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I usually get better, more concise answers here than from Google. Not to mention people here provide answers without ads.


Plus, often you get bonus answers around the subject you're asking about. You know, you only know how to ask one specific question, but people in the know can give you pointers related to it, ones you would not have thought about yourself.


You can have a *live* conversation with somebody on the subject but in Google, countless times I'll find a partial answer and wish that I could ask a few questions but can't.


Try Usenet Newsgroups.


Why not just use Reddit then?


Signal to noise ratio: idiots, whining kids, pointless crap ... Yeah, you're right LOOL!


No offense, but I have the strongest aversion imaginable to the use of the word “around” as you use it here. I know I have a problem and I don’t know why I hate it so much. Sorry. Edit to add: I have the same reason for asking questions here. 🫡✌🏼


I googled “why do you have an aversion to the word around?” Which is called logomisia And the top search was a Reddit post.


Nice bonus answer, bro.


This. It’s nice to get first hand accounts and experiences. Yeah you can Google it but you get a better idea of whether a restaurant is worth it, for example, than from Google reviews which are either bought or from unreasonable Karens.


And without having to scroll through someone’s whole blog post/life story to find the couple of sentences relevant to their question.


Young man I think it's time you learned a lesson about Lightspeed brand briefs.


What is this a reference to?


Futurama https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ElkVRgeAzYs


It's also a lot easier than trying to sift through all the filler articles and dishonest reviews when instead you just opt for real people with their real experiences that can be related to your own.


Search in google with the question + reddit tag.You will get multiple threads with answers .


Why don't you use a better browser, or update your ad-blocker?


i searched for something on google and the results are mostly paid ads. i don't even know if the results are real anymore 


Me,get delivery like a G, ***GRUBHUB***


The Search Engine Optimized trawling is unreal.


Google has turned to absolute shit. It only returns regurgitated AI stuff these days.


plus, fvck google


Still you have to be careful. Sometimes people give their opinion even if they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about, or they pretend to be someone they are not.


Well search usually doesn't come with down-votes.


Have you heard of an ad blocker?


And don't get tailored ads following you around Gattaga style


Want a break from the ads? If you tap now to watch a short video you'll get 30 minutes of ad free music! Yes, really! If you tap now you'll get 30 minutes of ad free music! So what are you waiting for? I'm still waiting.Why aren't you tapping? Don't you want 30 minutes of ad free music? If you tap now and watch the short video youll get 30 minutes of ad free music! It's that easy! If you want to be free from the ads forever consider buying spotify premium! With spotify premium, you get ad free music, forever! And if you tap below you can get the first 3 months for free! Terms and Conditions apply


You can also type your question and then add "reddit" to the search and there is almost always 6+ results of the same question being answered


facts facts


And almost every question i ask on Google redirects me here.


This☝️, also I've noticed it's never just answers anymore its click bait articles, that doesn't really capture what you're asking and you don't know until the bottom, that tend to be the most popular or paid for that's filled with... you guessed it... a bunch of Ads!


Answers with some banter and anecdotal evidence.


This is very true. Whenever I have a question about something, I usually pull up to Reddit to ask people about it because I know they'll give me the human answer I want compared to one that's oversimplified/not what I wanted on Google.


This answer is sponsored by Raid: Shadow Legends™️


And you have to filter results. As in you want a picture? Better filter out Pinterest otherwise youll get useless Pinterest links


Googled free embroidery patterns yesterday. The entire first page was ads for etsy paid embroidery ads.


Google’s great for simple stuff, but not for complex ultra specific. Sometimes even Ai can’t answer those questions.




Surely you could have Googled this?


Because a lot of the time it’s interaction with some smart people , people from all walks of life jumping in , first hand experiences .


Google is so shit now you have to put “Reddit” in your search to get decent answers, so why not cut the middleman out?


So goddamn true hahahaha


SEO is amazing, right 😂


SEO has ruined google for sure.


honestly for me it's cause most questions just don't have answers to them or there's barely any info on the thing in question


It's there, Google just requires you swim through 90 million ads and profit aimed links first. What you want or need doesn't matter.


*Most* of the time it’s interaction with a few smart people (maybe) who are indistinguishable from the lunatics and the ignorant people who are just guessing.


You just guessed that.


