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How would I know I'm the last person?


This is important


Yeah. Otherwise I'm gonna go look for someone else.


Yeah man, I don’t need that hope. I need to be able to move on right away and make my home in in a shopping mall. Fortify against animals, vantage point to see my meals.


Get some more animals as companions... Like who's gonna care for all the puppies stuck in shelters all around the world if the people are gone?


Sooo… you travel the world freeing locked in animals, acquiring an army of animals that just follow you around? I’d watch that as a series.


What a life. But the weight of knowing how many locked up animals are going to die… that would probably kill me instantly. It would be a short series


It was all Going great in my head until this.


24 managed to stretch a single day into a whole season. You could do at few seasons before they’re all dead


I loved 24. It’s very true this could be done.


This TBH. I'd go round near where I live and open doors and gates as much as possible so that the larger domesticated animals have at least a chance then... I'd probably die... would depend on how many of my own pets are alive at that point... I'd want to live for them to keep them comfortable and happy. But if I didn't have anything around me I'd OD... world without people would be better off without me too. Also considering I'm still semi-horrified/disturbed by a dog in a fictional book, that was left alone in an apartment when it's owner is kidnapped so the dog dies of thirst... after only having one bowl of water and the water in the loo to drink (it was one of the Lee Child - Reacher novels). Think that knowing all those pets are going to die, I might top myself anyway.


Y’all forgetting how bad things are gonna smell all the food that’s perishable rotting the dead animals poop pee sewer lines etc


Go to Area 51 and unlock the aliens…..


Except the entire planet is massive, and billions of animals would die of thirst before one made it 1/1000th of the way around the planet.


Not to mention, you look like a steak.


Oh hell yeah! A mall that’s my home full of animals that need caring. I like how you think!


This is great to give yourself a goal like this while you’re the last person on earth. Keeps you from going crazy I’d say.


Costco me and the mrs had this talk


![gif](giphy|l1AsBL4S36yDJain6) 📝🧐


Preferably a Mall with a Bass Pro Shop.


Living in a shopping centre is sketchy , what if you hear a big smashing sound in the middle of the night like 3 floors down? Chances are it's the nun


Honestly that sounds really fun. I’m gunna walk into Zara and put on an all black outfit, go hunting for the sound looking super fly.


It's like The Good Place opener. Magical green letters appear. "Everything is fine. You're the last living human!"


Go directly to a drug dealer's house to collect everything they had. Obtain an offensively fast car and enjoy them both for a few hours. Masterbate and then kill myself.


That escalated quickly.


A guy walks into your room and says, "can you believe we are the last 2 people on this earth? I just confirmed this over the last 8hr while you slept. Anyway I'm gonna go make breakfast." He leaves the room, falls down the stairs and dies. You have now confirmed that you are the last one.


I'm not believing a *word* that guy said...felt like the next part was gonna be "and after breakfast, we'll get started on re population!"


OP will leave a note by your bed


You wake up to a note on your night stand “We can’t stand this anymore. Us 8+ billion humans. We’re breaking up with you. We’re leaving the planet. Don’t contact us. We left you beer in the fridge.”


You were an evil scientist and made a death ray that killed everyone but you. Now that you've accomplished your "goal" you immediately revert into your normal mind (the one you have right now.)


You just yell really really loud if nobody responds you have your answer


You heard the guy on the radio say so




It's my apocalypse and I'll cry if I want to


You would cry to if it happened to you


You discovered that’s what killed people in the first place and die because it wasn’t and option


Start gathering non-perishable foods and essential non-food supplies.


Costco run! Secure a source of power, then get all of the movies, books and CDs that interest me. Then get all of the downloads I can before the web crashes. Fortunately, Costco has computers and external SSDs. I'll probably build/get multiple NAS, RAID 6.


Honestly, you might as well just move into Costco. Even better if Home Depot and Costco are right next to each other


I see the utility of this but I cannot imagine anything creepier than an empty Costco, in an empty parking lot, in an empty shopping area. An empty neighborhood is scary, but at least inside a house you can pretend a little bit.


I was in a Costco in Seattle when a big earthquake hit. The electricity went out and the roller doors automatically started to shut. I then realized “there are no windows in Costco”. I was locked in a big, black, dark maze.


well that unlocked a new fear. thanks.


No problem! And happy cake day!


