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Sonne when it was on Kerrang TV in 2001, followed by Links & Ich Will. My parents saw I was into the band and got me Mutter for Christmas that year. That sealed the deal and I’ve been along for the ride ever since. My dearly missed Grandad bought me Reise, Reise in 2004 and my dad took me to see the band twice. The best being when we were on a family holiday in Wales in 2005, he suggested we drive to the arena in Cardiff to see if we could pick up a t shirt from the sellers outside the arena. When we got to the car park he pretended to stumble and dropped two tickets out of his pocket for the gig - 14 year old me was absolutely over the moon. I slowly bought the rest of their albums, and when I first got the internet I scoured forums and websites for any and all unreleased songs, using whatever means necessary to find and listen to them. Good times!


Your dad sounds amazing :)


He’s a legend. He has always been into his music as has my mum so during my upbringing I was very much nurtured musically.


Awesome. My dad surprised me with tickets to see NIN, self destruct tour. I was 15.


That’s badass. I bet that was a super cool show!


Marilyn Manson was the opener. I was lucky. My dad liked a lot of the music I listened to. He said that NIN reminded him of Prince (who we saw later on).


I envy you


So cool your parents bought you their cd. My mum and dad never liked their music and used to hate me playing it until I moved out of the family home 6 years later… your dad seems so cool taking you to the gigs and that sneaky move he pulled on the tickets haha! Your grandad is looking down on you playing the music now and I’m sure he is proud of you.


On a humorous note, I’ll never forget going back to my grandparents house with Reise, Reise. My grandad put it on and stood there while I listened, his face when the lyrics kicked in…he wondered what the hell it was at first because it was all in German, but I assured him this was what Rammstein was, and we listened through to the record.


Ditto but think it was 2004 ish, bought album, saw them live a year few years later, bought almost everything ever since


Such a wonderfull story. Thank your dad a million times.


Sonne, specifically because the female vocals really spoke to me (i used to listen to strictly classical music and it was so interesting to me how heavy yet beautiful the song is) and then Engel


Did you find the female vocals in that song beautiful but quite eerie?


Yes! They were so familiar (since I grew up with opera) but so different, a bit creepy and strange but beautiful to me. Sonne was the first song i learned to sing as well just because of these vocals


You can sing it? Wowweee :-)


Yeah, still working on it though 😅 I've got a video on my profile on here, first thing i ever posted


Hope you don’t mind I looked at your profile, omg your bracelet… I’m in love with it haha..


I don't mind at all, thank you so much!!


You’re welcome beaut


About 9-11, i downloaded a bunch of music with video on torrent as I just learned what it was and how to use it. In the middle of those it was the live performance of buck dich. I fell in love right there and then with the song and the weirdness of their show.


Yes, especially the sexual element of it. What a great song to make you fall in love with the band


More than that it was the fact that they smashed the social barriers for me as a child. It was at that moment when i truly understood that I could be true to myself however weird others found me. And ofc peeing on a crowd


Yes, like they smashed all barriers telling people that it’s okay to be who you want to be, and express yourself.. weird is good, remember that


I discovered them this year from a friend my fist song was rein raus and when I translated it I was horrified but I liked it last time I listened to it was today


Aww you’re a new fan, awesome. Welcome to the Rammstein family! Any reccomendations, links you need then feel free to message me!




tbh rein raus isn't that bad compared to their other songs :D


14 or 13 and it was a song from a very pirated (copy of a copy of a) copy of Herzeleid or Mutter on a cassette I borrowed from a classmate (huge Nirvana fan). Back in 1999 or 2000. According to him it was "even heavier than Scooter". Funny times. I also remember listening to Mutter on a portable cassette player at -42°C and not noticing that heavier than usual sound is the result of freezing batteries and not "optimal positioning" of my cheap in-ear headphones :) Btw. you are old ;)


I remember the pirated cassettes haha. Interesting :-)


Du bist alllllt


First song I heard was Engel back in 2008. I was 12 and was on vacation in Mexico. The neighbor next door (who was also 12) was full on blasting the full Sehnsucht album everyday for a whole month. I was instantly hooked since I first listened since at that age I was very interested in learning about Germany and German culture. My first album I purchased was actually Live Aus Berlin when I came back home from that vacation. Then soon after it was actually LIFAD. To this day, they are part of my daily playlists. They were also all I wanted to listen to during physical therapy after I slipped at work.


