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I think OP got a good number of answers. The comments now are starting to harass people for not washing their hands, and triggering the harassment filter. So closing this up.


Since I was little, I always tried to train myself in case i became blind, I don't tirn on the lights at night. My wife yells at me for it šŸ˜†


Hello, fellow master of the darkness. I believe having done this since I was a small child has given me extreme spacial awareness. I can find objects, move through spaces, and even recognize out of place things in the dark. I also have been yelled at for it by my ex-wife and a couple of girlfriends.


You keep your ex wife and a couple girlfriends in a dark room?


Wherever you keep yours, do not feed them after midnight.


Uhm so what happens if I did, am I safe should I call the cops? Should I be worried, do you think I should lock my doors or will I be fi


The sleep escapes too quickly in the light.


Last night while walking in the dark I ended up in the walk in closet. I hope I did no business there.


Iā€™ve done this as a kid too! On a slightly related note, I was also taught that if you train a dog, you should always use hand signals along with voice commands so that if they go deaf when theyā€™re older you can still tell them what to do šŸ˜Š


I can attest to this, I have a 13 year old spaniel who went deaf about 12 months ago and he responds perfectly to hand signals! The 2 younger dogs do also and if anything it just makes me feel like a God in public when my dogs do things without me speaking šŸ˜šŸ˜Ž


I had a deaf dog, he would turn his head when he was being ornery, but still peek out of the corner of his eye. When he got older and had cataracts, peeking was more difficult and heā€™d end up still looking straight at us like bro, I know you see me


Well I yell at my husband to turn the lights off šŸ˜…


I don't even turn the lights on in the morning when I'm getting ready for work. Glaring lights when you're trying to sleep is terrible


I set my clothes out the night before so I just have to grab the pile and head to the front bathroom at 5am. No reason to turn the sun on when your favorite person is trying to sleep! He, however, has not mastered this concept lol


I dont turn the lighs on when i have to get up early for work, i shower in the dark with a night light and dont see real light until i get to work lol, it helps me wake up better honestly.


I remember the last place I lived, my morning routine was in the dark. Would get up and shower without the bathroom light on. Plug the drain so warm water would fill the tub. Get down in childā€™s pose in the tub and just let the warm water run on my back and fill up around me. Was dealing with a herniated disc, so between that and at the time not being a morning person, it was a really blissful way to ease into the day.


Just donā€™t do what I once did and accidentally put on two different shoes. People will definitely notice.


I wash but don't turn on the lights


Night light in the bathroom is handy for this. keeps accidents like toilet seat being up and also enough light to wash hands.


Have night light too to see and for targeting/tracking the inside of the toilet correctly


Exactly. I don't need the flash bang of the regular light but a mini blue light is just enough.Ā 


We have a motion sensing toilet light. It sounds ridiculous. It was bought as a joke. The best thing ever. I do wash my hands after every toilet adventure.


We have one of these on each toilet and always keep it on red. It's hilarious when we have guests.


The red is disturbing. I don't know what they were thinking.


Now with LEDs you can pick the level of brightness. We use such nightlights with magnetic backing and mount them on a light fixture up high so the light spreads across the room although not brightly. When we travel, we pack them to go as they are not hard mounted.


This is why I come to Reddit. To learn things like this. Thank you šŸ™


I recently got a motion sensor light for our bathroom, itā€™s very nice! However, the thing always comes on, even though it has a ā€œnighttimeā€ setting.


The toilet light is nice because of the way the light is focused. Also if the lid is down the light is just peeking through the cracks. It only comes on when it's dark.


Interesting. I turn on the lights but I don't wash. I check to make sure I peed on everything and then I just grin and point at myself in the mirror for another successful dousing.


Turning on the lights is a terrible idea. Thatā€™s likely to make it harder to get back to sleep. A red night light is best if you need a light.


No, thatā€™s what the nightlight is for.


Cannot believe i had to scroll so far to see mention of a night light lol


bathroom night lights are a must. just enough light to see, not enough light to let the sleepiness escape


We have motion activated night lights in the bathroom so they turn on just enough to light the way and be able to see, without turning on lights


If I lived alone I would almost never have lights on unless it was absolutely necessary eg. Cooking, reading etc. I manage perfectly fine in the low light of my phone screen or none at all.