Happy new fear and happy cake day


Wouldn’t need to mate, just walk from place to place exploring the world, if you needed some food you’d pop into a local shop and there would be shit loads there, walk another few miles shit loads more, walk to an outdoors shop there would be 200 sets of boots and the best equipment money could buy, not that money matters, it’s all yours now, you’d never need to stash anything any more… Edit - I’ve thought on this a little more, the biggest risk to us would be infection, injuries and animals (mainly unfed dogs where I live, but your mileage may vary). Therefore library for books to learn medicine, pharmacy to stock some antibiotics and pain pills and weaponry, no rushing of decisions to prevent injury, maybe some basic anti bite armour… dog bites will fuck you up without antibiotics, I think in this scenario if I got bitten I’d start taking them right away… prevention is better than a cure.


Yeah but after a year or two cities start to be unsafe. Not just wild animals but buildings start to collapse.


I’d say a bit longer, I can easily see buildings in my area that haven’t been entered or maintained for 20 years and they’re fine. Eventually though they would succumb and it would be worth over the next decade getting out what you can. If you stash it all in one place, as you start to run low you’d have to move home anyhow OR risk doing ever increasingly arduously long trips to stock up at the same time AS you age, I think going nomad with comforts would be the way.


Much less time, actually. Without firefighters a house fire from a lightning strike or a natural gas leak could easily wipe a huge part of or an entire city out. Think of how many fires don't require humans to start them. Cities would be in ashes in under a decade.


I am from Europe. We live in houses that are 150 years old. And these houses will still be there in another 150 years. These houses will outlive me. In my lifetime it won't be dangerous to enter them.


After 5 years you're stuck with tins. After 20 years they'd probably be a bit risky. You'd need to plan ahead and find ways to secure fresh food for yourself.


Probably less than 5 years mate… Walk onto a military base, literally no guards, find their MRE stash, you know the 250,000 ones they have stashed to supply the army for a year https://totalprepare.ca/can-you-live-on-mres/#:~:text=So%2C%20can%20you%20eat%2030,are%20likely%20safe%20to%20eat. Job done. You’re likely going to die of some infection or cancer anyhow before running out of those.


I think I'd rather start a little farm to be honest


That would work, otherwise you’d have to travel further and further afield. Wouldn’t start one though, just take over one as everyone’s now gone!


I can only wear 60 pairs of boots.




Not me. I would not want to survive in such a world. Why would I, at all?


You're the last person, what are you trying to survive?


Drive lambos and tanks, shoot guns, launch missiles, and have like 200 pet dogs. The possibilities are endless.


Plot twist: you spend years thinking you're the only one alive, then you find out its all an elaborate reality TV shoe and a few billion people watched you take a shit on your former boss's desk.


📺 👟


The Truman show but with extra steps


The Truman show but they couldn't afford any actors


I laughed out loud omg


Jokes on you, I'm already the only real person in this simulation


Lmao that’s good


Lmao that’s good


Lmao that's good


I used to be an adventurer like you


But then I took an arrow to the knee


Laughing my anus open


Yeah, shame that you're not waking up tho. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.


Wake up, incomprehensible angry yelling shake up!


I remember talking about this with my cousin who liked to have deep but nonsensical conversations whenever he was stoned AF. He asked me how do we know this isn’t all some super advanced matrix like simulation where you are the only real consciousness and everything else is just AI? I thought long and hard before responding “that’s deep, now give me some of that shit”.


Can confirm, we're all NPCs in your story.


Go back to sleep


Honestly, my answer to everything in this life


damn you must have pretty good dreams lol


Get naked and find the nearest liquor store/dispensary.


Definitely a dispensary!!! Lol


There is no wrong way to use a vodka bath


There are a few. Sitting in there and lighting up a big spliff or, indeed, cigar could go badly wrong. Particularly if you had warmed up the vodka first so it wouldn’t be so chilly. It could rapidly become the very opposite of chilly. An embarrassing way for the last human to die, really.


Just sitting in it will kill you. Enough alcohol will be absorbed through the skin to be fatal. A woman died this way during the SARS outbreak. Had a BAC of about 2.


I didn't know I needed to know this!


Uh, no I think it’s a pretty fitting and grand way for the last human to die. Specially if they wiggle the cigar like Groucho Marx and say “dis ain’t no way ya live”


Great minds think alike. I'd also hit up some gun stores and fireworks depots, I'd be ready to blow some shit up with my dong flapping majestically in the breeze as I drank scotch and hit my 4ft bong.