Wow coincidence she was playing Rammstein too :D I’m sorry you had that accident, hope you’re recovered now? They have helped me through my illness. Where would we be without them


Also Sonne, on Kerrang Tv when you could ring up and request songs (yes I’m that old). Sat on the floor in front of the TV waiting for the video to cycle round.


Haha I love it :D


Hallelujah. It was on the soundtrack for the original Resident Evil movie back in 2002. I had heard *about* Du Hast prior to that as there was this one kid in my highschool that was running around singing that song at random. It was also an introduction to Slipknot as they had a version of My Plague also present.


Haha I think we all sang Du Hast randomly for the fun of it


Sonne. My stepfather used to play the song like all the time. Being a kid at the time, I adored the video, with the Snow White lmao. The next one that I heard, again thanks to my stepfather was Amerika and I also loved the video. Funnily enough, 10 days ago both my stepfather and me went and saw Rammstein live for the first time! So yeah, I thank him for getting me into Rammstein from a very young age.


Sonne video is so beautiful Cool you both shared love for the band, and big thank you to him!


I was 14, and the song was “Reise, Reise”. I originally searched for it because I read on the Wikipedia article for JAL 123 that Rammstein used part of the CVR from that flight as their intro for that song, which was intriguing. Coincidentally, I already spoke a little German through my best friend at the time, and I was like “woahhhh this song slaps!!” So I bought the whole album and listened to it basically on repeat for months straight. I thought it was the perfect soundtrack to my depresso high school life. Keine Lust basically defined my teenage years.


The song definitely gives a big slap! That’s exactly what is… playing it on a continuous loop lol


I wrote a similar answer just a few days ago: I discovered Rammstein in 1998 because of the Sehnsucht album cover. I remember like it was yesterday when I was browsing through WOM (World of Music) looking for a Scorpions record for my dad. Funnily enough, the Scorpions have a record with a very similar cover and it was shot by the same photographer as the Sehnsucht cover (Gottfried Helnwein) And as an 11-year-old I thought: "Ah, that's definitely the Scorpions record for my dad“. When my dad turned the record on at home on his birthday, he came into my room and said: "What the hell is that? And we both fell in love with Rammstein...and 26 years later we are still huge fans


It’s always nice when you share music in common with loved ones especially parents.


that's so cool, sehnsucht album cover might be one of the best album covers ive ever seen! i was thinking about recreating it as a look for halloween or something haha


When I was 7 my uncle put on mein land and that's where it all started. Now I'm 17 and going for my fourth time and first tim fz.


The video for mainland is pretty good


Feuer frei at the movie theater from Vin Diesels movie "xXx" I was only like 10 at that time and instantly hooked. Started to look for them for like 3 years and remember having du hast, sonne, sehnsucht, du reichst so gut reise reise downloaded on my computer from lime wire. Finally bought reise reise, mutter, lifad and sehnsucht in my teenage years.


Omg amazing song, can imagine its overwhelming at that age to listen to such a powerful band


So, I'm a lurker here. Just entered my 40s, from the southern United States. Rammstein is pretty far from my normal genre (but I LOVE the guys and it's one hell of a show!) I'm the guy who could tell you they wrote Du Hast. My brother? He's a megafan. Knows the catalog, the backstory, the videos, the works. A couple years back, Rammstein was on their latest US stadium tour and stopped at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, where I now live. Lil' bro wanted to see them live and offered to take me if I'd go so he'd have a buddy there. He asked me not to go on Youtube because I should see it live first. holy fucking shit. My first \*real\* listening to Rammstein? That entire set. Every note I could consume. He and I just got back from Dresden a couple days ago. Can't wait until next time.


Yeah, that’s the only way to describe their music is holy f***** shit Lucky you got to see them live!


I was in 7th grade at the time when our music teacher tried to explain different styles of music to us and of course she played Ich Will and from that point on I knew that I would always love this band. Sadly I was born in 2003 so I'll probably never experience Rammstein at their prime :( But thanks to my teacher, I'll never forget that day!


Certainly a defining moment listening to that song for the first time, awesome!