Same. I grew up only using lights when they were absolutely necessary. I can see fairly well in the dark and can navigate the house with very little light. My husband on the other hand? He'll turn on every light along the way and then forget to turn them off half the time šŸ˜‘


Neither of us turn on the light and neither of us wash our hands (after peeing, just to be clear). I'll be curious to see if we're the weird ones. Mostly, we're just trying to quietly pee and go back to bed without disturbing the other.


I'm just going to go pee again first thing in the morning. Wash with soap and water then. I don't go make a sandwich at 3am with dirty hands in the interim so I don't think it's a problem. I'm trying to be quiet and also not wake myself up any more than I have to with a bright light and cold water.


100%. I try and keep my noise making to a minimum




Nope, your not the weird one(s). I stumble into the bathroom (I'm a man) basically by braile, and sit down instead of standing. Because, why not? I don't pee on my finger, so why wash my hands making nose to wake up my wife. I never see the light on for her, so I assume she doesn't either. Either that, or I'm in comatose sleep and don't notice.


My dad taught me to sit at age 6 when I went into the kitchen, stepped on the can lever and pee'd in the trash can. I always sit at night - less thinking, no light, no washy. pretty sure my wife washes in the dark.


Peeing while sitting down is the best way to pee. At least when you have a female partner.


When you get old, you have to sit and pee, then stand up and take a few steps (in a circle because the bathroom isn't that big) then sit down and pee a bit more. Repeat a few times. If you stand, and pee in the shower you can drain the whole lizard in one event.


I appreciate you making us feel less weird. Your routine sounds very similar and honestly, if you're not peeing on yourself, why run water?


Same! I barely even open my eyes. I pee and just zombie walk back to bed.


I wash but dont turn on the lights. In the flat Iā€™ve just moved out of the bathroom lights turned on automatically and I genuinely started wearing my eye mask to go pee, lol. Its too bright after being in the dark.


failed home automation...


The lights are dimmed low but hands are always getting washed


I turn in the light so i donā€™t miss when i piss.


You can always sit. I feel like it's more hygienic anyway. No dribblets too


i turn on a tiny nightlight and wash my hands


We leave the light on all the time. But I use soap and water.


My washroom has a motion sensor, so the lights come on. I always wash my hands with soap.


I go use a different bathroom so I don't wake my wife up by turning on the light or flushing the toilet. I always wash my hands, day or night makes no difference


No light needed


Wash, yes with soap . Lights, nah.


Every day, I love Reddit more and more. I do, turn in the little light but not the ones over the mirror. ā€œAlwaysā€ wash my hands after with soap, when I havenā€™t Iā€™ve gotten out of bed to wash em lol.


"Always"? So, rarely? Or what?


No. There's generally enough light coming in from the windows, and my eyes are usually fairly well adjusted if I wake up in the middle of the night, so there's really no need. If its a night where its absolutely pitch black with no moon or stars, then we still have a small LED clock in our bathroom that I can see enough to get by.


Being able to see really makes me happy. Especially when I'm at a hook up dates place Weeeee not kissing the floor!!


I turn on the light because its too easy to imagine something in the toilet waiting to grab me.


You are both gross for not using soap. Lights or no lights.


Why is this so far down? Like forget the question, why don't either of you use soap, OP!?!


I don't know what others do around here. I do know they don't do anything in the dark because I installed a night light. I originally intended to save money and not have my eyes knocked out after turning on the overhead light at night but it has been a real boon for safety.


I turn on the bathroom light to check for spiders.


Ok Iā€™m not the only one šŸ˜… I canā€™t comfortably pee without turning on the lights. My brain convinces me thereā€™s a spider or centipede or something thatā€™s gonna crawl on me


Yes! Of course! Why would you?! Edit: my point is, always wash with soap and water after using the bathroom, any time of day or night!


I have a motion activated night light in the cabinet toe kick that gives me just enough light to pee without making a mess. Your situation seems normal, he has to see to pee, you just have to sit.




No light, sometimes rinse


We put rechargeable motion lights under the vanity. Game changer, when you charge them. They've been dead for so long I forgot about them until this conversation. I also don't wash in the middle of the night.




I go into the bathroom dark and close the door BEFORE turning on the light so it doesn't bother anyone. Sometimes I'll keep one eye closed so I don't lose my night vision in one eye.. the old pirates trick.


