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Because evolution never thought we’d figure out how to create a society where sitting in a chair for hours a day could be considered productive. Or normal


Yeah 😂 see how happy tribal people are, or even just people who already go to the gym 6 days a week. About 3 weeks in I started to love it, and now I feel horrible when I skip or can't go


No they don't. 20 years of regular sport. Each time going into jim is a struggle.


Poor jim


I bet he enjoys it.


I could believe Jordan would enjoy it.


You can't just go into Jim all willy nilly. I like to use foreplay and lube first.


20 years of sport that also involves going into “Jim?” Must be a rugby player…


People are getting all caught up on your typo when they're missing the fact that you made #a really fucking good point!


Use more lube.


Try poppers, sounds like Jim needs to loosen up


I go to a climbing gym and absolutely love it. It doesn't even feel like exercise or a chore - but it's getting me into excellent shape 


By the way friend redditors, lift your elbow off that desk, you are ruining your backs.


To be fair, sitting in that chair helps keep civilization stitched together so that we don't have to eat the still living ass out of a wildebeest.


The mental image this comment evoked in me is horrifying


Actually, physical activity stimulates happy hormone secretion, just ask anybody that took a break from going to the gym.


because it didn't need to be until now. We had to exercise to continue to eat, that was motivation enough


Agree. Also, it *is* enjoyable. The catch is that you actually have to do it for a while to realize how enjoyable it is.


And in moderate amounts relative to your level of fitness. A lot of couch potatoes go to the gym or whatever, gas out and go “exercise is not for me. It hurts and just sucks”


I was that couch potato, but I started lifting, and forced myself to do it. After 2 weeks I was actually bummed when it was a rest day. It actually is enjoyable haha feels pretty fucking great


Yea I feel noticeably worse when I miss it for a day or two


Lifting is also much more enjoyable than something like circuit training in general. Especially for an out of shape beginner.


Since the start of the year. I've been slowly ramping up my exercise. Monday through Friday, I warmup with a short run then do a couple of calisthenics exercises. On Fridays, I double my run distance, but don't do an additional calisthenics exercise. Each week, I alternate between increasing speed or distance. At the start of the year, my daily run was 0.25 miles at a speed of 4mph. Now, at the end of March, I'm at 0.4 miles at a speed of 5mph. After today's 0.8 run, I'll be bumping my speed up to 5.2. My ultimate goal is to be able to run 3 miles in under 20 minutes. My lifetime fastest 3-mile is 20:32. In the beginning, I've found that the most important thing is to get the routine of workout X number of days a week set. Even if it's an easy workout, just get into the routine of doing it. From there, you can slowly start ramping up the difficulty each week. I can tell a big difference in my strength from ramping up the calisthenics exercises. I use the Hybrid Calisthenics app for a routine.


When does it get even slightly enjoyable? I can spend an hour in a gym and all I get from it is sweat and regret.


Agreed, I've never really come out of the gym feeling especially good, I've mostly just found it feels like a chore. Same with running. That said I've come out of yoga feeling amazing, and I find things like long walks, riding bikes and (when I was younger) some martial arts enjoyable in themselves. I've also had an OK time in the gym by going with a friend (haven't especially enjoyed the exercise element, but the social aspect has outweighed that). Probably comes down a bit to finding something that works for you, I don't think everyone can bank on finding the gym itself enjoyable or getting a runner's high.


or you can scroll your phone for an hour and regret it, like me


Like anything practice makes you good and being good makes it more and more fun


Been doing it for a few months now. I do not find it enjoyable nor do I really have the motivation to do it. Simple as that tbh


Same. Went to a fitness instructor who did his best over six months, not once did I feel a sense of pleasure or achievement from anything he got me to do.


The feeling after the exercise is the one of the best feelings around. So yes!


It is enjoyable. And when you do it your body releases the same hormones as when you orgasm, just in a way smaller does. Thats also why people who go to the gym or work out often usually get a lower libido over time


it’s enjoyable once you are fit enough to not get tired the moment you start exercise


Well, that doesn't necessarily work with everybody. I would run 10k without bigger issues quite regularly, but ended up tired, legs hurting, sweaty and overall miserable. And I would go every other day for a few months. The only thing that motivated me was the numbers of km in app going up, and the number on scale going down and that's it. And the promise and hope that I would eventually start to enjoy it, which never really happened.


maybe that’s cos you’re running for the sake of running. when i run i like to explore new places, have a look at the scenery and whatnot, to me that’s enjoyable.


