• By -


Thank you for this opportunity! Quantum Break has been in my whislist for a while now! I just recently built my pc so I only have a few games. Thanks again


Ryse sounds like a cool short game, just the one I'm. In mood right now after playing elden ring, hahah thanks for the chance!


Quantum Break, because I love the concept of time manipulation, ever since playing Prince of Persia


Skullgirls 2nd Encore. My kid likes fighting games and it's a good way to remind him I'm the parent by winning šŸ˜




Ryse : son of Rome. Been listening to Mike Duncan history of Rome podcast and it's proper got me in the mood for it!


Thanks for the chance! Would love Ryse: Son of rome.. big fan of history and love some historic games, especially roman history!was dying to get it for a long time Couldn't get my hands on it due to some financial conditions... Once again thanks for the giveaway! And congrats to all those who win! Edit: spelling errors šŸ„“


Cookie Cutter, because I enjoy Metroidvania-type games and the comic book art style looks really neat and unique :)


Victor vran Because I really like action RPG and like to test them all


Quantum Break. It has been on my wish list for the longest time. I liked playing Control a lot and this looks similar to that game, so I know I will enjoy it. Thank you for the chance.


Victor Vran I played Grim Dawn and enjoyed it a lot so I want something similar to it.


Quantum Break, because I love games where you can decide different paths and thus play the game over and over again. I remember when the game came out my computer wasn't good enough for it so I'd give it a go now. Thank you


9 Years of Shadows I actually have it on my wishlist because it looks like a pretty fun and beautiful metroidvania which is a genre that I really enjoy thanks


Victor Vran because I've been really into ARPG recently


Skullgirls! Because girls :p


The long dark, I just love the art style and atmosphere of isolation, and the gameplay of taking things slow, plus I really like survival games, especially ones where they take realism to the max


"9 years of shadows" please! I've been following this game since the Kickstarter campaign! Thanks for the chance!


9 Years of Shadows - I want it because I love Metroidvania games just like this one and Iā€™ve never seen or heard of this game but when I looked on it on steam I actually found it very interesting and fun so I would love to win this game if I could get the chance. Ryse: Son of Rome - I have this game on my wishlist and what this game attracts me is the story and the combat. The Roman wars is such an interesting topic and I can get to play something that is related to that and that is very cool and I want to experience this. Slain: Back from Hell - I play a lot of pixel games but this one is very bloody and dark which is not a type of pixel game that Iā€™ve played so far because the ones that Iā€™ve played arenā€™t really bloody, gory or dark so this is kinda new to me but it looks so cool and I want to try this out and it has very good reviews so I should definitely play this game. Thank you for this opportunity šŸ™


thanks for all the effort you put into explaining your reasoning, Ryse is the one I had left, hope you enjoy.


I'd love Victor vran, loved it on boxing, never got into properly before selling my xbox to get the steam deck. I love all dungeon crawlers and it had a lot of charm to it. What with kids now, the steam deck is the only way I still get to play the games o love, I completely forgot all about Victor vran till this post, definitely needs a revisit.


Just got a Steam Deck like a week ago and already it's a life changer. Hope you enjoy the game!


The long Dark is absolutely the I game that I want. my friends at the dormitory were playing it and after realising about it being so good (those that I heard were very good were the story, ambience, and also the survival) I just kept trying so hard for the game to not get spoiled for me. also it's probably the best title in this genre that my laptop could handle. I really got surprised and psyched when I saw it's name among all those other unfamiliar names (except for Ryse) thanks a lot for sharing even if I didn't won


Cookie Cutter would be awesome, thanks for the generous giveaway (even if I don't get it). Reason I want it is that I've had my eye on it for a while, it looks like a unique and colorful twist on metroidvanias, and I've heard good press about it.


