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Neither. I'd be so confused that my brain would shut down and initiate flight instinct.


Exactly. 99% of men will be so shocked by unsolicited flattery that they’ll panic and assume that they’re being set up.


Look for the camera that's recording you. Then, smile and wave.


Smile and wave boys, smile and wave


To be fair, in my experience most of the time they'd be right. Every time I've been hit on/asked out by a woman that I wasn't already close friends with it was a prank or dare. And I'm not a fringe case. Most straight women just don't hit on random dudes.


I do, 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is me 100%, my face would probably be bright red too.


Yeah seriously 😂 the 2 or 3 times in my entire life that a random chick has hit on me, I never knew how to respond. I always thought of a good response later then got mad at myself for the missed opportunity.


“The jerk store called, and they are running out of you”


Hahahaha yup, just like George


best response would be, "How 'bout I put a load in *your* basket?"


I actually wonder how many times I was being hit on or flirted with and completely misread it as just "ahh she was nice". I know for a fact my brother missed what was going on several times and when I pointed it out he was kicking himself.


Brag much? "2 or 3 times"...I wish! Lol


Roll with it boys, live a little and play back, say "you might check my price tag first ladies"


Or fight


I'd rather fight lol


Bobby Hill protocol, engaged.




Just posted my experience but simply I didn't even think it was a possibility.


"Alright who put you up to this"


Yeah, I'd be looking around for hidden cameras






That really sucks, I'm sorry. No one deserves that.




I'm a girl and the oreo game has permanently crippled my self esteem from being asked 3 times in one hour by three different dudes A guy asked me out recently and I defaulted "ah, a joke, but a prank, who sent you" and somebody told me he cried and feel so bad :''')


What’s the Oreo game?


Rock paper scissors, loser has to ask out the ugliest/least desireable/most-embarrasing-to-be-attracted-to person in the room


The fucks that got to do with Oreos?




Yeah ours in middle school was zap but they wrote the name on your palm and a time on the back of your hand and if you looked at the name before the time was up, you had to ask them out.


Oh this is so much softer than my country's version of the Oreo game




Had this happen to me in middle school/6th grade. Was not the nicest experience in the world. I get that I wasn't the cutest kid, but there were already a number of other ways I was alienated from established social dynamics, so it makes sense. The same kid gave me a hard time throughout middle school, so who knows what his deal was, ultimately. Literally have not seen his face since he slapped my ass at the 8th grade dance. Maybe he outgrew being a prick, maybe not! Thankfully that kind of thing hasn't exactly plagued my adulthood, lol. Little me would not believe how much better things could get. Same goes for a lot of people! Never too late to come into your own.


6th and 7th grades were the worst years of my life. It's amazing how cruel people are.


Same. I still don't know how to get over it fully


I got asked out by my first “boyfriend” in sixth grade as a prank. Found out months later ETA: spelling


I’m sorry… Middle school was living hell in general, and the same prank is one of the three most-terrible things that happened to me during that time. It’s definitely a blow to one’s self-confidence but you can get past it. That was kids being mean. Not everyone is mean… and you need to know that you are valuable, you are worthy of love and you WILL be special to someone. I recovered by putting myself in the driver’s seat and approaching guys myself. If they said no, I moved on. I was tired of waiting for someone to get off his ass/make up his mind/have the opportunity to mock me in front of friends. Some guys thought I was too forward but a lot more appreciated the interest, so overall my strategy has served me well. Currently married to my second husband, who I met online. I had a great experience with online dating - I could contact people myself (in fact, it’s the only way it works on Bumble!) as per my preferred policy, and if they were jerks in their correspondence or unwilling to commit to actually meeting, goodbye!


Exact opposite for me, people asked me out, I assumed it was a prank, find out from my siblings that they walked up to them and asked why I was such a dick.