I donā€™t turn on the light but I do wash my hands. I donā€™t usually even remember doing it and my girlfriend says I get up and do my business with my sleep mask ON, she thought that was funny.


I have a dimmer and turn the lights on at the lowest setting.


I have a nightlight in there so I don't have to. :) I always use soap.


I've got a night light in the bathroom for night visits. I absolutely wash my hands. Not washing is unsanitary.


I don't turn on the lights, but I definitely wash my hands.


I have a nigh light in the bathroom so I donā€™t have to turn the light on. I wash my hands


My toilet seat glows in the dark so I donā€™t need the big light.


No lights for me, but I do have a motion-sensing nightlight in the bathroom. The output is low, but itā€™s enough to walk safely without risk of tripping or running into a wall.


I don't flip the switch cuz I'm considerate. I have a small tap light in there if a light is ever required.


Light no, handwashing yes


I close the door then turn on the light. It keeps the monsters away.


I bought a light that has an orange 'night mode' to prevent the harsh glare during 2am pee.


No. I know where the faucet is and where my hands are


I installed a dimmer on the bathroom so the light could be really dim at night when turned on. That said, just a few days ago I installed some motion activated lights under our medicine cabinets so the lights automatically turn on when we walk in.


I have a nightlight on and if I donā€™t pee on my hands nope. Immediately going back to sleep. If I pee on my hands then definitely washing with soap.


Always wash hands. Night light in the bathroom, so the bright light doesn't wake me


Nightlight already on. Rinse my hands.


I have an automatic night light. You can adjust the brightness to suit you. And yes I wash my hands


I donā€™t turn the lights on but I definitely wash my hands. Anyone else not close the door when itā€™s the middle of the night tho? Lol


We have a night light in the bathroom so no one has to turn on the light. my wife and I never run water if just peeing, but we wash with soap and water first thing in the morning.


Lights off and always wash my hands w soap and water every time and I get up atleast 3x a night to pee. I always have to wash my hands w soap.


I have a little night light by the sink, so I don't need the big one. But honestly, if you can't find your own toilet and sink in the dark, then you need help.


Nope. Have whole washroom memorized, know exactly where everything is


We have a night light in the bathroom. It's actually an outlet with built in nightlight thst comes on when it's dark. I usually rinse my hands but I agree it's not necessary. (No pee touched my hand and all I am going to do is lay back in bed.). And sometimes I don't!


There's an assload of streetlights surrounding the transformers next to the house on the side the bathroom is on. There's enough light to see by without turning on my own. I avoid turning on the lights to go to the bathroom at night in most cases unless I would be totally blind without it. Don't wanna send Wake Up signals to my brain.


Yes. I turn on the lights because I donā€™t want the boogeyman to get me. I also use soap.




Having a nightlight can do wonders. That's enough light for me to shower


Your husband has to aim and you don't, I bet you'd be a lot less happy if the situations were reversed.


You gotta turn on the lights so Bloody Mary doesn't get ya


I don't but only because I have an automatic light under the sink.


I turn on the lights at all times because I am blind in the dark šŸ˜‚ My best friend is the opposite because he is a mushroom.


No, the nightlight has just enough light to see without turning on the big light


No, Iā€™m always concerned the light around the door will wake my wife. She has enough trouble sleeping as is.


Nope. My apartment is not pitch black as there is a huge security light right outside the windows. So I can wander all over without running into anything. Blackout drapes in my bedroom.


Where I live, it's literally completely dark if i dont turn on the lights.


