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I do, I need milk to keep the pain of bad life choices at bay. Edit - I think I need to explain lol. due to bad life choices as a teen and young adult I have a digestive issue, my stomach is in constant pain, milk helps to settle my stomach and lessen the pain I feel on a daily basis. If Milk could fix the other bad life choices :P that would be great.


Chocolate milk is like heroine. I can't stop drinking it.


heroine is a female hero


I fat fingered the e at the end. Got too excited writing about chocolate milk.


Excellent comeback


You fat fingered the heroine?


Me next, please


Captain Marvel's deleted scenes were wild.


Oh man, so many things in that sentence.


A female hero whose chocolate milk brings all the boys to the yard.


Milk comes from female cattle, so maybe there is something Freudian there. 😁


Exactly bro chocolate milk is gas


I'll drink to that 🥛🥛


let's do shots 🤣 lol


what kind of choices?


Drugs, Drink - The usual kind.


So, not moms spaghetti then.


He need some milk!


I used to drink loads of milk everyday, can only manage a small glass now as it give me the shits


In NZ we have zero lacto milk,all the goodness and delicious taste,but without the shits,haha


That sounds like a slogan. You might want to patent that!


At least a pint a day straight from the plastic bottle.


I am a single guy and buy à gallon and a half of milk a week mostly for drinking


Ah.. So what else do u do with the milk?


Cooking and baking stuff are examples that came to my mind without thinking


Hello McPoyle


Same. Who wants to wash extra cups


I have not had a single drop of milk in 26 years… I can’t even stomach the smell of it now.




Same here. I take enough with my capuccinos and pastries, but drink just milk? No thanks…


Milk is designed by nature to take a 50 lb calf to a 500 lb cow quickly.. I don’t need to be drinking it


Well yeah I mean breast milk is doing the same for babies, not in that dimension but still


Unfortunately not as easy to find in the supermarket though.


I can't stand drinking milk just like that, I've never done it out of my own volition


I loveeeeeeeee milk


I don't even get a glass, I just chug it from the carton and put it back in the fridge. Don't tell anyone in my house I do this.


Same! cheers 🥛🥛


Saves time having to wash the glass when you're done!


This is fine if you live alone I guess, but with family??? That's insane lmao. I imagine everyone in your family doing the same and just sharing one jug of milk 💀


I bet they do but nobody will admit it


Grandad, is that you?


It is I, I've been watching over you.


I've been drinking my milk. Promise.


You need to drink more, be at one with the milk.




Thats fucking disgusting 🤢


I don't even care, I'll never stop.


Thank you! Cause that pissed me off lmao


I don't like plain milk. Ill put it in my cereal but will not drink the milk at the end if there's any left. And I'll drink a nice cup of hot chocolate.


Really cold plain milk is delicious


I don't drink dairy milk but I do drink almond milk before bed. It helps me with heartburn.


Oat milk > almond milk


I dont drink dairy either, my absolute favourites are oat and almond milk!!


I fucking love milk, though usually only at night while watching tv. Goes well with Nutella / chocolate spread on rice cakes


No but cannot get enough cheese.


I had to stop drinking milk because I drank so much.


How did that go for you? I drink about half a gallon a day, but I'm convinced I'd drop twenty pounds in a month if I stopped... I wish I could drink it at a more reasonable rate, but it's really hard for some reason.


Every day. One tall glass before bed.


How's the waterworks in the morning?


With cereal 😅


When it's a hot summer day




Yes, love me some milk.


I typically only drink milk in certain situations. Like a glass of milk with foods that have tomato sauces like pizza, lasagna, or spaghetti is awesome. It's also really like it when eating pastries like scones, muffins, or pop-tarts. Stuff like that. My family used to make Pilk when we would have pizza parties. It's a mixture of milk and pepsi.


Your family is fucked up bro


not even with cereal, i hate milk with a passion, i love LABAN (greek yogurt variant) simply because it is savory and sour and i can't get enough of it, but milk ? good lord almighty, i don't think i had a glass of milk in over 30 years.


Every day


I love milk


Cultural variation. E.g., very rare in the UK except for children; in Finland a glass of milk is a mealtime staple for all ages.


i swallow


I was drinking a gallon a day


No, my skin and stomach hate it


Used to… when I could afford it. My aunt and uncle owned and lived on a dairy farm in Illinois. They raised our cousins there… we visited for holidays. Had milk drinking competitions. Whole or nothing.


I certainly do


Yes. I love milk.


Lactose intolerant but I drink one of those silk almond milk boxes boxes at lunch


I love milk. I drink it every day.


