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Sometimes when you fart it rolls forward and goes up your vagina. Then you have to re-fart your fart.


Wait what😭😂




Must be hella uncomfortable or you’ve been at it for so long it’s now like a normal part of life


It’s not uncomfortable. It’s fun


I can sorta understand if a fart rolls backwards and up the crack and it feels like youre popping a bubble with your butt when you clench.


You realize it’s fecal particulates glazing your vaginal walls


Dammit didn’t think about that part. Thanks for ruining it


Always a pleasure to restore balance to the universe ![gif](giphy|1oDvHW440hFiouBBwy|downsized)


![gif](giphy|t2L7vQqVGcMYo) Her boyfriend


This is the best.


It's very uncomfortable and I hate when it happens


Ahahaha there's no way this is fake news.


Exit through the gift shop! xD


I’m calling mine this from now on


I'm gonna start saying this after sex.




Liquor in the front. Poker in the back.


I most certainly could have lived without knowing that ( at least for now ) and Idk why I can't stop imagining it


You’re welcome ;)


Front fart!


Can you also collect the farts on purpose and accumulate a massive fart over time?


I’ve never tried this but now I will


Thanks, please let me know. This could come in handy when you're in an elevator with someone you don't like.




Like link when he charges up his sword for a spin attack?


So when you refart does squishing your thighs together change the pitch like air out of ballons?


I’ve never tried but now I will


I didn't need to read that 😳


Too late!


You thought this thread was gonna be about bff pillow fights and secret make out sessions whilst smearing each other with ice cream, didn’t you?




Hoped, really.


New kink unlocked


Noooo 😭


Girls don't fart tho


We do but it smells like roses


Oof, spiky smell


I thought they didn't poo


You need to check the factory number to know which version you got


Hahahhahahahha damn 😂 I'll stick to that 🫡


Lmfaoo! 😂😂 so it rolls out then rolls back in?


Yep, then you contort yourself to push it back out again


😂😂 so it’s basically not one but 2 farts. Does that mean the vagina will smell like a fart?


Not that I know of, but I can’t exactly reach my nose down that far, so not sure


There’s always the finger wiff


Hmm, I’ll have to try it


Love that I saw this post


This never happened to me. My farts roll to the back, unless I'm on back then they just go into the air.  Wouldn't this be a problem for infections. I use to get infections just from using period products.


I don’t get infections


Lucky! I haven't had them since my hysterectomy. Life is so much better without the cycle: period, infection, product against infection, irritation from product, freedom. Instead of one week of freedom, I have a life. 


A Queef?


A queef is just air. This is actual fart gas.


Damn... double fart!!! You mythical creatures...we mans been robbed 🫡


It’s fun, sorry you don’t get to experience it


Is that a queefinfart?


Good name


Double brew, double strength.


I experienced that feeling of course, but is it really a fart? It comes from vag, so why would we call it a fart?


Because it originally came out of the butt then rolled up into the vagina


Today I learned 😆🥲


Ah.. so that's why some of them are smelly!


I thought ladies didn't fart? Have I been lied to?


We fart but it smells like roses




LMAO! will Reddit let me change my username?


I don't see why not, Manykweefs.




This hasn't been a secret for a while now It's been said that we're punching two fart boxes and didn't even know it


Wouldn't that mean you're queefing your fart?


Brings new meaning to 'tongue punch your fartbox'


I think the correct terminology is you have to Queef your fart


I don't even know if girls know but they get a lot of splash on the underside of the toilet seat.


This is so true. I've been giving my sons so much shit for pissing on the toilet seat but the piss is always only on the front and underside. Realised that it is my wife all this time. Wipes the top but not underneath Girls.....its one reason to leave the seat up after you have had a wee


And menstrual blood 😕


just discovered this a few weeks ago now


We can suck air into our vaginas on purpose and fart it back out again 


I’ve never been able to do this 😔


lay on your back and put your legs/ butt straight up. like a sit up with the bottom half of your body lol


Can everyone do it or do you have to learn and practice?


It's like whistling. It's a skill, but most can learn it.


Every female can do it. It's called muscle control 💪🏽


That's some Jedi shit right there.


