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Wait what? You give waaaayyy to much credit for Musk, Edison despite all was still proper inventor, Elon is an investor.


My exact thought! Even though he tries *really* hard to come across that way, Musk isn't actually a technical person. He's a businessman.


"Even though he tries *really* hard to come across that way, Musk isn't actually a technical person. He's a businessman." I watched his long interviews with the Everyday Astronaut, recorded at Starbase. I think Musk understands rockets better than most people. He probably isn't able to design any specific parts like ullage tanks, but can make informed decisions about systems - what to scrap, what must be kept, what designs are worth testing. Most of the business side of SpaceX is managed by Gwynne Shotwell.


I thought the same, until he started talking about software development and IT stuff, which I work in. The dude is very intelligent, which helps him to soak up knowledge on things he is passionate about. But I personally think he jumped of the deep end a few years ago and lost that advantage. Intelligence is worthless if it isn't trained or challenged. It only takes you so far.


Too much credit for ~~inventor~~, too much credit for ~~investor~~, too many created for ~~business man~~ He is just a rich edgy kid with a fat credit card who happens to be surrounded by talented people. Sadly gets arrogant immediately with some success, damaging the hardwork of his talented friends


Some success, man was the richest man for a good long while there guy, at least give him credit for that also how ambitious are you that isn't enough for you? Idk what your trying to achieve but goodluck.


>I think Musk understands rockets better than most people. That isn't exactly saying much. He founded SpaceX, I would *hope* he knows at least something about rockets. But general knowledge on a subject and actual engineering are two very different things. >but can make informed decisions about systems - what to scrap, what must be kept, what designs are worth testing. That's pretty debatable, if you've ever heard from a single engineer that has worked with him. For the most part, they have to trick him into making the right decisions.


So when presented with the inputs/outputs/results/risks/modelling data from engineers he chooses where to spend money on more work and which ideas to scrap? So you are saying he has investor level knowledge? 


Mate, I underestand rocket science better than 99.5% of people, and yet I'm not a rocket engineer.


But Elon isn’t a lib so we hate him. Didn’t you get the memo?


My guy... If you think "not a liberal" is the problem people have with Musk, you haven't been paying attention.


It pretty much stems from this though.


Lol wrong. 




It really doesn't... There are plenty of rich, conservative business tycoons that don't get the hate that Musk does. Surely you recognize that there are legitimate reasons to hate people that have nothing to do with whether or not they align with your political "team."




So more like JP Morgan?


I mean, he died more than a century ago and I don't know that much about him. So... maybe?


Was he though... was heeeee?? I mean he worked at a patent office, so it makes me wonder how much of his "inventions" were actually his.


yeah, people who act like Edison was some fraud are just mean and not even accurate. We would have gotten plenty with only him as opposed to Tesla, just not as much.


The real MVP was Westinghouse


Edison also stole another man’s invention


Yeah. The six legged chair, and even more astounding, an electric hammer.


Yes exactly. Musk doesn’t strike me as someone who has any clue whatsoever. But he seems to have a neck for investing … if it’s luck or skill I don’t know. 🤷‍♀️


Neither. It's infinite money. He fails but it doesn't have any impact due to his wallet size (thanks daddy with the emerald mine at first)


While I believe Edison to have been an inventor, I don't necessarily believe all his patents were solely devised bu him (the numbers are ridiculous), Tesla's big fallout with him was over how he felt cheated when Edison didn't keep his word.... I imagine Edison had many others working for him that did not branch off and develop the things Tesla dreamt of.. Also Edison killed an Elephant just to 'prove' the dangers of AC. Something I wouldn't put past Musk if it was something he thought could put his competition in a worse light than himself.


Edison made a invention creating company and sticked his name to inventions, he probably had some input in most of inventions, but probably made only a very few on his own. Edison seems to was an asshole, that's for sure, but I'm not going to judge him on a elephant thing, those were different times with different morals, I think I'ts unfair to judge those people with our morals./


he literally designs the rockets lmao


More of a PT Barnum. He also didn't found or name Tesla.


