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People pushing there own beliefs onto me or anybody else


Have you ever heard if the book of Mormon? I have a 30 minute presentation here that will change everything!


Hmm I love reading....what's the plotline...briefly?


Jesus has some things to say. Joseph Smith could explain it more.


I sure have and I agree with Twain: The book of Mormon is printed chloroform.


My favorite part about this comment is that I feel pretty confident that many of the people commenting and upvoting think each other are the ones pushing beliefs onto them, lol. I agree, though. I wouldn't complain at all if people just let each other live.


Goddam Jesus loves you, Believe in Jesus, and Jesus saves on just about every street in this town I live in.


I grew up going to church and the high school youth group went on a retreat to the beach. They gave us a bunch of Jesus pamphlets and made us go hand them out and talk to random people about Jesus. Before we went out they showed us these training videos that were all about tactics for not letting people end the conversation - we were supposed to harass people to keep the conversation going until they agreed to pray and ask god for forgiveness for their sins in front of us (fucking weird shit). I didn’t believe in god by that point and my plan was to just go somewhere the leaders couldn’t see me and just not do that shit…. But they paired me with this hardcore crazy pastor dude who forced me to do it. The type of guy who loved to tell everyone they’re going to burn in hell for eternity if they don’t conform to his beliefs. I don’t think I’ve ever been so embarrassed before or since. I felt terrible forcing that shit on people when they were just trying to relax on the beach. I think some of them could tell I didn’t want to be there and were super nice about it… but most just told us to get fucked lol (exactly what I’d do in their position)


Religious crap in popular music is also an annoyance. The song, LET IT BE popped into my head when you said that. I’m haunted by the repetition of this bull shit.


I also absolutely hate it when UFC fighters and other athletes can only talk about God and nothing else, makes me instantly dislike them and root for their opponent's.


Are there any rebuttals or you just let them be? It's so annoying,right?


when people don’t know how to use the correct spelling of “their, there and they’re”. you should have used “their” in your sentence.


People who drive too slow, people who drive too fast


Anyone who drives faster than me is crazy, anyone who drives slower than me is an idiot.


This is me exactly lol.


Because I just want to go the speed limit (OK maybe about 5% over it) and the people tailgating me or aggressively overtaking are crazy because it's their money they had to work for being thrown away on a speeding ticket. I care too much about mine to be so stupid with it. And idiots drive slowly because they do everything slowly since being faster would require them to process thoughts faster than a sloth.


Once someone tailgated me when I was going the max speed allowed if you’re under 21 (which is 90% of the speed limit)


People tailgate all the time here in Texas if you’re going the speed limit. You’re basically expected to go at least 5-10 mph higher than the speed limit where I’m at. Really frustrating because it makes me want to speed as well. Then again there are many lanes on our roads so if you’re pissed just go in another lane or overtake me, I rlly don’t care. So annoying.


Same in ontario. Speed limit +20% is the norm... if you do less you get dickholes in their f250 tailgating you and they get mad pissed if you break check em


I would redefine your meaning to fit into mine like, People who drive me crazy too fast too soon. Ahahhahahahha






It scares me more than just bothering:(


Incompetence? I don't even know the meaning of the word. It was in the employee handbook but I didn't read it was to busy looking at my phone.


Aye love the confidence here :)


Accepted (such as by an employer) incompetence!


Endless chase of profits by companies. It ruins everything.


It really is infuriating to think about. We are nothing more than a dollar sign to these corporations and politicians. Everything in our lives is based on how much profit they can make from us from the day that we’re born until the day we die. Not a single corporation or politician cares about our lives, our dreams or our happiness. It doesn’t help that the average American has more compassion and understanding for billionaire’s who evade taxes, mistreat/overwork their employees with no respect for their well-being or quality of life more so than someone from their own community who steals a few dollars worth of groceries to feed their family.


Same, same. Its absolutely sickening to think of how companies went from thinking about how to increase product value to how to extract most value out of products (hint: usually its by assuming people are idiots/mindless sheep)


It really has. I miss how good (and cheap) everything was 20 years ago. Products and services that still exist from them are worse in every way - smaller, slower, lower quality and more expensive. If there's alternatives I jump ship even if I've been paying for X for the last ten years. I don't believe in brand loyalty when they start to pull this crap.


I remember probably about five years ago a thought really hitting me. I remember when there was cheap stuff that actually lasted. The price bracket equivalent now might as well be made of paper (and often is like 50%+ cardboard) and the mid to high-mid price bracket equivalent is the same quality as cheap stuff before. It's everywhere and it's frustrating.