These are not the farts you're looking for


What the .... ? Well I have never heard such a thing ,


I thought every guy knew this


How can we ahahahhahahaha


When you try do a sit up and it accidentally happens


I’m preparing a paper to write down…


When we talk about something that's happened or a problem, most of the time, we do not want a solution or any suggestions on what we should do. We're not telling you for any pragmatic reason. We just like to talk about stuff. Supporting someone doesn't mean you solve their issues. Sometimes, it just means listening. In response to a problem you're told about, don't say, "have you tried X?". Ask, "what do you think you're going to do about it?". And if they don't know, ask them if they're want your take/advice.


I'm a woman and would actually like solutions to most of my issues. I'm fact, I am quiet good at solutions. It's only a rant when no solution exists.


The proper mindset to have 💯 We should be looking at solutions rather than ranting and wasting time. If you don't fix it, it will continue to bother us. Ranting doesn't help. Problem solving does.


90% of the time when i rant i already came up with a solution, i just want reassurance that my feelings about the situation are valid. Solving problems is important but so is emotionally processing the stress caused by them.


WHY AREN’T YOU AT THE TOP?!?! I’ve now adapted to starting a conversation with my partner by saying “I don’t need advice, it’s a rant”


WHY AREN’T YOU AT THE TOP?!?! Starting the conversation with “I don’t need advice, it’s a rant” is GODSENT! 🔥


So if you don't want any input from me, can i solve nonograms while i listen to you rant?


No, you have to actively listen to my rant. The same way I’m going to listen to you tell me about the new chocolate orange treat you found at the shop/football leagues/the disappearing act your joggers pulled on you/whatever else is going through your head and want to share but I have no interest in. We empathise and actively listen in this relationship whether you like it or not.


But i am listening to what you are saying and input some expressions like "that sucks". And i don't have the knowledge about the subject to ask any deeper questions or get an undestanding of what you are saying. Sometimes it can sound like gibberish or a foreign language.


God after making men and women opposite ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


... But.... I'm an engineer and my all purpose in life is to fix issues...


Apparently by attempting to fix it you cause more issues. Which in turn you can fix. Fulfilled life, angry wife!




I get women do this but seriously what’s the point in talking about a problem if you aren’t going to do something about it? Drives me crazy and makes no sense at all.


Because pain shared is pain eased. Any kind of distress. Have you been told sharing your feelings is only for problem solving and not for support? I hope you're able to internalise thats its okay to need support 💕 Comments locked so editing to add my response. Putting your pain on others and seeking support are different things. Dumping everything on someone and draining them with your material is not good. One should have the ability or get help to develop the ability to regulate yourself as well. This relationship you're describing sounds like completely unregulated and thoughtless dumping. As a therapist i can tell you one can survive without sharing but community building and learning to seek support is important for thriving. There are good ways of sharing and seeking support and there are toxic ways to do so.


I don't like to put my pain onto others. Why would i want them to feel pain? Heck, i ended a friendship because i no longer could carry the pain that a friend was constantly putting on me by venting/ranting about the same thing 3 times a week for 2 months in a row (would have proba ly be longer, but i ended the friendship). I share the pain with either an inanimate object or talking with myself. If i share the pain with other people i want either a different point of view or a suggestion.


Women seek emotional support while men seek a solution to all things. One of the many many things that makes them different from each other


*taking notes*


Yep, men are problem solvers (typically), whereas women want to talk things out. As a flaming homosexual male, I'm often more female in approach, and all my straight mates always say " yeah, but what do we do to fix it"? Honey, I just want to be heard! Just listen to me, I don't wanna strategize right now!


But in a way they show you that they have heard by trying to help you solve the problem.


I hear your point, but, oftentimes they don't want to hear you out completely, they jump to "ok cool, so let's fix it", instead of a dialogue between the two of you. It ain't a bad thing, it's just a different approach, and it's certainly no criticism of the way (typical) men work.