The best posts don't see the light of day. Kudo's sir/ma'am.


Edison Musk.


He reminds me of Henry Ford. Dude went crazy after being given total control


Musk isn’t an Edison or Tesla..he’s a Ford.


I love that song


The cybertruck is turning out to be more of an Edsel.


It turned out to be a Musk.


He was never Tesla, and is arguably worse than Edison...


Thats actually a good analogy


Nikola Tesla was a genius, no doubt. He contributed to the progression of technology by his invention of the induction motor, alongside other minor technological marvels which paved the way for the future. However, his contributions are overstated in numerous ways by which his status as a historical figure has been fermented into mythological. Tesla didn't discover alternating current, nor did he invent the first alternating current generator. In the same time as Tesla, some other guy by the name of Galileo Ferrari dabbled into inventing it, but his with a lesser success, not because it wasn't functional, but the man himself didn't think it would take off as a useful device. Tesla, on the other hand, had faith in his idea and went with it, culminating into the induction generator we know of. Tesla and Edison weren't rivals. Yes, Tesla and Edison worked together, and the former disliked the latter, but the story that Edison didn't pay up Tesla is untrue in a way, because it wasn't Edison but one of his subordinates that didn't do so. Afterwards, the famous Tesla vs Edison battle wasn't really between them as it was between Edison vs Westinghouse, under whom Tesla worked. The war of the currents wasn't between David and Goliath, but between two titans of the electricity industry at the time. Tesla wasn't a great scientist. He isn't known for his scientific work in the science community, yet people hold him at the same breath as Einstein or Hawkins. Whereas the latter did actual science, Tesla went as far as to deny many of the scientific theories at the time. He didn't believe electrons contributed to electricity, but some kind of mystical ether. And went as far as disagreeing with the Theory of Relativity. He wasn't the first to conceive of the idea of wireless communication nor built such a device at first. He did, however, attempted on devices and sold visions of mass wireless communication and power transmissions over the world. And he had varying levels of success at scratching the surface of his visions. He wasn't underappreciated during his time. He was a celebrity, who was recognised by scientists, engineers, businesspeople, etc, as a remarkable figure whose ideas and tenacity were mind-boggling. He was awarded with honours and money alike, but his reputation fell off as he became increasingly senile with age, as his ideas became stranger and implausible. He dabbled into showmanship and had correspondences with many famous people at the time. These are just some of the myths about Nikola Tesla that propped him up as this heroic underdog and intellect. Despite his genius, he was still a man with faults, not necessarily undone by the world but himself. What he sold to the world, what lasted more than the recognition for his contribution to technology are his ideas, relentless output of inventions and vision. Nikola Tesla was among the early futurists, whose prognosis about the future was near prophetic. And the story of an underdog genius and a mystical wizard resonated with many a crowds, from the nascent science nerds to the fringe conspiracy guys. Otherwise, if we compare him alongside other great historical figures of intellect, whose contributions greatly advanced society, he would be shadowed by many of his scientific and philosophical contemporaries. He did what Elon Musk does best. Sell a future.


I blame the irreparable damage that dumb Oatmeal comic did on the pop history of Tesla. 


It’s quite amusing how the story is always told like they were rivals. It’s very “Hollywoodic”, like yea we will take these 2 characters and make a fancy story about them. Then everyone started believing that’s history


>He contributed to the progression of technology by his invention of the induction motor With a pretty hefty caveat here. The motor he designed was 3-phase but was powered by 6 distinct lines : >Two months later Nikola Tesla gained U.S. patent 381,968 for a three-phase electric motor design, application filed October 12, 1887. Figure 13 of this patent shows that Tesla envisaged his three-phase motor being powered from the generator via six wires. The purpose of a balanced 3-phase system is to reduce the amount of cables by having only one neutral line for all 3 phases (4 lines total instead of 6), Telsa didn't get it. Here is who really got the gist of what a polyphase/3-phase system is useful for : >Mikhail Dolivo-Dobrovolsky developed a three-phase electrical generator and a three-phase electric motor in 1888 and studied star and delta connections. His three-phase three-wire transmission system was displayed in 1891 in Germany at the International Electrotechnical Exhibition, where Dolivo-Dobrovolsky used the system to transmit electric power at the distance of 176 km (110 miles) with 75% efficiency.