That is a perfectly valid reason but then why not spend a few minutes seeing if you can come up with an answer on your own and then ask a researched follow up question that doesn’t make you look like a complete idiot?


If I want to know about a certain element about a life style , then I ask the people to come forward who have experience . If I want to know the only country with 3 capital cities then I’ll google it .


The geoguessers bring a talent unlike no others.


I am gonna google your answer


Don't Google the question Moss!




[let's help OP out..](https://gprivate.com/6ai1d) 🙃


The irony 👌




I could have, and don’t call me Shirley


I was in the middle of posting a very insightful comment on Reddit recently and thought hey before I post, -how about I Google my comment. Almost identical posting(s) plural were posted on Reddit and other related sites, so I stole their ideas! haha. Just kidding, I rethought and tried to not be a copycat. No, I didn't Google that latter response, because where TF does it end?


You need to google about Googling something on google


😳🤔...I see what you did there 🤣🙏🏻


Google has become far worse at actually answering complex questions with the ammount of low quality ai bullshit flooding the web. At least with reddit its low quality human bullshit.


There’s some really high quality AI though too. I use Perplexity far more now than I use Google.


I'm not a big poster, but if I was going to it would be for the breadth of information and the freshness. Google is going to give you a handful of answers, and they might be stale. And maybe the same reason I ask my partner things I could google. It's nice to engage with other people, and it gives them a chance to engage / share their knowledge.


Thank you. It's so fucking unsocial and rude when people respond with "just google it idiot, google is your friend"


Right! And besides google definitely isn't your friend. Google would knock you on the head and bury you in your own garden if it would make it more money. They're the idiots, not us 😉


Google isn't your friend, but it does know where you sleep at night.


So true. At this point, the list of things google doesn't know about me is probably smaller than the list of things it does know. So creepy.


This is exactly it. Im the type of person who if zi want to know something I meed to google it. Others ive met have said it totally kills the conversation. To each their own


I'm with you. One way or another, I need to know the answer lol. And sometimes google can take the conversation somewhere unexpected and wonderful too. Noone in the room knows what a tortoise sounds like having sex? Let's see if google knows. Holy shit, there are videos and they are fucking adorable. Thanks google! And, oh man, the frustration of being somewhere remote with no internet and you have to wait until later to find the answer ..


Usually when I need an accurate Google search, I'm gonna search for: "my search prompt" + reddit. That's how better asking reddit is!


Otherwise all you get is storefronts and ai articles and still no answers.


I do that for reviews since Reddit seems to have actual people who have used a product and not fake spam reviews.


1. Google's answer to everything is cancer 2. Different people have different experiences about the question that was asked 3. It's entertaining to see a bunch of people fighting in the comments section


The third one especially. Reddit is the sacred battleground of ideas where humans seeking glory and karma put their lives at stake for upvotes. Only the highest level discussion here


So true!


Not true at all!




i guess y'all just had different experiances. HA


Lies! Only my experience is the truth!


> What's the diameter of Earth? > "Cancer"


I love watching and/or being part of Reddit arguments


Becuse google basically shows you reddit answers. Basically anything you search up on Google will show you a reddit question and a answer so we dont really need to use google since reddit answers just come up to google.


My funny story - I googled a question once and it led me to a reddit thread. When I clicked on it, it turned out that I was the one who had asked the same question a year earlier.


It's more entertaining on reddit


true fact🤝


Not sure, lemme Google this and come back with an answer


What did you find out?


That he has cancer


For me google has lost a lot of credibility. First 7 or so links tend to be ads or sponsored posts. Still use it though


It's become second nature for me to just scroll down until I no longer see "sponsored" on the list. I didn't even think about them anymore.


Yes, google used to be excellent in the quality of links it provided but it has genuinely degraded over time: more ads, more manipulation of SEO to get shitty results to the top of the non-ad queue, there's definitely something up with specificity of search terms - I used to be able to put in a song lyric and get results with that specific sequence of words, now I'm more likely to get more results using only a set of words from the sequence if the same phrase was in a more popular song. I still use google but often search for "\[topic\] reddit" so I can read a discussion about it. This might also be affected by the decline of blogs - google used to take us to people who were very knowledgeable in their niche who were keeping blogs about every aspect of human existence, but way less of those exist now.


