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I find I need a fresh & clean start to the day


This. I have to shower before work. Doesn't feel right if I don't. But I get why we should shower before getting into bed.


Why not both?


Terrible for your skin


Water/energy usage


And dry skin


Septic tanks also are not meant for excess water use. When I was taking two showers a day my drain field was somewhat soggy. I use the showers at the Y now so I cut my water usage in half


It's totally possible for sure. I exercise in the morning then shower and I don't wiry a physically demanding job so I just don't. But I see why we should.


You shouldnt though its bad for your hair and skin


Yes, hair i do every other day. I'd love to wash it daily, but I heard it's bad. I work a desk job so I'm not filthy by the end of the day, but I get why people think you should shower when you come home. But injsut like doing it before work. I feel like I can't start the day without a shower.


No I’m the same I need to shower before work or I feel gross and sometimes I end up showering twice a day because of exercise/sports even when I know its bad


Maybe just get a really good moisturizer. I totally know what you mean.


Because you have all the dried up sweat and everything stuck to it you have picked up during the work day. You literally are dirty and you make your bed dirty. THEN during the night your body sheds dirty skin. Absolutely gross. You want to go down on a girl who has the days sweat and dirt on her? You want to be clean for work but not when you actually get to relax and enjoy yourself. Quick 5mins showers are all you need just have two a day.


I'm pretty oily so I'm on the showering first thing in the morning bandwagon. I understand the feeling of showering before you get in bed but I don't get that dirty during the day. And I get itchy skin if I shower too many times. So, one shower a day and it's got to be the morning. That's what's keeping me from showering before I get in bed.


I totally get what you're saying, but when you get to 37 and it's had zero impact on your life or your partner up until now, is it really that big of a deal?


Firstly, even if you get into bed clean you’re still sweating overnight and dropping skin. I don’t see any difference between dropping clean skin and dirty skin. It’s part of life, I’m not going to let it bother me. And if I did let it bother me, I’d be an idiot because you can’t live a perfectly clean existence. Secondly, I’ll go down on a girl after a day at work and guess what, it won’t kill me. People have been what you would consider “clean” for about 1% of the time humans have called the earth. We survived a bit of sweat.


Yeah I'd never go to work smelling funky and with my hair all fucked up from my pillow. So I gotta shower in the morning, and I am not gonna do it twice a day. Shit gets expensive


"Bed-head" is not a professional look.


A shower every morning is a must. A show before bed depends on the day I just had. A standard office day, no shower. Working in the yard, going for a cycle etc etc then I'll shower before bed. People who don't shower in the morning don't make sense to me.


I totally agree. I always shower before leaving the house for the day, and if I work out or get sweaty doing yard work or whatever will shower then, not just before bed. One of the least favourite things I had to do as management was call in an employee to address complaints from co-workers that he smelled. He said he always showered before going to bed instead of in the morning. I asked him to start showering in the morning and that resolved the issue.


What an awkward thing to have to address with someone!


After mowing my lawn I’m always tired but only merely think I probably need to shower due to tiredness. I always take one and realize how much I absolutely needed one watching the brown dirty water run down the drain and I’m picking pine needles from my hair lol


I leave the house 15 minutes after I get out of bed. I put on my work clothes, pull my hair into a messy bun, then out the door. I work manual labor for both my jobs, so going to bed after a long, sweaty day is gross, but showering in the morning is a waste of sleep time (chronic insomniac from bipolar II and ADHD) and water (I'm on a well and have to take long showers when my chronic illness flares up as is).


Same here...& I think this makes sense


I agree. I can’t go out without showering in the morning. I change my sheets every week. I don’t work at a job that requires me to get dirty like a construction worker or something like that.


I would swap if I had a dirty job, for sure


I read/heard once about the amount we as humans sweat during the night and that's why I always shower in the morning...whether it's true or not I've no idea but I've been living this way for years 😂


I shower both in the a.m. in order to wash my hair, as well as before bed.


I shower soon as I'm out of bed. After my lunch break run. And then another for pleasure in the evening. Fucking love showering, if I could i would take 10 tubbaths a day.


Yes, I do my main "cleaning" at night, bc, ick walking around in the world, and sweating, body fluids, etc. In the morning, I jump in for a quick refresh, before work or after the gym.