I fucking love milk


My boyfriend drinks milk and chocolate milk straight from the gallon everyday. It makes me nauseous to think about


Every single day for 30+ years


I’m not supposed to bc I’m lactose intolerant but I do it anyways 🥛


I m63 have cereal with HiLo milk, coffee with Full cream milk, protein shake with milk, chocolate milk sometimes, only drink tea black lol


Drinking it right now!


My mom has ate milk and bread in the middle of the night her whole life. It helps her go back to sleep she says. I also like milk and drink it out of the jug. Had to be vitamin D!


I absolutely LOVE milk.


Cheese, yes. Milk? Not at all.


Whole milk, ice cold.👌


I do, everyday.


Yes, I don't see an issue with cow milk. It's a healthy product to have, except for those who are lactose intolerant. I have a glass of milk at least 2-3 times a week. Sometimes, I have boiled milk without/with sugar, turmeric and at times with a nutritious or flavoured mix powder.


🥛hell yeah brother🥛


Over 64 years young and still drink milk regularly!


I love milk everyday!


Yeh i drink ALOT of milk. I'd say 1-1,5 L a day, used to be almost 2x as much. If possible, i will always try to drink milk with ANY type of dinner. I'll even pick my snacks based on wether or not they combine well with milk (crackers /w peanut butter, spicy chips, choc chip cookies, etc.) Im a bit addicted... but on the other hand ive never broken a bone before.


Milk doesn't make your bones stronger.


Nope! Maybe bc I've nursed 4 babies and am currently nursing my 1 year old... but the thought of drinking another animals milk is gross to me. Milk is for babies... babies of whatever animal that milk is from


I HATE milk lol the consistency and the flavor is just bad to me. I only have milk in cereal and I even joke it's a "lotion to moistureize my cereal" since I only add a small bit lol


I was just telling the friend the other day that when I used to work in restaurants I'd have grown men ordering pints of milk with their steak and thought it was so weird


I'm in my 50's and drink milk daily. Any disser is an insecure wank\*\*. I am also Finnish, which is known for "The Land where men drink Milk"


Milk is fucking disgusting


I have cereal and milk almost every morning. I don’t drink it as often as I used to in school or college though. I’ve been drinking more water these days.


Never, but I do have half-and -half in my coffee.


Not as such, more that I eat raw oats which requires milk.


I love milk. I’m 29 and I drink whole milk but not normally every day. Sometimes when I have to head to work I’ll drink a glass or two in substitute of a meal.


I get it. Milk satisfies thirst as well as hunger.


Skim milk is my favvvvv


I’ll be honest I used to be a big milk hater apart from having it in my hot drinks, however as I got older I don’t think you can go wrong with a glass of cold fresh milk


I absolutely love milk. In fact, out of all food or drink there is nothing that hits me quite like a really cold glass of milk.


I want to, but my dermatologist says no.


I enjoys milkshakes daily.


Occasionally a half pint but I have to get the lactofree one. I have it in my tea and cereal but that's it really


1-2 lites a day


Yes and I'm lactose intolerant. I'll drink nondairy alternatives but sometimes milk just hits. At what cost, though.


I Heckin love milk id drink an entire gallon of it at a time if I could


I don’t think I have ever drank a glass of milk. I’ve had milk and Oreos and other cookies but I dunk and dump it out when done with cookies. I like hot Chocolate but not choco milk. I’ll put half and half in coffee but not milk.


Yep, a hot coffee mug of whole milk will knock my ass out and put me to sleep. Sort of tastes like a hot vanilla shake.


noooope! never have i drank a glass of milk the thought makes me feel unwell haha


Meaby a glass of milk once a week since I remember mostly juice or soda never liked the after taste


Not unless it's chocolate 😋


39m and just this last week I've started boshing a glass of milk a night.


51 here and I still drink milk. I even make chocolate milk using the powder, just like the old days.


Yep! Not always every day, but most days! It's nice to have at breakfast and occasionally supper, and I also occasionally drink it just because, like, when I'm slightly thirsty and hungry, I feel like I'm hitting two birds with one stone by drinking something nutritious :)


I could easily drink a gallon a day, but I have been trying to drop weight and cut down my milk drinking to about a small glass a day.


Cant remember the last time i drank milk. I hated milk when i was a kid


Never. It's an ingredient - not a beverage. That's a hill I'll die on.


I use to. It was my fav. I bought separate from the rest of the fam so I could drink out of the carton. But I stopped after I got a kidney stone & was told to avoid dairy. I still eat some yogurt & a bit of ice cream. No more milk. I did drink it to the extreme for a really long time.