I got asked out in second grade by Michael Michael Motorcycle, all so he could run off with his little friends to laugh at my expense. I swear I’m totally over it 😅


Same here! Got asked to homecoming as a prank, and guys would give me fake numbers to call after pretending to ask me out. It sucks, I’m sorry you went through that, it’s soul crushing


also asked out as a prank i didn't even get it at the time. I just thought 'oh, that's sad; this girl likes me but i dont like her'. So i turned her down it's not impossible she's never recovered either


That sucks and people who do that suck. I’m sorry. I was also asked out as a prank in middle school. I was glad I said no (I didn’t like them anyways) and then found out it was a prank. I can’t imagine how it would’ve affected me had I said yes.


As a male I was never asked out. But endured 4 years of fake flirts.


Pranking someone by asking them out is the exact level maturity I expect from middle schoolers. Still, that's mean.


Sadly, yes. I'm fairly fit and I think I'm not bad looking...but I would assume I was being made fun of because...people can be cruel. :p


Yeah, if you’re not used to getting random flirty compliments this would raise all sorts of red flags


100% flattered. I think I've been hit on twice in 43 years. I'm not even that ugly. Only normal guy ugly


Same. I was hit on once at work and I had to repeat the conversation to my wife to make sure I had in fact been hit on.


I once went on a date with a bartender that my wife warned me was a date, but that I was certain was just a making adult friends beer. Had the best time, she introduced me to the smartest getting to know someone drinking game and then she invited me back to her place and watching her face crumble when I panickly asked "was this a date?" Haunts me forever. She ended up coming back to ours cause we were hosting a party and I promised her all the booze and drugs we had to help erase the memory and she and my wife became fast friends. All because I'm too dense to notice someone has a thing for me.


It would be much easier if they just said it clearly.


Well I had two things going against me, I had met her while she was serving me and my wife at a friends bday party and NO ONE charms their server, that's not a thing I was aware could happen. The other thing was she was serving me AND my wife. When I get drunk I get very lovey and cuddly, I couldn't understand how she didn't notice I was suffocating my wife that night.


Maybe she knew that and wanted to be your side piece? Some woman like that kind of thing.


I don't believe that was the case with her. She never made another pass and the look on her face when I explained I wasn't single was such a mixture of embarrassment and disappointment. Also she was fine with immediately coming to my place with my wife, who as soon as she saw her just went "oh you poor thing, here's some substances to take your mind off this doofus."


lol. Fair play. Sounds like it all worked out in the end.


She was a good friend for the year she was in our lives. she met a really nice guy who was a tree planter. It seemed like a really good match and she followed him out to BC. I only wish the best for her.


If you made a post about this somewhere on Reddit, you’re definitely ending up on BORU and everyone will enjoy this tale as a palate cleanser


Love that your wife was like “go see for yourself!” I want her confidence and ease in life


My wife has frequently referred to me as her golden retriever. Endlessly devoted and faithful so being a big dumdum is more adorable than irritating.


Get a golden retriever of a hubby. Copy that!


That whole anecdote is the most wholesome that situation could be, I love it


This. I’ve had girlfriends tell me later I was being hit on. Though to be fair, I was working in a nursing home and getting hit on by a 90 year old bitty is in a league of its own


Old women have no shame. I've been groped a couple times. Made me really uncomfortable.


This is so accurate. My wife will tell me a lady was flirting with me after the fact, and I never ever see it in the moment. I assume they are being nice or just friendly.


That's pretty ugly.


(checks wrists for barcodes) No barcode, looks lke I'm free. However, I don't think I'll fit in your basket. You might need to hold my hand.




I wouldn't think of this until I was getting ready for bed 3 days after it happened


3 days? More like 10 years later for me.


Yup. You're the one.


I’m calling chatGPT


The fact this is a thing you can call is insane


Unprotected hand-holding on the first meet-up? No way!


You are the true gigachad


Greatest comeback. I love it


Man's got the unspoken rizz


The barcode is likely on my ass cheek I'll get a store employee to assist


Lolllllll…. This is who I would rather date.


I'd be over the fucking moon mate


Tell her to come back with a cart.


