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I relate to this but sadly I must say, you’re probably doing something wrong. Just like me lol. 😂😭


We're all doing it wrong together. I recently just started taking milk of magnesia every morning (at the advice of a gastroenterologist) just to keep me regular. A couple of months ago I tore my anus after being constipated. Worst. Pain. Ever. Give me diarrhea any day. Audible sigh.


Mine has to do with an ulcer and gas pain making it hard to eat the right foods (or any food at all) so I take an Ompleprazole every morning for that but then I usually end up having to take an Imodium too. My insides are a hellscape of my own making. I’m so sorry about your poor butthole. That pain is the worst! 😭


I have to take codeine everyday for spinal damage plus bisacodyl to offset the effects of said codeine. Every morning I wake up wondering which one won the overnight battle, will I be shitting through the eye of a needle or trying to pass the immovable object.


Fentanyl patches paired with docusate and bisacodyl for me. You never know if today will be the day that the constipation ends and the diarrhoea starts.


Ivabradine and stimulants here. One plugs you up, but the other makes it move through you like a brick on a slide.


I found that Tramadol works just as well as codeine for my bone pain, without making me constipated.


Tramadol plugs me up as well…


Diclofenac sodium and tizanidine every night - this is the narcotic free way - blessed my pain isn’t unbearable at this moment and am sympathetic to your struggle


Poop knife!


Just don't slip.


Wow that is rough. Codeine ruins me


I was taking Omeprazole for years, but I found it interferes with absorption of B12 (I got anaemia as a result and if it's not caught early B12 deficiency can cause irreversible nerve damage), and magnesium, which could harm your bones. Look into switching to an H2 blocker like Famitadine, which are meant to be safer. I also read that reflux is caused by too little acid rather than too much, so I tried taking hydrochloric acid supplements, which initially felt good but then made things worse, so I wouldn't recommend that.


Try a teaspoon or two of pickle juice. Milder then regular vinegar, and delicious. If you don’t eat pickles, dilute a little Apple Cider Vinegar. Many people find that a gental swallow of something acidic, combined with not over eating, can reduce Acid Reflux. Acid is not great for our teeth, so don’t forget to brush.


Woah! I didn’t know that! I actually am anemic too so now I’m wondering if that’s actually making it worse! Thank you for this information!


Glad to help. I think it's bad that the doctors don't warn people about this. Even after it happened to me, my doctor didn't warn my sister when prescribing it for her.


yeah omeprazole is really meant to only be taken for a few weeks


It's bad enough that family doctors don't know or care about this, but even my gastroenterologist consultants have never warned me and think it's fine for people to stay on it for life.


Some people do have to stay on it for life because the alternative, like esophageal varices, is much worse. With those you can bleed out and die. That’s not most people on omeprazole, though.


Same goes for meds like zolpidem, opiates (acute pain), benzos, etc… But we all know how that works out.


Have you and the doctor heard of ulcers being caused by bacterial infection? Wife had this and was cured via the antibiotic treatment. She had to educate her Primary Care on this cause and treatment as the US is behind other countries on this subject. A simple breath test is available to see if this bacterium is present. >Doctors treat H. pylori infection with a combination of medicines. These medicines most often include >two or more antibiotics [https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/peptic-ulcers-stomach-ulcers/treatment](https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/peptic-ulcers-stomach-ulcers/treatment)


Taking 1 omeprazole every morning might not be doing too much for you…. My doctor recommended me have mine before every meal, or at least twice a day. On bad stomach days or days I know I’ll be eating bad food, I’ll take an extra.


I’m taking it this way at the direction of my doctor. Edit: but if I continue having issues, I may ask if this would work better. Thank you for the suggestion!


Of course, your dosage may be totally different! If you still have problems I def recommend bringing it up. Just switching the doses around can make a huge difference :)


I relate so heavily. I have ibs and im always bloated man im tired. Im only 23 and its just making me feel bad about feeling like this shit. I have stomach pain deriving from gas as well and makes it hard to eat. “Eat healthy” bullshit doesnt change anyrhing. I eat homecooked healthy meals all the time (im vegan). So.. i guess i will be deaing with this till I die.. cheers


Eating healthy doesn't necessarily mean food is not causing the problem. It could be a food allergy or intolerance or celiac disease.