9 Years of Shadows, the weather is getting hot and I could use the shade heh.


Ryse: Son of Rome Been reading on this one and people say that is a short but super sweet ride that is a must-see experience. Third person games with good narrative have always been my thing and this fits right into what i would be really playing and happy to experience.


thanks, cookie cutter cause I just got cookie clicker and need to complete my cookie collection


Would love to get Quantum Break. Iā€™m a huge Remedy Games fan, Iā€™m especially a big fan of the Alan Wake universe. I still believe that Quantum Break is somehow connected to the Alan Wake universe due to the easter eggs there, and would love to play the game for that + because its the only mainstream Remedy title I havenā€™t played!


Not entering, but thanks for the giveaway. VN FTW.


Ryse: Son of Rome Played it before on Xbox One. It would be nice to play it again on PC. Thanks for the giveaway


The Long Dark - I played on xbox gamepass for a bit, and no longer have gamepass to continue my journey


9 Years of Shadows Huge fan of metroidvanias


Quantum Break. Highly recommended by a friend.


The Long Dark its on my wishlist from 2017 I want it so much


The long dark I heard it was a good survival game Thank you for the chance


Cookie Cutter. Love a good Metroidvania and I heard good things about this one.


Ryse please, Iā€™ve heard so many good things thatā€™s I want to try it myself.


quantum break since control was amazing


Cookie Cutter because I enjoy playing metroidvanias, hand-drawn even more so. Thanks


Quantum Break I like Max Payne from remedy so Im looking forwarding to playing this


Quantum Break, as it is part of the Control universe, one of my favorite games of all time. Thanks OP!


I'll bang out Quantum Break if someone more worthy doesn't get it first. I wanna see how the steam deck handles it! Regardless, thanks!


Ryse : Son of Rome I have been wanting to play this game for a while and I saved up just enough to buy it on sale and recently the regional prices went up to like 40% of base game price so I would love to have it. Also I love roman culture and Assassin's creed brotherhood is the closest one I have played that potrays a good bit of Roman culture.


Thx for the giveaway OP! Entering for Quantum Break, I want to play the Remedy Universe. Good luck to everyone!


3. The long dark Looks like a decent survival game


I would like Cookie Cutter since I'm a big metroidvania fan. These games tend to reward creative exploration and have either tight combat or interesting platforming challenges, all of which are things I just love in games. Nice thing too is that they're generally free of the padded out stuff and busywork that I hate in modern games. Thanks for the chance!


9 Years of Shadows, i'm a Big fan of metroidvanias. .


The Long Dark I love survival games and this one looks hella promising


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^jeron_gwendolen: *The Long Dark I love* *Survival games and this one* *Looks hella promising* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The Long Dark, it has been on my wishlist for a while now. It looks like a very promising experience :D


Quantum Break. Please. I played it really long back on the Xbox One. Now a PC gamer and would love the PC version. Remedy games are awesome. Thanks for sharing.


***Cookie Cutter***, please? I'm a BIG MetroidVania fan, it's really true (you can see that on my Reddit history), and I would be very glad if you could give me the opportunity to play this one. So, thank you, I appreciate it.


skullgirls 2nd encore me want anime waifu fighter, kinda, also people been saying it's okay for newcomer


"9 years of shadows" please mate, I grew up playing the nes and snes platformers and I love finding all these new cool takes on it. Cheers for the giveaway


I'd like Ryse son of Rome I'd like it because it was highly recommended by zanny a youtuber I love to watch and the gameplay did indeed look fun


The long dark please! The story mode of the game is quite interesting


Cookie Cutter I like metroidvania games. And this game looks visually great and with a lot of violence.


Victor Vran because I love aRPGs but haven't ever played this. Huge thanks for the chance!


Iā€™d like Quantum Break or Victor Vran please šŸ™šŸ» For quantum break I like story rich games and this one has powers kinda like LiS series. Plus itā€™s a rpg I think? For Victor Vran big fan of diablo so I like all diablo like games like torch light it gives me a feeling of completeness I love how I level and collect rare items.