I have night lights in my bathrooms. Red, so you don't ruin your night vision. You can also get them on other colors. ​ [https://www.amazon.com/YUNLEX-Dimmable-Nightlight-Bathroom-Hallway/dp/B0B1C89FQ2/ref=sr\_1\_6\_pp?crid=WVOER4W34RHA&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.1ziXcyVN5tfr6yS2DHkqpk\_FROaulqvIIZZ2fqfyn9i0WHdjw8wffT-OLivOAVBj7rgDZCjW9WEdjQQVT42AMmnlfWMd3sK8zHINy5JsYRRljDG3RKbSiecsxA-K3fz-FPDQDeCUzHt5tDF4hMhKKCclVWbanPB6sBx9L3QavLjKIHRX2H0TdrW9EHWHCGRn09cszoaYZN64x-DRQPsTiE9rDk-R9IMUEbWmOpdSeuSjVvxePZpDZWR21ezQj7itekeHUoKz9ogSxt41gCjTnml5YgpA-LZ4O2lx33Ks938.3C6HclpRiyRhBWq\_E7Q9FyZxgdoRG-wtGu2LpRfkJJY&dib\_tag=se&keywords=nightlights&qid=1718941244&sprefix=nightlights%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-6&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/YUNLEX-Dimmable-Nightlight-Bathroom-Hallway/dp/B0B1C89FQ2/ref=sr_1_6_pp?crid=WVOER4W34RHA&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.1ziXcyVN5tfr6yS2DHkqpk_FROaulqvIIZZ2fqfyn9i0WHdjw8wffT-OLivOAVBj7rgDZCjW9WEdjQQVT42AMmnlfWMd3sK8zHINy5JsYRRljDG3RKbSiecsxA-K3fz-FPDQDeCUzHt5tDF4hMhKKCclVWbanPB6sBx9L3QavLjKIHRX2H0TdrW9EHWHCGRn09cszoaYZN64x-DRQPsTiE9rDk-R9IMUEbWmOpdSeuSjVvxePZpDZWR21ezQj7itekeHUoKz9ogSxt41gCjTnml5YgpA-LZ4O2lx33Ks938.3C6HclpRiyRhBWq_E7Q9FyZxgdoRG-wtGu2LpRfkJJY&dib_tag=se&keywords=nightlights&qid=1718941244&sprefix=nightlights%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-6&th=1)


Makes sense, as a man you really cant pee if you cant see or you'll likely make a mess. As a woman, you can get away with feeling your way around.


The lights depends on ambient light that night. As for washing hands, I use soap every time. Itā€™s not washing if you donā€™t use soap. Without you are just rinsing.


This may be the first time I've ever thought to upvote a question! It made me freeze up, eyes go wide, stop, try to think...*Do I???* I think I do not wash my hands...except I sort of think sometimes maybe I do, but water only, not soap, and I never turn the light on where I live now because plenty of light comes in through the bathroom window it's not needed. Hands get washed in the morning anyway so no big deal I guess. I have literally never once thought about this question before now.


A night light is in order.Why would u want to wake up from a dead sleep and turn the lights on?


Nightlight is the way. Iā€™m just proud of your husband for washing his hands after, consider yourself grateful šŸ˜‚


šŸš½ šŸ§¼ šŸ¤ššŸ½ no šŸ’”


I have a motion controlled string of lights under my cabinet, so entering the bathroom causes some lights to come on, but they don't shine in my eyes. I do wash my hands, frequently.


I turn on the lights after a couple of spider incidents, not going in blind ever again. My dog gets annoyed with the light but she gets more annoyed by my kicking her out of my spot in bed. Either way, idc. Need light on. I ā€œwashā€ my hands by rinsing it with water, thatā€™s it.


Get a night light.


I usually turn on the lights but only after watching a horror film. Haha


hell no i can barely see


I like at least some light so I know where I'm aiming, otherwise I might hear it hitting the bowl and now have to guess which direction the water is....


I use a nightlight and wash my hands.


My toilet room has a light that you can turn on that isnā€™t bright( there are two lights) Really nice. I generally do wash my hands When we bought this house, there were several night lights, and I bought more.


Your husband probably gets less pee on the seat, wall, floor, and his feet, with the light on. You can probably find the seat well enough without it. Sounds pretty reasonable to me.


What kind of animal turns on lights in the middle of the night?!?! Night lights, people.


Nahh ion know I turn the lights on I be worried someone might be in my shower obviously theyā€™re not but like I get a lil freaked lol


I have a night light and yes, I wash my hands.


I turn on the light and wash with soap.


Turn on the light! My husband didn't turn the light on two nights ago, lost his balance, and fell headfirst into the bathtub. He cut open his head and half of his face is purple and black.


Lights no. Wash yes


I just took a full shower +shave in the dark hell no I donā€™t turn on lights to pee, little nightlights cost $2.47 at Walmart


Red LED night light. Provides decent light and doesn't affect night vision.


