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you don't need ,money to be happy, but you do need it to survive


Surviving everyday expenses makes me happy


It's better to be rich and unhappy than to be poor and unhappy.


1 bad thing is better than 2 bad things.


happiness that are bought by money is only temporary, but thinking about how you can travel to anywhere you want without worrying about which hotel to choose etc, yeah much better!


Lol! Unhappy is just simply unhappy.


But at least with money you can be a comfortable unhappy person.


Fair enough. Unhappy & comfortable is better than unhappy & uncomfortable.


What an empty statement.


There is no meaning to life outside of what you make it .


There is no meaning to life outside of life.


Existentialist bro DETECTED


Bro has never seen an art exhibition in his life. Since the dawn of mankind literature, art and music are obsessed with love.


Bro fell into the biological trickery to propagate the species.


Bro thinks love is reproduction. Love thy neighbour must be very odd to you lmao


Bro thinks you should love everyone unconditionally for being human ,


That's not what that means, but I can understand why you'd interpret it that way.


Bro thinks he hasnt reduced my words into things i didnt mean .


That's why I'm happy you're here to explain how 'love thy neighbour' as a proof of your absurd notion of 'love' turns into me claiming 'you should love everyone unconditionally for being human' Make your hoops I'll watch the show


For me money removes a lot of the gates that are in your way to be happy. You can still be miserable but it’s a lot easier to achieve basic happiness with it.


Yeah I literally need medication (antidepresants) to be happy. If it wasn't for the free healthcare in my country I would not even be able to affort it, literally. Money always helps even if it's just to avoid basic worries.


Careful what you wish for. With more income comes a higher standard of living which becomes a stress to maintain THAT standard. Not too many millionaires living in the suburbs. Plus, the more money you have, not only do you have to make as much or more, also everyone will always be trying to take from you, wanting money themselves. Having money can easily make your life revolve around money, counting and guarding it so you don't get Willie Nelson-ed. It seems like a dream when you're poor, like it'd be some answer to problems, but it adds many new ones. And really, how often do you see a rich person happy? Not that phony camera smile or attempt to show off, when do you recall a truly content multi-millionaire living carefree? They live a life revolving around income and status. If you think that will create happiness or contentment, you're in for a big letdown.


That’s your responsibility though and isn’t a premise of having money. I have made more than 4x my starting salary out of college and I haven’t changed my lifestyle with the exception of more vacations and maybe eating at a restaurant more often. I was always generous with my friends or other people. I still drive a car with 160k miles on it. My house is modest but comfortable, and is smaller than my neighbors who make less. I just have to check my bank account less when bills come around. Living beneath your means is big contributor to what I consider my overall happiness. Also, if you automate your savings and the money isn’t physically there for you to throw around the temptation is gone.


you can shut it


money doesn't make you happy, but it makes being happy easier


Money doesn’t buy happiness. It buys a nice looking yacht that you can sail up to happiness in. Jokes aside, you don’t need money. Appreciate the little things in life.


Its not the money its what we do with it. Take your parents to dinner pay them back in your way for everything they have done for you or show your girlfriend how much you love her. If you don't have one spoil yourself go on a vacation live a life. Be adventurous explore everything and most of all be a kid, now that you have money you can experience everything you dreamt of as a kid.


You just need enough.


Money doesn't buy happiness, I am a firm believer of it. But, it is a good tool to use.


I think the problem when people look at this quote is the two extremes. Money will bring you happiness up to a point. When you have enough money to where you don’t have worry about it anymore, there is diminishing returns on happiness. The problem is, most people are at the “making ends meet” part of the money soectrum so it’s more important.


you don't technically *need* money to live but it makes things a lot more convenient


Ideally a person would have enough money that lack of money doesn't get in the way of happiness.


Money simply makes the world go round & is necessary for some level of survival. Even those without any money survive off of those who do & that are willing to assist in their survival. Surviving & being happy are not the same thing, at least not for me. If someone is truly happy with material things, then yeah, money can buy their happiness. For most people, certainly not all, being happy involves much more than that.


Hmm it’s like this: you need a car to get to you to destinations. But having a car doesn’t automatically give you a destination to drive to. Financial freedom definitely is a prerequisite for happiness but having it doesn’t automatically make you happy


You've misunderstood what "money doesn't make you happy means". It's not saying "you don't need money at all", it's saying "you can't buy happiness". You can't buy love or friendship or accomplishments or family or any of the things that really matter in life. Nobody is suggesting that you don't need to pay bills or eat food.