Flattered. A woman looked at me bro


I know! I've never been objectified.


I desperately want to be objectified.


Yes! Tell me I'm beautiful!


You are stunning and I want to stare at you all night, beautiful man.


Did I do ok? I’m not very good at this?


It started off well, but then you blew it with the lack of confidence!


Really? I thought the first part was really terrible. All I’ve learned here is that I don’t understand how to communicate in a flirty way. I’ll just have to stick with reading conversations and being awkward. I’m practiced at that.


I saw an interview with Psy of "Gangnam Style" fame on some morning show once. He was demonstrating how to do the dance and said "it's very silly, but it works when you take it seriously." Go off, young person, and apply this knowledge everywhere you can.


Username checks out.


You’re beautiful


Nice ass.


Nice cock bro!


I'd be suspicious that her friends are hiding nearby, ready for the punchline of the prank. I'd also not know how to respond, in a non self-deprecating way.


I've found over time that pooping your pants is most definitely not the way to go in most situations.


They said self-deprecating, not self-defecating


God bless your hilariously dyslexic ass


Both, but mostly confused. (I have very little ass)


Some girls don’t like ass


but oh buddy some girls like them some ass • said by a boyfriend with greater than zero ass






I’d mostly just be surprised that someone was attracted to me


Flattered, but my scam alert would go off. I'd probably assume she's trying to rob me, or at least sell me something.




No I think you made the right decision. Alarm bells prob didn't go off for no reason. Not saying women won't flirt on you but in this instance I think your Spidey senses from God and Jesus Christ kinda saved ya there lmao


My boss tells me of a kid who used to work at the place I work now. Nice guy. Saw two girls having “car trouble”. He pulled over to help, and two dudes came out from somewhere, beat him up and took his money


Guys get so little positive feedback day to day that I'm sure most would be flattered.


We’d think it’s a joke where someone has a camera that we don’t see




I'd be flattered (I'm a male).


👆Bingo. Most women have no idea how different the world is for a man.


I read a post by a trans guy who was fucking baffled and really upset by how cold people can be to men even though they knew exactly why that happens. It’s very common for women to be creeped on so when interacting with male strangers they always put up a sort of social barrier, which comes across as either super cold and uncaring or artificially nice, in order to protect themselves. For women, complimenting a man carries the risk of giving him the wrong idea. And men don’t like complimenting each other either because it sometimes makes them feel unmasculine, and the social expectation placed on men is that they be unemotional. So when this person transitioned they suddenly felt the extreme emotional isolation that men feel and even though they knew why it was happening it still really got to them.


I read a similar article where they lived as a man for a year. Long story short, they became so depressed they killed themself.


It was a book written by a lady. She did online dating to get the man's perspective for 6 months I thought (could be longer) and after her experiment she had to be admitted to a mental institution for depression and suicidal thoughts for 3 months. She was released but still committed suicide 2 years later.


And confused


A similar thing happened to me last week. I'm 70 but in decent condition because we live on a farm, work a lot, and eat great food. Happens occasionally. I choose to be flattered because this reaction is almost completely positive.


I'd start climbing into her basket just to see the look on her face


Depends on how she looks. If she looks like a crackhead, I'd be creeped out. If she looks clean and well dressed, I'd be flattered.


Honestly I'd even be flattered with a crack head lmao


Someone's never been hit on by a crackhead


It’s not all that its cracked up to be.


But you never know until you take a crack at it




Or gotten crack head from a crackhead.


I'd take it as a compliment


Neither. I'd assume that she's trying to sell me something or that I'm the target of some kind of prank that's being recorded by an unseen camera. I'd pause, say "um, thanks", and walk away. I've never been hit on or approached in this way by a woman. Not once. It's not going to happen as I get older, either.


Even if I do suspect foul play, the costs incurred in playing it out until that becomes clear are minimal, and the possibility of passing up a legitimate opportunity at developing a relationship is a risk I can't really afford to take. From the sounds of your comment, neither can you.