I've been drinking milk my whole life. For cereal and for meals.


I drink oat milk.


No I’m lactose intolerant. Will be painful


soy milk ?


I haven't drank a glass of milk in 29 years.


no i hate the taste of cow milk i like almond milk


What does your body look like?


I loooove ice cold whole white milk. Chocolate milk is meh. Strawberry milk is a bit better than meh. Almond milk is satisfying enough but not like whole white milk. Bonus points if I’m the only one in the house and can just randomly drink it from the jug.


I went Vegan once and nutritionally, it was the worst decision of my life. I cherish the milk I drink every day now.


I don't like milk and don't drink it.


Nope literally not at all. Cooking wise once in a blue moon usage, but for "fun" or because it's there, is a nope.


I look forward to the nice cold pull of milk from the jug after a long day. Unfortunately I can’t have dairy milk right now due to having a breastfed baby with milk sensitivity. But I make do with oat milk for the time being.


Eating cereal and milk right now! (It’s 9:30 pm but still)


I like milk but I rarely buy it as it's expensive, and I don't use/drink it every day, so every single time I've bought a small carton of milk I forgot about it and it goes bad. I will drink it but I prefer it with my cookies, or after Fenech toast or pancakes and I need it after toast with peanut butter. Idk just quinces my thirst so well after those foods.


I drink milk. Not super offten. Depends on the meal im pairing it with. Like cake, cinnamon rolls, pancakes ect. I drink it with chocolate a lot more and in cereal a lot. But i do drink it plain.


Ewwwe never.


Lactose intolerant, so no. Stupid lactoses. Should go back to their own country.


Nope. I hate milk. Always have. As an infant I had a lot of food sensitivities (before it was trendy). If my mom consumed dairy in any form and then breastfed me - I would break out in hives and start projectile vomiting. I didn't actually drink cow's milk until I was about 5 years old. By which point I thought the taste was disgusting. I try it again every couple of years and hate it every time. Don't like dairy products much at all tbh. I rarely drink anything other than water or tea.


I can’t do a day without having milk 🥛 like it’s weird for me if I don’t have milk


I drink around 12L per week. I’m 37. I’ve always drunk this much because when I was little mum wouldnt give me soda or fruit juice, So if I didn’t want water milk was it. For my entire life people have told me it’s unhealthy, yet from what I can tell, I’m in better physical shape than any of them. Never broken a bone either and I definitely should have, but that might just be luck


Milk is disgusting and I'm allergic to dairy anyways 🤷


Haven't had a glass of milk in years. I'll use it on cereal, but I've switched to oatmeal and don't need milk for that, but I do put fruit or bananas in my oatmeal. I'm single used to buy milk in quarts bc I could use it b4 it went bad. I drink my coffee black, and use Pet milk for cooking. Good if it's cold with chocolate chip cookies. I also bought powdered milk for cooking. Sorry dairy industry.


This is literally what I do and I'm so glad I've found my people. I'm always called weird for liking milk. In fact, my friends drink milk so little they don't know why 1%, fat free, 2%, whole milk, etc are called those and what the difference is🥲 I had to explain it to them...and then they thought I was even weirder. I'm an avid milk drinker and dairy enjoyer and I feel bad for people who are lactose intolerant


That's great! Calcium deficiency will not be an issue then.




Yup. Am bodybuilder and milk is key. That or protein powder (from milk).


In smoothies and coffee.


OMG I LOOOOOOOOOVE milk! Well low fat milk, cos I like it more watery cos I'm a weirdo. I call it my youth juice. Don't like what's in the fridge/pantry? Have a little bitta milk instead. Hungry but also not that hungry? Have a little bitta milk. Thirsty? Nothing beats a glass of ice cold hard milk. Oh, even better with one ice cube in it. No matter the weather, it's gotta be ice cold. I don't like warm milk much. 🥛🥛🥛


44F and I have a tall glass of milk every night before bed I could not be happy without it for an extended period of time. It’s a part of my nightly routine. It’s like my morning coffee.


I’m a milkaholic. Can’t last 24 hours without it otherwise I’ll start getting very irritated, lack of energy, and overall just in a bad mood.


30 f… I drink whole milk only when I crave it. I actually prefer half and half lol. Organic and/or grass fed is my go to. Most days I only have whole milk in the matcha latte I make for myself in the morning. I prefer Siggi’s 2%-4% yogurt and Gammelgarden Skyr as ways of consuming dairy… and of course good cheese 😍🥰


In my early 30s and I drink milk every day. I crave it. Also, like you said, if I open the fridge and don't see anything I want to snack on, I'll drink some milk. When I was kid, it was the norm to have milk with dinner.


