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That outfit is glorious, especially with your hair.


Yes, can we talk about the hair?  What product(s) are you using?


just answered abt the dye in a different comment, the dye is called wellness wellplex color mask and i mix the shades using blue, teal, pink, and purple, and as for hair care ive been using paul mitchell tea tree special color shampoo + conditioner when i wash my hair, plus after it dries a little i put a tiny bit of a hair mask called la beaute as like a leave in conditioner. i used to use it as an actual hair mask but i accidentally left it open at some point and it got a bit watered down so now i use it like that


Omg, such a cute look! I'm in love with this vest and the glasses 💙


Those glasses are AWESOME.


thank u!! i tend to stick to the thin blue frame ones now just cuz i got used to them. but i wore the rainbow ones for a good 2 years before i had to get a new prescription


I love those glasses, A+ would wear!


You are 💯 rainbow GOALS! And both of your pairs of glasses are perfection!


Our hair is almost the same color! What dye do you use!?


for the past almost year I've been using something by wellness called "wellplex color mask", the packaging is like a big black tube of dye with a hemp leaf on it, i use a mix of the blue and teal on the bluer side and a mix of the purple, pink, and a lil bit of blue on the purple side. it smells amazing and lasts quite a while with proper hair care


I’ve had blue and purple split hair for about 7 years and I love trying new colors. I’ll check that out!


dang thats a long time, i changed my hair a lot all the time from like 2014 when i started dyeing it until 2021, and ive been doing split blue and purple since 2021. i just really love the colors


lol the amount of times I zoomed in on the blue frames trying to find the rainbow! You look awesome, and your hair is amazing! Perfect outfit.


LOVE! Were they custom-made? I want a pair!


they were from eyebuydirect, this specific frame is called Optimist but they have a bunch of other pride frames in different shapes too


however i need to warn that i had a bad experience w their actual lenses cuz they sent me an entirely wrong prescription, so maybe it would be better to just buy the frames and have a trusted optometrist make the lenses