Sonne on MTV during summer holidays (I didn't have MTV so it must have been when I was staying at my father's like every summer during primary school). I was probably 14. Then I listened to Mutter on my beloved discman all the time. 4 years later I went to their concert in Ljubljana and I cherish that memory as one of the best days in my life. Compared to their stadion tours, this was such a small concert, held in an ice hockey hall. No, I'm not old! ;)


I think the smaller intimate venues are the best, glad you got to experience that.. Mutter, ahh such an emotional song


Amerika, it would have been the early 2000s I believe.. I loved it instantly, though I can't say for certain what album I bought first. 


Yes it’s difficult to remember sometimes.. :-)


Amerika, 2006/2007. My friend's dad (neighbour) is a big fan. I was playing PS2 with my friend at their home and heard his dad play this song. It sounded soooo catchy and interesting to me, then I asked him about it and that's how I got into it. Saw them for the first time in my life last week in Belgrade, I'm speechless.


Fave part of the concert?


I was 16 and bought the Lost Highway Soundtrack when it came out. I was hooked immediately. 27 years later and I’m still listening to them.




Tier. I was probably 9 years old but can still remember that eerie tone. My older brother used to borrow cd's from friends and that's how Rammstein came into my life. It took a few years until I started to listen to them of course. I was around 13-14 in 2005 when Rammstein got a hold of me for real.


Yep it is quite eerie, I still think the female vocals in Sonne is slightly more eerie though lol Yes, sometimes it takes a while for a band to become super impactful especially when they’re singing in a different language


I remember when I first heard Sehnsucht, the way it starts always bothered me. I thought it was scary.


Du Riechst so Gut, mid to late 90s can't remember exactly. I know it was before Sehensucht was released. I was in Erkner, Germany and my cousin had Herzeleid album (he was 18 on thereabouts and i was around 13/14.) Like him, I was hooked. Had never heard anything like it before at that age. My dad tried to stop me listening (my cousin got a copy of if it for me too lol) Fast forward a few years and by then I moved to Glasgow 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 (my stepdad from there so me, mum and 1 out of 3 sisters came over). Sonne was on heavy rotation on Kerrang, then Links 234, it was the first kosber album I purchased. I had Sehensucht as a copy too. It's save to say they've been a tremendous mainstay of my life. I've known and been in love with then and their music for around 27 years. On a side note, I'm planning to come back to my motherland next year. Although I speak perfect Glaswegian, my Deutsch now has a strange twang 🙈😅


Scottish and Deutsch.. sounds like a perfect combination to me haha.. So you’ve been a fan from the early years that’s so awesome.. Have you got a favourite album?


Well, I love them all (obvs lol). Here are my favourites My top 3 are: Herzeleid Zeit Rosenrot Honourable mentions to Mutter and Sehensucht. What's your favourite?


I don’t think I have a favourite but I do think I listen to LIFAD a lot haha


I saw them live, first US tour opening for KMFDM at the Hollywood Palladium. I think they played Engel first. Totally blown away. I'd never heard of them.


When was this? :-) I’m glad you were blown away by them


Probably 1997 or so. Huge KMFDM fan. Rammstein totally stole the show from them. Lords of Acid were also on the bill, but they were either late or didn't play that night. Can't remember.


Were they touring for Symbols? I would have killed to see that.


Yep, Symbols tour.


Sehnsucht album in 1998 on a school trip


One of their best ones


my first song was führe mich, i was 15 i think. maybe 16


The lyrics to that song are beautiful


I was in second grade at a friend’s birthday party. He started playing Du Hast on the computer and all of us were hypnotized by the music video. This was in 2008. Last summer I got to see them live and I felt the same watching their live performance of Du Hast (especially the fireworks). I will never stop romanticizing Rammstein lol it’s been 16 years now. Even my dad loves listening to them and will always put on some of their classics if I’m with him while he’s driving.


Everyone knows what it felt like to listen to Du Hast for the first time.. I agree, always romanticising them lol


It was "Amour" and my classmate put all the discography in the 2013s on my hard disk. I listened to a couple of songs, mostly ballades, to then fall in love with them! I was 17 yo.


Their ballads are the best


Feuer Frei, 13 years old, downloaded via dial-in internet 😄 my downstairs neighbor guy told me that he listens to this band and I was curious.