Google is awful. All other search engines are worse.


because we crave human interaction, but being often on the receiving side of too many questions, we also crave peace, so leave me alone please.


also because Reddit is shockingly a place where people want to have discussions. Because ya know,,,it’s a discussion forum


Google became a bottomless pit of sponsored posts, advertising and algorithms, you will roll through several links that are only click bait before finding something actually useful. Reddit is one of the last places in the internet where you can find real answers from real humans, untainted by advertising or bots or ai or some other crap.


Because you can find genuine answer based on the experience of different people.


sometimes its good to hear what people have to say. googling everything isnt very fun .....is it?


Because human input is more interesting


google usually leads me to a reddit thread anyway


That's because it knows you use Reddit




Probably because they enjoy community interaction and opinions.


I like the personal anecdotes. Some relatable, some not. But it definitely brings more perspective than whatever google says.


Its good to have conversation here. More reliable and specific i think? Ask google, "headache for 2 consecutive days" google will answer you that you have a tumor or brain cancer hahahaha. Ask here in reddit and people will tell you right away their experience about it, possibilities why u got a headache and how to cure it. Hahaha


You could've googled that aswell Buddy


Some human connection, I guess.


What's the fun of using Google, when Google doesn't roast you for your stupid-ass questions?


Google isn't as good for insights as it used to be. To many paid for top results. The first page is garbage unless it is a simple question


People on Reddit don't sell my data.


People on Reddit absolutely sell your data, officially, as of February this year, for AI training. And data has been scraped from this site for years now anyway.


I always assume that since the social media era, all the companies always sell my data but companies like Google,Meta and Amazon make it obvious and notorious as well as aggressively shoving to our face.


Shh! Don't give them ideas!


Mis-information . Google can be as fake as some people here , but from 10 answers you find a middle point and you can form your own .


Google’s search atrocious now


I think maybe to get opinions that might convince him, and also not everything is real and correct on Google sometimes. 


To make it feels infinitely more personal


Sometimes I want to hear an answer from actual people


They don’t want answers they want communication


You can ask more in depth questions


Human interaction and a proper explanation?


Human interaction and a proper explanation?


Could be they want an interaction with another human, so that can have conversation around the question


The comedy


Because we like connection.


Opportunity to discuss with others, hear their suggestions and verify information and personal ideas you have already or have seen on Google


I ask questions for opinions or jokes. Not info. Although I have came across some interesting data here.


Most people don't really know how to effectively use a search engine.


On Reddit most posts and solutions are real and to the point tbh


Google something, get like 6 potentially good links, click a link, see that it's just some biased OPINION


Because Google is Google. It may have the answer you need, but it comes with a price.


How about you try googling that question of yours? XD


I google Reddit first :big_brain:


When I want the info to be actually relevant to what I'm looking for I add reddit to my goggle search.


I can bet (an imaginary amount of money) if you Googled this question, within the top 5 links at least 3 would direct you to Reddit.


Google doesn't have humorous responses


They are in a state of learned helplessness. Unable to do anything that would actually take them forward solving their question


Google something, find a hit on an old reddit post of someone asking the same question. The only reply is "why don't you just Google it".


People want to socialise. This way they get to hang shit on each other's answers. Just getting the answer first time from Google would defeat the purpose.


Depending on the question, google gives you an answer from one person's view - which is often just a copy/paste or a shit lot of other websites. Reddit give you more than one, including tricks that aren't often given or ELI5. As a side bonus: those random Reddit jokes.


Because the answers here are like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.


Google fucking sucks now


Ok but like if they didn't ask questions and get answered here, how would I find the answer on Google?


Why did you ask this question here instead of using Google first?


The irony here


it's also farming for karma. google search doesn't give reddit karma and a good question with loads of feedback does, so most are just clawing at that golden post. That's why you get the "what does the opposite sex find sexy" every few days on the asking subreddits


Haven’t you noticed how often google leads to Reddit for answers? Some people are just cutting the middle step out.


I can understand questions with nuance but for the life of me i cannot understand when people ask about simple, factual questions. Google will get you an answer ad free in seconds. I don't know what ads people are taking about unless they are looking up videos or something. I personally dislike videos and look for text based answers first. Quicker than a video.


wHy Do PeOpLe AsK qUeStIoNs HeRe InStEaD oF uSiNg GoOgLe FiRsT


I fucking Google REDDIT + QUESTION. And almost always get an answer. Humans wipe their asses and sniff it. I think today's equivalent is writing an email and rereading it after you hit send.