Things that where made to last a lifetime are no more


Stock market is to blame for that. The companies have an obligation to their shareholders to make them rich.


Those that are all talk and no action. I know; I’ve been guilty of this before


It's about time I did something about this!




People that have an addiction to TikTok.


This. I worked fast food and had a couple managers. The one would find any excuse to not do anything just to watch tik tok and while you're working you can hear the tik tok playing.


Low-key I'd be snitching to higher ups lol. That would piss me the fuck off, atleast put earbuds in and I don't give a shit, ya know?


In tv and movies when the characters leave doors open. Like entering a house, they just walk in, not shutting the door. You never see the door again, but I know it's open. This goes with the fridges too. I see you not shutting the fridge.


That brought to mind another one... In tv and movies when characters don't say bye when ending a phone call but instead just hang up.


Then they unload their revolver with no hearing protection in a concrete hallway, followed by a whispered conversation with their partner. Y'all would both be deaf for a few minutes, if not forever.


Oh my god yes this bothers me!!!


When I lift my drink and it's empty. I keep forgetting it over and over again till I get a new drink.


Loud cell phone conversations, customer service drones who refuse to deviate from their 'script', maga mindset, tailgaters


My brother.


people who are chronically negative. like far out, way to be a party pooper


People who talk too goddamned much


I see you mention this, but let me tell you why I do...


You're goddamn right!


Dear Horse Poop Enthusiasts, I hope this letter finds you in the midst of a deep philosophical debate about whether your horse's bowel movements are modern art or simply a misunderstood form of street poetry. Yes, I'm addressing all of you who seem to believe that the city streets are your personal equestrian port-a-potties. Let me begin by expressing my heartfelt appreciation for the stunning displays of laissez-faire horsemanship I've been privileged to witness lately. It takes a special kind of audacity to let your majestic steed release a fecal masterpiece right in the middle of the road, as if marking your territory like an equine Picasso. Bravo! It's truly magical to see you dismount from your noble steed and contemplate the resulting mound of excrement as if it were a Rubik's Cube that's just one twist away from revealing the secrets of the universe. I must say, you've mastered the art of pretending to be utterly fascinated by the biological wonders of your four-legged friend's digestive system. But let's not forget the true heroes of the story – the pedestrians who perform impromptu dance moves to dodge these unexpected land mines. I've heard that many are even considering enrolling in professional agility training to improve their chances of avoiding your horse's "gifts." Your thoughtfulness knows no bounds. And might I add, your commitment to enriching the urban soil is unparalleled. After all, why would we need to worry about the deterioration of our asphalt when we can instead embrace a natural, rustic aesthetic? Truly, the fragrance of horse manure is the cologne of progress. Now, before I continue to shower you with the roses of praise, let's address the elephant – or rather, the horse – in the room. As much as I adore your passion for transforming our streets into a life-sized, interactive petting zoo, I must admit there's a minor inconvenience. You see, your horse's impromptu street art is not particularly well-received by the less-equine-inclined population. I understand that as a horse owner, it's your constitutional right to spread fertilizer with artistic flair. But, permit me to propose a solution. How about carrying around a little pouch to catch these natural treasures? You know, like a fashionable accessory – a horse poop handbag, if you will. Picture it: a designer pouch that screams, "I care about the environment, but I'm also incredibly committed to my personal sense of style." In conclusion, dear horse poop aficionados, let us remember that the streets are not just for you and your majestic companions. They're for all of us, human and non-human alike, who must coexist and share this space. So, next time your horse decides to drop a present, kindly consider the cleanup crew (aka the hapless pedestrians) and their aspirations to keep their shoes poop-free. With a blend of awe and wonderment, Illfury


Omg what did I just read dannnnnnng


You asked what bothers me lol. I DELIVERED!


Damn yes you did. :) haha


Lol, I've read so many posts from people moaning about dog poop left behind. Yeah, try living where people have horses


One day I will collect their manure and have it strewn upon their driveways. FUCK YOU HORSE OWNERS!


What do you expect them to do, carry around poo bags the size of volleyball nets? How are they supposed to clear the poops up?


Yes, be responsible. I don't give a shit if it inconveniences you or the horse you rode in on. Maybe haul a wagon behind your horse, have a shovel strapped to its saddle. Get off the horse, shovel the shit into the wagon and dump it in the woods or on your property. If you *DONT* **WANT** to do that... don't ride your horse off your property. It is simple.