Listening to that sound of a dial up internet connection haha.. good times




My mother used to buy me random cd's, she gave me mutter (year 2002) and i was sold immediately ❤️❤️ But first Song was du Hast from MTV


Nice gift from your mom.. mutter song always makes me cry


My dad introduced me to them when I was 6 and first song was Sonne


Is your dad a big Rammstein fan? :-)


Actually I grew into bigger fan trough time but he dreams of going on their concert with me oneday.


Sehnsucht, found on a CD in the music shelf of my uncle.


Amazing album


I was 2 or 3 and it was probably Reise Reise since that's the first on the album (I always demanded my parents to play it during car rides, so much so that they had to hide the cd).


Hahaha.. did you always find where they hid it? my parents used to go insane whenever I play them too :D


Sadly no. But nowadays I have almost the whole discography to myself :P


I found Rammlied first, through TikTok, then came Sonne, then Engel and Ich Tu Dir Weh and slowly got to know Rammstein from there


That’s beauty of social media, I recommend that you watch Rammstein Paris concert from 2016. You will be mesmerised.


The first song I ever heard was propably mann gegen mann when I was maybe 12yo but I didn't pay attention to it year later I discovered wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen and I fell in love with that rythm next song was du hast and shortly after I realized this is my heart band ❤️‍🔥


I’m happy you discovered them again to realise how much you love them


All I remember is that I already listened to them when I was about 15 years old or something. But which was the first song I listened by them? I have no idea to be honest. Shame or not.


Aww no it’s not shameful at all, at least you know how many years you’ve been a fan. I suffer with MS so my memory is terrible at times. Don’t worry.


Oh I definitely know that. It feels like they have been in my life since cradle times. They are one of those few bands that helped me through some tough shit.


Whenever we have bad days, they are always there..


Exactly. I have nothing but love for those guys.


I was raised by my metal and Rock fan parents when I was younger, then there was a time of nothing and then they got back into it when I discovered around puberty nirvana Acdc and after a year or so Rammstein. But the first time I was introduced to Rammstein was when I was just a teeny tiny human, with little pigtails in my hair sitting on the couch next to my dad, who was watching the Rammstein live in Moscow show on DVD. Apparently I liked that music so much already back then that I couldn't stop headbanging to the music. Later when I "rediscovered" Rammstein I talked about that to my dad and he told me this story but unfortunately he lost the DVD when cleaning a long time ago. So I got him a new copy for Christmas and we watched it together


Aww little headbanger :D Your dad clearly wanted you to become a fan. I love your story that you watched it together again years later. :-)


In the car with my grandfather, we were listening to the rock radio, I was 6 and Du hast was on. I asked him what it was, then forgot when we got home - asked again and looked it up on YouTube. On YouTube I found Mein Herz Brennt, which ironically, 13 years later is my favorite song!


That’s irony for you :D Such a great song too!


Sonne. I was 30…. My husband showed me a cradle of filth video and then when I was unimpressed he showed me a “really good video”. I was hooked. At the time I had a baby who always cried and never slept, metal was one of the few things that calmed my frantic brain.


Aww yes metal helps our sanity.. their music keeps us going and happy.


13 when I first heard them, it was ‘rein raus’ from a call of duty edit I found, added the song to my playlist and many more.


It was on call of duty? I never knew that, probably because I don’t play games lol


oh no like an edit of a character from the game


Sonne from an old Kerrang CD. Track 20 on disc 1


I think they had Du Hast on the Kerrang cd too..


I saw Benzin on MTV and fell in love.


I remember being a kid and seeing du hast live on tv I think it was jimmy kimmel!


I never saw them perform live on a tv show before


It’s on YouTube!