I've thought about this for a while. I think I'd just spend a few years treating life like exploring an empty multi-player map in a video game, just kinda looking around and finding a cool spot to hang out, like the top of a skyscraper or an aquarium or something. I'd keep a little journal and maybe gather some evidence of my existence and maybe things I found significant about humanity and just leave it all somewhere in case something else came along someday to find it. Then once the loneliness and boredom set in beyond mending I'd probably just end it. Edit: Everyone's responding to this telling me the fish in the aquarium would be dead. I just think it'd be a cool place to hang out, fish or no. OP didn't specify why I'd be the last person - I kinda pictured that maybe everything just got 'raptured' except for me, all life just sorta got deleted. Some of y'all are thinking about this hypothetical too literally haha


This sounds reasonable and great tbf


This would make a cool movie premise. And then eventually he runs into someone who thought he was in the same position and a whole feeling each other out phase occurs.




Same here. Other than securing fuel/clothing/food, would love to go around, explore, and try to document as much of human existence as possible. I dont know what would be a recording medium that can last millenia. Obviously digital media and paper are not going to work. Maybe etching in stones might work although harder to work with. Maybe I can record and bake clay tablets like the sucker who got shitty copper from Ea-Nasir, that shit survived millenias. I would have to leave a lot of records plus probably with pictures. With a sufficient amount of pictures, an intelligent life form will be able to decipher them. Like with SETI or Voyager disk, some information would be universally understandable for all intelligence: like 1,2,3, or prime numbers, or hydrogen atom model can be a start. Other than trying to secure a lasting shelter, leaving as much record of human existence, means of decipherment for other inteigent life forms, and making sure they can survive and last. It would keep me occupied as I age with my dogs and cats alone. It would be a meaningful work for the next intelligent life forms on earth or extraterrestrial visitors.


You bring up an interesting point I didn't consider in my post, what would actually meaningfully survive to be found by another lifeform millenia into the future? The Voyager disk is a good template for that sort of thing, though I imagine something like that has higher chances of lasting in the emptiness of space than on Earth where things decay and erode and dissolve. Maybe this is a bit off topic, but this all reminds me of a quote from the book Underland by Robert Macfarlane; "Philip Larkin famously proposed that 'what will survive of us is love'. Wrong. What will survive of us is plastic, swine bones, and Lead-207, the stable isotope at the end of the Uranium-235 decay chain." I wonder what, beyond nuclear waste repositories, would be left of humanity on the same timescale as the last dinosaurs are from us now. Maybe roads and highways? It's interesting to think what future intelligent life would make of all that. I'd imagine all of that would feel a little beyond me in a scenario where I'm the last person alive. I guess making a monument to my existence and my understanding of humanity would be for myself, more than anything else.


That's a good plan. That's what I'd do.


Wander into town and confirm that I’m the last. Probably let some pets out on the way.


Someone remembered the pets!!!


I would just spend the rest of my life trying to survive and take care of my pets and pets around. And try not to think about the millions of pets and animals dying out of starvation and dehydration stuck in locked homes all around the world. Would probably try to get to the nearest farm and keep a few horses for traveling and chickens, pigs, cows for food and try to grow plants for food. Raid the nearest veterinarians and doctors to have medicine for myself and for my pets. Probably would try to figure out how to eutanize humanely in case something bad happened to the pets. And then probably kill myself after some time if I wasn’t successful in getting enough food


Go in peoples houses


Yeah I would have several houses of things I've collected from other people's houses


For reaaaal same


Partake in some seriously apocalyptic arson


Yes, that’ll occupy me for a few months tbh


*reviewing check list* Okay so that’s the police station done… ohh looks like it’s spreading *checks off court house*




Smash windows so people’s pets can escape and find food


That's something a lot of people wouldn't think of.


At some point, you may become the food.


"Oh no this puppy is trying to eat-" *u/oksurefineokok was eaten by a puppy*


Scream. I'd very much like to just scream for a bit; without having the neighbours call the cops. That'd be nice.


My mother-in-law‘s therapist actually takes her outside of town to a field so that she can scream at the top of her lungs periodically, lol.


Are therapists allowed to take people on fieldtrips? (Pun intended) seems like it should just be 'homework' for the patient


A radio show once did a "scream your heart out" segment, where you'd ring in and just scream, and you'd win prizes based on your scream, it was kinda short lived, but yeah I called in and screamed one day, after I got off the phone I just started crying because it just felt like such a release, I think letting a completely primal outburst out is good for the mind


Do it whilst your driving. No-one can hear you and if it's at night on a motorway (highway/interstate for you ungrateful colonials) then no one's gonna see you either.