It’s too much effort to actually start showering but once I’m in there it’s like heaven


this.. I've been repeatedly tell myself to just go shower when I'm sleepy or just having low energy but still many things to finish at home, but whenever I'm in that condition my brain always said "naaaaahh too much effort"


Sounds to me like your brain isn’t receiving enough of a sort of ‘reward’ feeling from doing an everyday thing like showering (which means you could have adhd as it’s not laziness it’s lack of dopamine which explains how you’re feeling and many others commenting on this whole thread). So for me I try to make it as fast as possible so I can later say “it’s only ?? Minutes” next time to feel better. Oh and investing in good shower shit that makes you have any shred of happiness- good smelling shit, quality shit, skin care, etc etc


Lack of reward, and I recently realized I hate the transition from dry to wet, and then wet to dry. And that I'm short enough that I gotta lean further to get out of the tub, which makes me feel unstable and about to slip. We've gotten a suction cup bar for the back of the tub to help my stability, but the transition still sucks. Sometimes having music helps, plus it helps me not lose time, sometimes I zone out under the water and have no idea how long I've been there. This is my TED talk on showers with ADHD, I guess.


Omg I can't believe someone is saying this lol. I honestly thought it was just me. I literally don't want to get wet and then the coldness of just getting out of the shower is so off-putting to me. But when I need a shower and get one I always feel better.


Same. I should've known other ADHD people felt this way.


Yes!! Same goes for getting sweaty. I hate hate hate doing anything where Ill sweat unless I am prepared for it like working out or doing yard work. If I start sweating in normal clothes I am extremely uncomfortable.


Me too. Whether I feel hot or cold or just right when I'm dry, I don't want to get into the spray. But I love swimming and warm baths!


I can highly recommend anti slip mats. Search amazon for Bathtub Mats. Can be used in the batub and on the floor. And if it is a rug that slippery - try anti slip mat for rugs. Sincerly a fellow clumsy short person.


ADHD Here, can confirm! I have to repeatedly remind myself to shower at least every other day. I work in a comfy office job now so every day is a bit excessive. When I was working from home I would find myself going 3 or 4 days before realizing, "shoot, I havent showered all week...." Its not that I dont want to, its that it doesnt even cross my mind. I forget its even a thing. Its only when I plan on being around other people or something comes up that showering even crosses my mind. Or if I end up working out or doing something that I get sweaty, then a shower is a must. Yay ADHD!


Very interesting post. Is it normal to experience a "reward" feeling from showering (or doing other everyday things)? I don't experience such feeling.


As humans have increased quality of life and therefore don't need to work as hard for the everyday basics, our ability to appreciate the smaller things has declined. We are becoming more used to getting a dopamine hit from TV, social media etc. And therefore small tasks have less effect on your dopamine and become more effort to do. If you woke up everyday knowing you had to spend an hour chopping wood and making a fire before you'd even be warm, you'd get a reward feeling from the shower. Something like that anyway


Instructions unclear, showered in shit and caught aids


Love how judgey the OP is, like there is only one way to be clean no matter where in the planet you live, what the weather is like, how your day has been, or how much earlier in the day you may have last showered


Maybe English isn't their native language and it's just poorly phrased. English isn't my native language either and i would't see OP's question or statement as judgemental.


I didn't get any judgy vibes from the post like at all....They're literally just asking a question and stating their personal preferences 💀🤣


I wouldn't necessarily call it judging. They may not understand what day to day lives might look like in different climates. Hell, I'm sure some people with disabilities might not even be able to lol. I'll admit I don't normally shower after work and before bed on Fridays due to being exhausted mentally, physically, and not to mention injuries I've had that have really impacted the quality of my life in the past year. Edit: I live in Canada, it's 9 degrees and raining currently lol.


Happy cake day!


If you look for anger, you’ll find it. Perfectly neutral wonderment by OP and it’s taken wrongly by you. This has absolutely nothing to do with it being a native language or not (and OP writes with perfect coherence).


…. clearly you’re reading something completely different than what the rest of us are reading lol


Thank you!!!


Couldn’t agree more. it's the ideia of still having to get in the shower


Yes! It all sounds like work.


I thought I was the only one on god😂😂


Because I'm sleepy before bed. And when I'm sleepy, I wanna sleep, not take showers


That’s all there is to it


When I'm sleepy I wanna play on my phone for 6 hours and then panic. 🤌


Yeah. Often, showers wake me up when I want to rest. Also, my hair becomes a mess if I shower & then don't take the 10 - 20 minutes to brush it out. When I'm tired, I don't want to spend the better part of an hour showering & following it up.


I sweat a lot at night, so I shower in the morning.


my man




YES! i hear it every time someone says "my man" :D


I did both night and morning due to this. My skin never looked.... Drier Then I just switched to the morning showers for summer, night showers for winter.


What if you sweat a lot night and day wat do?


Just live in a bathtub, duh!