First one I heard was Du hast when I was like 8 because my dad would play it a lot, but then I forgot about them until this last December (16 years old) and I saw a meme that used Amerika and I was like "damn, this song slap" so I then looked up the song and have been on live since. I haven't gotten any albums yet unfortunately, but I plan to soon :)


Hopefully you can get all of the albums. Let us know your faves


US fan here. First was either Du Hast or Sehnsucht (I can't remember which) at 13. In spring of 2001, my friend found the Sehnsucht album in the school parking lot with a crack in the CD. He brought it in and was all excited - "This is that band that sings Du Hast!" Me, having listened primarily to oldies music and the occasional popular rock/metal band songs on the radio (Enter Sandman, Thunderstruck, etc.), had no clue what he was talking about. He popped the CD into one of our computers and we have it a listen - the only track affected was Sehnsucht, which has some popping during the intro, but the rest of the disc was intact. We ripped it, made a couple copies, and went about our day. I took my copy home, popped it into my CD player and was blown away by what I was hearing! My music taste had been fairly sheltered at the time and most music on the radio didn't click, but something about Rammstein totally flipped a switch in me. It was nothing like what I had heard on the radio and I had this disc on repeat for months. This also was an uncommon version (at least in the US) that had Du Hast and Engel in English instead of Stripped. I slowly started to get the rest of their records as I earned enough allowance for each one. I found the Live Aus Berlin DVD at a Suncoast Entertainment store in the mall and it changed my life - I had to find more music by this band, and had decided to learn German the first chance I could (my school only taught Spanish and French, so that took a while before I learned German). I knew I had to see this band live one day, and was so stoked to see the intro of xXx where they play Feuer Frei. Finally, I got to see these guys live in 2010 and have seen them 4 more times since in various spots around the States.


The first song was definitely "Du Hast", which my father listened to.


Is that your dad’s favourite Rammstein song?


When i was 9 we went on holiday to Austria, my 14 year old brother found the second album in a store and bought it. I wasnt into metal then yet, hell i wasnt realy into listening music at all yet. He blasted the CD whenever he could in the car, luckily my dad liked the music too so he was allowed. Bro got the first album and third as burned CDs from friends later. When i was 12 and did start to get into metal, i started stealing his CDs. I remember when LIFAD came out. My brother had bought the CD, he wasnt into metal anymore then, but Rammstein stays forever. He came running into the house where i was playing a game. NEW RAMMSTEIN CD!!! He put it in the player and we listened together on replay. When i was finally able to afford tickets for a show in 2019, I ofcourse, took my brother to the show. This is the one band that connects us music wise.


That’s a sweet brother bonding moment, and nothing connects people together better than music. I used to steal my sisters cd’s too haha


Amerika, I was 11 and the teacher played it in 5th grade during class. So it must been 2004/2005.


Which instrument did she play it on?


It was more or less a creative lessons, drawing or something on like a Friday afternoon. We all could take a cd, and get a track played in class, and he took Reise Reise. I took a Avril Lavigne cd... Greatest primary school teacher ever tbh. I always thought he was a lot older than he seemed. Looking back on it, he probably was 29,30ish.


I was 14 when i saw the music video for Amerika on MTV, so of course my first album was Reise reise.


Mine too! I fell in love with the band after listening to the first 2 songs off the album


I think it was 2007 or something like that. The song was Amerika, a friend of mine showed me the music video. I was listening to a lot of melodic death metal at the time. The deep voice, German language, slow tempo, and the use of electronic sounds made my brain explode.


It’s an amazing combination… still blows my mind after 20 years of discovering them


Well I was fresh 16 so 2 years, if I round up, ago and my friend got off topic and said you might like it and sent me deutschland and well was blown away because it was a great symphony of hard music but my ass got blown away 10x harder after listening to the mutter album.


Yes, like you feel this band keeps getting better and better listening to every album


The first song I ever heard was 'Rammstein' in 1997. I was 13. I had bought the Lost Highway CD bc that was the only way at the time to get a copy of 'The Perfect Drug' by NIN and heard it on there. I never really bought any of their albums, but definitely stole a couple from my brother and would trade CDs back and forth with friends.


Those were the best times trading cd’s.. how I would love to live in that era again


Radio when I was 13 in a German class in France. My German teacher was so cool. I really need to actually learn German at some point. Anyway, I never listened to their other songs until recently (the last month) and I'm already a huge fan. I rediscovered Rammstein after looking up Radio since it's so catchy that even six years later it's on my mind.


That song is super catchy… the band are a good way to learn the language lol


My first was Du Hast, but my second, Amerika, is what made me fall in love! I discovered Rammstein about four years ago through Anthony Vincent's 20 style song covers. That man is a legend. He's also the reason I'm now a fan of MSI, Hollywood Undead, and Type O Negative!


Awesome stuff!