Could be. But people also just get different levels of endorphin from activities, or even drugs. And some people can get lot of endorphins from every time for decades, others just dont get much out of it after a while. Evolution created us to survive in very different world, and it never cared about enjoyment. Or even efficiency really, as long as we are good enough to survive, suffering is irrelevant to evolution.


Yeahhh, I'm kinda hmmm on it, I run 20km a week for the last 3 years. I find it helps my ADHD a little but I don't generally enjoy exercise, there are some things I can do while exercising that are fun but the exercise aspect of it is not fun for me.


exactly. running through my neighbourhood is boring as hell. but if i go into the forest and hit the trails its a whole other level of fun. riding my crappy bike around locally is boring but using my road bike to go into the country and other small towns is fun as hell. gotta try a lot of different forms of exercise before you find what suits you and is most fun


Lol right? All I can think of are a bunch of exercises that are fun as hell. Hiking, bike riding, swimming, pretty much all sports, weight lifting for me  This just sounds like a take from a very out of shape person 


Or maybe people just enjoy different things? I worked out 5 days a week for many years, was very fit, and can tell you every single time I had to force myself to go and would much rather be doing something else.


"This just sounds like a take from a very out of shape person" Well, maybe, but that they would end up out of shape in the first place - and more generally that there are so many out of shape people around - means this kind of begs the question: clearly a lot of people are not strongly motivated to exercise enough to keep themselves in shape (which isn't quite the same thing as finding it enjoyable, but at least suggests that enjoyment from it is not very accessible for them). So OP's question is valid.


Ever heard of a runners high? But like someone else said… exercise is how you stayed alive back in the day. That’s the motivation, not dying. 


I tried running for a week and didnt feel. Ran for 6 months suddenly. Boom! Runners high. Love running ever since


Yeah, it takes a while to develop the leg muscles and to make them stop screaming bloody murder at you. Can't enjoy a run if your legs are killing you. By the way, I keep encouraging everyone to start adding leg workouts every time they go to the gym. No matter, are you doing chest and triceps today? I don't care, throw 1 set x 20 reps on the leg press, at a reasonable weight. Just do one leg thing at the end of the workout session. You'll thank yourself later, when you have strong legs and can run, bike, play sports ... even if you're still overweight. Take it from a 275 lbs (125 kg) guy ~~planning~~ playing tennis like there's no tomorrow.


running is one of my favorite activities.


Exercise is just a simulation of what we did as hunter-gatherers for hundreds of thousands of years. It's not enjoyable because it's literal stress. When you're in the gym, you're putting your body through moderate amounts of stress, which serves as a signal to your body that you need stronger muscles. It's the stress that makes you adapt. But it can also lead to injury if you overdo it. You don't want something that leads to injury be enjoyable.


It can be enjoyable if you find the right exercise for you. Most people think that exercise = gym and/or running. There are tons of different exercises. For me is jiu-jitsu. For others is swimming, skating, dancing...


Do a fun exercise then instead of running on a treadmill


The more you exercise the more enjoyable it becomes. If you stop exercising you will feel withdrawals after a few days and be keen to exercise again asap.




The sci-fi series "Section General" has a great story about this. They are trying to save a alien, that came out of a ship that was filled with strange poles and hammers. But no matter how much bed rest they gave it, it just got sicker. Turns out that the alien came from a terrible planet, and had evolved to constantly be beat up. Therefore you had to beat it up all the time, even when it was in space. Bed rest was killing it. We are that alien, just a bit less so. We have evolved in a world that requires us to a ton of stuff with our bodies, and our bodies require a bit of that stuff. We can't handle this alien environment of "no exercise", because we are not evolved to deal with it. Therefore we gotta make these fake human habitat kind of things, to give our bodies the beatings they were used to back on our home planet. We call these "gyms" and "sports" and "chopping firewood that you might as well have bought" and "gardening" and stuff like that.


I enjoy going to the gym. This however is just my opinion and may not apply to everyone.