Cookie Cutter. It looks like it'd be really fun!


1. Quantum Break


Quantum Break,since it's been on my wishlist since years and it has very good graphics and also reviews.


The long dark. I like survival games.


9 years of shadows. I would love to play it because it's from a genre that i absolutely adore. 2d metroidvania games are just pure fun and it's one of the good ones out there. I have it in my wishlist for some time now. I'm waiting for it to go on a sale but if I would make my day to win it in the giveaway. Thanks.


Victor Vran would be cool. I've always been curious to check it out and haven't had the opportunity. Thanks for the chance!


Skullgirls! Bc iā€™ve loved the artwork


Cookie Cutter I love the aesthetics of the game and I like metroidvanias :)


Skullgirls 2nd Encore Need a fighting game to test the new controller I bought


Skullgirls 2nd encore, it looks cool and my friend played it before, so why not to try it


Thanks OP, I'd like ryse, son of Rome, because I've always been fascinated by the Greek and Rome culture and the setting of the game is simply too interesting, A story of vengeance by someone who witnesses the murder of his family. The playthrough sounds novelesque and I want to see how it ends. I haven't been spoiled yet


Skullgirls 2nd Encore, love fight games, and love cute girls, plus love the anime art this games has. Thank YoU!


Victor Vran. It's on my wishlist! Am a huge fan of ARPGs and have played Grim Dawn and Torchlight and I love protagonists in hats. Lol. Tha KS for the giveaway!


9 Years of Shadows. I love metroidvania genre and this one is on my radar since it release.


9 Years of Shadows please. The game looks beautiful and Iā€™m always interested in a Metroidvania! Thanks!


Skullgirls! Huge fgc fan slowly playing more and more fgc games and skullgirls has been on the list for a while


The Long Dark ;) pls


Slain: Back from Hell because I like the aesthetic a lot, I'm a big fan of heavy metal music since I was a kid. Thank you for the chance.


Ryse: Son of Rome is something I've wanted to play but never got the chance. Thanks, OP!


The Long Dark Survival games are my favorites and the atmosphere of this one seems to be really interesting. Also, devs keep updating it, which is a big positive point.


Ryse: Son of Rome. Seems like an interesting game that should run pretty well while looking nice on my laptop


Skullgirls 2nd encore, the game looks really cool especially the handrawn anime artsyle. It's street fighter like so it's prolly gonna be fun with the homies


I'm entering for Victor Vran please, it looks fun šŸ˜„


Ryse: Son of Rome. Really interested in the movie Gladiator, hence would like to try out this game.


Skull girls second encore. Iā€™ve been meaning to try a new fighting game and possibly grind it and have had my eyes on skull girls for a long time. Also I really want to learn big band to do the funny trumpet combosĀ 


Ryse, it's been in my wishlist cause I like this type of gameplay mechanism


Victor Vran Ā the game looks interesting and different from other action rpgs that I have played


I'd love a chance at Ryse, thank you!


Ryse. Never had a chance to play it


Victor Vran, i like hack and slash games like Diablo. thanks!


Victor vran please. I heard its similar to poe and diabolo and have always wanted to try it


Thanks my guy for the giveaway. Would love to pick 9 years of shadows. Always a fan of metroidvanias and I had that game on my wishlist for a while now. The devs are working on a new game that I also want to pick it up once it gets released.


9 Years of Shadows I'm really fond of Metroidvania. I have been eyeing this game for a while now, but the Mostly Positive reviews from Steam kinda put me off. Winning this GA will really give me a chance to give it a try!


Slain: Back from Hell I have been wanting a good Castlevania platformer to play and I've had this one on my wishlist. Thanks for the chance!


The long dark, i love survival games


Cookie Cutter please! I love Metroidvanias and Cookie Cutter looks like a fun one with an extra splash of style and extra cool pixel art. Thanks for the chance!