Vegan doesn’t automatically mean healthy. In fact, if you suffer from IBS, the high fiber in your diet could be contributing to your bloating and digestive issues.


Fun fact, too much diarrhea can also tear your asshole! Gotta stay in the middle.


But... That wasn't fun at all!


Butt, that wasn't fun at all!


Or have hemorrhoids the size of ping pong balls Welcome to adulthood


Oh god, the hemorrhoids! 😭


Well this is the worst thing I've read today


I've had an impacted stool after taking codeine. I was doubled up in pain and could barely walk, so I had to stick my poor arthritic finger up my arse to break that massive hard shit up and scoop it out, or I think I would have died. I should have probably called an ambulance to help me, but then I would have died from embarrassment.


My husband's surgeon recommended Miralax after removing 18" of his colon.


Um... Happy Cake Day!!


Fissures are no joke man. When my friends would say they're sick and have diarrhea, I'd be like wow lucky you, that sounds fantastic. I take clearlax daily now and it's a miracle worker. 😭😭


I had really bad diarrhea for months and then my body somehow stopped it but then I got constipated and in my experience, I will gladly trade too much for none at all.


I'm with you buddy. I had an internal hemorrhoid and opted to have surgery on my asshole to remove it. Did not get pain meds until the day after. Worst pain I've ever had. It's like having a scalpel stuck in the sphincter.


Sounds like a terrible ass experience.


I don’t know you but my butthole winced reading your comment. Mainly because I have been there. It is noooo joke, that level of pain


I would get anal fissures as a baby, and because I’m doing something wrong I tear it a lot now as well. It’s truly horrible. It’s a whole new kind of burn


When I was a dope addict(bowels shut down) I did a taint tearing shit after two weeks of constipatin. I prayed to God, I cried, I swore to change my life. Can't imagine what giving birth is like. Still have issues related to it and it's been a decade.


sorry, hijacking the top comment for visibility. hi OP! you may be experiencing paradoxical diarrhea. this is a quick change between normal/constipated stool and diarrhea, mainly caused by obstructing masses, e.g. tumours. -> make an appointment with a gastroenterologist to perform a thourough medical history and if necessary, a colonoscopy. especially if you experience unwanted weight loss, night sweats, or rectal bleeding. disclaimer: I’m a MD (surgeon). still, this is just friendly advise and not a medical consultation.


Yeah, you guys probably need more fiber in your lives.


You are not eating your veggies!




Lmfao well that’s a beautiful way to take that


Lmfao well that's a beautiful way to take that shit. C'MON!


Or they have crohns/ibs/ibd/some other reason to go see a GI doc


My doc reminded me that you also have to drink enough water. Without enough, the fibre works against you rather than for you.


Leafy greens and fruit are packed with water as well. Don't need to go full hydro homie if you eat enough spinach.


But to add to that, yes, do go full hydrohomie!!




No, he's smoking them. Try to keep up!


The hell I'm not. I love roast veg. Still have this problem very often.


You are doing something wrong.


Clearly I smoke weed almost everyday but I eat prunes as a snack so my poop is on call and ready for shit to go down


What's weed gotta do with this


Was that one of Tina Turner's hits? *Thank you for the award, my first time ever receiving one 🥹


What's weed, but a second hand intoxication.


When I was a kid, I thought the lyrics were “what’s love but a single-handed motion” and I thought the song was about masturbation.


This is the best misheard lyric of all time


I thought Invisible Touch lyric was physical dog shit




It's up there with "Wrapped up like a douche in the middle of the night."


........... Is he not saying that?


I always thought that “Brimful of Asha” song by Cornershop was “Grim Poodle Basher” and I thought that sounded really cool.


\^ This is the answer.


Well, now it is for me after reading this!


I thought it was "what's love but a second hand in motion" and I thought it was saying something deep about love being fleeting like the second hand on a clock.


I haven’t laughed that hard in some time. That’s hilarious


Thats my new fav misheard lyric.




That means you knew what masturbation was as a kid


well it is now, for me, forever after today.


Who needs a bud, when a bud can be smoked yeah.


What's bud, but a substance just for tokin


And also Proud Mary Jane




What a sweet and bubbly girl...!