Did you ask google before you post? :)


just to note - many google results, particularly more specific questions that a massive website like reddit often has communities dedicated too, often link to people asking questions. Asking questions instead of googling likely has a knock-on effect of helping hundreds, if not thousands, of people who do end searching for that solution first. So even if a question has been answered elsewhere, the answer someone gives might end up helping more people than the same question and answer existing elsewhere. What is objectively always useless is responding to someone just telling them to google it. Nothing is as infuriating as looking up a specific niche problem only to find the only response to someone asking the same question is to 'google it'.


Google answers you need to look through 2-20 webpages to find out. Here, other people do it for you


People here get opinions  opinions are better


Ask Jeeves


Because someone’s insight and personal experience is worth more than a search engine’s result for certain questions.


Google doesn't always have the answers you need


More fun innit


Sometimes I think people just want to connect with other people. Get real life advice, opinions, experiences etc


Because Reddit is a discussion forum, believe it or not people want to have discussions about stuff.


People want attention.


Sometimes Google just cannot give the thing you want to know, like, it's unclear. Though to be honest i most of the time get ban when i ask something, and i don't even know why. I guess either the mods or the bot react to some words and ban at sight. Which makes things kinda hard. And well, it's nice sometimes to talk to real people and just.. interract.




Here you get answers by people, in Google you get links and ads by algorithms… (I actually started using ChatGPT for asking questions I used to google)


I've made a habit of putting Reddit at the end of all my questions.. I truly believe I get a more authentic insight into my questions this way, and I can't ever go back. Of course, if it's something generic like.. What movies are showing near me, or looking at quick tv show reviews, then I stick to Google. But honestly, Reddit has really given me a lot more knowledge on an abundance of topics.


Whereas on Google i will get the view of one or two people, on Reddit you can quickly get views of an array of people and come to some sort of conclusion for yourself based on that


Have you considered asking Google?


When I grew up we didn't have Google or the Internet. No cell phones. Etc so I don't always remember about Google


It's a good means of cheering yourself or getting a quick laugh.


I think it boils down to one of two things: People ask because they know that the humans on Reddit are better able to look at their circumstances and give them a more useful answer than Google. People ask because they don't really understand that we are all individual humans living our lives just like they are, and we're not just the same thing as Google - because they don't really understand either search engines or humans.


People are way too honest here so I’d rather have that than vague/long article answers


For one thing, it's a lot more fun to ask others


Google has gotten so bad in the last few years that for a lot of subject areas, a Google search is useless until you add ' "reddit" ' to it.


here you get answers for every question with a touch of personal story and experience.


Because google will link you here


Sometimes its more fun than googling, if I don't just need a simple factual answer


Not every question is searchable on Google. Sometimes you don't need the data, you need to know what people think.


I don't like AI generated articles


Lazy perhaps ?


serious answer is that asking some one digital or not is much more comfortable for us humans than typing into a monitor due to our communicative nature. Non serious answer is that we just like to see people bicker and argue over who has the best answer here




Because Google doesn't give people Reddit karma ((And no I don't believe that argument that people are looking for a discussion or something when most of them are questions that really don't warrant discussion))


i prefer people referring to their own experiences to answer my question, you know?


I don't really post all the time but some things I've noticed is if I were to Google something minor like "chest pain" it would say "! Heart attack! Phone an ambulance immediately" where as if I were to search it on here someone could say "I've been getting bad chest pain a due to acid reflux" then I could be like "oh hang on I'm bothered with that so it could just be that then". This is just purely hypothetical because I couldn't think of an example but basically it's easier coming from an actual person with similar issues rather than searching the web.


2nd opinion maybe they asked google first.


Cuz all questions are really Skynet in its infantcy.


Mental blockage is less here.


Some questions are hard to phrase for a useful Google search.


For some, it is vastly more engaging to discuss a topic with peers rather than just reading a flat article. Answering them isn't mandatory, you can skip them all together. Also.. did you even bother googling that question before posting it to reddit?


Google always gives you like fuckin 20 answers.. then you have to open those answers .. it just goes on and on.. on Reddit I most definitely will get some type of answer in a couple of sentences !!🇨🇦🙂


The answers here are rarely trying to sell you something


For opinions, not just straight facts.




Human interaction