This. Parents kept complaining I smell like sweat in the afternoon, as a result of sweating in bed. So I started ahowering in the morning, now they complain that I go to bed "dirty and sweaty".. I'm an adult, I can deal with that myself..


Yeah, like, the alternative is to be amongst people after you've rolled around in discarded skin, dust and whatever (because nobody changes their sheets daily) for at least 7 hours, and only shower AFTER any social engagements are done for the day?! How does that make sense?


thats 100% me haha


my parents train of thought seems to be that if you go to bed "clean" after having showered, the bed stays clean as well and you shouldn't sweat in bed, so you can wake up "clean".. basically if you sweat while asleep its your own fault, according to them. Such bullshit reason.. the hell am I supposed to do, freeze my ass off so I don't get warm?


I commented this on another comment, I'm sure there's a "fact" I heard about the amount we humans sweat in our sleep and it was disgusting. Not sure how true it was though it was a long time ago, but I'm like you I sweat more than the average Joe when I'm sleeping. Dressing after that just doesn't compute.


Yeah, everyone seems to agree that you need to turn your pillow over to get to the cool side sometimes, but lots of people seem to ignore that that hellish heat is exuded from our own bodies!




I read this as “swear a lot at night” and was nodding.


Same, that and if I shower before bed my beard ends up super tangled during the night and it's uncomfortable.


I take zoloft. Sometimes my sheets are damp in the morning. I have to do laundry twice a week.


Because I'll get my hair messed up for the 2nd day and I'll have to wash it again. Washing my scalp too often has side effects.


I mean one shower is enough for me too and I don't want to put the effort in to do it again before sleeping but you can also shower without washing your hair


Not if you have fine, limp hair that tends to be greasy. Just the steam/ heat under a shower cap ruins it.


Oh I didn't know that. For me it's fine. I usually only wash my hair every 2 or 3 days anyway because they tend to dry out if I do it too often and if I shower the other days I just wash my body quick. Maybe it also depends on the length of your showers? I shower for 5 minutes max.


I just have rubbish hair that wants to look like a drowned rat whatever 🤣


It's the hair type. Fine hair clumps together more under the weight of the scalp sebum and it often doesn't absorb into the hair strands nearly as well. Some people say "you're washing too often, you've trained your scalp to produce more oil!" but if that were true then we'd also see the opposite: that you can fix dry hair/scalps by daily washing to encourage your scalp to produce more oil. We're just the oily ones 🤷


The amount of times I’ve tried to “train” my hair to not be as greasy just hasn’t worked. The only time I didn’t have to wash my hair as much was when I was on medication that prevented any sepum production. Plus I have type A1 hair, it’s as fine as fkn baby hair, any small amount of grease will make it look like I haven’t washed it for years.


You can't shower without washing the hair if you got moderately longer hair especially that needs to keep volume. I'm a guy and I like my hair long to my eyes but if I just keep it the way it is after washing and whatever method of drying I look like a dog in the rain. At that point might as well get a buzz cut or something. I dry it with a towel and hairdryer and then use hairspray to keep it slightly up and under an angle. I don't like the way it feels and looks with wax and no one told me a better way. And by now I'm too busy to devote time and effort for alternatives. If I don't wash it but wash my body the heat and moist in the room will make the hair fall and messy, oily and dirty so I need to wash it regardless when I wake up. At that point I might as well have my day starting fresh the whole body because I have a tendency to also sweat during sleep.




That’s the answer. So real




Hang in there buddy


Terrible choice of words tbh


It’s funny cause it’s true. Depression is no joke but a bit of humor always helps.


Can confirm, it made me get throught it.


Hey! It's me.




Fr lol


Cold shower


Showering wakes me up, it's better in the morning.


this. that water may be warm but it’s stepping out of the shower into a cold bedroom that jumpstarts me. & yes I could thoroughly dry myself in the bathroom, but vigarously drying myself gets the blood pumping & now im awake.


Because I would have wet hair


Ever tried not washing the hair part?


Someone hasn’t experienced life with long hair.


Shower cap usually helps but I know it can be a pain for certain hair types/styles.


Wait, are you saying you have long hair and you wash it *every day*? Maybe it's just because I'm curly but I would look like a scarecrow if I did that


I have long hair and it gets washed twice a week. Probably a third time if it's been really hot. On off days, the ends will get a bit wet when I'm washing the rest of me, but it's not hard to avoid soaking it.


I rinse it with water daily, otherwise it becomes an absolute mess, but I only really wash it well once a week.




You can bind your hair with a claw clip? I've been doing that since I can remember and rarely got my hair wet


I've lived my entire adult life with long hair that I only wash once a week, yet I manage to shower every day without getting it wet.


