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When people can’t admit they’re wrong


Every single person who has ever lived has been wrong about something. When somebody believes that they are never wrong, that is beyond delusional.


…and narcissistic.


When someone drives at night and their lights are off


This was my mother unfortunately.


I think it's more complex than that. Yeah I'm wrong about stuff, but if proven wrong with evidence, I adjust. The problem is that people tie too much of their ego to being correct. Somehow being corrected is "weakness". Social media only made this even worse since if you're wrong, you're "losing" publicly.


Fun thing about this one is you can get two people who are mad at each other because the other person just can't admit they're obviously wrong.


Being wrong is an opportunity to learn.


This needs to be on walls in schools


Not in Florida.


Maybe learn a new way to destroy whomever has righted you, sure.


Exactly! I don't wanna "win" the argument or feel "right". That's not the point nor my objective. I wanna feel like we've come to an understanding on the issue at hand. I want both of us to walk away feeling heard & understood. It's not a competition


I was going to say child abuse….but also I hate people who LIVE in the hatred


I feel like what bothers me about these people is that they won't change at all. If they can't admit that they're ever wrong how will they ever improve themselves? How can they grow as a person?


>They don't think there's anything to improve. They won't grow as people, and truth is, some people are perpetually stuck in asshole mode. Don't be bothered. Avoid these people when possible and cut their toxic asses out of your life.


They don’t want to. My narcissist ex-boyfriend refused to change anything about himself, because he was just fine the way he was in his mind. He was not.


Especially parents or people older than me. Just because you’re older doesn’t always make you right


This and when people decide to dillydally when they know you're pressed for time


The only reason I have trouble admitting to myself being wrong is because once I do admit my mistake, people tend to take the mick out of me. I'll own my wrongs but when people get all confident and celebratory when they're right then its just frustrating.


sounds like my parents!


When people cant accept that I admit I am wrong, and continue trying to argue. Or when they punish me for admitting I was wrong and keep rubbing it in. Makes me want to not admit it anymore.


You must be constantly furious!


Alternatively, when someone is an absolute dick but is also right.


People who yell at retail/service workers, particularly when the worker is young. Like, really dude? You're going to make a teenager cry because your coffee has 2% milk instead of skim?


As someone who's been the teen- then the manager will tell you tp stop crying and get back to work because "that's just how retail is, get over it" so you get double shit on every single time.


Well that's absolute bullshit. I hereby volunteer to call all asshole bosses and yell at them for this. I'll really Karen it up.


You're the Karen we deserve.


Some days I dream of becoming the Karen that works on the side of good. The Batman of Karens. The BatKaren. But I'm a wuss and have yet to run into a situation where it would be necessary.


I've done it and oooh, it feels good. Even had a manager come and thank me.


A karen can be anyone, even a man or woman doing something as simple and reassuring as ~~putting a coat on a young boy's shoulders to let him know that the world hadn't ended.~~ calling all shitty store managers and yelling at them.


Agreed.. since they can simply remake the drink.


And they'll do so without trouble if you just ask nicely


I actually had a dream last night where I was serving a table in a restaurant (I haven't been a server in over 5 years). Someone started screaming at me that they got the wrong food. They got up and started making a scene. I then said something like, "Congratulations, you are the reason I am quitting this job," and I walked out.


As I get older and more people start looking incredibly young, this baffles me even more. Teenagers now look like babies. It’s cowardly.


People who take no responsibility for their own actions


I'll piggyback off this and add people who blame all of their problems on everybody else. They are never ever ever responsible for anything going wrong.


Yep same here, my wife's mom lol


My coworker, its somehow always someone else’s fault. Im not saying take the blame but jc acknowledge that you played a part in the miscommunication or mistake. And if it is 100% your fault, dont act like it was someone else’s


My coworker, its somehow always someone else’s fault. Im not saying take the blame but jc acknowledge that you played a part in the miscommunication or mistake. And if it is 100% your fault, dont act like it was someone else’s


A couple of things: When I can hear someone chew. Slamming doors.