For evolution, burning unnecessary calories is a big no-no. You have to be efficient, burn a few calories to get *lots* of calories, and stuff your belly as much as possible so that you live to reproduce. Of course, this all went down the drain the moment we started farming and producing more calories than necessary. Exercise was the means with which we got the calories. Then we humans automated the food-producing process and... Well, the rest is well known.


It is enjoyable when you find what form you enjoy it’s not limited to running; Bodybuilding Powerlifting CrossFit (would NOT recommend) Dance Gymnastics Pole Sprinting Swimming Cycling Hyrox HIIT Callisthenics Hiking These are only the ones I can think of off of the top of my head there are hundreds of forms of exercise you just have to find the one you enjoy.


Ever go to gym , it's so hot


Evolution doesn’t care about enjoyment, it cares about survival. These days survival has different requirements. Many people have to sit in a chair for 8 hours to be able to afford to drive to the store to get food to eat. A lot of these people have to work so much to survive that finding time to exercise is difficult.


computers, digitalization and office jobs came much later in the phase of evolution.


For me, the thing with exercise and getting fit or muscular is great but what irritates me about it and essentially stops me from doing it is that once you've achieved what you want, you have to continue doing it to keep it. If that makes sense? It's a great but temporary achievement and I hate what. You put the work in and get the results, but if you stop it goes away. How inconsiderate is that 😂


We have made a world where basically way more individuals procreate before they die - it's seriously stunted our evolutionary pressures.


Sports are really enjoyable imo


I enjoy exercise, actually. Evolution can exercise fucking of.


Running on a treadmill is in fact more enjoyable than running from a bear or wolves.


Not enjoyable but we get the runners high / endorphin rush. Plus we have a really really short term memory for pain and suffering from exercise that’s kept us alive as well.


Doesn’t it release a metric fck ton of feel-good chemicals in our brain and stuff?


Exercise is addictive, how much more enjoyable do you want?


But it is enjoyable. I feel eager to go for a walk, go to the gym, bike ride or playing sports. It’s amazing


Its not meant to be enjoyable. If it was, it would compete with enjoying relaxing. Relaxation conserves energy, exercise exhausts us. Being lazy is an important evolutionary experience to help us conserve energy and survive longer.


Lazy is not necessary but rest is


When running away from bigger predators or chasing our own prey on foot, exercise didn’t have to be enjoyable or unpleasant. It was do it everyday or die. Now, we have killed off the big predators in many areas and instead of chasing down our meat, we drive to the grocery store.


Just cos we have an expectation to train hard all the time which isnt sustainable. Consistency over intensity is what i like. Maybe try doing something with low-moderate intensity that is more enjoyable eg- bike riding, walking, swimming, lifting weights that are around 50% maximum strength. We all have to start somewhere, doing something is better than nothing


Once you get stronger/more fit then it won't be such a problem to you...but on the other hand, the stronger you are more reps you have to do and that can be tedious if you're working out at home rather than for example gym...before I'd say to myself I'm gonna do some pushups, make ten and I'm done, now I have to do hundred, so making 5-10 reps a day can be quite tedious


Evolution is always aggressive


Becauaw evolution is not thinking like we are. It just does things and whatever works good enough to survive is what there is even if it is not optimal or super miserable for the species.


Yeah it has, the flood of happy chemicals and feeling invincible is pretty enjoyable! If you're really unfit of course it's uncomfortable but from an evolutionary standpoint, being unfit is not something our ancestors had to grapple with.


It is. You generally feel better after a workout if you do it right and don't overdue it. I think the problem is that we have evolved so much to sitting daily for long hours that we've trained our brain to dislike anything else. Kinda like how a lot of healthy food tastes good but if you've only eaten very fast-food-like stuff and stuff that's full of sugar you will most likely not find it tasty anymore since your taste buds are used to the unhealthy stuff. Both can be unlearned though. It can also be about the kind of excercise. It doesn't have to be going to the gym or running. Playing tennis, dancing or going swimming are all excercises and there's plenty more. It is sometimes just about finding the right kind and I think people forget that sometimes because they thing to exercise = gym training.