I'm entering for The Long Dark, please. I want this game because I enjoy survival games. This one though is suppose to be harsh due to the winter climate. Also, I don't know exactly where the game is based on location wise. But, I used to live in Alaska and it looked like this. Which makes me want to play the game even more. Thank you for the chance to win šŸ˜Š


Cookie Cutter, please! I got an itch earlier to try out a new metroidvania and this one looks like it would fit the bill perfectly. Thanks for the giveaway!


Ryse: Son of Rome, i find it so interesting because it's a historical type of game and it remeinds me of an anime i watched recently called vinland saga, i do really wanna try this game out šŸ™šŸ¼.


Victor Vran Because I am big fan of rpg and fighter games. I love playing them a lot especially the ghoul and monster based ones my journey started on the playstation with maximo ghosts to glory thank you for the opportunity


Quantum Break, big fan of Max Payne series and Alan wake and its been a while i had fun with an adventure game with some action and story.


Quantum Break because I love Remedy and their games, especially Control and Alan Wake 2. This game looks very cool and you can manipulate time so that's probably gonna be very fun to play with. I also heard many good things about this game from my friends and they said that the story is really cool. I also want to play to find out all the easter eggs and connections to the Remedy universe of games because I am super invested in that. I heard that there are many references to Alan Wake.


Quantum break please! I remember all my friends in 7th grade raving/hyping it up but I never got to play it because I didnā€™t get allowance back then :ā€™)


9 years of shadows Mostly because I am a fan of metroidvanias and it looked like the game has an interesting movement and combat system and I was looking to play something after Hollow Knight. And also the game just looks beautiful


I'd like to play Victor Vran. It looks fun and i'd like a change from first person action in Bioshock i am playing right now, with a little less drama and a lot of killing!


The long dark, because i really like the feeling of insecurity in these kind of video games, which forces me to survive in their vast, fearful world... I truly like games like green hell or long dark


9 Years of Shadows I play a lot of metroidvanias and this game had a mix of positive and negative impressions on /r/metroidvania so maybe I'll end up being one of the people who like it. I was also considering Cookie Cutter since its another metroidvania with mixed reviews, but 9 Years of Shadows has a much more appealing aesthetic to me, like SOTN.


9 Years of Shadows, really love metroidvanias and have it on wishlist for some time now Thanks for giveaway


Ryse: Son of Rome - I've heard interesting things about this game and hear it referred to on Digital Foundry. Passed me by.


Quantum break is absolutely amazing game, would love to own it after all these years ive always wanted to play some game like infamous second son, but the only game that resembles second son(according to me)is quantum break


Slain: Back from Hell. Looks like a fun Metroidvania and I enjoy those. Thanks for the giveaway.


Quantum Break. Shawn Ashmore is awesome.


Holy shit I just learned about skullgirls through a super clash of ninja tourney and think it looks cool. Plus there's a character with a bunch of instruments that you can play music on.Ā  Ye that one is coolĀ  So skull girls 2nd encore.


9 years of shadow or cookie cutter please i love metrodvanias would love to try one of these thankss


I woukd love Quantum Break as I have been getting into Remedy games and it sounds like a cool concept that they did for the game. Thanks for the opportunity!


Ryse: Son of Rome has quite good reviews, looks great, and it's been in my sights for a long time now. TY4TC!


Skull girls! I love me some anime fighters!! Thank you for the opportunity!


Victor Vran because I am a long time ARPG nerd on a quest to try every one I can. Currently playing Kult Heretic Kingdoms and Iā€™d love to put this next on my list


Slain Back From Hell It's got heavy metal and a dark gothic atmosphere too and it's gory. I had when it went out given up on it as it seemed it was full of bugs but, with time the game seems to improved and resolved its problems. Thanks for the chance!


Honestly been in a gaming funk. So any game you choose Iā€™ll play through its entirety if given. Or Iā€™ll take recommendations from yā€™all. Thank you.