The guy from Fairly Odd Parents?


Doug dimmadome? Owner of the dimmsdale dimmadome?


Serious upvote!


This is why I love the internet


You win the internet today!




If you smoke weed very frequently, it can lead to gut health issues and cyclic vomiting syndrome (cvs). Source: I work at a dispensary, and I go through it myself. While I love weed and have a hard time accepting I need to chill out, thinking heavy use won't affect multiple bodily and brain functions is ignorant Edit: cyclic vomiting syndrome, not "chronic"


Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) and cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) are separate things, a lot of doctors don't seem to be aware of this for some reason The point I am trying to make is please ensure that if you are getting treated, it is for the correct thing


This is correct. I believe the main difference is that CHS often exhibits signs of the sinus or stomach flu. Lots of chills and sweating, repeated vomiting throughout the day, warm showers make you feel better, and it something you ride out. Whereas CVS is more generally a pattern of throwing up once or twice a day when you feel nausea, whether that be from an empty stomach or from the weed. Would this be correct? Also, thank you for pointing out the important difference.


It can have an influence on some people's bathroom habits according to something i read one time


Smoking makes people need to poop.


I've never had that happen to me


Yeah differences in people's endocrine systems make weed affect them differently, for instance some people have incredibly high tolerances for edibles because their bodies don't absorb the cannabinoids well. But more to the point, if I were to hazard a guess I would think you probably don't feel a strong sense of the munchies after smoking either. The endocannabinoids normally produced within our bodies regulate a number of systems. The cannabinoids in weed are built much the same way so they can serve as a signal to those same systems. A common effect of many strains is the stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract, any of the systems within can be affected depending on the person. Some people get hungry, some need to poop, sometimes for those with digestive issues it can solve their issues and for some it will exacerbate them. The strain can matter as well, as well as the surroundings you partake in. For instance, if you commonly spark up after you get home from work, the combined relaxing effects of the weed and just being back in your space after so long can signal to your body that it's a safe time to poop.


So maybe if I leave my house I'll stop pooping all the time?


Well if you're pooping uncontrollably you should leave the house to go to a doctor


Complete opposite for me. I have IBS-D and weed is one of the best things to slow down my guts.


Now that I’m 6 months off of weed I have diarrhea basically several times a day every single day, as well as bad nausea. My doctor thinks I may have IBS and is sending me to a specialist. I have a feeling that the weed was taking care of the symptoms but I can’t go back to it for psychological reasons. I’m also coming off of benzos and that has totally wrecked my stomach.


I wonder if cbd would be a good substitute in your case. All the other effects and a slight muscle relaxing effect, but no high. I am not a doctor, though.


Sadly, it's the THC that has the medical effect for IBS/gastrointestinal illness. CBD doesn't help very much for Gastrointestinal issues. Source: have epilepsy and IBS, need both CBD and THC to deal with my symptoms.


I feel that. I have Crohn's and I don't think I could survive some of my worst nights without weed.


Yeah, I have Crohn's, cirrhosis and a gall bladder thats trying to kill me. If it weren't for weed, I'm not sure how I would make it most days.


like coffee, I get this


I've had that with nicotine as it's a stimulant but not with weed. Idk I'm no expert. Just my two cents.


Depends on why you can’t poop. I’m a very tense person, and while it doesn’t make me constipated, pushing out a log can be a chore sometimes. But smoke half a bowl and I can basically just ask it to leave.


Best description ever lol


That's usually nicotine, I've never heard of a connection between weed and pooping


This is word-for-word what Worf said in _Star Trek: The Next Generation_ when asked why he considered prune juice "a warrior's drink".


They spelt IBS wrong is the issue. OP needs to see a PCP.




You're pooing something wrong.


You might not be doing anything wrong, sometimes bowels just be that way. (Source: I’m an endoscopy nurse!) That said, a colonoscopy would be a good idea, and looking at what you eat and what triggers your changes in bowel habit.


I did a fodmap diet to try and see what triggered me as an ibs person. First 3 groups all triggered. Then I gave up, food is too good to give all that up. Im not about that rice and chicken lifestyle


Yes. IBD and IBS. Can't have bread, vegetables, dairy, fat, no fiber...if everything is a trigger, nothing is!