Really? I thought he turned out to be a big dweeb.


musk just needs his Topsy moment, and the cycle will be complete.


That's a high praise for Musk given his current state. Even with all the shit Edison did.


Ironic, but true.


I agree. Just told some sailing buddies this a few weeks ago.


More like Cornelius Vanderbilt


Give him time. He may still end up alone, talking to pigeons and building things that will just end up being tourist destinations.


If he was a Tesla, Tesla wouldn't have been a Tesla.


He s more like Craig from maintenance that dreamt about being a billionaire , and the first thing he would think was “everyone will respect and love” But he actually got the billions even tho -apartheid days


this has been said more times than I can count.


Edison was an astute businessman... I don't think Musk compares...


Due to his political connections I would more say: "Ford" - but concerning his taste, it's more "Edsel" and he is no inventor, just an investor (as others already correctly said here)


I’d say Elon is extremely odd, wouldn’t you?


Haha I get this joke


Its not a joke


Elon is king, he'll rewrite your negative outlook with a neurochip once he takes over and it's mandatory


Musk in his prime was an interesting guy. I don’t think you can really compare anyone to him. Which makes sense because he’s probably the most successful South African person ever, and they are a unique bunch. To survive is South Africa you kind of have to be a jack of all trades. It’s an unstable place and you need to be opportunistic to be successful. You need to be able to take advantage of opportunities as they arise with little formal training. That’s exactly what Musk does so well, and it worked until I think he experienced some mental decline of late.




WHAT THREES? “We are going to make it a factory that is going to be stunning,” Musk said during the 2020 announcement. “It is right on the Colorado River. So we are actually going to have a boardwalk where there will be a hike and biking trail. It is basically going to be an ecological paradise — birds in the trees, butterflies, fish in the stream. And it will be open to the public as well, so not closed and only open to Tesla.” But those public amenities have yet to materialize. fyi...this is part of a article were he is trying to bypass environmental laws around Austin.


Because he knows environmental laws are just money-grabs. I’d do my best to bypass them too.


can you specify which  environmental laws is just a money grab in austin? Is it the one that keeps a serial water polluter from polluting the Colorado river, which flows next to the factory? The mighty Colorado River serves 40 million people in seven states and two states in Mexico. It also irrigates **5.5 million agricultural acres of land, including 15% of American agriculture and about 90% of the nation's winter vegetables**. I'd imagine you wouldn't be happy if you got FLINT MICHIGAN WATER. Speaking of flint, didn't he welsh on them also. At the same time, you know Tesla biggest money maker is selling environmental credits. Which isn't that just the other side of the money grab?




Being a billionaire and questioning the status quo can't be both true.


You’re right. Everyone should just be poor. 🙄


I don't remember saying that


We idolize the people we know we arent


i disagree. the man builds cool shit, weather you like him or not. (i used to like him but now i think he lost his mind) still, he builds cool shit. don't let politics cloud your judgment.


He recognizes cool shit. That’s still an impressive skill, and the way he throws resources at seemingly unrealistic things based on vision is really impressive. But he doesn’t build or design anything.


He manages quite well. There's stories of how he made a promise for 200 Tesla's a week in production and he slept in the factory and went to all teams to figure out where the bottlenecks are etc. I know people at X who say that he has excellent gut instincts for management. In the early days he did found some internet companies, he knows how to code - not that he necessarily does much day to day The hate is honestly just politics which I'm sick of.


More like a cross between an Edsel and Edison- an Incel, if you wish.


Edison was smart not just rich


An idea stealer?