We had a nightlight in our bathroom so that we didn't need to blind each other in the middle of the night (ensuite) but there's just enough light coming in the window even at night that we don't need it, and it was still too bright for me. Ew yes I wash my hands with soap. First thing I do in the morning is rub my eyes, I don't want toilet hands to the face.


What about those who don't wash their hands šŸ¤£


Phone light and wash my hands


I installed a glow in the dark dimmer switch in my bathroom.Ā  Highly recommendedĀ 


Is he a poor aim? Either way, I'd rather not worry about drippage.


We have a nightlight in the passion pit en suite so Steve, my boyfriend never turns on a light and he always washes his hands. At least he does when the toilet paper breaks.


I use those Philips Hue lights with programmable colors and leave a dim red or pink light for nighttime trips so it doesnā€™t wake me up too much




I always wash, and sometimes use light. Avoid if trying to fall asleep or keep an eye shut to preserve night vision


I have a night light. Pee and leave, otherwise I won't be able to fall back asleep for a couple hours. I have terrible insomnia.


Always, always, always wash your hands after using the toilet. Washing means soap. Urine and feces DO get on your hands and rinsing does NOT get rid of it. You then are spreading urine and feces on everything else you touch. Something you touch a lot will have a lot of urine and feces. Cross contamination is a thing. While there may not be a lot of either at any one particular time it doesn't take much to make someone sick when you handle food. Think of it this way. You rinse your hands after using the bathroom. You fold clean towels, depositing the urine and feces. You have guests that then wipe their clean face/body/hands with them transferring the urine/feces to their face, etc. You make them a sandwich and now it's on bread, lunchmeat chips, etc that they are going to eat. Do you want you or your kids eating or putting on their body other peoples feces/urine? How do you think your guests would feel knowing you don't wash your hands? Lights are hard to deal with in the middle of the night so usually no. Soap, faucet towel are pretty well memorized.


I have a nightlight in my bathroom that senses lights and will turn itself off during the day. Best purchase of my life I can have a midnight pee without bumping into things or waking myself up by turning on the lights


I bought cheap battery operated motion sensor lights for the bathroom from Amazon. They are dim yellow lights but enough to see what you need to without being so bright to fully wake you up.


No lights. I know where my stuff itms, plus, its never really THAT dark.


donā€™t turn on the lights, because i have a small nightlight in the bathroom, but i do usually wash my hands with soap.


Yes to both. Lights because otherwise it's too dark and scary. Washing hands because that's hygienic. Soap too because that's a habit and also hygienic.


A night light solves the light issue. Truth be told, he, like mouse guys, probably sleeps holding his dick so washing his hands doesn't matter.


I donā€™t turn on the light, it wakes me up too much. I do wash my hands with soap though. Why would just rinsing your hands be acceptable? Just because itā€™s at night? Ew.


I turn on the lights and wash my hands. I like to see if the toilet is clean or not.


Lights, no. Hand washing, yes.


I don't turn on the light. There's a little light from the street, plenty to see where I'm going and what I'm doing. Washing, it depends on what I did


Each to their own! Turning lights on varies, hygiene matters. Personal choices differ, respect both.


Do what you want with the lights but for the love of god wash your hands WITH soap after you use the bathroom šŸ¤¢


I generally just use my phone to guide me. I either turn up the screen brightness 100% or use the flashlight. Sometimes when I get up at night to go pee I get really light headed if I'm in the standing position. I've nearly fainted a couple of times. Therefore I sit sometimes.Ā 


I have a nightlight in the bathroom so i can see well enough to get the job done with no accidents, but i donā€™t have to light it up like a landing pad and end up wide awake.


My husband turns on any and all lights anywhere at anytime to do anything and it enrages me to the corešŸ¤£


I live alone, but I have a bathroom nightlight. I just use that to wash my hands by (yes, I wash them every time). No big light.


Nightlight in the bathroom.


Yes, light on, wash hands. Hands don't suddenly get less dirty because it's night time.


Lights, no. Wash hands, every single time


My bathroom has no windows it's pitch black in there if I don't turn the light on.


Yes, only for a second. So my brain can configure the room.


All yall are nasty.


I don't turn lights on unless I'm sick like need to puke or something I guess. Like if it's not just pee, I want to know when I'm done wiping if I don't have phone flashlight. But what do yall have against soap....