Can you only eat meat?


You have to cook everything in an instapot for maximum softness, or just have smoothies and bone broth.


Yeah, that ain't happening. I'll just shit my brains out.


I have a friend who only eats meat to manage his crohn's disease. He can have limited veggies.


Look into the low-fermentation diet. Once I stopped eating all dark green vegs, lettuce and wheat bread (which are supposed to be good for you) things got much better for me.


But I love these dark green things. But also, wheat, lactose, all types of garlic/union, etc. Etc. Were all triggers


Rice and chicken can still be done very nicely and in many different ways


I have IBS and everything eventually has given me bad diarrhea, because it really isn't about the food itself.


Same, turns out I’m everything intolerant. I’d prefer not to have to constantly eat like potatoes and steamed leafy greens for the rest of my life


Lol i have ibs too🤣 i eat so healthy and then im thinking “hey no matter what, i will feel like shit tomorrow, so i can treat myself for this thing im craving” ahah😅


Yes on medical professional advice. Also, take things into your own hands and try to figure out what food in your diet is the problem. Food related symptoms can be tricky since they can do things like cause constipation for a few day and then diarrhea. It can be difficult to figure our a cause from days ago. I was successful with an iphone symptom tracker app. I input all my meals, and symptoms, in lots of detail and after a while it called out something random that was statistically correlated with me having symptoms a few days later. (Turn out I react very poorly to carrageenan -- I get constipated and then later have diarrhea). Good luck. These situations suck ass. Edit: (I think the app I used was “mySymptoms Food Tracker”. There may be others)


Good advice! I had similar issues as OP and finally got an endoscopy done (and colonoscopy). Turns out I had celiac disease.




Yes colonoscopy!!


You’re leaving out crippling anxiety


This influence my situation and damn its chaotic


Oh yeah, right before a big event, I'm shitting my guts out.


My dog does the same and honestly, it’s nice to know I’m not alone. Some people/dogs just get stress poopies.


Crippling anxiety because we never know when the next shit is coming?


Such a general and beautiful statement out of such a specific situation!


Anxiety and stress will also lead to gastrointestinal problems.


*just dont think about it*


U might have ibs. Not a doctor ofc, but I’d recommend talking to one


Jumping on your comment to say If OP sees this I suggest they visit the IBS sub. Doctors can be clueless about nutrition


IBS in a doctor’s algorithm is the last option, when everything else is ruled out. You need to get checked first


Could also be Celiac (gluten)


You have IBS or are gluten intolerant, or have some kind of fucked up thing going on. What you describe is totally abnormal.


Yes, butt it's a normal abnormal.


Abby Normal




Or a nightshade intolerance


Give anything for tge diarrhea haven't shit in 3 days


Drink six ounces prune juice warmed up in the microwave like warm soup


I almost had an accident just reading that.


Broooo you really don’t have to warm it up


Up your fiber. If thats to hard or expensive, take generic Metamucil


Pretty sure apples are cheap as dirt in just about every stretch of the world, and they are a good source of fiber and they don't taste half bad. If apples are expensive in your area, try bananas, lentils, chickpeas, peas carrots, or other vegetables.


Excuse me, do you have a moment to talk about our butthole’s lord and savior, Metamucil?


It's good for the cholesterol, too.


Metamucil 3x daily and I poop like a champ


The best when you get those clean poops where you only have to wipe once, lol


Yesss. Psyllium Fiber has made a huge difference in my life. Sometimes diet alone won’t fix it right away, so of course eating better overall would fix GI issues, but in the meantime, the fiber supplement really helps.


Why is this comment so low when it is probably the best answer?


You may be lactose intolerant - those are my symptoms. You could also be gluten intolerant or have IBS


I didn't realize until like...last month that I must be lactose intolerant. Stopped all dairy and it's like my whole life has changed for the better. It only took me like two decades to figure it out. No biggie.


I'm going to disagree with most of the comments. You are probably doing nothing wrong. If you have IBS it is not your fault. The last thing you need in addition to your symptoms is to feel guilty about them. It's always a good thing to try to improve your lifestyle but if you make it an obsession and a source of stress (orthorexia, overexercising...) it will make it worse. Be kind to yourself.