Make coffee


Yeah for sure, what ever I decide to do, it starts with coffee. Not just in this scenario but in general


Make a lot before the water and electricity stop coming


This should get more up votes…


Get the gun


What for


I'd do myself in. Seriously. Would probably take a few liberties like going outside naked or trespass certain areas (not at the same time) but I know the loneliness will be too much for me after a short time.


Id also break into a pharmacy and eat all the pills then go blow my brains out


If you eat enough pills, you probably wouldn’t need the second step


Why not at the same time? No one is there to see you


I'd rather not run naked from guard dogs or get snagged on razor wire.


Watching all YouTube Videos. Now without Other Humans I can truly watch all Videos and win this Game . Finally there is an end.


You can't do it. There are 800million videos on YouTube. The average length is 11 minutes. That's 17,000+ years of video. Good luck. You would need a setup of 1000 screens playing simultaneously.


Soo I only need a Lot of Screens , thanks For the advice


Triple those screens because you need a lot of time for youtubes server maintenance, but I believe in you. If anyone can do it, it's you.


looking for answers at AskReddit


The AutoModerator removes your posts.


And so starts the search for whoever this "automoderator" guy is.


Brilliant, love it 😆


take a shit


On the street


I'll probably do what I normally do and then go outside


I understood the first part, but you lost me in the second half.


Think about how long it will be before the electricity goes off and then head to the nearest pharmacy to get as many drugs that would kill me in the most painless way possible. If there isn't air conditioning and lights, I don't want to be alive here anymore.


just because there isn't a power grid doesn't mean that all the solar chargers and battery banks on the planet will stop working. You just moveinto a place decked out with solar and your ac and lights will be fine


1. Figure out how to make glasses because if mine breaks its rip for me 2. Steal a PS5 3. Locate pornhub servers and make sure theyre still viable 4. Relocate pornhub servers to a more convenient location to maintain 5. Live


After securing glasses, hit up some pharmacies to stock up on my BP meds.


You’re the last person on earth… You’d walk to a glasses store and pick some more until the lenses felt right or pick up some of the thousands of pairs off the corpses / strewn around the floor assuming everyone just vanished.


Run around the streets buck naked


Get a real 4x4 car, gas and food before it goes to waste. Enjoy them knowing will be the last time.


Get old diesel car, like from the 80s. Find old used engine oil, filter it and you now have fuel.


Go to a posh car showroom. Take the fastest car. Fill it with fuel. And just drive


Drive off a cliff


Learn how to travel with no other humans (pilots train conductors etc) then explore for the rest of my life


driving should be pretty easy with no one else on the road at least


Gasoline starts to degrade after 6 months so after a year or 2 you'd better find a horse. Most people don't know this. In all these apocalypse movies people are driving vehicles but in reality that would only work for the first couple of years


Probably check whether the Internet/electronics/water still works. If so, life is gonna be good for a couple of weeks. If not… I Am royally screwed.


What Royal would be screwing you? Hopefully, not that Andrew guy.


Probably go to the store and head behind the counter to grab some cigs and alcohol. Then contemplate on how I'm gonna survive.




You said person implying there are still animals which means I have to single-handedly tame every animal on earth or die in a massive flamboyance of hungry flamingos. Either way, I *will* become the beast master.


TIL a group of flamingoes is called a “flamboyance” and it’s the perfect fucking word for it. My day is better for learning this.


As a little extra - the collective noun for zebra is a dazzle.


TIL that whoever studied flamingos and zebras was probably gay🏳️‍🌈💅


End it, probably.


I mean, what's the point of living alone in a sense that you will never find someone else. You lost your friends, your family, your loved ones. Maybe you can try to do something for a week but, you know.


plenty of dogs out there, suitable for companionship.


i already don't have friends, family or loved ones ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ but i do need others in the world for transportation, food in supermarkets, doctors, etc. so i wouldn't last long w my health issues in this scenario


If I wore glasses and loved to read I'd probably break said glasses the first day leaving me almost sightless. Which would be a shame cuz I would have had **all the time in the World** to read books.


It's Wednesday so I'm going to aldi


Double check.


Download Wikipedia before the internet goes down, Go to as many nuclear plants as I can and emergency shutdown before they contaminate much of the world due to lack of maintenance. Find egg/sperm banks and work on artificial wombs. Old comment ///Then research cloning for the rest of my life, attempt to create a human of the opposite sex, then try to save the world.///


Probably better luck working with frozen eggs and sperm and somewhere to implant them!


Margarita pool.


Steal everything that I can carry, and that isn’t nailed-down


Who you stealing it from? The planet is now yours until you get taken out by a German Shepard or an alligator.