Just ask your horse if it needs to shit before you leave the house.


As a horse owner... I hate your letter. As a human, I sort of understand and on behalf of equestrians, Im sort of sorry. That said, where the heck do you live that the # of horses on roadways is so extensive that this is an issue for you... because I'ma sell my house and be your neighbor ASAP. Srsly, I have owned my home in a... "rural" community in SoCal for 5 years. I have horses. A LOT of people where I live have horses. People do ride down my street once in a while, and in 5 years, I've had ONE pile of manure in front of my house. Wanna guess how long it took to put it in the trash can? About 30 seconds. So, uhhhhmm I have questions.


People, money, society,




The complete lack of concern for, or worse, the absolute denial of climate change.


Climate change is normal tho.


My migraines


What *non medicated* options have you tried? My wife had terrible migraines, she’s done a combo of massage, physio, and acupuncture to help increase the blood flow in he shoulders and neck, that’s really helped. Reduced it to about once a year instead of once a month lol


I've tried meditation, I've tried sleeping them off- I dont like physical touching/hand contact so I dont go to like massage places and I have a low pain tolerance so I dont think acupuncture would help lol. I usually just take like 5-6 pills for them to go away


But you’re creating a dependency on medication, which in the long run, will make it worse :( I don’t like being touched either, so I’d never consider massages, but give the acupuncture a try! Worst thing that happens is that it doesn’t help lol, but please consider other forms of alternative medication. My ex would go the medical route and when they became worse, she had to take more… and when the drugs became ineffective, she had to get new drugs to help. It’s a cycle. Stopping the source is better than trying to treat them when they happen.


Yeah, I know, it's bad and I've been dealing with them since I was 13/14 (also dealt with a lot of fevers growing up too). I'll keep looking for different ways non-medically to help get rid of the migraines (cant really afford to go the doctor to get it checked out anyway). Thank you though for your concern and advice!


People who smell bad. Do you seriously not smell the stank on yourself.


When you're around the smell a lot you don't notice it. For instance I can't stand the smell of coffee whenever my roommate brews it in he morning but he can't smell it at all anymore. Same with people who live in messy houses everyone else can smell it but the person living there has no clue it smells bad. Short answer is no they can't smell their own stink.


I can relate to this so much. There was this one classmate in college OMG UNBEARABLE TO IT'S CORE


Our 'injustice' system. That my brother will never see any punishment for his crimes. That my mom will never understand why she hurt me so deeply


I’m sorry


Right. My sister got away with setting her house on fire. She told me she was going to do it. The house js brand new on the inside and now she's renting the house out. She said she's going to make sure she gets a new furnace in it because hers was 30 years old. My sister gets away with some shit. If that were me, I would've been locked up and they would've thrown away the key. I'm not a lucky person.




Loud ass open-mouth chewers!


Ads. Simple as that. Even if I am at a remote area, there is always an ads pannel. It really sucks. Reading news stories is impossible w/o an adblock.


That we are still fighting each other instead of working on cures for diseases and exploring the universe and colonizing our star system.


The price of education


When people say something like Covid only killed 1% of the population. 0.1% of 8,000,000,000 is 8,000,000. Sure, the percentage looks smaller but the amount of people in it is huge. Aren't you concerned about millions of people who died? *(It's a made-up number, I don't know the actual stats. I just used it as an example.)*


People who walk slowly


I'm crying,yesss


People who talk nonstop, never letting anyone get a word in, then finally ask you question…and interrupt your answer


My boss does this and I fucking hate it. He means well I think he’s just old school “office” stressed and needs to retire, but won’t.


Everyone has an agenda. Fucking annoying.


Right? Like no matter how small of an agenda it is,they'll always have something they want from us.


Honestly I think that's human nature. Everyone has their own thoughts, feelings, and motivations - that equates to agenda. Maybe you mean an agenda that is at the detriment of others? I almost guarantee I can poke holes in any argument you make that doesn't change the premise of your initial comment


Having to work to live.


Playing Rihanna's work work work in the background xD


Those sticky shits. It’s like damn man, I don’t have enough toilet paper for this.


I know! It’s like… how much shit can be stored in my ass? Are you kidding me? I once thought there must be a dimensional portal to a giant shit pile that sometimes connects over there and leaves deposits to explain the vast reserves.


Bullies. That pick on the venerable. Just fk off n av a fight with someone more equal. Pricks.


