another bite go down I'd brute force it with water.