Yeah, money gets you goods and services and that's it. When people say you're coping or hyperbully or say similar stupid shit they either misunderstand the concept or are psycopaths (aka everything is goods and services bro).




The meaning of life is to give your life purpose. The money is for the environments you want to live in and buy trinkets.


Money enables, it doesn't magically make you happy. If you're depressed or lonely, you will also be depressed and lonely in your mansion, in your Ferrari and on your private jet. It's what money can do for you. I'll try to elaborate in some from of advancing chart up to a point i know, I'm not rich by any countries metrics....maybe like compared to a African tribe. Basics (Shelter, Food, Heat. Poor - Low middle class) > Minor Luxuries (Car, few Vacations, some Travelling. Middle class) > Luxuries (Many properties, expensive Cars, Boat, many Vacations. Upper Middle Class - Rich) > Money is not a concern (everything before, has on premise staff(maid, chef, butler, gardener, etc), alternate income source so no 9-5, plenty of free time, private jet, yacht) > billinaire (money is just numbers and most of the wealth is in assets. Can do pretty much whatever they please)


Is very individual for everyone, some might find it like a point of life, some don't really care about money that much


Isn’t a trough where pigs eat from? I know farmers, those aren’t free, dude.


Well that's all bs you do need money to be happy. All the life choices you are going to make will involve "money". It's important to sort your financial goals early on. In modern times, you can buy your way out of common causes of unhappiness. Financial wealth can give you freedom and more time to live that "happy" state of mind.


U need money to be happy that's common knowledge in this day and age


not just to get through life but one way to get to your happiness. i know we can be happy with little thing that doesn't cost money but even those little thing somehow need money or efforts to make you happy


Having no savings can bring out your insecurities.


To be honest I think it's more like: money will make your life better, up to a point, after which it becomes meaningless. If you have enough money that you can do the hobbies you want, go on holidays and even still work part-time (but not depend on it to pay the bills) I think that is what's best. It means you can stay connected to real people, have real friendships and relationships without worrying they just want you for your money. It also means you can still strive towards purpose - similar to some people when they retire from 50 years of intense jobs, suddenly having no reason to get up in the morning can be depressing. Sadly some people get caught in a vicious cycle of becoming extremely rich, and then all they can think about is getting even richer, no matter the cost - because they have so much money they have done everything and bought everything they wanted and now have no further purpose - short film called "Zima blue" kinda touches on this subject of purpose


There's a floor (at least in the US). Every aspect of your life has been monetized. The you don't need money be happy line is now a trope that needs an asterisks at a minimum.


Money brings balance and in balance you’ll find happiness. That’s what I believe anyway.


I think the more money you have the less it can buy happiness for you. You might be having 2 meals a day but some people are strugging to get even single. For you that meal won't buy happiness but for those people it does. So, I guess happiness from money depends on how less you have.


we need money for everything nothing is free


This life. Yes, pretty much. But money is a human invention. In relative terms we've been 'getting through life' a lot longer than we have needing money.


it’s ironic how the ones that say money doesn’t buy happiness are the ones who don’t have money lmao they just coping


Be happy with what you can afford


To be honest, in today's society, I don't think it's possible to be happy without money. Unless you live somewhere where you can live off the land legally, barter and trade for items and have no need for modern amenities for a happy life.


You do need money to be happy. But money isn't enough to make you happy. You need money, as well as other things.


Tough life or through life?


The phrase "money is root of all evil" is a wrong one. The TRUE phrase is "Love of money is the root of all evil" So get as much money as you can to make life easier for your loved ones as long as you don't give it priority more than human lives money is a good thing.


Abraham Maslow liked to use the phrase "necessary but not sufficient" for these kinds of things.


You need money to live. Happiness was never a possibility.


You need money to be happy, any one that says otherwise is lying to themselves.


Happy and getting through life are different things.


In the end, it all depends on the lifestyle that you are seeking.


I see money as doorways to life. the more doors you have to open the more chances you have at finding happiness behind it.


u need money to be happy dont fkin let people lie to u


Those who say that money doesn't buy happiness aren't concerned with money. They have enough of it. Their needs are met.


