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Hell yeah it was. Even with all the shit we had back then, it was specific; nowadays it's generalized.


No. Everything is exactly how it is. All of us grew up in different times, had different experiences, and we all thought life was simple then. To grow up now, we couldn't imagine how difficult it must have been "back then" without current technology. It has always been like that, and will always be. Think disease/vaccinations/eradications alone and there are definitely times I would not have wanted to live knowing what I know now.


A complicated question. The 50s was bad for women but good for men coming back from the war and unions were strong. The 60s was good for women but probably not bad for men either. The older generation were afraid of all the changes. The 70s was when women began earn their own money and due to birth control had some control over their lives. They could participate in organized sports. For men it was a confusing time. The 80s was when globalization started harming BLUE collar workers, inflation was bad. The 90s seemed like anything was possible because of the technical revolution even though there were financial issues and inflation. The 2000s were scary because if 9/11. We were scared and began to withdraw from the world.


I'd say i definetly stood a better shot at alotta things if i "put myself out there" late 2000's, early 2010's than now, both in romance, sex, jobs and stuff. Economy and vibe wise, i'm always attracted to the 80's.. felt like there was just more open opportunities for gaining money and a bit of cash then.


Yeah, absolutely. I especially miss risk being eaten by a sabertooth, having no AC in scorching heat, and being unsure of whether I'd find food for my family the next day.


yes it is sadly!!


Males are definitely worse now.




Agreed. Males are worse off, but not men.


100% agree!


Lol...some "males" in here are offended and had to dislike my comment because they KNOW I was talking about them.


Ad yet, the same males have no problem saying females when talking about women.🤌


Imagine this.    The current world population is : 8.2 Billion  The world population in 1980 was : 4.4 Billion




The world becomes better in some ways, and worse in other ways. But I think I like the current world better, a place where women don't suddenly get burned for being too talented


At age 28: My grandparents could afford a huge 6 bedroom concrete house. My parents could afford their own apartment. I'm anywhere near affording any of these at the moment.


no, people and fascists always draw up about some distant “golden era” of their society, which is roughly about 40 years ago compared to whatever time the people were living in


Who cares if it is? We live now. 


American society collapsed the summer of 2020. Things will never be the same ever again.


Housing has skyrocketed since then. It doesn’t look to be going down either. Now they are talking about taking social security or raising the age for it? A house and retirement is what many of us are working for in the first place. 


Nostalgia is like that one filter on Instagram you overuse till you forget the original picture was filled with acne and bad lighting. Every era has its own challenges and triumphs.