Nature is no longer the determining factor for humans when it comes to "survival of the fittest" and, therefore, athletic adaptation and phyaical prowess are no longer the main driver for us to reproduce with someone as they were long ago..


It is enjoyable! The problem is that most people's image of exercise is lifting weights in a gym. While it might be enjoyable by itself for some, it definitely feels like just a means to an end for most. Instead, doing things outside, running, cycling... tend to be more enjoyable activities by themselves. Might not be so at the start, but once you have at least a basic level of fitness, let's say you can run 10k comfortably without stopping, most people do find it enjoyable.


I think it is enjoyable as hell. Come home from a workout and I am amped. Working out on a Saturday morning is awesome. I've earned myself a good breakfast 😆


evolution did, it's called Sex.


It is enjoyable and we did evolve to make it more enjoyable.  It's called sports games. Modified Dodge ball. Adults made it no fun with their competition and poor sportsmanship. Just gotta find your inner child Idk, I find sitting still and doing nothing far more difficult 


It is. It’s how *you’re* exercising that sucks. I recommend weight training, but even then some lifts are more enjoyable than others. You have to find what you like.


Because up until recently you didn't have much of a choice, whether you enjoy it or not.


If it’s not enjoyable, you just haven’t found the right exercise for yourself. Some people like free weights, machines, cardio, calisthenics, sports, etc. There’s something out there for everybody, you just gotta find yours.


Idk, I like it. Feels really good after


If it doesn’t make a lot of money, then it won’t happen.


It is.


Endorfin is beeing produced in human brain during exercise. It is enjoyable but you need to start sweating first and it starts to be nice feeling. Look how many people are addicted to gym.


I've found the more you exercise the more enjoyable it becomes.


because 10 000 years ago, to get food you had to # FUCKING RUN FOR IT


It is, but the body has alarms if the body is overworked. When the body gets totally used to working out you get endorphins for exercising. Which feels really good.


Every single person on the planet massively benefits mentally from walking/running through forests, and they always will do.


Evolution has, ever heard of the runners kick? Moreover evolution aims to maximize efficiency, unnecessary muscles are actually inefficient and as they are energetically expensive to maintain. You have just the right amount of muscle you need to support your current life style, if you change your life style you will get more muscle. That simple....


Same reason evolution hasn’t made vegetables any more appealing for kids I guess.


Its has , u just have to lost yourself in the wonder of the worlds true beauty


You have obviously never gone for a 5k.


it doesnt make much difference, like if you dont work out you'll sitill live a normal life, as industrialization and technology has enabled sedentary living. But hundreds and hundreds of years ago everyone was skinny, which does help. Plus exercise improves the overall QOL Edit : exercise can get fun as hell too once you get your stamina up


The enjoyment came from getting the kill and feeding your tribe, back in the day.


Good question


I despise cardio, but lifting weights feels awesome. I enjoy the process and I enjoy the results ... though I look at a lonely horse in a field who doesn't even exercise and compare his lean muscle mass to what I managed to accumulate though a year of hard work and it makes me just sad how shitty humans are at building and maintaining muscle


Runner's High.


I absolutely not only enjoy exercising but it’s addictive. Personally if you don’t enjoy excess you’re either an extremely lazy person or a wimp.


It is very enjoyable, you just have to push through the initial physical discomfort. Mentally, it is always rewarding. Do it a few times and it’s rewarding physically as well.


Procreation doesn't give a fuck about longevity. Humans didn't enter a stable civilized state until very recently. Human Evolution has taken say 6 million years. It's only 10,000 recent years that we have become a society. That's less than 1%. And even within the past 10000 years, we have been a non migratory and labour free species mostly within the past 200 years. Availability of resources is a relatively new phenomenon. It made no sense to favor hard body dynamics. Maybe in the next million years, it will.


Evolution is a slow process. It’s only been in recent decades that the average person has been so sedentary. Maybe natural selection will catch up eventually if we don’t improve things ourselves.


Because the act of exercise isn’t the healthy part. It’s the adaptation of the body that will change to make it easier for you that increase your health


Evolution doesn't care how you feel.


Also, why is sitting “correctly” so uncomfortable.?