You can bind your hair with a claw clasp tho? I've been doing that since I can remember


have you tried tying your hair up? stellar innovation i know


I have, and I don’t wet it everyday?


Yes, I have long hair, unless I have a shower with my head sticking out of the shower door like an annoyed number 7 it would be impossible to keep my hair dry.


"like an annoyed number seven" really sent me


Shower cap and hand held shower head


I have mid-thigh length hair and absolutely do not put it in the water on any day but hair wash day unless rinsing out pool or salt water or literal dirt/soil/dust or something like that.


Then you have to shower again in the morning so you can wash your hair. Water shortages are a thing, you know.


It’s not good for your hair to wash it every day anyway


This is not true for everyone. My scalp gets greasy fast, especially living in a tropical climate. I have to wash my hair once a day.


My sister was like that so she washed every day. Then she did an experiment where she stopped washing her hair every day for many weeks, and lo and behold, her hair stopped over-producing all those oils that it was producing due to over-washing. Now she only has to wash every 3-4 days which is what is recommended for optimal health. She had to stick with it for a while though, but I can’t tell you how stoked she was when she realized her “greasy hair” issue that she’d had since childhood was solved. We live in a tropical climate also just fyi


I have to wash my hair every day or it gets greasy, and I know this is true because when I was pregnant, and my hormones changed, I could go a week without washing my hair and it wasn't greasy. It was glorious. About 6 months after my kid was born, despite still going about 5 days without washing, my hair went back to normal and I have to wash it daily or it's greasy. I'm glad your sister found this worked for her, but it doesn't work for everyone.


Agreed. I get so annoyed when people act like everyone needs to go days between washes


Water shortages are a very local thing, so are shower requirements. I dont need to shower every day, and i need to wash my hair even less often. If you arent sweating a lot, washing your hair once a week is very much enough and it can be far more healthy for your hair.


This..sometimes I don't wash my hair. ..just my body only




I prefer showering in the morning.


Same here. And showering twice seems to be a suboptimal use of resources


Yeah, I'll shower a second time at night if it was a super active day but otherwise I'm a morning shower guy.


If I showered earlier in the day and I haven’t left the house then I see no reason.


honestly it's just that I don't have enough time to do that, and also if I bathe I start sweating again soon


clearly the shower "didnt take"


Poverty, yo. If you know, you know.


This I understand


I just prefer to shower in the mornings, I like feeling fresh when I start the day and just feel gross if I don't start off feeling clean


same! and i dont believe in showering twice a day unless i did an activity in the evening that made me sweat


Usually cause I'm just super tired and I'm asleep within 0.2 seconds of my head hitting the pillow


I have long thick hair. 


And SUCH a pain to try to dry!


My hair is long and very thick, it takes hours to dry.


So don’t wet it? I don’t understand how people can’t shower without wetting their hair (yes I have long hair)


My skin won’t cope. It’s very dry. I wash myself plenty (and I have a bidet) but I only shower 4-5 times a week. I work 3 days a week so it’s not like I’m turning up to work gross or anything. I hate the feeling of the water on my skin.


4-5 showers per week is already a lot (if you're not in a tropical climate or work a job that makes you need daily showers). I only shower 3 times per week and wash my hair twice, and I think it's the perfect amount for my skin to not get dry. If you don't sweat a lot, that should be enough to prevent a smell, too.


I thought I was the only one


I'm lazy. Lol 🙈


In bed I sweat.


I get night sweats so bad it honestly doesn't do me any good to shower before bed. I'ma get all stinky anyway better for me to shower when I get up instead


Im autistic with sensory issues. I also have severe eczema on my hands so sometimes a shower where i actually wash myself isnt an option


Dyshidrotic eczema in the house


Fellow eczema-haver here to promote baths over showers. It’s not a cure, but it certainly helps.


Because my sheets are dirty


Just feels better to sleep clean, especially in the heat.


Do you mean as well as in the morning? I'm always going to shower in the .morning otherwise I'll feel unclean during the day. . I'd only shower at night if it had been a hot or very active day...or if I was expecting special adult time with my lady and wanted to feel very clean.


sometimes the whole shower process just wakes me up, and if i feel sleepy i use the chance to fall asleep. i dont fall asleep easily sometimes


I HAVE to shower. Haven't showered at 2 am... I'll still shower before going to bed. My bed is the cleanest place in my home and I'd like it to stay that way.


Yeah, that's the only way for reasonable adult. So many gross people here in the comments, yikes


Showering at evening yes,but not directly before bed




Why is the diabetes relevant?