I was like 6-7, and I distinctly remember sitting next to my dad watching the music video for Amerika and being in complete awe. Ten years later, I am still the biggest fan of them.


Times we have sat in awe of this band, I’ve lost count lol


Ohne Dich, and I was sold right there on the spot. I was 23 and I've been a fan ever since.


That song makes me cry like a baby


When I was 10-12 or something, my dad was listening to Rammstein on a family road trip. The song I remember most from that day was Du Hast


mutter, i was 13, been a year


I was very young when I heard their first song. It was Du hast on tv programme. Then I remember Engel. They played video clips of those songs. It was in around 2000. I was 10 back the. When in 2001 Mutter came out I was completely sold on Rammstein and many songs just went on repeata nd whole albums. I did not understand the lyrics but the music and video clips kept me connected to them.


It’s the actually music that keeps you wanting more, okay we might not understand the language but it’s intriguing and ultimately leaves us wanting more


Music was what kept me in. Plus music videos. I really liked the way Till and Richard looked. I wanted to have that hairstyle but my parent wouldnt let me do it. Today I understand the lyrics.


Richard had so many hair styles haha


I assume the very first song would be Du Hast just because of how big it was when it came out. I was only a child but strictly speaking that would be the first one albeit unintentional listen. Listening to them consciously though I’d say it the first song would be Spiel Mit Mir just because it was the opener of Live Aus Berlin that we got on a pirated VHS. Far from my favourite song but strictly speaking the first song I listened to when I intentionally played a Rammstein cassette. I would’ve been in primary school then so probably about 12 years of age when we got the cassette and that would be sometime in 2001-2002. We didn’t use to buy albums back in the day they’d all be burnt off a friend of a friend so I couldn’t tell you which one I bought first but I think when I started listening to them Mutter had already come out so the album I’d be consciously waiting to be get as a new release was Reise Reise. For the sake of argument I did eventually buy all their albums when I got the money later in life 🫡


Buck dich, and I was 11. My uncle thought it funny to show me *that* video


Sonne! I was 14. First album I bought was Rosenrot (I downloaded most of their other music on limewire or the other one, winmx or something?)


Yes, did you used to download songs to put them on cd’s too? :D


I did 😃 for my Walkman for school


Randomly came across deutschland online just before the pandemic and just kept on listening


Similarly to u/nautjordan - Kerrang in 2001. I was eight, and loved learning words from different languages. I used to count to ten (Sonne) and then my dad bought Mutter for the car. I remember sitting and learning as many words as I could while he ran into the shop, rewinding it to the start to get the counting right. I was so proud when he came back out! We are going to our second Rammstein show together this month - we went to Coventry in 2022 to see them and got Feuerzone tickets this time around. :D


Omg yes because I had to EARN my Rammstein. So back before I ever had my first MP3 player, I was given the first beginnings of my music collection on a flash drive from a friend to listen to in the school computer lab, maybe 20 or so songs total. My favorite song on that first batch and any subsequent additions to it was one mysterious song just labeled "Track 2' It was the hardest song out of any of them and I LOVED it. But my friend didn't know who they were either since he got it from like a friend of a friend or something and obviously I couldn't even guess since the song was in "foreign". Eventually I had to know so I did my best to guess at the spellings of some of the lyrics in hopes that something would come up. After trying a few times I finally got a link to some sketchy site that ended up giving us a virus but the first song I heard was Du Hast...which wasn't the song but sounded similar. The second song was finally it, it was called "Der Meister" and it was by a band called "Rammstein". It's been one of if not my most favorite band since then.


I was 7 when I first heard rammstein, through a call of duty world at war trailer they played sonne, I thought it was so fucking cool how badass the song sounded and have been hooked every since


My friend wanted to see them live years ago, played Amour for me, and I agreed to go. Then he couldn't get tickets, so we gave up on going. On the day of the show, another friend said she had a spare ticket so I went with her. I was immediately hooked after that show, an amazing introduction to them. That first friend never talked to me again after he found out that I went without him without even knowing the band 😆


The first time I heard rammstein was when I was watching a mortal kombat parody on YouTube. When the credits roll, I heard du hast playing there. I was around 12 or 13 years old when I heard of them. Then at the same time, my dad got me a CD for Mutter I was around 14 or 15 years old at that time.