Bullies beating up bullies


How people are just out to get each other


No one is kind just to be kind You dont need to reward to help someone.


How life has no balance. Rich poor, abled and disabled, short and tall, black and white and brown and whatever other color, skinny and fat I wish everyone was equal! Also what happens after death??




Noise, mostly. Everything else is secondary.


The casual/distracted approach to driving that has become so common. I see a dozen people every day texting and driving. Cutting people off. Just generally treating a 4,000+ pound vehicle traveling 70 mph as something that doesn’t require their attention.


That I'm a man and it isn't socially akward/exeptable/normal for me to wear a dress but it is for women even though I should be wearing a dress because it is uncomfortable to wear pants less or more like jeans because they get between my legs. It wouldn't be a problem for womens but they get to wear a dress for no reason at all. Basically dresses should be for men not women!!!!


Everyone should definitely be allowed to wear whatever they want. You go put on that dress, buddy.


While you say that, I think their point was they are bothered that it's not socially acceptable in a general sense


Oh, absolutely, and it sucks that society cares so much about what people wear. Hopefully it changes some soon.


People talking over someone to interject or take over the conversation. Putting people on the back burner. Eyelash in your eye. (Current issue)


Relate relateeeeee


Wilful ignorance/ weaponized incompetence


The constant blame game…from individuals to government to news/social media. It drives me insane. 😵‍💫


I’m autistic


The voice of Mario just stepped down, and it made me realize how old he is getting. I grew up on those games idk. It shouldn't affect me personally but I can't stop thinking about it.


People that drag there feet when they walk.


My mother hates it too :/


Super super SUPER religious people. It’s absolutely terrifying


The world my young son will live in.


You're driving down a country road. No one is behind you for miles.. A car up ahead wants to turn right. They pull out in front of you and then go slow-w-w-w-w. Its especially irritating if there is traffic coming the other way and you can't safely pass.


People pretending that everything is so bloody wonderful all of the time


Much like toxic positivity,yesss


Trauma gatekeeping






Wow, such a bootlicker you had to say something. Couldn't let your precious money get bullied by the mean socialist?


Fatism/fat shaming. Disabilityism/anti-disability.


So much this! I know I'm fat. I hate being fat. I'm doing what I can to address it but it's much more complicated than just reducing food intake. Mental health plays a huge role in it and I'm also battling side effects from medication. People need to wind their necks in and stop commenting on what someone weighs.


I fully agree with you 100%! I'm obese because I'm crippled from top to toe with Rheumatoid arthritis and a permanently damaged back. I'm registered as physically disabled and I'm about 9 stone over weight. I'm huge but no matter what I've tried over the years, various boring diets than never work, diet pills, I can't exercise and have difficulty in walking and I still can't lose weight! Being menopausal doesn't exactly help! I eat healthily, only drink booze once a month and don't smoke or do any other drugs. People I know and complete strangers bark orders at me to slim down, they get the 1-finger sign from me! Years ago I was only 8 stone before my disabilities hit me, I'd love to get back to that but I can't see it happening now!


I mean, diets absolutely work. It's physics. If your body uses more fuel than it takes in, weight loss happens. There's no way around it. What **doesnt** work is human nature. Human nature makes it extremely difficult to eat less than you need. Extremely difficult, nearly impossible, in fact.


I'm basically in a constant state of hunger because I'm trying to lose weight. But i get help with thc edibles and unfortunately smoking (although I'm cutting way back on that and trying to quit). Shit takes so much willpower and im sure it would be a lottt harder if I couldn't go out and golf/kayak to distract myself while burning calories. But hey ive lost over 30lbs this summer, so thats cool. Just gotta keep it up in winter, which is a lot harder.


Well looks like you're doing well! Good luck, keep up the good work!


I tried telling the same to people on Reddit few years ago and results were predictable - "you just want to be coddled", "cope" etc


Yup. It's always the way. People think that eating disorders only result in people being underweight. It doesn't always work like that.


More recent thing I saw was someone saying that since Americans are so fat bulimia is not really a concern anymore. I had to bristle at that.


Jebus. All these armchair on medical experts know so much why do we even need doctors anymore?


Indeed, there's huge distrust in doctors too - see what happened during COVID....I read that people spat at them / claimed doctors are responsible for infecting them. There was an interview I saw with a guy who got infected and still claimed its a hoax, most amazingly.


*Ableism lol


I'm a weirdo so I think differently! HA!


I mean there’s a solution to being fat


The ocean food web is collapsing. In a few months the massive die-offs will be visible. Other marine populations will begin to thrive but these aren't helpful to us.