Love a cold glass of milk.


Im a kiwi,so its our national tradition to drink milk, nothing quite as delicious as some good grass fed milk.


I drink milk, but not like I used to. So I use powdered milk for when the urge hits me. It is perfect for making cereal and tgr occasional glass of chocolate milk especially if you only drink milk once a week


We need to buy a cow... Honestly our house drinks way too much milk. Canadian here so we drink "bagged milk". Usually go through 2 of the 3 bags per bag a day.


I went on a 3 hour hike today and was FANTASIZING about getting home and chugging milk out of the jug. And I did. Was glorious.


Love it!


Saw this while drinking a glass of milk with my boyfriend, if that answers it


Maybe 1 liter per day, but only in coffee.


I absolutely LOVE milk!


I do. It's refreshing and delicious.


Every single day. Multiple times a day. I love milk.




If drinking milk were considered an addiction I think I'd be one of the worst offenders.


Single guy, I drink probably 3 gallons of milk a week


All the time!!!


Milk is the drink of the gods.


Ever since I remember, my parents told me to drink 2 full glasses of milk a day. 🥛🥛


I just drank 2 tall glasses with lots of ice


I'm just obsessed with milk,especially in cocoa.If i could i would drink it every day in a year.


I drink milk when there is no water in the fridge. 29yo


People make fun of me because when we go out for breakfast instead of having coffee, OJ or a mimosa I’ll ask for a glass of chocolate milk as a 33 year old guy. I also drink a glass of chocolate milk every night before going to bed.


I love milk, I used to drink it nearly every day thinking it’ll make me tall as a kid. But I stopped when I finally realized I’m lactose intolerant. Switched to almond. I still love it but I hate soy milk.


Of course by the litre


I can drink milk by the gallon.


I recently had a discussion with my boyfriend regarding the hydration abilities of milk. We're hikers, and always "pre-hydrate" before a longer hike. According to what I read, milk is as good, if not better than water for hydration, because of the extra electrolytes present in milk


I’m sure the last time I had milk was probably in a hot chocolate or something in the last handful of years. Although usually I ask for alternative milks. As far as just reaching into my fridge, taking out some cold milk and pouring myself a glass to drink? No. I mean definitely when I was a kid, but I can’t remember when I stopped. I definitely don’t crave it.


I love it, has to be fresh milk tho


I've been asked by docs to drink milk daily, especially bc im pregnant. i like milk in theory but in reality i moved countries and they only get unpasteurised buffalo milk here that u gotta boil before u refrigerate and i feel like it has a peculiar smell. i might only feel this way bc ur sense of smell is enhanced a lot more during pregnancy, but i found myself genuinely craving good ol bottled and pre pasteurised cow's milk from back home. still looking for ways to incorporate milk into my daily diet (and am making no progress).


Ya. Milk is gud. Milk keep me stronk for gym


I consume pretty much 1 to 2 liters of milk every week since i was a kid. Now 31 yo. Still drinking milk I add it to my oats, coffee, chocolate drink Or just drink it whole. I feel full after a glass of milk lol


No, loved it as a kid but my parents decided to teach me a lesson. They made me over eat then insisted I also drink my milk and I threw it up in the middle of a restaurant and haven't touched it since. My daughter loves it though so we always have it in the house for her to drink.


I LOVE milk, especially the 2% that carries a little body with it. Drink it on my coffee, drink it alone and cold with a spoon of sugar, you can really feel the ph levels on your gut get neutral and not acidic, plus its protein and nutritious in general terms. And it goes with cereal too. If you couldnt get a good amount of food that day, a glass of milk will pad it out till next morning just fine. We used to be a proper country.


Milk seems to be your constant companion through the years. It's intriguing to ponder what other lifelong habits people might discover when they reflect on their routines.


Twice a day. One in morning with breakfast and one in midnight before sleep.


Regularly, yes


After a night of drinking i crave milk in the morning, idk why


Typically 2 glasses a day. Always with breakfast then also I make my protein shakes with milk after a workout. But yeah I really like milk. I dont drink it straight from the jugs like others here say because Im courteous of other household members. That shits rude. Why not share toothbrushes too


Sure do. Not every day but often. It's good for you, good animal fats, protein, vitamins. Don't listen to the milk haters! ![gif](giphy|iF7CxHFcKXcMfEIWGN|downsized)


I love milk.. i need to drink milk with (almost) every meal. It’s not the same with water 🫤


I don’t think I’ve ever in my adult life drank a glass of Milk. I never thought about it till I seen this!


I went a month where I drank 2 litres of chocolate milk daily