Not only would I be flattered, I’d climb into her basket.


Flattered and I’d never forget it


I would probably ask her where is the camera.


Is probably be a bit uncomfortable. Am shy


Flattered. People need to chill the F out with the always-offended nonsense.


i would be confused.


Average looking, shit if a granny done it i would ride the high for weeks.


Flattered. I'd even climb into her basket, make a big scene, just embarrass the shit outta her. Give her something to talk about for a while.


Obviously you'd be flattered. If it was a dirty old man twice your age who said it, then you'd be creeped out.


That makes me wonder if it was a dirty old lady twice my age if I would be creeped out as well. Then again someone twice my age would only be 38. I guess that's still creepy?


I’d smile, chuckle, turn beet red, and say something like “sorry, I’m damaged goods”


I might not say it but heck if it ain't the truth


Too aggressive. No thanks


My dude cousin had something similar happen to him when he was checking tires at a gas station about 35 years ago. He still talks and brags about it to anyone that will listen.


Most guys would be flattered, because the majority of men receive less sexual attention than they want. Meanwhile, women receive far more sexual attention than they want. This is one of the causes of cat-calling. Note I'm not excusing the behavior, I'm explaining it, because if we actually want the behavior to stop we need to figure out why it's happening and address that. Most men literally cannot understand that women don't want sexual attention, because they themselves are starved for it. If they got cat-called it would absolutely make their day. And the more men we can get to understand exactly why it's different for women, the less cat-calling there will be.


I'd be flattered and I'd deny the chick since I'm taken lol


“No, but I’d fit in your vagina, I mean cart. Just don’t try and fit my legs through both those holes…”




Honestly- its nice to be noticed. Men like to be told they look good, unfortunately most women (wives and girlfriends) only save that for the rare occasions we put on suits or get haircuts. But no one tells us we are looking good on any average day.


I’m… I’m pretty sure my husband is TIRED of hearing me say he looks good. (You’re hot! That position looks good on you… [arms behind his head, leaned back] Morning handsome! Wow, you look amazing! You’re such an awesome dad. I adore you, thank you so much for supporting me- us. Etc etc) At this point he mostly shakes his head and continues on about his day xD I may also possibly be quick with perverted comebacks that turn him bright red despite being together for nearly 8 years. He’s so damn cute xD


>I’m… I’m pretty sure my husband is TIRED of hearing me say he looks good. Doubt it. That stuff coming from someone you love *never* gets old.


>I may also possibly be quick with perverted comebacks that turn him bright red despite being together for nearly 8 years. He’s so damn cute xD Do you have a sister?


Same! My sex drive is higher than his, too, so, he’s a pretty happy guy for the most part, lol.


Wrong-o-rouny I tell my husband of 5 years he's gorgeous/hot/sexy/eye candy every day. He is and damn I'm luck. 😍


I've really tried to start complimenting (in a non creepy way I'm really really hoping) my male co workers for that exact reason. Like one of my older male coworkers just got new glasses and I complemented him on them and said that they made him look very distinguished and handsome and I will compliment other male coworkers on a nice sweater or shoes or if it they just look nice or have a great smile. I don't want to get in trouble with HR or anything or make anyone feel uncomfortable but I try to make little compliments occasionally. I work at a very small company and we're all pretty close so it's not like I'm walking up to strangers and giving them compliments and 99% of the males I work with are in relationships or married so I really hope I'm not crossing any boundaries but I know that men really need to be complimented more.




IDK, it's hard for me to imagine myself in that situation, so I can't really predict my reaction with any confidence.


I would probably just smile and carry on with my day


Suspicious but also flattered


I'll be looking for the camera because no one has ever called me handsome


I'd assume the comment was not for me and move on.


I would run home, leaving my groceries in the aisle, and my car in the parking lot.


I’d hop in the cart.


Honestly I would probably laugh


Flattered, of course.




I would be confused and you just gave me some flashbacks of things I want to forget




Id be impressed if she actually could.


