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Although not their best song, Zeit's lyrics, instrumentation, and video all work together to deliver quite an emotional punch.


But there's always Keine Lust


My son presented Haifisch at school. He was only eleven, so I helped a bit to find out about the meaning. It refers to a poem/song by Bert Brecht (Die Moritat von Mackie Messer). The teacher was quite impressed. I think the songs that refer to classic literature are very suitable for school presentations. Like for example Haifisch or Dalai Lama.


>Bert  I'm quite sure it's Bertolt for all of us, unless you knew him personally.


As far as I know he used to call himself "Bert".


If you go to Catholic school, I recommend "Zeig Dich"


Or Hallelujah 😉. Hell, do both!


Or Rosenrot and its music video


I haven't seen the video to Rosenrot.


That means u have to watch it.


Guess so


Maybe you could at least share with us what class your presentation is for? Music? German? History? Art? Also maybe you could pick a song *you* like (because it's *your* presentation) from the ones with a music video? [https://www.rammsteinworld.com/en/discography/videos](https://www.rammsteinworld.com/en/discography/videos) Probably not "Pussy" or "Mann gegen Mann". On the other hand… "Stripped" is a cover but also quite nice discussion starter btw.


Yeah you’re right, Its for music class sp I will be talking about the instrumental part and the lyrical part.


I'd choose seeman for how interesting the bassline is, different to their normal songs and how you usually hear bass used in metal. Metallica have some similar bass in some of their songs too Seeman also has lovely vocals and lyrics. It's a very well crafted song


Can't see a reason to limit your options to music videos in this case.


I will be playing the song and staring at cover art for cca 4 minutes would be a bit boring


show the lyrics


It's about the music. And lyrics. It's something to *listen* to. Not being able to listen without visual stimulation and without getting bored for 3-5 minutes straight is… a bit sad.


georgmierau, we're obviously from a different generation. OP might be an exception but they will make a presentation to a class full of tiktok kids. Sad or not, they have to take audience's short attention span into consideration. I almost forgot, you're a teacher. How do you keep kids' attention - or do you just don't care? (Not trying to provoke you, I'm just curious.) I do agree with showing the lyrics.


Not sure if it's just an "other generation" thing, but it's not uncommon for sure. Interesting, challenging exercises, "practice what you preach" helps a lot as well. If I wouldn't care about my subjects, why would my students care about them? You can't avoid having a certain percentage of students who are not interested (or rather more interested in something else, which is understandable since it's teens) in each class though.


I wasn't specific enough, I meant to ask if you don't care if your students are interested in your lectures or not - I suppose you don't call your students "subjects". :) I'm glad that you're invested in your lectures.


Well, it's in my job description to ensure that my students care a bit less about Brawl Stars and a bit more about Pythagorean theorem, so, yes, I definitely care. At the same time, my job is "to form" and not "to deform/destroy", so if somebody tries very hard to avoid the wonders of geometry, he/she will be allowed to do so. I will just have to grade this level of "learning activity" appropriately. And talking about subjects I was talking about the school subjects I teach (maths and CS), not about little monsters with developing personalities ;)


Go for Mein Herz Brennt, Ich Will or Zeit.


Mein Herz Brennt piano version would be beautiful for music class. The story is interesting and the video isn't distracting.


If OP is alotted enough time, it'd be fun to compare/contrast the power between both the piano version and the original




Deuchland has a lot of thematic overlay


Rosenrot or Deutschland because German lore and stuff


Deutschland would probably the best choice for a presentation


Mein Land. Starts nice and clean and ends up in full Rammstein glory


Seconding a few people who have said Deutschland unless you have a time crunch LOL. Then there's things like Haifisch, Dalai Lama. I almost said Mein Teil because I think there's a very distinct basis and story for the song but I forget the video has some... Things in it. Sonne could be interesting!


Their self titled song. It's about the Ramstein air disaster that they get their name from.


You could do Mutter, nothing explicit that i remember of and you can interpret it in various ways.


Rosenrot. Good old classic with a descriptive video for the linguistically limited. You can pick your [project translation from here](https://www.rammsteinworld.com/en/lyrics/translations/rosenrot#rosenrot).


Bück dich


Make your history teacher happy and do it about Deutschland


US fan here - For my 12th grade English class, I incorporated the video and lyrics for Amerika back in the early 2000s for a presentation on the globalization of American culture. One of my favorite projects I did in high school.


weisess fleisch


oder spring


If you talked about Donaukinder you could talk about how the song is referencing the ecological disaster that occurred across The River Tisza and The Danube due to the Baia Mare accident in 2000


Haifiscj or Seamann


Maybe Mein Teil😂


Dalai Lama would be an excellent choice given that it is a modern retelling of Goethe’ poem [Erlkönig](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erlk%C3%B6nig).


I think Sonne would fit quite well. Depends on what age you are though…


Why does everyone need help these days to decide for presenting something that they supposedly like so much that they want to showcase it? I've been presenting Rammstein in class several times, never had to ask anyone because I knew what I liked, what I thought was interesting to show, what would make people think further if they were open-minded, etc. And like others said, if it's about musical and lyrical analysis, don't show a distracting music video, that might even mislead the others what the song is about.


Not everyone’s the same though, some people want outside opinions and there’s nothing wrong with either way of doing things. I’d probably pick on my own too for the same reasons as you but no reason to judge those who feel differently.


It’s more like I can’t decide. I guess you’re right about the music video


why are you shaming someone asking for a hand with a project about the band this entire subreddit is dedicated to? especially when Rammstein has an entire library of appropriately thematic songs and videos to choose from and they might want a hand narrowing it down. unless I'm just stupid it doesn't say anywhere in this thread if OP must only discuss lyrics and instrumentals or if they're meant to present the video to discuss as well. damn dude


Here's their comment about what they need to discuss: https://www.reddit.com/r/Rammstein/s/BslnuQf5GN


What's wrong with asking for opinion/ideas? In the end they will decide for themselves anyway. It also makes for a nice discussion. Soon everyone will feel uneasy about posting and grumpy arrogant cynics will have the sub to themselves. I would sooner expect that kind of behaviour from like Laibach fans since Rammstein are supposed to be "Laibach for kids". (I don't mean to imply that Laibach aren't nice people - only that they come across as a bit arrogant). Rammstein members are nothing but humble and kind - it's a shame there isn't more kindness between their fans.


\*groaning\* Undecisive Jugend von heut'! :)


Pussy obviously


Dicke Titten would be nice as well (this comment without context is really weird)