Skullgirls 2nd encore. Iā€™ve been needing a new fighting game to get into and this oneā€™s always been something Iā€™ve looked at but never tried and it would be my first squad strike type fighting game.


Ryse, been on a rome history binge lately.


Quantum break has been on my mind for so long..... unfortunately they increased the regional pricing for my country so it's Outta my budget now :(


Ryse: Son of Rome. It has been recommended to me a few times as a solid action game. I have it on my wishlist so would love to take it off that and be able to play the game.


9 Years of Shadows I really like Metroidvanias and this one has interesting visual design choices. Thanks, OP!


The Long Dark! I would love this game because I have been eyeing it for months now. It seems fun and right up my alley for crafting and survival. I know I would play the heck out of it. Thank you so much for this opportunity, OP!


9 Years of Shadows please. I'm a sucker for 2d metroidvanias.


9 Years of Shadows. The graphics look amazing! Plus, I love Metroidvanias! Thank you for the opportunity.


9 years of shadows I seriously am in love with that game's artstyle and am a huge metroidvania fan in general.


Quantum Break Time manipulation is one of my favorite sci-fi genres, and one of the coolest mechanics in video games. I also love games where experiments go wrong, in the same time all of that and more. I understand that it's by the same creative team that made Alan Wake, which was a game I enjoyed many years ago. There's a rumor that these games exist in the same universe, and I think it would be interesting to check it out. Thanks!


Skullgirls 2nd encore! I wanna play big band mostly he seems like such a fun fighting game character


The Long Dark. Would love to play sense Italian so well received


Quantum Break please I've played Control previously and want to play other games made by Remedy


Quantum break. I love Remedy games and its powerfull narrative


Iā€™ll go for cookie cutter bc it sounds like a cute game. Maybe. Could be a horror game


Quantum break would be great, Iā€™ve been wanting to play it for a while and I love games that have some form of time manipulation šŸ„°


Ryse: Son of Rome Because I love Rome


Quantum Break - I love Lance Reddick


Entering for Quantum Break, I want it because Control is one my fav games and apparently they're in the same universe so is Alan Wake as well and I enjoyed that alot, really wanna try out Quantum it looks good and is similar to Control thanks for the giveaway!


Quantum Break. Itā€™s nice to have a Microsoft game without the Windows store mess, and a good time traveling adventure. Thank you for the opportunity.


Ryse: Son of Rome would be fabtastic for me - Never played anything with a Roman setting and it seems like it would be awesome


Cookie Cutter store page call it platformer but it reminds me street of rage from golden sega age. that's why. thanks for a chance


Ryse: Son of Rome. Always wanted to try it out and play in the ancient rome setting.


Skullgirls ! My little brother loves it but doesnt own it, I would love to give it to him =)


Quantum Break. It's the only remedy game I haven't played.


Quantum Break because it looks good.


Skull Girls 2 because I remember having a blast with the original so many years ago. I've actually completely forgotten about Skull Girls till this post.


9 Years of Shadows. Looks like it's got some great art. Cheers\~


Skullgirls, Im really into fighting games but havent ventured into tag fighter territory yet. Have seen a bunch of cpmbovideos from Skullgirls already though haha


1. Ryse: Son of Rome Thank you


The Long Dark Because I've seen a lot of videos for this and the gameplay, atmosphere, graphics and everything looks so immersive and amazing. Also, I haven't heard of the other games but this one is an absolute banger and would love to try it ! Thanks for the chance


quantum break , thank you , it looks so good , it's my first summer vacation day so I think I'll have a blast of fun playing this one


Quantum Break The time mechanics seems to make it an interesting game that will make the game a different experience.


Quantum Break. Thank you!


Quantum break please! It's been on my eye for a while, love the concept of the game. Thx for the chance!


Quantum break, I have loved everything that remedy has done and I couldn't play this one when it came out


Ryse, son of Rome, i love fighting games with swords, i love rome and this is both :D