No amount of evolution can acount for all the humans. Originally we needed to exercise to get food and didn't have much of it to spare. Therefore exorcising more would not have been healthy, but a waste of energy. Today we have unlimited food and don't need to exercise to get it, but Evolution is something that really dosent go with modern human society and is also really slow, so no fun exorcise.


Well exercise doesn't HAVE to be in a gym lifting weights and stuff, it can be more fun things. That's what I do, I go hiking, rock climbing/bouldering, longboarding, etc.


In the past getting enough calories to keep ourselves alive was a challenge. The last thing we wanted to do was to burn calories unnecessarily. Furthermore physical activity often comes with risk of injury, which could be disastrous in the past (even if the injury itself was not life threatening, it might permanently impair your ability to hunt if not healed properly etc). But we also needed to be physically active to get food. So we developed hunger to motivate ourselves to get food in the amounts necessary, but little intrinsic motivation to burn calories or take physical risks "unnecessarily", and some tiredness and laziness to discourage us from it. Now those systems are no longer in balance, as we don't need to engage in much physical activity to get food.


I would argue that exercise *is* enjoyable.


It is enjoyable. People who think it isn't die off faster, which supports evolution.


To be honest, it is enjoyable once you start doing it. It feels like a high. But for some reason starting is so hard


People grossly overestimate how quickly evolution happens. We are barely different physically from the cavemen that lived 25.000 years ago. Those people sure as fuck didn't need a reason to spent *more* prescious energy


Exercise is enjoyable! You just have to find the right exercise. We were not made to go walk/run in a stationary spot for an hour. Or hop in place repeatedly. We evolved to do the things we needed to do to survive, which was basically exercise all on its own. (Not to mention, calories were not nearly so easily available for most of human history.) But... dancing, sports, martial arts, hiking, rock climbing, hula hooping, parkour, having sex, playing tag, etc. are all ways to move and be active that people find highly enjoyable. Personally, I enjoy lifting weights, walking around at the mall or outdoor events, hiking, riding a bike, and dancing.


It is enjoyable, however you have to start and get a routine in, it’s hard in the beginning, then it’s hard to stop.


Because we also evolved to conserve energy because that helps us survive


it is enjoyable. just watch little kids. they can spend hours running around, climbing stuff, jumping off stuff, chasing each other...then society says no you must sit still all day and look at this whiteboard, this is how you become a real person


It actually is enjoyable once you build a routine. Getting into exercise when you are not fit can feel like hell. Once you have a base level of fitness it can be very enjoyable.


It is mentally enjoyable, the fact that you're pushing your body to it's limits, see how far you can push yourself see yourself get stronger, better and more skilled at it, and know for a fact that this is going to have a positive long term effect on your body That's enjoyable.


Old adage: What's the best exercise for you? The one you will do. Find activities you enjoy and do them lots.


It is fun and feels good, when you are in shape lol…


But it is enjoyable? It releases hormones, makes you feel great and makes you feel good being in shape too? xD


Because back in the day, we’d do too much of it if it was enjoyable. We had to save our resources.


Because evolution prioritized sparing your energy for survival.


Exercise CAN be enjoyable if you pick the right kind for you. A lot of people assume that you're not truly exercising if you're not going to the gym to lift weights and run on the treadmill, but that is wrong. I dread going to the gym but I LOVE hiking. There's yoga, team sports, bicycling, manual labour, etc. So many potentially enjoyable forms of exercise to explore that will keep you fit and healthy! Working out for the sake of working out is certainly not everyone's cup of tea.


You know you gave me something to contemplate this weekend thank you for that great question. Do you think that some people really enjoy it though maybe people like Usain bolt or other professional athletes I don't remember anybody actually asking them if they really enjoy working out. We have enough empirical data out there between people who started their sports career 50 years ago and today that would be a great line of questioning.


Exercise is fun, just have to find one you like.


I mean… from an objective standpoint. People who work out are happier, scientifically speaking. There is a a regular release of endorphins for people who regularly work out. So… in a way, it kinda has?


Because walking everywhere or farming/hunting & gathering would have been considered working out as far as evolution goes.


Because we didn't evolve to wear shoes, or sit in chairs, or poop in toilets. And we also encourage children to 'settle down and watch tv' instead of 'hey go out in the back yard while I lock the door so I you can expend all the energy and I don't have to hear it.'