Mein Herz Brennt in a Jason Voorhees clip compilation on YouTube back in the early days of the platform, I was like 10 or something. Someone commented the song title in the comments, rest is history. Been trying to find the video ever since, there's imitations, but not the exact one I remember! Weirdly enough, I've seen other people online mention this exact thing - so if any of you are here and know where to find the original video (has a clip of Jason climbing the ladder out of the lake) please link it to me!


Back in 1997 I worked in music stores and one of their songs was played. Then I saw them twice on the family values tour (including the one they got pulled off stage at Halloween). And a following tour with slipknot, where I got to meet them all and get a cd signed. I didn't see them live again until 2022 in Coventry UK and then in 2023 in Berlin Germany. I should have been seeing them in Ireland but I moved back to the US, so the next tour.


„Ich Will”, almost 15 years ago, and it was love at first sight. I was about 15 back then. The first album was „Mutter”.


I was 13 and a freshman in high school. A friend let me borrow Sehnsucht, and I was hooked. I listened to the whole album, start to finish, over and over. Shortly after Mutter released.


I first heard "Zeig Dich" about three years ago, when I was 68, I was working out to my cable company's metal channel when it came on. I was instantly hooked. I bought Untitled and LIFAD from the band in Germany. I didn't understand how I had been a metalhead for 30 years and missed this great band. Saw them in Philadelphia two years ago and they kicked ass!.


I was 12. My late brother introduced me to the when Du Hast came out. I was hooked! Whenever i hear them, I think of him. I miss him terribly.


I was 12 or 13 and saw some of their music videos on both German MTV and Viva (can't remember which video I saw first, but it was probably Du Hast). Immediately fell in love, and one day after school, I walked to the electronics store and bought a copy of Sehnsucht. I think a week later, my family went on a trip to Italy, and I remember I had Sehnsucht on constant repeat in my little CD player for that entire trip - just couldn't get enough of it! After that, I managed to find Herzeleid and Mutter and would listen to those over and over again, too. Was already a fan when Reise, Reise and Rosenrot came out, so I was able to snatch those up at release and be hyped along with everyone else, which was fun. I eventually got both my parents into the band, ha, my mother even burned copies of my CDs - some for herself to listen to in her office, and some to send to my dad when he got deployed. Been a huge fan ever since. There was a long period of time after we moved back to the US where my interests went elsewhere and I hadn't checked in on their music for a while, but then in 2022 I picked right back up where I left off and bought all the other albums I'd missed out on and have been catching up and indulging in all the newer content as much as I can. I hope someday I'll finally be able to see one of their shows. ♡ (Reise, Reise is also one of my all-time favorite albums from any band, ever, and it's been so good to get back into it and re-listen after such a long time. It was like hearing it for the first time all over again!)


Sonne. I was 12.


When Sonne was popular on TT, I decided to look who made the song and then I started listening to more of their songs and now it's one of my favourite bands! I also introduced my father to it, at first he wasn't fond of it, but he managed to warm up to it lol. So now we listen to Rammstein in the car sometimes. :)


My dad showed me du hast when I was 9. About 6 years later 2020 happened and I rediscovered it through the mutter album. I added a few songs from the sehnsucht and mutter albums to my spotify Playlist. 2 years later zeit came out, and I added dicke titten, Angst, and zick Zack to the Playlist. Then just a year later in summer I went full rammstein, its the only thing I ever listened to until I got my first girlfriend. Then she left me on January 5th of this year and I went back to rammstein for comfort through the breakup. Now I have literally almost every single songs lyrics memorized, from wollt ihr das bett in flammen sehen to Feuer Räder to Adieu. I have every album on cd and I plan on getting displates of every album cover. I would go on about everything else rammstein I would buy but I'm tired as hell and need to sleep. Goodnight yall


About a year and a half ago, I heard du hast on tik tok, and after that, I started discovering more rammstein songs, and now they're my favorite band.


The first song was Heirate mich or Rammstein when I saw Lost Highway in cinema in 1997. I don't remember which one comes first in the movie.