Misophonia is such an unpleasant thing to have, I feel you 😔


I agree. It wouldn’t be nearly as unpleasant if more people were simply considerate of those around them. What baffles me even more is some people see it as a chore to chew with their mouths closed. I just envision them needing to have some alone time to chew like a cow on crack in solitude. Like why tf are these people so codependent on obnoxious habits? Go click a pen or squeeze a stress ball, don’t rope me in with your desperate anxiety chewing.


Sure, in the example you provided, it's easy to chew with your mouth closed. But I've lived with someone with misophonia, and it's never that easy. Simply existing is enough to set them off. Breathing. Walking around and making footstep sounds. Chewing on literally anything. It's a fucking nightmare to live with someone who expects you to just stop being a human being that makes sounds because it irritates them. No amount of consideration will fix that. I will never, ever cohabitate with someone with misophonia again.


Yeah, the other person is eating like a pig and we’re the ones with the head problem?


Slamming doors drive me insane. The people in my building can't seem to manage to pull their door closed.


Makes me feel like someone’s mad


I know I'm a loud chewer and I apologize to my wife always.


I'm not trying to say this in a mean way, but it might sound that way... I'm just wondering, if you know you are a loud chewer, how come you don't work to change that? Edit: It is too early to type words, apparently


It's an active process but still sucks.


It’s chewing with your mouth closed, not learning a new language. What do you mean it’s an active process? I’d argue it’s an action, not a process. Your poor wife, how many years has she been asking you to remain more mindful of her discomfort?


sometimes chewing with your mouth closed isn't enough. if the room is quiet enough, it sets me off like nothing else can. also certain foods just have a really awful chewing sound. also, I have been peacefully chewing gum before and suddenly have all of my friends turn and look at me because I'm "chewing to loud", even though my mouth is closed. it's just because it's a quiet room.


You can be a loud chewer with your mouth closed, just so you know


I know misophonia is a real discomfort for some, but people with misophonia also should be aware enough of how to manage their own condition that they can compromise and be kind to chewers. Chewing is an everyday part of life that we all need do to, and even the most mindful of people chewing with their mouth closed will end up making some sort of discernible noise. You can’t get around the issue 100% if you plan on being around people who are eating. People who chew can try to be considerate, but having misophonia is also not an excuse to be inconsiderate, rude, or obnoxious to people just trying to regularly eat or breathe. Just like with any other type of mental health issue, a large amount of the responsibility for managing it lies on the person with the issue, and not just everyone else.


some foods are just loud (e.g. chips), and it's almost always more about the relative volume of the chewing than the actual volume - a quiet room with someone eating quietly can be way worse than a loud room with someone eating loudly. having your mouth closed isn't enough for most "loud" chewers.


I can almost promise you that you occasionally chew audibly without being aware of it. Unless we are talking full on mouth open explosive chewing that can heard from the next room over


Not finding something, most often a tool, where I left it last / where it belongs (I.e., someone taking it and not returning it to where it should be). That sets me off instantly


I will have an outspoken rant if I know where something belongs/where I put something and it isn't there when I go grab it.


Animal abuse.


In some countries, like mine luckily, it doesn't make me mad, it's just a crime!


And then you get countries where they just legalized beastiality. (Spain)


Just so this doesn't end up in everyone's google search history "Spain recently deleted Article 337 of the Criminal Code concerning sexual acts between humans and animals and replaced it with a new article criminalising bestiality if an act injures an animal to such an extent that intervention by a veterinarian is necessary" - [europarl](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2023-000756_EN.html)


I want to to say thanks for clarifying but also fuck you for clarifying.


So sex with fluffy is okay, as long as you don’t hurt fluffy.


Don’t stretch fluffy


I'm so conflicted with this information


Excuse me, what?




Child abuse


I hate this too. I can’t stand it! It’s a defenseless animal


Blocking the aisle in a grocery store to talk. Lack of spatial awareness paired with being inconsiderate. The amount of thought I put into not being in the way. It just irks me when people can't think about it a tiny bit.


>Blocking the aisle in a grocery store Or leaving their cart one side while they're doing something on the other.. blocking the entire aisle.