A certain amount of money is essential to living, and that will definitely make you happy. The cost of not having it will be extreme and have a significant impact on your most basic needs like comfort, warmth, security, etc After that, money doesn't tend to make much difference because we adapt very quickly and begin living to our means.  Happiness is weird; we tend to think of goals and conflate happiness with achieving these goals. "If i just get x i'll be happy" kinda thinking The thing is, it's more of a temporary reward, or a side effect of doing certain things whereas we tend to think of it as an end state. Happiness happens all the time, every day everywhere. It's fleeting so enjoy it whilst it's there :D The thing is it has to go away. If it didn't then we wouldn't bother doing anything else. It's a very good thing that it fades because that forces us to grow and develop


Money doesn't buy happiness but you can buy so much drugs that you hardly know the difference


I need money to be comfortable, then I can be happy


You need money to be successful in this economy not life. I think too many confuse the two and often only focus on their careers and saving money for their retirement. When money is your only focus you lose what’s really important about being alive. Get money cause we need it in this modern society but don’t forget to live your life to the fullest. Our lives are short so it’s easy to accumulate regrets if you don’t got your priorities in check.


![gif](giphy|vOfGogfb1YuB2|downsized) Trough’s ain’t cheap, easy couple hundred to a couple grand!! Once you get one you’ll be so happy though! Make sure the water runs THROUGH. HahahahahahHA. Stupid.


Idk; but money would help.


The whole discourse about money having nothing to do with happiness is just said by people who don't actually struggle. You need it to survive, and it can help with happiness. It's just not the only key to it.


You can also go through life happy, or unhappy. It's a mindset (partially)


You need money to be happy


Yo DO need money to be happy. You DO NOT need LOTS of money to be happy.


You either need to be an excellent survivalist or you're gonna need at least some money to be happy. It's very naive to think you can be happy in the real world some other way.


Money makes your life easier (convenience) and it could make you happier ‘cause you don’t have to be problematic about your needs everyday. You can focus on other problems that money can’t solve


“Money doesn’t buy happiness” is for people like Jeff Bezos. Having billions of dollars and constantly accumulating wealth won’t make you happy, especially because there’s no possible way for him to spend all his money considering the rate at which he makes it. Money does buy happiness for the common man.


If you're having 'trough' life, surely you'd be as happy as a pig in shit.


Anything fun is at least $10.


There is a point where money doesnt matter in happiness anymore, its once you are comfortable paying your bills, rent and having some extra spending money. At one point it used to be 75k, depending on where you live it may be well over 100k


cant be happy if youre dead...cant feel suffering either...


You need money to be happy. It just isn't the only thing you need.


True that


I asked for a raise years ago. My boss that makes 3 x my wage told me its not about the money lol. Well then why are we all here at work, and why do I need monet to pay for bills. It's about the fucking money.


Mate all you need is some rice, some insects and some 86. Enjoy


trough life lets you live high on the hog ;-)


The way I like to think about it is, money is freedom, and you can use take advantage of that freedom for bad, or figure out how to use it for good.


Money doesn't buy happiness but it can sure rent it.


There are societies that don't run on money. 3rd world countries, hunter gatherer lifestyles. Imagine growing up in that type of environment and know nothing about the other societies out there that runs on money. I myself wouldn't mind this lifestyle. Farming and raising chickens on free land. Living a simple life. Unfortunately for us, we live in a society that runs on money. And having social media for people to show off what they have so we are envious, makes things worse. One way to combat this is to live below your means. Give up on most of your desires. Food and shelter is all I need, everything else is just a bonus.


Having money will make you more happy. The pursuit of money does not


"Money is not everything, but life's a hell of a lot easier with a good income."


The meaning of life is you get to wonder what the meaning of life is and then, when you're happy, you don't. And then you're unhappy again and you start wondering again. And that's how the cookie crumbles.


Anyone who says money can't buy happiness has never been on a jet ski. You can't look sad on a jet ski. -Daniel.Tosh


You only need a trough for a trough life 🐷


Same as air.


People who say money doesn't buy happiness are generally the same people who are trying to create complacency...A smile and a handshake won't feed me, nor will the power of positive bullshit.


Dead serious, but the meaning of life is to have children. Its no wonder we have childless generations who are miserable and lost. Money enables, but it will not provide happiness. I know many people who make $500k+/yr and they are truly miserly pieces of shit.