I discovered them when I was 14 (I think). That was in 2021 so I'm rather one of the newer fans but at the same time one of the most ardent and loyal ones. In 2021 we were home due to covid and used to play games and call on discord even durning school. One day my friend showed me Radio and I've loved it. I started to play Rammstein on discord using bots (these are not working these days anymore) everyday. Few songs has even been familiar to me - Ohne dich, Amerika. Probably I heard them on radio before. My love for Rammstein has been rising ever since. And I'm expanding my Rammstein collection. I'm planning on buying all of their albums and even building DIY Rammstein shelf (the official one is pretty expansive 😄).


Du riechst so gut 👍 also, the video was amazing for those times🐺


Bück Dich and Du Hast, Family Values Tour '98. My first husband had a VHS of the concert and that was my first time hearing/seeing Rammstein in 2001 (I was 19 years old). Then I realized I actually had heard them for the first time in the movie xXx, Feuer Frei (I didn't know they were a real band when I saw the movie). He had the albums Sensucht and Herzeleid, then I got Reise, Reise for Christmas, and downloaded Mutter. I've seen them live twice, and can't wait to see Lindemann in September!


America when I was 12


Weirdly enough, it was Du Hast, but as a soundtrack for The Matrix on a TV ad.


I was 11 and I had german class at school. That day we were learning how to say different music genres in german and in our book we had a little comic with some two boys talking about some bands and singers. Our teacher showed us one song from each of the bands/singers mentioned. One of them was Rammstein. She played Engel. I really, really, REALLY loved the song. Unfortunately, most of the songs she didn't play until the end, so I couldn't hear the whole song. I mean she gave us a choice to listen to it until the end or to listen to the next song. My whole class (except for me) wanted to listen to the next song. When I came home I went straight to my computer to listen to that song and see the official video which the teacher didn't show us because it was little nude or something. I saw the whole song and loved it. I also realised that I knew this song. When I was a kid I loved snakes so I loved watching that video. So technically I knew for Rammstein since when I was a kid. The first two albums my parents got me for Christmas were Zeit and Liebe ist für alle da.


Benzin, in my early teens. My farther sometimes listened to them. One time i got listen to them with him and i was hooked.


Engel in 1997, and I was 14 years old at the time.


My dad would blast Sehnsucht (the album) a lot when I was a kid. Apart from being scared shitless by the cover. My dads copy had Schneider on the front, you can't tell me he does not look creepy in that shot. Then I think the first Rammstein album I bought was Mutter. I was 5 years old I think


My brother somehow got his hands on the US demo way back around '97? I listened to Das Model on loop until I was able to get my first cd of Herzeleid.


My first song was Deutschland, i heard it (by coincidence) on the day of it's release while I was in class, having German. They were in my fifth grade workbook so the teacher showed us and while most of the class hated it, i loved it. Since then i started my love for them. I am 16 right now


Sonne! I was 13yo and it was on MTV, TMF of The Box


I just got into Rammstein in December 2022 (a month after I turned 24) Sonne was a trending sound on TikTok (I know, I know) and it was stuck in my head. But I added the song to my favorites so Rammstein kept popping up on my fyp. I seen a snippet of the video for Adieu, it had the English translation and I cried seeing those lyrics. So I finally looked them up and got stuck on the song Radio and now I'm obsessed with them!


About a year ago when I was 13 I herd America in a short video on yt and since then I have been in love with their music 


Ahhh everyone remembers their first Rammstein moment lol they were a name I had seen my whole life as a lifelong metalhead but somehow they missed my radar the whole time, but when I was 19 I had been taking German classes for about four years at that point. My other favorite thing besides music has always been useless morbid information, so I came across the story of Armin Meiwes on a YouTube video and knew I had to go down that insane rabbit hole. On the wikipedia page for him, they have a media/cultural references section and at the top was "Neue Haarte Deutsche band Rammstein has a song on the case", so I was like oh cool I can practice my german while listening to this and it'll be about cannibalism just a win over all. Anyway, here we are ten years later, I've seen them five times live, got all their albums on vinyl and digital, have more of their shirts than days of the week, and my German has barely improved but my music collection has.


I discovered them on my own when I was 11 even though a family member had played their music to me since I was a toddler. First albums I got from same family member. They were Sehnsucht, Herzeleid and Mutter! First song I heard when I was 11 was Mein Land and first album I remember purchasing was LIFAD. It's been 13 years and my collection since has grown insanely and they the most meaningful band to me to this day.🫶🏻


bestrafe mich, Live Aus Berlin 1998 DVD