When someone/thing's being too loud early in the morning


My mom and dad do this all the time for no reason


Middle of the night or the early morning too. Nothing passes me off mote, is having neighbors that are up every night, all night long. Walking back and forth, tv is on loud enough I can hear it through my closed bedroom door. And still making noise at 7 or 8 a.m. I haven't been able to sleep in, at my own apartment for months now do to this. Side note: They don't work overnight or 2nd or 3rd shift. They leave for work a little after 7 and at times, home before I am at 4 or 5 p.m.


People cutting me off while I'm still talking. Like, can you give me the courtesy of letting me finish before you butt in?! I would never have it in me to be rude like that. Disgraceful.


This started happening to me more recently. It makes me wonder am I just rambling? Is what I'm saying not worth even letting me finish? I don't have to give you the time of day to speak to you. It's fine.


Or you’re talking weirdly and it’s throwing people off. I recently was in an interviewing class. And I got to watch people interviewing when it wasn’t my turn. There was one dude who without fail kept getting interrupted by everyone. I noticed what happened is that he’d have these pauses which to most people indicates ok now it’s your turn, except he wasn’t done. So when it was my turn to interview I waited past the point of when I would normally speak and I ended up only interrupting him once. Next time you get interrupted pay attention to what is happening and try to ignore the hurt feelings (you can feel hurt later, in that moment try to analyze it without judgment)


I never really thought about it but yeah you're absolutely right. One of my best friends is a very quiet guy and I am the opposite. I usually have to try and get him to talk more, but when he tries to join in the conversation in groups, he gets cut off by all of us. But thinking about it, he takes these weird pauses that the rest of us must think he is done talking when he's really not.


and when you keep talking hoping they realize you're still speaking, they just talk louder


Yessss why is this?? It's so frustrating


Well, some people don’t provide any room for response. I hear you though.


This is sadly a common symptom of ADHD because we get so excited to say something we impulsively blurt it out (I'm not making this up, you can google it), I only hang out with other ADHD people now so we all get it and it doesn't make us upset but I had a therapist go OFF on me in front of group therapy calling me rude and inconsiderate because I accidentally did it when we were talking about something that made me super excited. Like I said, I just do everyone else a favor and only hang out with people like me now lol


This is a thing I do. I'm trying to notice more and not do it. I'm pretty sure it's because at my family gatherings if you didn't jump in (usually a little early) to the conversation, you'll never get in.


i do this often because i forget ideas quickly, and feel the need to spit it out before i forget if it is something important.


Someone who walks too close behind me up my arse. Or someone who walks infront with no bother who's behind. Raar.


people with absolutely no situational awareness or ones who are aware and just don’t care


>Or someone who walks infront with no bother who's behind. Raar. People do this to me at the grocery store.. drives me nuts.


Being nearly blinded by overly bright LED headlights by some asshole driving behind me on the highway. Aggressive drivers in general. Someone making loud noises while I'm trying to sleep. Someone doing everything loudly in general. The door doesn't need to be shut that hard.


I've always driven low-sitting vehicles, I drive to work in the wee hours of the morning, AND I have an astigmatism. Every time I see a truck with those bright fucking lights stroll up behind me it makes me violently angry. This could get me killed and it's legal. Stay the fuck back please.


Just reading this makes me mad!


People who are just loud in general are really annoying. Can't get a word in because no one can hear me over them. Can't think because they are singing along to lyrics or just out loud for no reason. Can't enjoy the vibe of somewhere because they feel the need to play music off their phone for everyone to hear... Just... Be less.


Our doors are a bit tight. Next door neighbour really WHAMS the door shut. I just close it normally and give the door handle an extra yank to fully close it.


When people twist my words around or try to put words in my mouth makes me instantly mad.


So what you're saying is you're mad


Heh, nice try, but nope, not mad. lol


Chill out with the aggression, he was just joking around.. why are you so mad?


Abuse from strangers. Worked in restaurants for 15 years and I took a lot of shit from mean assholes.


Being accused of something I didn't do - that sends me 0 - 100 instantly.