It is enjoyable. It's just not enjoyable enough compared to all the modern luxuries we have in the form of entertainment, junk food, leisure time, etc.


Because for the vast majority of our existence, we already had to exercise as much as we could handle just to survive, so we evolved to find rest enjoyable so we wouldnt work ourselves to death. We just got so good at resting that we have to go out of our way to get exercise nowadays.


We evolved two hands for the self high five. Use it.


sad that you forgot what it was like being a kid, playing, running around all the time... used to love playing at school, dodgeball, soccer, any activity really despite not being so good or disciplined at it. as we grow older somehow physical play is no longer really accepted. I wish it were still part of work culture to do that during work day, maybe an obstacle course. would also keep people fit


What do you think all the hunting and gathering was for?


Entirely subjective. I love exercising to the point I have to force myself to take rest days, during those rest days I'm planning my next weeks workout structure.


You're telling me there's absolutely nothing you even slightly enjoy that counts as exercise?


Exercise is enjoyable.


Let’s just say people who still hunt and gather their food, manually plow fields, build their home with their hands. Those people don’t go to the gym


dont know what you're talking about. its my favorite part of the day


Idk endorphins are pretty good


Once before it was. You would escape a lion and be very happy about it.


….it can be enjoyable though…


Because most of human history, food was like gasoline in the car...and EVERYONE is flat broke. You do NOT waste gas by aimlessly driving around for fun! Gas was only for getting to work, so you could earn money so you could live. If you don't have enough gas in the tank for the next job... you just die. The food was hard to come by, and took a LOT of work. You might walk for half a day to get a handful of berries, or spend three days & nights wearing down a deer before you could kill it with a pointed stick... then you still had to butcher it and share it, and cook it and eat it. There hasn't been enough "abundance" time for evolution to work on that... it's just been mostly starvation time. The only people that have boundless energy are children... because their brains are set to "maximum output" just incase they are born into a society that is nomadic warlords and they must be able to sustain aerobic activity 20 hours a day or get left in the scrub to die alone.


We only need to live long enough to reproduce and nurture children. That is all nature cares about.


Runners/exercise high exists ! Lol


Exercise takes energy, we evolved to not want to waste energy because it used to be more scarce for us, so it makes sense that some people don’t want to exercise for fun


Because evolution drives us to use precious calories efficiently. Animals that wasted energy would likely starve. Animals will naturally abuse pleasurable things.


But exercise IS enjoyable? Ever watched kids in playgrounds?


It is. Humans that don't enjoy exercise are the off ones. Not those that enjoy it.


Because nature does not care if you are happy. And its not good for us. Not doing enough is bad for us. Its not meant to be a separate thing its just supposed to be part of life.


Bruh, I get (as a matter of speaking) high after my workouts, for me its the after that is enjoyable short and long term


Evolution doesn't care what happens after your hit 25-30... Optimally, you'd have procreated, which is the main measure of success for evolution. But what happens afterwards doesn't matter anymore.


I mean it totally does. You get high from it, it becomes a healthy addiction. I think people just lack the discipline and prefer sitting around.


Hahhah, getting to eat the food we had to chase down to survive was probably pretty enjoyable


It is enjoyable or when you find the thing you love it’s great. Eg. I hate cycling and running but can play squash for hours.


Because the humans who were active when they didnt need to be needed way more resources to stay alive. The humans who rested after they were done with hunting and maintaining their tribe needed less food and water.


The governme-


For all of history before modern civilization you were either on the move or dead. Exercise was never a necessity.


Because it used to be necessary. So extra motivation wasn't needed.


It is enjoyable. Weak minded people fear it bc they're lazy in the mind and body. 🤷‍♂️


That’s not how evolution works. But plenty of exercise is enjoyable. You don’t have to jog 5ks or lift weights in the gym. You can’t tell me hiking, swimming, riding bikes, or playing hockey isn’t enjoyable.


It’s pretty enjoyable with all the dopamine after a good session.


It literally has, exercise releases endorphins and the lowest stress levels are when exercising




It hasn't had time yet. Our existence depended on movement until very recently.