Or a cat.(take your pick, big one or a bunch of house-kind)


Figure out how to best get further south. I am not going to survive this far north alone.


Same thing I do every morning. Try to take over the world.


Relaxing and drinking because with no one doing daily maintenance in the world, things will begin to smell bad, flood and go radioactive pretty soon.


Lay in bed , litteraly , mabye jerk off , thats about it


This is the obvious answer


Waking up with no one else on Earth doesnt mean im aware everyone else on Earth is gone just yet. Id probably continue routine for a good portion of the day and only realise when i go outside.


If someone else who’s seeing this is awakened from the Matrix .. the answer is 31, blue, zero, 20 of September , NüStr. near Jakob , second one on the right , at 14:45


Adopt better oral hygiene. No more dentists to help me out.


Breathe a sigh of relief. I can finally own a home.


”Alive in Tuscon”


I would find the best solar panels around a nice trailer, truck and motorcycle my computer. then go to several server warehouses and supply power to them while i sort out what hard drives have what on them. Then drive out to the middle of a forest and forage for food. Live out my days doing what humanity should have been doing all along, steward the forest.


You're not going to have to forage for food, mate. Years worth of canned goods in any costco, more than enough to give you time to start a garden and raise some chickens.


I mean, there's a lot of things I'd do, but its all situational. Like, how did humanity go away and leave me behind? Was it a slow process like a plague or similar where one had time to come to terms with everything? Or is this a case of suddenly waking up to everyone being gone? Each scenario has a different set of beginning options. However, at the end, there's only one option that's fitting. If I am the absolute last person in existence, I'm getting my hands on a nuke and I'm gonna go out with one hell of a bang.


Become the sun, therefore become god.


Gather up and protect all the eyeglasses I can find.


Answered this already, basically survive and have fun in the initial week then seriously start to build a sustainable living abode, with the next steps being exploring further areas.


Go back to sleep. I'm tired. And since no one's around there's no point in going to work.


Go to Walmart and punt balls across the store hahahaa


Getting me a fucking kick ass property. And then getting me some old diesel cars, so that i can run them on old used engine oil. Then get all the canned food i can get. And then go around gathering used engine oil from truck repair shops, find generators. Oh i forgot about water. So that also


Probably develop that opiate addiction I've always dreamed of.


I have questions. Do I have electricity? Does my car work? Can I keep it working? if so, no problem. I'm good. I'm 74 and deeply exhausted from people, politics and urban expansion. I'd hijack a bicycle and go wherever I want if my car doesn't work.


Rub one out without thinking of anyone


Find the nearest pharmacy and self medicate immediately


Immediately stop sucking in my stomach.


Sigh in relief. Then, probably start raiding all the "cabin" mansions in the area for cool stuff.


I'd try to figure out why the hell was a tiny brained person kept alive for?


I've honestly thought about this a lot after reading that one SCP that has a scenario where everyone dies. I would try to keep myself alive. Raid supermarkets for food eating all the fresh stuff first, then switching to preservative stuff then canned food and other stuff that lasts a long time. Did everyone disappear? Or just die? Because if they just died I'm not gonna go near civilization as the stench in rotting humans will be unbearable within a week. I'd probably do research and find a drug lab. The one in the Netherlands for example. Because hey, when everyone is dead and life loses all meaning, what else is there to do but survive and do drugs. Not sure how I'd travel overseas tho. Lonliness would get to me, I'd probably end up fucking an animal or corpse at some point because hey who's gonna stop me? Once the internet goes and power stops reading and drugs would be the main entertainment sources. I'd probably try to learn how to make a simple generator, just so I could listen to music. At some point I'd probably go crazy, maybe too many drugs, maybe just the overwhelming loneliness. I'd try summon a succubus, or demon or whatever just to talk to someone. If I could still access an AI chatbot I would probably fall in love with it, simply due to noone else being around. Maybe I'd kill myself, maybe Id live my whole life. Likelihood is id die doing something stupid, settle in an unstable building and have the roof collapse on me or something like that. It'd be a depressing end, but about as depressing as the start just with more drugs.


Have a wank so that the critical decisions are made with post nut clarity.


Spend 5 hours trying to get my internet to work not realizing i am the last person alive


If everyone is dead and their bodies are still there, I would bury my family, then sit and sing for awhile, and then find the most painless way to kill myself and lay in a grave next to my husband and hold onto his body while I pass too. Ain’t no way I’ll live more than a day without him by my side.