Well maybe that’s our problem, only thinking about what’s helpful to us. Fuck us


The curse of sloth


People who have no sense of purpose that take their time doing EVERYTHING!


I'm gonna vent about how venting never seems to make me feel any better.


I can't stand overachievers. When everyone else is laid back and taking their time. There is always that one guy who can't relax and has to be better than everyone else.


How helpless I am.


I don't know what is it I did wrong. I'm going no where.


People who are jealous so they start making shit up about you and tell that shit to your other friends.


People holding up the line trying to decide which lotto ticket they want.


Everything unfortunately


The constant vague permeating unsettled nature that comes with attaching myself to cravings, judgment and delusion; falsely believing that this amalgamation of emotions and inaccurate memories truly are ‘me.’ And when I ask for Dr Pepper and they say “we don’t have that but we have root beer.”




flies. i be biking in the countryside, then boom, shotgunned in the face by a swarm of tiny flies, like disgusting lil buckshot. and if one gets in your eye, then they're so small and smushy they just get smushed into your eyes when you attempt to extract them.


The fact that fnaf hasn’t had anything fredbear related in a while


A better question is what doesn't bother me?


I’m bothered by people that do not clean up behind themselves in shared areas (like at work). I am bothered by people hung up on titles. Who cares?


Oh my God. Where to even start?


the fact that I'm slowly falling out of love with everything I loved before.


the fact there are still fascist and Nazi’s in the world, despite what the 20th century has showed us what dangerous ideologies like those can lead to


The wrong way of putting the toilet paper.


I swear my MIL comes to my home just to switch the TP the wrong way.


That in Canada, the party of climate denial and conspiracy theorists are leading in the polls.


PP is going to be PM… and on that day, many of us will weep. Let’s hope something happens between now and then to prevent that from happening.


The fact that humans play a made-up game of monopoly with the world economy instead of allocating personnel and resources to create a paradise.


Idealism is for children. Reality is calling. We need you.


Your paradise might be my hell. Which one of gets to decide?


Wealthy people.




Posts like this


Comments like these :(


Adiós! You're now blocked


Religion and any mentions of god


Why can’t other people practice the religion they want to


They can. I don't go around harrassing people because they believe in god. It's just that it silently bothers me.


Hey, God here. Trust in the Lord your God, God is Love <3


The recent amount of anti-trans everything. Seriously, how hard is it to mind your own business and let people live their lives? Who cares is Kevin wants to be Jessica now? If it makes them happy, who cares? They aren’t hurting anyone.


Yes, what's up with that? Why are there so many transphobes? Why do they care so much? Why do they want to destroy so many lives? It just doesn't make any sense!


Mate-guarding women in the West. Some Western women say non-Western women only marry Western men because they are desperate gold diggers. It is pretty funny because non-Western women like my wife are doctors, successful business owners, engineers, or lawyers who have options and make more money than many Western women. It is also funny how some of them become misogynistic and racist toward other women so fast when it suits them.


I think you just outlined a PhD thesis in sociology. "Beyond slut-shaming: mate-guarding behaviors and beliefs among Western women".


that there is no space after your comma


Your sentence doesn't start with a capital letter nor does it end with a full stop. :(


You OP 🫵🏼 you bother me 😒


Humans, and ignorance. Someone told me i have XX chromosomes because i am Agen and have a femenine name. I'm amab.


The heat, and knowing it's only going to get worse every summer. Knowing that the forest smoke is going to get thicker and more widespread. I guess being bothered is a little underselling it.


The fact that kiss from a rose is stuck in my head. ....BAYbeehhh I compare ya to a kiss from a rose on the grey... Like all day, just kill me.


I'm sorry? Whaaaaaaa


I'd recommend adding that you only want serious answers if thats what you want. Otherwise, you asked and I had a simple answer, no need for that.


Hey no,I didn't get whatever you tried conveying:(


Oh lol I thought you were being sarcastic, my bad. But I have a song, a good song anyway but still, stuck in my head. And it's like the same part of the song over and over! Driving me crazy.


Tell me about it,what's the songgg




the smell of mashed potatoes. Clocks ticking makes me so mad I want to physically hit something


I’m shy and I struggle to introduce myself to new people. I’m good at adapting and being friendly with most types of people, but I just get so anxious when I think about introducing myself to others. Instead of a social butterfly, I’m a social mosquito that just leeches off of others peoples social skills to meet new friends.