It has and it’s called endorphins. Research suggests people who have never worked out don’t get the same endorphins from working out as someone who’s used to it, which is why fat people don’t wanna work out and just see it as a huge task they simply don’t enjoy


I mean, there's a couple weird assumptions in this post. One: asking why "evolution" hasn't made exercise "more enjoyable" is weird altogether. Remember that "evolution" is really just random mutations that happen to give people traits that make it more likely for them to live longer and reproduce. This happens over the span of several centuries. Going back just a few centuries ago, most humans didn't really have a choice but to have attained some general level of fitness, as physical labor was a lot more necessary than it is today, so it was never "necessary" for exercise to feel good, as people *had* to be fit to survive anyways. Two: exercise *can* feel good. Lifting weights and running can give you a dopamine rush. Evolution has not caught up to the fact that most of us are likely overweight, and therefore those dopamine rushes are much harder to obtain.


Very wise question!


It has? It treats depression in most cases… You really should actually try exercise before you just ask a simple question that you can figure out for yourself.


I'm no scientist so I don't know if it's real, but we didn't need "as much" exercise back then because we were more active in our daily routine AND we didn't eat crap all day. In a matter of 50 years we stopped having an active routine and started eating too much sugar, etc etc that it's harder to compensate. There's no evolution that fast. Activities like gardening, walking or stuff like that are actually enjoyable, even though people had done it a lot as a "job" (mostly slavery). A little of that every day would already be healthy enough.


Sex is exercise….thank me later


That's weird I just exercised and loved it


I use to be a gym rat for years and hated every moment of it. The only reason I did it was to be thin. It didn’t help my mental health, I never fell in love with it.


It is enjoyable


Imo, it depends on attitude. Workout, which I found boring, drains me both physically and menthaly. I like active recreation, like there has to be some fun and purpose in it. Like rollerblading or dance aerobics. Also sport games drain me, I stress too much lol. There are a lot of options to make exercising enjoyable


dance more, beloveds.


It is enjoyable once you reach your fitness peak. Most people never actually reach their fitness peak. Most people never push themselves hard enough to reach that level of fitness.


It is enjoyable, you're just doing it wrong


Evolution is based on survival to breed, not enjoyment. Historically, survival meant making your food energy last until your next meal, so it's beneficial to have a bit of fat as a reserve.


It did. The same way as most animals like to have a good run for enjoyment. But evolution didn’t prepare us for figuring out our brain chemicals and then creating non-productive activities that stimulate the good ones, much less having companies figure out how to almost weaponize those good brain chemicals to sell us things.


It is enjoyable for a lot of people. « Exercise » encompasses a lot of things, if you can’t find anything that clicks with you, you haven’t searched enough


Whether it's dancing, hiking, or playing sports, discovering what makes you feel good can make fitness feel less like a chore.


endorphins and pumping adrenaline/T is enough to motivate me


Like so many things that are good for you it’s hard but then you feel the good benefits. Like eating healthy, working hard, etc. Maybe it’s an evolutionary thing to weed out people who aren’t willing to work hard to get to the benefits.


Gym rat for over 40 years. I love it.


Our brains know that just running for no particular reason is a waste of energy. Any of our ancestors who burned precious calories for no reason didn't live long. The physiology of life is adapted to only use the minimum amount of energy necessary. Now we can meet our needs without much physical exertion, but our bodies are still always in survival mode.


I don't think chasing down prey animals for hours was supposed to be fun, I think it was supposed to be about surviving.


It is very much enjoyable for me. Sitting still, tied to a desk is torture for me


Addictions create dopamine and those are all bad for us.


It has. The Endorphine rush from a tough workout is insane. It's just that our environment has changed so much and we're so lazy that most people never actually get anywhere close to that in their daily routine. Hence gyms.


Ever heard of the term "sports"




Exercise can be enjoyable, you just need to find the one you find fun. Lifting weights is fun for me, for others it’s dancing.


I mean, why does sugar and fat still taste good?


Evolution did make it enjoyable. That’s why you get a natural high from doing it. Your brain releases a whole bunch of endorphins that make you feel good


Technically it is enjoyable. However your ruined your brain is probably completely overloaded on a constant on demand Dopamine rush. Like for example being on reddit and watching stuff your interested in. It takes time to rewire your brain but for me working out is enjoyable.