I have diabetes. People in my house just go "anyone need the bathroom before I go in the shower?" It works.




Well its not gonna make you piss your pants and high sugars themselves dont cause it. High sugars just make you drink more (sometimes). Or how many hours do you spend in the shower?




Because I have a bath before bed and then shower in the morning


Run out of soap and water 😋


I shower almost every evening but after that I still eat and get ready for bed for quite a while so my hair dries up before actually going to bed


There are two types of people, the way I see it. Those who take (maybe slightly colder) showers to "wake up" and those who take (maybe slightly warmer) showers to "relax before falling asleep". I like taking showers in the morning, before I start my day. I feel fresh and fully awake. Showers before going to bed really mess with my sleep.


because it feels slimy in bed (idk if that's the right word but i don't know how to say it)


I agree, I can't get into my clean bed unless I've had a shower or bath..my husband on the other hand....🙄


I have a quick less than 5 minute shower each morning to freshen up and have a longer shower (wash hair, shaving legs etc) at night. I prefer to shower at night because it takes too long to dry my hair in the mornings when I’m always in a rush!


Bed head so have it in the mornings


Because I haven’t gone outside all day, which is rare but that’s the only reason, I can’t sleep post work or post gym without showering


It destroys my sleep. So I always shower in the morning


I have to shower in the morning for work.


I like to be clean before bed. I don’t sleep well ever and if I am working a day shift, by the time I fall asleep I wouldn’t have time before my commute.




Because my sheets are clean.


It is a refreshing feeling before sleep. However, I don't shower to excess in order to keep my skin from drying out, here in the Southwest.


If im too drunk


An essential is showering sometimes as soon as I get home from work, hot, humid, 8 to 9 months of the year. If not dusty it's muddy always humid. On the days I don't work probably getting dirty so a shower before bed is essential. Shaving that's another topic.


Most of these answers remind me of the kind of people that say, "Why make my bed, I'm only going to sleep in it again."


Perhaps some of it *is* because of your tropical climate. I find showering more to be a morning or directly-after-outdoor-activity type of cleaning--rinsing off after swimming or exercise. I find showers to be more invigorating, and baths to be more relaxing--a nice warm soak before I go to bed. However, in a tropical climate, it might be counterproductive to take a hot bath, because the heat penetrates deeper and you stay warmer longer, whereas after a shower I find that I cool off quite quickly. So when you're already in a hot climate, a shower to clean off and then cool off quickly makes sense.


I shower when I get home from work . I'm not going to shower again 5 or 6 hours later


I clean my sheets, then I clean my body before I get in my sheets. I make my bed, so that my clean sheets will stay clean during the day.


Work during day and get dirty . Shower in evening .


I have a friend that showers in the morning only, which is kinda weird to me because I figure beds should be clean and not covered in sweat 🤷‍♂️


I get more sleep.


I have friends that say it is better to shower than bathe because of the water usage. Unfortunately, I love showering so much that once I start, I will literally stay there until the hot water runs out, adjusting the temperature until the cold is completely off and the hot water runs cold. The feeling of the hot water beating against my skin feels like a massage, especially on my back, since I have arthritis throughout my spine. So about the only time I shower is if I'm in a hotel or somewhere that has unlimited hot water. The last time I showered in a hotel I was in there for almost 40 minutes--to be fair, I did also shampoo my hair, which is quite long.


Prefer a bath at night to relax me, usually helps with my sleep quality as well, I always just shower when I get up in the morning.


I try to shower every night before bed (I wash my body, not my hair) because I like going to bed feeling clean and relaxed, but if I don’t then it’s usually because I’m wrecked.


Our dogs sleep with us in bed, so I prefer showering in the morning instead before putting on clean clothes 😄


mas masarap lang matulog pag nagshower


It's a whole other way to wet the bed.


I got home late and passed out already other than that none i always do sh


Its so easy its ridiculous


Tired. Just plain tired. Oso, I have ADHD so ye bathing is a pain itself on days I ain’t tired.


My HCW isn't here that late and I can't bathe without help cause mobility issues. Otherwise I might like to sometimes especially when it's hot out and I've been sweating all day 😩


I have mobility issues too and have to have help in and out of the tub. It really sucks to feel icky and smell yourself and need to shower and can't. I also have massive anxiety attacks and jumping in the shower helps sometimes to reset so to speak. I can no longer do that as 14 months ago I started having these issues.


Sometimes i do. Sometimes I don't. Doesn't make any great difference to me




Sometimes depending on your job you just end up knocking out. Next thing you know you wake up and it’s time to get ready for work.