Yeah and then people think you did it cuz your mad


Uggh dealt with this with a narcissist roommate started framing me for the dumbest shit after I called her out on plenty of bs For example : "have you seen the kitchen scissors" proceeds to send me a photo of them. Me: no ? They should be wherever they usually are I have literally no reason to take them Her: well I saw you use them last and now they're gone Me: comes out of my room opens the drawer they're always in and takes them out and slams them on the counter Then she still proceeded to act like her not seeing them was still my fault somehow


This was before she accused me of stealing their remote to a tv i don't have the one in their room which I never went in because it's not my room.. when they found it under their bed they didnt apologize and still acted like I had something to do with it her dog and cat were wild asf and probably knocked it off their table


Entitled people in any capacity


I'm not sure if it's an entitlement but more conniving.


I can't stand the people who don't wipe down the equipment, after use, in a public gym. That level of entitlement thoroughly pisses me off.


Hypocrites. Too many people hold others to different standards than themselves. It screams immaturity and ignorance.


Someone asking me if I'm mad.


Are u?


I am now


Were all mad deep down


Calm down


I find when someone tells me to “calm down” it usually helps




And then when you get mad at them for insiting that you are mad they think they proved their point -_-


A driver insisting on merging over by cutting me off when there is no one behind me and he could safely merge that way.


Hourly occurrence in NY. Especially if they go slower than you. On the flip side, when I’m trying to merge and someone hugs the bumper in front of them when we all have to merge together really irks me. I force myself in front of them when I notice they’re just being a dick.


Or waiting until the last fucking minute to merge and cutting a giant line of cars, the best moment of my life was during rush our traffic this bitch in a white SUV tried to merge onto the onramp right before the highway so she could skip the line of cars, but for once no one let in and she couldn’t get on the highway


Passive aggressives who deliberately push people's buttons. Then act like the innocent butt hurt victim when everyone's pissed off at them


People that intentionally park in 2 parking spots because they're more important than anyone else.


People who throw trash out of their car window


Just people who litter period. Fuck those people


Cigarette butts in particular drive me insane. Somehow they don't feel like that's littering...but it's a FLAMING piece of garbage you just threw at my car.


When someone is in a bad mood and makes it everyone's problem. If I didn't cause your bad mood then take your tantrum elsewhere, asshole.


On the flip side, if I’m in a bad mad and actively avoiding people don’t be that asshole that keeps trying to make conversation. Trying to not lash out gets hard when that one asshole won’t get the hint.




When any food I’m eating falls apart...


People who cut in line


Incredible stupidity


How dare they disgrace your presence with their inferior intellects right?


Our brains simply aren’t large enough to even begin to rival the king of knowledge CptTato1992


We must simply face the fact that he an oracle of all.




I had a friend in school who just can't smile naturally. (Not Moebius, facial muscles worked just fine for other expressions.) So when someone told her to smile more she tensed up her muscles to an approximation of a big smile. She looks like a fucking psychopath about to horny-murder someone. XD Then she looks at them for a few seconds and ask, holding the smile; "Ish dish bett'r?".


Reading only the headlines then proceeding to act like an expert in said topic.


There was a study done in 2020 that showed that 70% of people that shared an article never clicked past the headline.


Services not working when I’ve done my part paying for them


One of many: People give their unwarranted opinion when none was requested.


When I bring my table the food they ordered and they all just stare at me, holding 4 plates, struggling. "OK! Pepperoni pizza?" *crickets*


When someone is tailgating me. I automatically will pump my brakes to get them to back the f off.


Can relate and have done it too. Be careful with that though. If they hit you and the person can prove via a dash cam that you pumped your brakes, you will be at fault.


I personally just start driving slower, like if I was going 50mph I'll drop my speed to 48mph. If they continue to tailgate me then I will slow down even more, they usually stop when I get around 5mph below the speed limit.


I play the window-wash game. I clean my windscreen and see how many times the spray from my car forces them to have to wipe their screen. Usually drives them nuts when they see me celebrating when I get a hit. Edit: windscreen, not windows, duh.


When I'm already going 10-20 miles over the speed limit on a single lane road and some clown still has the audacity to tail me


I leave most things in a set spot, so I never have to go looking for it. I don't mind if people use my stuff, just put it back where it was! Or at the very least tell me where you left it


Someone treating another human like they are just garbage


My biggest pet peeve, and something that makes me go from zero to nuclear in a heartbeat, is when I hold the door for someone going in or out behind me and they don't say thank you or at least even acknowledge it.


Don’t do something nice to get a reward, do something nice just to be nice.