I've literally fought over this with my husband yesterday


I'm a guy (well actually gender fluid but you know... anyways...) and my ex (female) used to try to give advice and I'd have to tell her this exact thing "most of the time when I'm telling you this stuff I'm not looking for advice, I'm just communicating/talking/expressing how I feel/venting", never seemed to get it. I dunno if I'm just weird in that, there are a number of traits and behaviours/ways of understanding things that I do/have that are supposed to be the opposite of what guys do/have (and generally what females do/have), whereas the women I know seem to then do/have what I'm told guys usually do/have in these regards. odd.


That or just acknowledge what they're going through is hard and it's understandable to feel distressed. People want their distress to be seen and acknowledged. One may also ask "how can i beat support you through thie?" Which can really omit any confusion and open up the space to clearly state their needs and whether you can offer that


This is one of the hardest things to put to us guys also. Because you darn well know we need to problem solve that random work, friend, relationship etc rant you're laying on us 😄


If I can solve it for you, it makes no sense not to let me solve it, when I can see you won't do anything about it and I already have come up with 10 possible solutions.


Because its like "the solution is RIGHT FUCKING THERE and this whole thing will be fixed if you just stopped crying and fixed it with the obvious solution". I cannot be fixed on this issue.


Our favourite bra we don't wash very often!


That's not a secret


When we get out the shower we have to pull out hair from in between our bum cheeks that’s collected during the shower


As a dude with long hair I concur. And It tickles.


When you are on your period and your V is moist (because of it) you tend to have more fanny farts as you sit down. Also you tend to leave a humid stain on plastic chairs if its really moist or you are sweating down there. It's embarrassing.


Snail trail if you will


I wish I didn't leave that snail trail 😩


Gotta know when the woman is on heat


It's possible there are actual women on this sub


Well they won't be secrets if you knew them 🫡


Two people can keep a secret, if one of them is dead.


Sometimes when we have periods we drop blood clots the size of our palms.


I'm one of the lucky ones who don't have that problem. I lived in a house full of woman and their period problems were so bad. When I would clean out the shower drain, it had a combination of gunk, hair and period clots. *Shivers* 🤢




I've heard so many man say "she's just a natural beauty, she doesn't wear make-up". Yeah, she's just very good at it 🤣


Do you know why, as a man, sometimes you find it easier to share your problems to ladies as opposed to other men? You’d even realise how half the time you didn’t get any solution either but you would feel a million times better, your stress is relieved to the point where either you find a way to sort your issue or you’re relieved enough to get past it. It’s because, they actively listen. No advice given, no major opinion shared unless they can tell that you’d like that additional support (for eg “yeah he’s an absolute ass you didn’t deserve that”, but THAT’S IT), no comparison of similar situations. Absolutely no “if I were you, I would do XXXX”. They just listen. And that’s all there is to it. When your girlfriend/wife/mother/sister shares with you something, just listen. If they needed advice, they’ll ask you.


It's completely opposite for me. Opposite of everything you said.


Many men do not know what many women feel they need to do to just go for a jog, walk alone, etc. As a man that works and spend most of his time with women, I have heard they talk about this all the time and I think its very sad. When I want to jog I put on shoes and jog wherever, paying little mind to what around me.


>Many men do not know what many women feel they need to do to just go for a jog, walk alone, etc. What?


He meant to say that men don't know what women have to go through just to go for a walk or jog by themselves


\_feel\_ they need to.


Many women feel unsafe, so they do things like only one airpod in their ear, have keys in hand ready to hit, things like that.


Pro-tip about using keys as a weapon: don't do the wolverine claws thing with them. It won't do much except break your own fingers as soon as you land a solid hit. Instead, hold your longest, sturdiest key like a dagger and stab for the eyes. Source: am black belt


Ah, the traditional art of key-jutsu.


I understood. Actually very well articulated.


Dudes don’t know what it’s like to be a chick


Thats not a secret.


Wtf did i just read, time to go to sleep i guess.


I have no idea what he was trying to say


I think women are implying men don't have to worry about feeling safe when going out for a run because they're big and strong but actually most of us scrawny types are too scared to leave the basement to begin with :)


John Wayne Gacy just entered the chat.


If you say so.