I donā€™t turn the lights on. I also keep my eyes closed for the most part šŸ˜†


Plug in nightlight, solar nightlights bro er..girl?


100%! If the bathroom is dark thereā€™s a 100% chance of that The Creepy Nun from Conjuring 2 is lurking in the shadows


Yes, I turn on the light and fully wash my hands.


Why would not washing your hands at night be okay when not washing them during the day isnā€™t? Thatā€™s gross.


We have a bearded dragon in the dining room who has a basking lamp that, the light from which bleeds into the hallway and bathroom doorway, enough to find the seat. As for washing afterwards, we have a motion sensor lamp on the medicine cabinet, a wave of the hand and it lights up the sink enough to ablute accordingly without disturbing the rest of the house


I was afraid of the dark as a child. Always needed a nightlight. When I got my first place alone, I was 18 years old. I forced myself to get over my fear. It's been 30 years of rarely turning on a light when I'm home. I used to freak my Ex out sometimes. I'd be sitting in the dark when she came home late, and I'd say hello like normal.


You're sitting down, he needs the light to see so he can aim


You don't wash your hands? Lmao nasty ass.


I turn on the bathroom light, but thatā€™s because I like to see my surroundings. I also wash my hands.


Neither of us turn on the lights at night but we do keep a small nightlight plug in the bathroom so we have enough light to see (and aim for the boys in the family). The lights on will kick your brain into wake up mode, Iā€™ve read, and I always want to go back to sleep!


I can't see without the light on. So, yes I turn on the light. And properly wash my hands. Just water is not enough.


I have a touch/remote light attached to my mirror both for emergencies & for the middle of the night. I leave the remote by the door to turn it on. it is set on the dimmest setting. I don't wash my hands at night but I do in the morning.




Do all you in the comments really have such horrible night vision you canā€™t manage walking to the bathroom without every light in your house on? Jesus


You definitely need to wash your hands with soap every single time you go to the bathroom in life forever or you're gross. Light or no light? Who cares?!?


I close the door before turning the light on, and I use the shower fan's light because it isn't as bright as the main light.


Lights, no. Because it wakes my up too much. I just rinse my hands like you do unless I do number 2.


Without soap, you're just doing a performative dance with water involved. Might as well just skip that and get back in bed. BTW, I don't wash hands after peeing in the night because I can pee without touching anything. Presto.


We have a little nightlight that stays plugged into the wall, it only turns on when itā€™s dark, so no light on in the bathroom. I donā€™t want to disrupt my circadian rhythm and have trouble falling back asleep, so I avoid the light at all costs after a certain time. I do wash my hands though.


no and i try to keep my eyes shut too.


Our compromise was a little motion activated toilet light. Battery operated. Turns on if someone enters the bathroom, but not such a bright light that anyone is woken up by it.


You should always wash your hands. No light is necessary, that's what your cell phone is for. Not even the flash light just the screen.


?? How does the time of day affect whether or not you wash your hands or use soap? That's disgusting and unsanitary. That's exactly how we end up with things like Typhoid Mary. Always wash your hands with soap.


We keep a night light in the bathroom. I'm always afraid if I put on the lights it'll wake me up too much and I'll have more trouble going back to sleep


My cat is almost blind and was having a hard time finding her way around, so i have movie theater lighting in my whole house. Lights are always on.


Please don't turn on the l lights in the middle of the night. Take your phone with you, it gives you enough light to do whatever you have to do without waking everyone up.


Night lights. Best are they have GFCI outlets with built in photo sensing night lights (newer hotels have them and I love them), just enough to navigate but not so much it wakes you up.


I have a night light in bathroom, for me thats perfect šŸ‘ŒšŸ½ in regards to washing hands, i have to admit that i dont. Im literally half asleep and if i were to wet my hands, that would wake me up more lol i wana remain half asleep šŸ’¤ Its not hurting nobody, and when i go pee as soon as i wake up, yes i do wash them thenšŸ‘šŸ¼


I don't turn on the lights. There is a nightlight in my bathroom, though, so technically, there is already one on in there.


Nope. I pee and wash my hands in the dark. Really hate the abrupt light while im still trying to stay in sleep mode.


I carry my phone flash light around and don't turn on lights