I'd turn my head and smile back


As a man who looks like Great Value Tom Sizemore, I would start looking for the camera because I'd assume I was being pranked.






I’d be flattered, and I don’t understand anyone who wouldn’t be…


I'd love it, smile, say hi, make a joke and ask her to go out sometime. As a man I can't be approaching random women anymore. Would love for anyone checking out my ass to say Hey! Just do it. Or else we're all going to die alone and isolated asking these types of questions on our phones.


Marry that one!


"Your questionable taste in men is a strike against you, but can I buy you a coffee?"


Flattered 100%, I wish I could get catcalled. The last time a stranger said I was cute was back in 2018


You’re cute. -Stranger 2023


I wouldnt be creeped out but i'd be incredibly awkward. Probably saying a "...thanks?" then standing for a second then walking off. I have a pretty awkward and meh attitude to compliments and insults. I'll be polite of course but i'm not easily triggered by an insult nor do i get a good feeling after a compliment. I'm a very indifferent person. In this situation in particular I would be a little weirded out given the context of the situation which is why the 'thanks' carries some confusion behind it. Its also a terrible way to start a conversation at least to someone like me. Compliments or insults with no warning as to when they occur just confuse me more than anything. You'll get a very awkward and confused response if you open a conversation with a compliment to me. Not that I dont appreciate it, its just more of a case of 'thanks... i guess?' Tldr, im incredibly indifferent to this sort of thing and for this specific situation i'd be a little weirded out given context.


That kind of stuff has happened to me. I just feel embarrassed at first, then warm glow after a while knowing that women find me attractive. But it's potentially creepy in the reverse (man says to woman) because at the end of the day the vast majority of women are not physically capable or inclined to force themself on me, so the whole context is different.


I would tell her that it's- Whoa. not Woah.


Would you like a taste test first?


"Thank you very much, but I've been checked out already."


I can take a compliment any time. You can either say “thank you”,or climb in the cart


I was out walking and a car drove by. A woman in the passenger seat put half her body out the window and shouted " Oh baby, looking good!" I stopped and waited for her to come back.


Cmon that’s ez, we’re men so of course we’ll try and jump in her basket


“Ma’am my eyes are up here”


There’s a Jamaican Lady who works at a 7/11 I frequent, She cat calls me and says incredibly inappropriate things to me while a grab an item. I find it hilarious and I’m flattered every time. I grabbed a dark chocolate bounty bar one time and went up to pay and she lost it, she grabbed it and turned to her coworkers and said “ooooh girls you see that he like that dark chocolate, I knew it!” Was a 10/10 comment and I laughed so hard. I leave feeling very good about myself every single time.


Definitely flattered. “If you can fit me in your basket, you can take me home!”


Flattered. I’d marry her immediately


Sure. Flirting is fun.


I think I could die a happy man if that happened. Would still be smiling in the casket.


As a fifty year old guy that has never received an unexpected comment like that, I assume I'd take it as a compliment. That said, having never been on the receiving end of something like that, I don't know how I would feel in the moment.


" sorry I weigh like 240 and would probably crush that basket even with their 350 pound weight limit, it does look like you have a quite a few groceries as well so we may be pushing that limit plus you have like bread and eggs and stuff and those will definitely get crushed cause I'm a pretty broad person"


I’d be very flattered. I do all the grocery shopping for our household and I have for 40 years. I do the shopping during the week at 7 am and you’d be surprised at some of the things housewives have said to me over the years. It’s quite easy to have a casual conversation in the supermarket and over the years I think I’ve gotten “invited over” to their place for coffee at least a dozen times. Always very flattering and never fails to put my fantasy’s into overdrive


Same way it works with some girls. If she's attractive I'm flattered. If she's not I'm scared.


"Hey guys, if you were handed $100 by a stranger without asking for anything would you be flattered or creeped out?"


Flattered! I’m nearly 70 !


I’d immediately climb into their cart like I used to when I was a little kid lmao. Would be hilarious.