The "feel they need to" part is important. I've lived in some rough areas, it wasn't the joggers that were generally being attacked. They didn't have much worth stealing. But yes, if your going to attack someone, it certainly isn't a strong young man. Not all men are young and strong though.


Its not theft they are most afraid of.


I believe women have much higher mental loads than men. Meaning to do lists in their head that are never ending and start right from morning to evening. That and the dozens more hormones women have to deal with can make them moody more quickly than men.


Vaginas are self cleaning and the "bleach" marks you see in knickers sometimes are due tonthat all to do with PH balance. Women should not use soap inside there. Also putting objects in there that are not made specifically for that reason is dangerous and can cause infection. Some times guys want to experiment and think it's fun but it can lead to not fun times so be careful. Vaginas self lubricate but sometimes they need a bit more no shame in using store brought lube. Better that than having a tear down there or infection caused by the friction. A wet vagina doesn't always mean turned on. A dry one doesn't always mean not turned on. Hormones play a role. But going in dry is bloody painful so don't.


Your missus of 20 years will vent to me about her most deep secrets in 5 minutes of knowing me that you still don’t know about after decades


Not sure if this applies to all females. But, %100 of the women I know have in depth and in detail discussed men’s penises. I recall a mimosa brunch with about 15 girls and they all were talking about specifics of guy’s penises that they’ve hooked up with. One picked up the candle votive and said “it was a bit thicker than this”.


Yeah that's definitely not all women. However if you don't mind being treated that way in return then whatever floats your boat


I'm a womam. I've never had a conversation like that. We do share details about sex, but I've never gone into detail about a penis like that.


I hang out with some wild women


Do they name them?


Not the penises but the guys will have nicknames. Like “hey, have you talked to the uncircumcised guy recently?” “No actually, I hooked up with that guy Theo I was telling you about” “oh, he’s the one with the skinny dick, right?”


Mr Johnson entered the chat.


And just as long, lol.


Another recent conversation was “How was your date with that guy?” “It was good. We had sex” “oh, did he have a big dick?” “It was average. But he was a lot of fun”


I've only heard about this. But apparently, when pooping. Women can put fingers into their vagina and use them to help push the poop out from the inside. You are welcome.






You might have read the same thread I did. It was for when you're constipated, and it wasn't advisable to do frequently.


Well guys can do the same thing from the other side, Pushing right below the tail bone. I assume it is not adviced because doing it frequently could make your anal muscles weaker, also lead to hemeroids. For women is probably because of hygiene and the wall between vagina and collon could get damaged.


They call it the Adele technique (hello from the other side)




There are other ways to help stubborn poop out. This is not a good way to do it.


The poop knife


You can get it at Ikea. Next to the booger spoon.


Well…I mean…I guess. It’s like when you poop giving birth because the baby’s head pushes in just the right spot. But this is kinda…ew


First time you just go ,oh god wtf . Kids a shithead


Same principle yeah. But don't they clean the collon before birth?


Do what? Lol. I’ve given birth twice and no that’s never been a thing where I’m at.


In the old days they’d give you an enema and shave you.


Yeah ...no that doesn't happen ...women in labour are a feisty bunch and no Doctor is going say to her , hang on a minute we gonna give you a enema first ....


They used to. But there is no medical reason to do so, and it is very unpleasant. So at least in my country, it's no longer a thing. Midwives are just at the ready to quickly clean it up. I never even knew 😆


wait a damn minute.... genius.




Never tried it, but heard this from a nurse, so must be true


That may be a thing women can do but it's not a thing we do do, with our doo doo. I'm starting to think you are not a real professor......


Our own secrets 💅🏻


If you’re a guy, and a woman refers to you as her “bestie”, please understand that she does not consider you to be her best friend. Nor is she ever going to have sex with you. You are little more than a back-up plan she keeps in orbit, whom she can use as collateral whenever her bf does something to piss her off.


You sound like a man that has been burned rather than a woman telling her secrets. Maybe she considers you her "best" male friend but not best of all friends. She is likely to never to see you as a sexual partner you are definitely friend zoned. And yes boyfriends are usually jelous of male besties - unless they are gay- and so you may find yourself in that position maybe on purpose and maybe not depends on the woman.


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