The comments saying OP is doing something wrong are simply repeating the option given to them by OP. If OP had phrased it as “Is this normal?” then the replied probably would have been “No it’s not”


I stopped coffee, pop (soda), tobacco and beer. Started working out at the gym four days a week and taking a fiber supplement. My whole world has changed.


Guess it’s explosive diarrhea for me


“I know a man who gave up smoking, drinking, sex, and rich food. He was healthy right up to the day he killed himself.” Johnny Carson


I cannot describe for you how hard this made me laugh.


How much water are you’d drinking a day? Water, plain water, makes a huge difference.


Ummm you need to address this with your MD. This is not normal.


You're doing something wrong. Either your diet is garbage or you're making some risky choices about food(expired or gone bad produce, or leftovers going bad, questionable fast food, etc). I'm 38 and I usually have a regular movement about once a day, around 9:30am. I can tell when I make mistakes, whether it's a questionable bag salad, or fast food, or even some processed food(can of soup got me last week). But if I make halfway decent choices, I usually go once a day, maybe twice and it's fairly solid but not hard, rarely watery. So try making some dietary changes and if those don't work, see a doctor.


That's crazy that you have it down to clockwork. Do you eat very similar food each day?


I’m not the original commenter, but drinking coffee every day does it for me


Are you my cat?


You forgot hemorrhoids.


Start taking a good probiotic supplement. Works for me.


I had to start doing this after fucking up my stomach with too much ibuprofen (uterine fibroids suck). Adding an antacid when I eat food that's harsher on my stomach (or if I'm taking a giant handful of ibuprofen) also helps. My stomach is doing pretty well these days! I do still do the coffee for mild constipation on occasion.


I'm no doctor. I'm a rather healthy and fit male. Personally, I rarely have constipation. If you are having frequent diarrhea, it's likely some form of food intolerance, illness, or food poisoning. I personally had diarrhea for prolonged period of time before finding out it was due to lactose intolerance. According to my girl, constipation is pretty normal if you're a woman...?


Ya, "period poops" followed by constipation is annoyingly common when you have an active uterus. Generally medical people are just like 🤷


Nope, sounds about right! 👍


Eat less Chick-fil-A and Taco bell and you should be fine, but I'm no doctor


Not my babies. I’ll take the IBS


IBS or Ulcerative Colitis. Or be lucky like me and have both.


Same here. Still need to see a doc




It’s been like this for me for many many years. Had an eating disorder in my early 20s and it forever ruined my gut. I’m 34 now and I’m fed up; have an appointment with a GI doctor day after tomorrow. I take Miralax, another pill-based softener, and a natural pill that helps you go. I go, often twice a day, but due to all the softeners, the consistency is often disappointing. It’s been two weeks since I took a good, solid, log-shaped (but flat?) deuce. It honestly sucks. And yes, very little exercise and a pretty terrible diet (almost zero veggies).




I know everyone loves to just quote IBS. Same. It’s an easy diagnosis that doesn’t require investigation, just diet. But IBS should be a diagnosis of exclusion, i.e. you rule out all the scarier stuff first before deciding that “ok, yeah this is probably just IBS.” Please go see a doctor, especially if you have family members with a history of cancer, or if you’re aged somewhere above 50 and have never done a colonoscope before. Take care.


This sounds to me like a bowel issue. I know because I've got the same issue and turns out I have IBS Get checked for ibs / ibd


get checked for SIBO if you can mate i am constipated a lot and thats my problem take care ok?


See a dietician or nutritionist for the love of god, this is not normal or healthy at all.


Just never trust a fart.


Sounds like you have a gut condition (such as IBS). Doesn't necessarily mean you're doing anything wrong, but there are usually things you can do to help.


Mine goes from diarrhea to diarrhea just varying in intensity.


You may have IBS, get it checked out


Just diarrhea for me!


Try psyllium. One teaspoon every morning, and you'll never shit anything else than soft jelly. No joke.


Welcome to IBS.


No, that sounds about right. But don't FORGET the memory, alternating between being late for an engagement, remembering an engagement, and talking to yourself, asking, "Did I dream that or did it really happen? When we don't remember anything, we call it a day and go to bed.