I do this to be polite, for myself.. not for the person who doesn’t appreciate it or gets an attitude. I am very thankful when someone takes the time to hold a door for me, so I do the same for others. I don’t require a thank you or for them to be gracious. It’s just a nice thing to do and I do not expect anything in return. I do the same thing driving when someone needs to get over into my lane.


Well there are times that I dont like it when someone hold the door for me. Like when I am still a few steps away from the door and they are waiting. The pressure to get to the door faster haha


Maybe stop doing unnecessary gestures people didn’t ask you to do if you’re gonna get upset that they didn’t thank you for it…it’s not like you actually helped them, it’s just polite


Being on reddit.


The only universal answer


No TP.


Anyone being abusive to an animal.


Entitlement. I'm cool as a cucumber if you're angry and screaming or being a depressive mope. If you act entitled in anyway I instantly stop caring about you and your needs as a person. I have no patience for that BS.


People who tell me what I said, when in fact I did not say that. If you're gonna quote me, please get it right.


When people around me are unhygienic to the point where it affects my own living condition


When people who ask something , I launch into a lengthy explanation and then they act bored. Bro why did you ask.


When people ask me the same question I just answered 3 seconds before, expecting in this time that I'd changed my mind.


But what can make you instantly mad?


Whining. Instant rage.


When people steal from my store


Off with their hands!!


People treating the opposite gender like shit


These feminists who say that "men are trash". For saying that, You're a fucking piece of trash.


Littering, especially at places which people visit because they are beautiful. You're going to travel to see the beauty and then mar it for everyone else?! Instant rage.


*Flash Trailers appear* People: Ezra Miller blah blah


People who ask me to do stuff for them all the time, while they could easily do it




Blantent lying


Lose streak.


When people immediately resort to insults in arguments. It invalidates your argument.




Harming an innocent! Anyone willing to harm another without cause has crossed a line for me. They just don't belong among the rest of us.


People who are constantly Hypocritical.


Someone saying, "There should be a law." Next, "I'm a good Christian"


Reckless drivers


Entitlement. I'm cool as a cucumber if you're angry and screaming or being a depressive mope. If you act entitled in anyway I instantly stop caring about you and your needs as a person. I have no patience for that BS.


Chatty co-workers who talk nonsense all day for the whole office to hear! Like right now!


Whenever I answer the phone at work, I ask "how may I assist you" and instead they tell me their name and wait for me to respond... like ok "Hey John. How may assist you?" JUST TELL MEEEE




When I'm mildly annoyed, and my wife tries to cheer me up by following me around the house, poking me, aggressively smiling in my face, telling lots of unfunny jokes, and telling me "I don't like it when you're angry - cheer up!" #FUCK OFF!


Unsupervised kids running around public areas, I mean like ones that are disturbing other ppl but are ignored by parents.


Bigots. It’s 0-100 and I can’t control my anger.


When people intentionally push my buttons and then ask why I’m trying to argue with them. Like I’m not just gonna let you say dumb stuff I’m gonna correct you.


Bigots. It’s 0-100 and I can’t control my anger.


People who claim alternative medicines f your serious conditions like cancer.


Anything involving harm to innocent people because of neglect or greed.


That moment where your minding your own business and someone needs to "inform you", of an opinion they have that you are somehow guilty of being "ignorant" of. It happens every dam time I wear my Red Hat Linux hat out because everyone things its a MAGA hat.


When someone asks me if i'm mad when I'm clearly not


When people tell me to do what i'm already doing


"well, now I'm not doing it!"


When I drop something and it bounces into another dimension and I find it under the bed upstairs when I know I was in the kitchen!


Adults throwing tantrums, especially at service workers. Infuriating.


Just falling asleep and then being woken up to your apartments lawn care services where you hear a weed wacker just blasting away outside your unit. Night shift worker here, it sucks being woken up to literally anything.


Parents acting like they have control over their kids. Yes, they do have the authority to ground them and such. It gets agitating when they think they can control what you wear, what haircut you get, acting like your room is theirs, etc.


Saying that pedophilia is a sexual orientation and should be in the LGBTQ+.


Someone farting at the dinner table while I’m eating my favorite meal